1 | Christopher Sturdy | 29 | Accident waiting to happen = Tap-dancing on ice with a pet. |
2 | nedesto | 20 | Gentle spring rains = Green plants rising. |
3 | Rick Rothstein | 19 | "I am not sure." ~ "So ruminate". |
4 | Scott Gardner | 17 | A sewage treatment facility = I get my safe, clean water at it. |
4 | Larry Brash | 17 | Retinitis pigmentosa = Seeing.... It is important. |
6 | Meyran Kraus | 15 | The person in a mental hospital = That rant implies he's Napoleon. |
7 | Dharam Khalsa | 13 | A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z = QVC's "Zip Flyer" BMX...God, what junk! |
8 | Maurice Goddard | 10 | To spell, we have as inevitable, high use of ~ the English alphabet's five vowels AEIOU. |
9 | Ellie Dent | 7 | Diamonds are a girl's best friend = Demands of a realist bride: rings! |
10 | Adie Pena | 5 | Oral defamation = "An irate mad fool!" |
10 | View | 5 | The limousine car = Nice miles/hr auto. |
10 | Tony Crafter | 5 | A volcanologist ~ cooing, "Lava! Lots!" |
13 | Rosie Perera | 3 | Fair trade coffee and tea = Treat offered in a cafe ad. |
14 | Ed Pegg Jr | 2 | Internet age science ‡ Set in Ancient Greece. |
Total points: | 167 | from 28 votes (DFE factor: 0.500) |
1 | Rosie Perera | 30 | Peter O'Toole in "Lawrence of Arabia" = Elaborate role in a war epic of note. |
2 | Larry Brash | 29 | Taking a selfie = I get fans; a |
3 | Ellie Dent | 23 | Leonardo da Vinci's paintings = Inspiration on gilded canvas. |
4 | Meyran Kraus | 14 | The Mona Lisa drawing = What an adoring smile! |
4 | nedesto | 14 | The tragedy Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare = Bleak grey death yet joined these paramours. |
6 | Dharam Khalsa | 12 | The ... = No brow and no lash on ideal coy model... via ... |
7 | Ed Pegg Jr | 11 | Blockbuster motion picture = Put trust in comic book rebel. |
8 | Tony Crafter | 6 | The European Armwrestling Championships = Competing alpha-men push wrists on air here. |
9 | Christopher Sturdy | 5 | Hanna-Barbera's Tom Cat and Jerry Mouse = Er, ban a brand? Er, mayhem's just a cartoon! |
9 | Scott Gardner | 5 | USA for Africa's "We Are the World" = We star a chorus for welfare aid. |
11 | Adie Pena | 3 | Adie Pena's Movable Book Collection = Do open all. I bet books can come alive! |
Total points: | 152 | from 26 votes (DFE factor: 0.423) |
1 | Rosie Perera | 31 | Crimea votes to ~ act more soviet. |
2 | Meyran Kraus | 19 | The Malaysian airline passengers = I learn a plane's missing, as are they. |
3 | nedesto | 15 | Label Crimea ~ reclaimable. |
4 | Scott Gardner | 14 | Blade Runner Oscar Pistorius in "Trial of the Century" = South African sprinter, you'll be restrained in court! |
5 | Rick Rothstein | 11 | That floating debris ~ ain't aborted flight's. |
6 | Tony Crafter | 9 | Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow have separated = Split over a third party? Mrs: "Nah, we wanted a change." |
7 | Mark Huffman | 8 | Russians take Crimea = It's Ukraine massacre?... |
7 | Dharam Khalsa | 8 | What really happened to the Malaysia Airlines jet? = The many aerial satellites--what a help in jeopardy! |
7 | David Bourke | 8 | A report of floating debris ‡ Boeing door parts / life-raft. |
10 | Larry Brash | 7 | Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight = I imagine it has fairly small signs. |
10 | Maurice Goddard | 7 | N. Korea Fires More Short-Range Missiles Into Sea = Ogre Kim's fine as a sinister monster or arsehole! |
12 | Adie Pena | 6 | Malaysia Air Flight MH370 (Three Seven Zero) = Oh my! Several realize nightmarish fate! |
13 | Ellie Dent | 5 | International Women's Day = Tradition: analyse men now! |
14 | View | 3 | The Ukraine crisis = I.e., Russian trick, eh? |
15 | Christopher Sturdy | 2 | The beleaguered Malaysian PM, Najib Tun Razak = A plane at sea - Beijing amaze KL by a 'murder' hunt! |
Total points: | 153 | from 26 votes (DFE factor: 0.577) |
1 | nedesto | 41 | Famous military leader Napoleon Bonaparte = Little man of Paris, marooned a year upon Elba. |
2 | Luka | 29 | She? A skier! = Erika Hess |
3 | Meyran Kraus | 23 | The Simpsons cartoon dad Homer = Poor man tends to scream his "D'OH!" |
4 | Adie Pena | 18 | Alanis Nadine Morissette = Listen, dear, I'm a sensation. |
5 | David Bourke | 17 | Mena Alexandra Suvari = A dream! Sexual nirvana! |
6 | Dharam Khalsa | 10 | Sarah Louise Palin = A pain. ("Hello, Russia"). |
7 | Scott Gardner | 7 | The famous military leader Napoleon Bonaparte = I marshal one top army on a European battlefield. |
8 | Tony Crafter | 6 | Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz, Michael Nesmith, Peter Tork = As 'The Monkees', did mythic men project zany overkill? |
8 | Ed Pegg Jr | 6 | Alanis Nadine Morissette = Tin-eared sensationalism. |
10 | View | 5 | Oscar Leonard Carl Pistorius = Cool, sir runs a lot rapid races! |
Total points: | 162 | from 28 votes (DFE factor: 0.357) |
1 | Scott Gardner | 35 | The Anagrammy Awards competition = Word game maintains Mey atop chart. |
2 | Adie Pena | 30 | The Anagrammy Awards competition = Grampa Tony: "I'm aware that I'm second." |
3 | View | 20 | The Western Union Company = We can run money in the post. |
4 | Meyran Kraus | 14 | The Miss Universe beauty contest = They must be non-assertive cuties. |
5 | nedesto | 10 | Bitcoin digital cyber-money = Incredibly enigmatic booty. |
6 | David Bourke | 9 | The Crimean peninsula = A line Putin's men reach. |
7 | Rosie Perera | 8 | The United States Controlled Substance Act = Let's detect blatant heroin use and cut costs. |
7 | Tony Crafter | 8 | Prostate Specific Antigens = Apposite if it's gents' cancer. |
9 | Maurice Goddard | 7 | The McDonald's Corporation slogan "i'm lovin' it" = Cool, man! Lots vomit loads dining on their crap! |
9 | Ed Pegg Jr | 7 | Dreamworks Animation = I'm in toon-maker awards. |
11 | Christopher Sturdy | 6 | Dictionary Society of North America = Idiotic carry-on of a semantic theory. |
12 | Dharam Khalsa | 4 | Kuala Lumpur International Airport = Real upturn in talk, paranoia, turmoil. |
13 | Mark Huffman | 0 | New York City's Staten Island = "Nice?" Try "wasteland" - so stinky! |
Total points: | 158 | from 27 votes (DFE factor: 0.481) |
1 | Scott Gardner | 27 | Top five longest running Broadway musicals: 1.... = 1. The spectre who sang a tune 2. Sampled T. ... |
2 | David Bourke | 17 | What happened to the missing Malaysia Airlines ... = Plane ambushed near Shanghai by little green-h... |
3 | Meyran Kraus | 14 | Most Loathed Celebrities: 1. Paris Hilton 2.... = 1. Narcissist 2. Abominable kid 3. Ample rea... |
4 | nedesto | 12 | The annual March event for the Royal Marsden Ho... = Ran up trail for cash each year, so children c... |
5 | Dharam Khalsa | 11 | List of four-letter countries: 1. Chad 2. Cub... = 1. Africa 2. Home to a jail 3. Colourful 4... |
5 | Julian Lofts | 11 | Steven Seagal: Vladimir Putin is one of the 'gr... = Dear God! US film star interviewee gets to prov... |
5 | Maurice Goddard | 11 | 1: Barack Hussein Obama 2: David William Donal... = 1: A bold Democrat in America 2: A vivid PM i... |
8 | Adie Pena | 9 | Five Foods High in Trans Fat 1. Frozen Food 2... = 1. A dozen of fish sticks 2. KFC on us? I pas... |
9 | Christopher Sturdy | 8 | It is hard enough to remember my opinions, with... = Alzheimer's does for the once fine mind. Oh, t... |
10 | Rosie Perera | 7 | Fad diets: 1. Dean Ornish 2. South Beach/Atki... = 1. How to heal, not die 2. Zero carbs 3. Hig... |
11 | Tyler Severance | 4 | I see the words, letters. sentences, grammar, p... = See new anagrams that convincingly intertwine ... |
11 | Tony Crafter | 4 | ME: Let me sleep BRAIN: Ha! Oh no, let us stay... = Humans' brains are, alas, puerile devices I f... |
Total points: | 135 | from 23 votes (DFE factor: 0.522) |
1 | Dharam Khalsa | 24 | Things that have swift speed: Hollow tweets Hot phone chat Celebrity gossip Headline News blips Fox News fabricat... |
2 | Christopher Sturdy | 18 | Shite happens, I feel, if Botox highlights what's acceptable these days; invented so hopeless low-brow nitwits can't fro... |
3 | nedesto | 16 | ... |
4 | Meyran Kraus | 15 | So, which deep plot was behind the facts, the biggest events on this foolish planet? His inexplicable answer was "forty... |
5 | Larry Brash | 14 | We all love gossip, conspiracy theories, except things that - when shown that we established - whiff of possible bad int... |
6 | Adie Pena | 12 | The best sex act people have with wife is often fast bliss -- yet slow and long with a bitch in the endless pornographic... |
7 | Julian Lofts | 9 | News clip: Whew! Einstein theorised that the velocity of the rabble's gossip and fibs was excelling that of photons. Ps... |
8 | Ellie Dent | 6 | Swift?? Tax bills sent, which being despatched within brown envelopes, go swift as flies to a honey pot to reach the... |
9 | Tony Crafter | 5 | Lapps' fish plight? Ha! Eat the snow, as it's fine! Except if yellow, in which case don't. The brown snow? That's belie... |
9 | Maurice Goddard | 5 | "No! Crap's whopping call beats news! When I scoffed ninety laxative pills I whooshed faster to the bog beset with the s... |
11 | Rosie Perera | 4 | This new witness shows that Beeblebrox and Prefect often gallop at infinitely positive galactic speeds. Wwhoosshhhh! |
Total points: | 128 | from 22 votes (DFE factor: 0.500) |
1 | Tony Crafter | 25 | Lady: Do you drink? Man: Yes, beer. Lady:... = This conversation ensued after an old lady ra... |
2 | Dharam Khalsa | 21 | ... = Without forgetting to: * call her "Darling" ... |
3 | nedesto | 19 | When Dermot showed up at Mass on Sunday, the pr... = “I noticed you didn't steal his hat. What wa... |
4 | Meyran Kraus | 15 | Here's a cool mind-reading trick for you, dear readers! Solve this short math test. It's totally easy, but you have got ... |
5 | Adie Pena | 7 | Fifteen Terrible Things That Happen If You Eat ... = 1. Tooth decay 2. A nice huge picnic! 3. B... |
6 | Rosie Perera | 6 | Famous military leaders: 1. Alexander the Grea... = We highlight: 1. Begot empire in Greece 2. ... |
6 | Julian Lofts | 6 | Eleven of the Most Popular Songs of Australian ... = 1."Spreading the light all around" 2. "Jumbu... |
8 | Maurice Goddard | 2 | A happiness guru's seven tips for a better life... = 1: Hug your faithful partner daily. 2: Stro... |
9 | David Bourke | 0 | Adie Pena's Movable Book Collection at the Muse... = Focused on the Manila Anagram King's body of ... |
Total points: | 101 | from 17 votes (DFE factor: 0.529) |
1 | Meyran Kraus | 44 | To celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Eiffel Tower (erected in March 31st, 1889), Dante Rossetti's sonnet about Pari... |
4 | Adie Pena | 16 | C. P. Cavafy's poem THE IDES OF MARCH is anagrammed into another poem THE INTERPRETATION OF DREAMS with a relevant hidde... |
5 | nedesto | 14 | Sara Teasdale's ... |
Total points: | 123 | from 21 votes (DFE factor: 0.238) |
1 | Meyran Kraus | 30 | Really nice pair of boobs ~ are probably of silicone. |
2 | Christopher Sturdy | 17 | A high sperm count = Much shag protein. |
3 | Dirty Old Man | 15 | The Crimean peninsula = A male penis in her cunt. |
4 | Scott Gardner | 12 | Stimulation of the Gräfenberg spot = Fingers felt about the "orgasm point" |
4 | David Bourke | 12 | A rather generously-proportioned penis = I soon aroused, penetrating her properly! |
6 | nedesto | 11 | A big dildo in her arse = I adore a girl's behind! |
7 | Tony Crafter | 5 | Marvin Gaye's 'Sexual Healing' ~ hugely relaxes Mina's vagina! |
8 | Adie Pena | 4 | Exchange of body fluids = Sex and biology. Chuffed! |
9 | Dan Fortier | 3 | It's the UK's dodecagon pound coin = O, I'd shun! In pocket, does cut gonad! |
Total points: | 109 | from 19 votes (DFE factor: 0.474) |
Daniel F. Etter Memorial Award Points*
*Adjusted Points = Sum of (Points * 'DFE factor') |
High Standings