1 | Christopher Sturdy | 53 | What is forgetfulness? = Losing where stuff's at. |
2 | Rosie Perera | 34 | Theological discussions = God, soul, sin, social ethics. |
2 | Rick Rothstein | 34 | A lesbian romance = I can bear no males. |
4 | Adie Pena | 28 | An elephant's memory = Phenomenal mastery. |
5 | Tony Crafter | 24 | Skeletons in the cupboard = Bones unlocked their past. |
6 | Andrew Brehaut | 19 | A Monday morning = Man in angry mood. |
6 | Tony Crafter | 19 | I'd do anything! = Had no dignity. |
8 | Rosie Perera | 15 | Algae bio-fuels = Usable foliage. |
9 | Rick Rothstein | 14 | A doctoral thesis = It's read at school. |
10 | Andrew Brehaut | 13 | Macro lens = Closer, man! |
11 | Scott Gardner | 12 | Northwest African cheetahs = There's one cat which ran fast. |
12 | Adie Pena | 10 | Yes, most realized later ~ size really does matter! |
Total points: | 275 | from 46 votes |
1 | Rosie Perera | 57 | Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull = All on set think Lucas and Ford enjoyed making this. |
2 | Tony Crafter | 31 | John Keats 'Ode On A Grecian Urn' ~ hooks reader on an ancient jug! |
3 | Scott Gardner | 28 | Claude Monet, "Impression, Sunrise" = Painted Seine in summer's colours. |
4 | Ellie Dent | 27 | Water Lilies ('Nympheas') by Claude-Oscar Monet = I create many atmospheric blues, and yellows. |
5 | Tony Crafter | 23 | Leonardo Da Vinci's 'The Adoration of the Magi' = A Visitation. Three men on a road. A child of God. |
6 | Scott Gardner | 22 | The Bourne Supremacy = Our spy became hunter. |
7 | Andrew Brehaut | 21 | The Venus de Milo sculpture from Ancient Greece = Item's got centre place in French Musee du Louvre. |
8 | Ellie Dent | 19 | Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa = A vision, and a smile... and color. |
9 | Adie Pena | 13 | Venus and sister Serena = An assured tennis serve! |
10 | Adie Pena | 10 | "Aquarius/Let The Sun Shine In" = Listen! "Hair" has unique tunes. |
11 | Tony Crafter | 9 | The music of Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel = Campus folk guitar and fluent harmonies. |
12 | Andrew Brehaut | 7 | William Shakespeare's "The Tempest" = Will's theme is "Sea keeps them apart!" |
Total points: | 267 | from 45 votes |
1 | Ellie Dent | 70 | A crisis on Wall Street ~ will start a recession. |
2 | Christopher Sturdy | 29 | The Democrats and Republicans in America = Obama and McCain rule this President race. |
2 | Ellie Dent | 29 | The Mars Landing = Damn earthlings! |
4 | Andrew Brehaut | 27 | US presidential campaigns = Pleasing stupid Americans. |
5 | Rick Rothstein | 24 | Nailed to the Cross = Leads one to Christ. |
6 | Scott Gardner | 20 | "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig" = GOP guy picks Palin, but it is a political stunt. |
7 | Adie Pena | 15 | Fidel Castro retires = Dictator's isle freer? |
8 | Scott Gardner | 14 | American Independence Day = Many earned a needed picnic. |
9 | Andrew Brehaut | 12 | Charlton Heston is dead = The old actor ends in ash. |
10 | David Bourke | 11 | Britney Spears loses the custody of her two children = Total psycho-witch, she surrenders boys to Federline. |
11 | Scott Gardner | 10 | Women's all-around gymnastics competition = Nastia won gold in a Summer Olympic contest. |
12 | Ed Pegg Jr | 5 | Financial rut = Final curtain. |
Total points: | 266 | from 45 votes |
1 | Meyran Kraus | 59 | George Bush = "Bugger! Shoe!" |
2 | Tony Crafter | 36 | The former Ugandan President Idi Amin Dada = Murder and death personified in a mad giant. |
3 | Adrian Hickford | 33 | US President-elect Barack Obama = Democrats take Republican base. |
4 | Andrew Brehaut | 26 | The Democrat Senator Barack Hussein Obama = A rare, honest American asked to combat Bush. |
5 | Meyran Kraus | 21 | Lead singer Kurt D. Cobain = Rocker died in a gun blast. |
6 | Adie Pena | 18 | The actor Daniel Day-Lewis: ~ "Ideally, I wanted the Oscar!" |
7 | Scott Gardner | 17 | The Italian navigator Christopher Columbus = I launch big ships, travel out to North America. |
7 | Neil Ramsay | 17 | Rebecca Adlington = Gold can be certain. |
9 | Ellie Dent | 16 | Monsieur Claude Oscar Monet = Sunrise... and colour came to me! |
10 | Christopher Sturdy | 11 | Bruce Palin = Republican. |
11 | Adie Pena | 10 | L'artiste Degas = Listed as Great. |
12 | Scott Gardner | 3 | Michael Fred Phelps of the USA = He'll match pure speed of a fish! |
Total points: | 267 | from 45 votes |
1 | Andrew Brehaut | 43 | France's Arc de Triomphe = Charmed centre of Paris. |
2 | Dharam Khalsa | 41 | eBay auction = I can beat you. |
3 | Rosie Perera | 35 | Yosemite National Park = Area many like to stop in. |
4 | Mike Mesterton-Gibbons | 25 | Gambino Family = Lying Mafia mob. |
5 | Dharam Khalsa | 23 | US Election Day = You and I select. |
6 | Scott Gardner | 18 | Palace of Westminster, London = Scene of old town's Parliament. |
7 | Rosie Perera | 16 | The National Candida Society = A client had a yeast condition. |
8 | Adrian Hickford | 15 | The Flat Earth Society = Cite that false theory. |
9 | David Bourke | 14 | Newcastle University = Lectures invite yawns |
9 | View | 14 | The United States Government = Don't trust these negative men. |
11 | Adie Pena | 13 | The Acropolis = Hero's capitol. |
11 | Scott Gardner | 13 | The Playstation Three = Parents? They loathe it! |
13 | Rosie Perera | 6 | Microsoft touch-screen Windows = I'd force consumers to switch now. |
Total points: | 276 | from 46 votes |
1 | Tony Crafter | 31 | RULES FOR A LIFE THAT'S FULL OF HARMONY Live sim... = FULL RULES THAT FAMED ROMEOS KEEP Live for toda... |
2 | Andrew Brehaut | 28 | Rodgers and Hammerstein hit musical "The Sound of Music" = Fond Miss teaches smug Austrian children to hum "Do Re Mi". |
2 | Tony Crafter | 28 | 'It was the best of times, it was the worst of t... = 'A Tale of Two Cities' - This commences with th... |
4 | Tony Crafter | 27 | (Grumpy patron): "Waitress! Is this coffee or te... = (Trim young waitress): "It's tea, then. Our cof... |
5 | Dharam Khalsa | 19 | Blonde to the supermarket manager on the telepho... = "Just a minute," the man remarked to the blonde... |
5 | Neil Ramsay | 19 | bush (noun): A single low plant with many branch... = Bush (person): A snooty, lethal, incoherent, in... |
7 | David Bourke | 15 | The Republicans' American presidential candidates = McCain and Palin unite - a predictable sheer disaster! |
8 | David Bourke | 12 | The National Society of Allied and Independent F... = One-and-only deal: Collect dead one, stuff it i... |
9 | Tony Crafter | 11 | How come that we choose from just two people to ... = The women's seductive cup-ratios are more impor... |
10 | Larry Brash | 9 | NOTE: This forum is heavily moderated. Spam and ... = "Spam! Spam! Spam!" is the word. It's all deriv... |
11 | Meyran Kraus | 7 | The Democrat Senator Barack H. Obama versus the ... = So the American voters must hand a Bush job to ... |
Total points: | 206 | from 35 votes |
1 | Tony Crafter | 51 | Three Texan surgeons were arguing about who had ... = An 80-year-old Texan rancher gashed his hand o... |
2 | Tony Crafter | 43 | A man and his wife are woken at 3 a.m. by a loud... = The duty-sergeant answered the police station'... |
3 | Tony Crafter | 39 | Read this question, come up with your answer and... = Answer: She was hoping that the man would appe... |
4 | Don Rogers | 37 | An atheist was walking through the woods. "What ... = Then a very bright light shone on the man, and... |
Total points: | 170 | from 29 votes |
1 | Andrew Brehaut | 39 | The Lady of Shalott by Lord Tennyson |
2 | Rosie Perera | 22 | The Gashlycrumb Tinies, by Edward Gorey |
3 | Meyran Kraus | 21 | A Soldier |
4 | Adie Pena | 20 | Phrase Shaper |
5 | Tony Crafter | 19 | SHOWER PROTOCOL |
6 | Adie Pena | 15 | A Very Visual Puzzle |
7 | Adie Pena | 12 | Anagram Crossword Puzzle |
8 | Tony Crafter | 10 | AMERICA by Simon and Garfunkel |
9 | Adie Pena | 4 | Here are the rules from the male side. THESE ARE OUR RULES! |
10 | Adie Pena | 3 | Anagrammed Ten-Letter Word Square |
11 | Tony Crafter | 2 | STRANGERS IN THE NIGHT by Frank Sinatra |
Total points: | 167 | from 29 votes |
1 | Christopher Sturdy | 32 | A lack of preparation = A fool.. a prick.. a parent. |
2 | Tony Crafter | 27 | Reusable condom = Doubles romance! |
3 | Rick Rothstein | 21 | The human reproductive system = Her cunt... it's due to have my sperm. |
3 | Rick Rothstein | 21 | Delightful breasts = Thus, bra gets filled. |
5 | Adie Pena | 20 | Hairy testicles = Real itchy sites. |
6 | Neil Ramsay | 15 | I want her tits ~ in a wet t-shirt. |
7 | Rick Rothstein | 13 | The Vagina Monologues = Gave to musing on a hole. |
8 | Andrew Brehaut | 11 | Childhood sweetheart = We did her at the school. |
9 | Adie Pena | 10 | A sexual intercourse = Excretions are usual! |
9 | Adie Pena | 10 | She's a virgin at forty = It's her frosty vagina! |
11 | David Bourke | 9 | An erect phallus = A prelate's lunch. |
12 | Rick Rothstein | 6 | She was a great lay = A real sweaty shag. |
Total points: | 195 | from 33 votes |
1 | Mike Keith | 59 | Anagram Artist 3.05 |
2 | William Tunstall-Pedoe | 41 | Anagram Genius Version 9 |
3 | Andrew Trevorrow | 4 | Anagrams 2.4 (Macintosh) |
4 | Onno Zweers | 3 | FART (Free Anagram Research Tool) 5.1 |
4 | Jason Rampe | 3 | Anagram Generator |
6 | Evans A Criswell | 1 | Wordplay 7.22 |
Total points: | 111 | from 23 votes |
1 | Christopher Sturdy | 27 | What is forgetfulness? = Losing where stuff's at. |
2 | Ellie Dent | 27 | A crisis on Wall Street ~ will start a recession. |
3 | Meyran Kraus | 17 | George Bush = "Bugger! Shoe!" |
4 | Dharam Khalsa | 12 | eBay auction = I can beat you. |
5 | Rick Rothstein | 11 | A lesbian romance = I can bear no males. |
6 | Tony Crafter | 11 | I'd do anything! = Had no dignity. |
7 | Ellie Dent | 10 | The Mars Landing = Damn earthlings! |
8 | Rosie Perera | 9 | Theological discussions = God, soul, sin, social ethics. |
9 | Rick Rothstein | 9 | Nailed to the Cross = Leads one to Christ. |
10 | Andrew Brehaut | 9 | France's Arc de Triomphe = Charmed centre of Paris. |
11 | View | 7 | The United States Government = Don't trust these negative men. |
12 | Adrian Hickford | 6 | US President-elect Barack Obama = Democrats take Republican base. |
13 | Christopher Sturdy | 5 | The Democrats and Republicans in America = Obama and McCain rule this President race. |
14 | Tony Crafter | 5 | Skeletons in the cupboard = Bones unlocked their past. |
15 | Andrew Brehaut | 4 | US presidential campaigns = Pleasing stupid Americans. |
16 | Andrew Brehaut | 4 | The Democrat Senator Barack Hussein Obama = A rare, honest American asked to combat Bush. |
17 | Tony Crafter | 4 | The former Ugandan President Idi Amin Dada = Murder and death personified in a mad giant. |
18 | Neil Ramsay | 4 | Rebecca Adlington = Gold can be certain. |
19 | Meyran Kraus | 3 | Lead singer Kurt D. Cobain = Rocker died in a gun blast. |
20 | Adie Pena | 3 | An elephant's memory = Phenomenal mastery. |
21 | Rosie Perera | 3 | Yosemite National Park = Area many like to stop in. |
22 | Rosie Perera | 3 | Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull = All on set think Lucas and Ford enjoyed making this. |
23 | Mike Mesterton-Gibbons | 3 | Gambino Family = Lying Mafia mob. |
24 | Christopher Sturdy | 2 | Bruce Palin = Republican. |
25 | Rosie Perera | 2 | Microsoft touch-screen Windows = I'd force consumers to switch now. |
26 | Scott Gardner | 2 | The Bourne Supremacy = Our spy became hunter. |
27 | Rosie Perera | 2 | The National Candida Society = A client had a yeast condition. |
28 | Scott Gardner | 2 | Claude Monet, "Impression, Sunrise" = Painted Seine in summer's colours. |
29 | Scott Gardner | 2 | "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig" = GOP guy picks Palin, but it is a political stunt. |
30 | Scott Gardner | 2 | Women's all-around gymnastics competition = Nastia won gold in a Summer Olympic contest. |
31 | Adie Pena | 2 | L'artiste Degas = Listed as Great. |
32 | Rick Rothstein | 2 | A doctoral thesis = It's read at school. |
33 | David Bourke | 1 | Newcastle University = Lectures invite yawns |
34 | Rosie Perera | 1 | Algae bio-fuels = Usable foliage. |
35 | Tony Crafter | 1 | John Keats 'Ode On A Grecian Urn' ~ hooks reader on an ancient jug! |
36 | Dharam Khalsa | 1 | US Election Day = You and I select. |
37 | Andrew Brehaut | 1 | Macro lens = Closer, man! |
38 | Adie Pena | 1 | The Acropolis = Hero's capitol. |
39 | Scott Gardner | 1 | The Playstation Three = Parents? They loathe it! |
Total points: | 221 | from 37 votes |
1 | Andrew Brehaut | 32 | The Lady of Shalott by Lord Tennyson |
2 | Meyran Kraus | 13 | A Soldier |
3 | Tony Crafter | 13 | A man and his wife are woken at 3 a.m. by a loud... = The duty-sergeant answered the police station'... |
4 | Adie Pena | 9 | Anagram Crossword Puzzle |
5 | Tony Crafter | 9 | SHOWER PROTOCOL |
6 | Tony Crafter | 9 | Read this question, come up with your answer and... = Answer: She was hoping that the man would appe... |
7 | Adie Pena | 9 | Phrase Shaper |
8 | Adie Pena | 8 | A Very Visual Puzzle |
9 | Rosie Perera | 8 | The Gashlycrumb Tinies, by Edward Gorey |
10 | Tony Crafter | 6 | (Grumpy patron): "Waitress! Is this coffee or te... = (Trim young waitress): "It's tea, then. Our cof... |
11 | Tony Crafter | 6 | 'It was the best of times, it was the worst of t... = 'A Tale of Two Cities' - This commences with th... |
12 | Tony Crafter | 5 | RULES FOR A LIFE THAT'S FULL OF HARMONY Live sim... = FULL RULES THAT FAMED ROMEOS KEEP Live for toda... |
13 | David Bourke | 5 | The Republicans' American presidential candidates = McCain and Palin unite - a predictable sheer disaster! |
14 | Tony Crafter | 4 | Three Texan surgeons were arguing about who had ... = An 80-year-old Texan rancher gashed his hand o... |
15 | Andrew Brehaut | 3 | Rodgers and Hammerstein hit musical "The Sound of Music" = Fond Miss teaches smug Austrian children to hum "Do Re Mi". |
16 | Don Rogers | 3 | An atheist was walking through the woods. "What ... = Then a very bright light shone on the man, and... |
17 | Tony Crafter | 3 | AMERICA by Simon and Garfunkel |
18 | Adie Pena | 3 | Here are the rules from the male side. THESE ARE OUR RULES! |
19 | Adie Pena | 3 | Anagrammed Ten-Letter Word Square |
20 | Larry Brash | 2 | NOTE: This forum is heavily moderated. Spam and ... = "Spam! Spam! Spam!" is the word. It's all deriv... |
21 | Meyran Kraus | 1 | The Democrat Senator Barack H. Obama versus the ... = So the American voters must hand a Bush job to ... |
22 | Neil Ramsay | 1 | bush (noun): A single low plant with many branch... = Bush (person): A snooty, lethal, incoherent, in... |
Total points: | 155 | from 27 votes |
High Standings
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