1 | nedesto | 47 | A documentary = Camera on duty. |
2 | Tony Crafter | 23 | The complete loss of hair = Tolls of chemotherapies. |
3 | Mike Mesterton-Gibbons | 22 | Actions speak louder than words = Doer can outshadow talker's spin. |
4 | Shane | 18 | Diamond = Damn, I do! (Awardsmaster's Choice Award) |
5 | Meyran Kraus | 16 | On the tip of your tongue = The one input you forgot. |
5 | Ellie Dent | 16 | Trains to Europe = En route to Paris. |
7 | Dharam Khalsa | 12 | Four Elements: Earth Air Fire Water = Terra firma Ether Fuel O, sweet rain! |
8 | Adie Pena | 11 | And they lived happily ever after = Apparently, if he revived the lady. |
9 | Don P Fortier | 8 | The first days of summer = They suffer amid storms. |
9 | Christopher Sturdy | 8 | A man with no regrets = This arrogant new me? |
11 | View | 5 | Ignoring the facts = Creating of things. |
12 | Rosie Perera | 4 | Threatened animals ~ end in leather, as mat. |
12 | Ed Pegg Jr | 4 | Catastrophe modeling = A complete goshdarnit. |
14 | Larry Brash | 3 | Traditional English breakfast = Bank on it! After all, dish is great! |
14 | Dr Charles G Waugh | 3 | Coming-out party ~ may top courting. |
16 | Andrew Brehaut | 2 | kinaesthetic ‡ hate kinetics. |
17 | Scott Gardner | 1 | The four elements: 1. Earth 2. Air 3. Fire 4. Water = 1. Terrain 2. Ether 3. Flare of heat 4. I'm sure wet! |
Total points: | 203 | from 34 votes (DFE factor: 0.500) |
1 | Meyran Kraus | 44 | Aesop's fable 'The Tortoise and the Hare' = A pedestrian hero beat the fool's haste. |
2 | Tony Crafter | 41 | American movie star Dustin Lee Hoffman = Ever so famous. Acted in the film Rain Man. |
3 | Ellie Dent | 28 | The Houses of Parliament by Claude Monet = Painted the Thames ... once more, fabulously! |
4 | Mike Mesterton-Gibbons | 26 | The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci = An art icon hails medieval nobody. |
5 | nedesto | 15 | "Where the Wild Things Are" written by Maurice B. Sendak = A mutant tribe renewed by the child wearing whiskers. |
6 | View | 10 | Axl Rose, Guns 'N Roses = So use slogan: "SEX & R 'n' R!" |
7 | Rick Rothstein | 8 | The 'America's Got Talent' show = Hint: We locate hot megastars. |
8 | Adie Pena | 7 | Lester William Polsfuss = First, I'm Les Paul. So swell! |
9 | Shane | 6 | The pen is mightier than the sword = The highest hand written promise. |
10 | Scott Gardner | 5 | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle = Author nicer old yarns. |
11 | Dharam Khalsa | 2 | Nietzsche: Without music life would be an error = Wurlitzer: It became household focus in winter. |
Total points: | 192 | from 32 votes (DFE factor: 0.344) |
1 | Rosie Perera | 50 | Katie Holmes divorcing Tom Cruise = "I am much irked over Scientologist." |
2 | Scott Gardner | 25 | The protest in Russia = Putin's haters to rise. |
3 | Dharam Khalsa | 19 | Snigdha Nandipati wins U.S. National Spelling Bee = And, in a nail-biting show, Indian spells "g-u-e-t-a-p-e-n-s". |
4 | View | 18 | President Bashar al-Assad = Sadist reshapes Arab land. |
5 | Meyran Kraus | 16 | Egyptian voters elect Mohammed Mursi = So the Muslim-type man emerged a victor. |
6 | David Bourke | 12 | The Gila National Forest, U.S. = Turn foliage to a silent ash. |
7 | Adie Pena | 11 | The European debt crisis = These countries bear dip. |
7 | nedesto | 11 | An historic handshake in England = Hosanna! I think Ireland's changed! |
9 | Mike Mesterton-Gibbons | 10 | Queen Elizabeth the Second and Martin McGuinness = Ennoblement must chance squeezing IRA's tied hand. |
9 | Tony Crafter | 10 | The Diamond Jubilee Concert = It rejoiced unmatched noble! |
11 | Larry Brash | 9 | Special Air Service rescue Afghanistan hostages = These aces, our chaps assist freeing a girl in a cave. |
11 | Christopher Sturdy | 9 | England lose on penalties... again. = I get no pain as end seen all along! |
13 | Ellie Dent | 3 | Frankie Dettori: Colour Vision = Talkin' of one victorious rider... |
Total points: | 203 | from 34 votes (DFE factor: 0.382) |
1 | Ellie Dent | 35 | Lanfranco Dettori = Raced in front a lot! |
2 | Shane | 27 | This great man, Albert Einstein ~ is the brainiest German talent. |
3 | nedesto | 21 | "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher = Angry rhetorical mad hatter. |
3 | Tony Crafter | 21 | The comedian and actor Ricky Gervais ~ is cocky, manic and over-rated, I gather. |
5 | View | 18 | Ousted dictator Hosni Mubarak = Outdated Arab shut in sickroom. |
6 | Scott Gardner | 16 | The Danish sailor Vitus Bering = Visits huge north land: Siberia. |
7 | Meyran Kraus | 15 | The US astronaut Neil Alden Armstrong = Grunts a statement heard on lunar soil. |
7 | Harshal M | 15 | Kurt Donald Cobain = Abundant rock idol. |
9 | Mike Mesterton-Gibbons | 10 | Napoleon Bonaparte = To pen on Elba on a rap. |
9 | Dharam Khalsa | 10 | Washington Post reporters Woodward and Bernstein = In short, we ponder and print words on Watergate boss. |
11 | Adie Pena | 8 | Willard Mitt Romney ~ meant li'l dirty worm! |
12 | Rick Rothstein | 6 | President Bashar al-Assad ~ spreads death (Arabs slain). |
13 | David Bourke | 1 | Antonio Cardenas = To nadir, as a nonce. |
Total points: | 203 | from 34 votes (DFE factor: 0.382) |
1 | Tony Crafter | 39 | The Lake District National Park, Cumbria, England = Scenic but damp. Take the anorak, darling; it'll rain! |
2 | Harshal M | 26 | Android Operating System = It's a spreading modern toy. |
3 | Rosie Perera | 25 | The World Burping Championships = Proud showman hits ripping belch. |
4 | Meyran Kraus | 17 | The Eiffel Tower in Champ de Mars = French item of weird metal shape. |
5 | View | 15 | The Renault Clio = Uh, one little car! |
6 | Adie Pena | 12 | Colosseum in Rome, Italy = It is my enormous locale! |
7 | Ed Pegg Jr | 10 | Electronics Illustrated = Intellectualist's record. |
8 | Scott Gardner | 9 | California Institute of Technology = Giant tuition for fancy, elite school. |
9 | Ellie Dent | 8 | The World Champion Burper = Or power belch and triumph! |
9 | David Bourke | 8 | Electronics Illustrated = "AC or DC?" - It runs little else! |
9 | Zoran Radisavlevic | 8 | The Presidential Medal of Freedom = Splendid federal item, fame to hero! |
9 | nedesto | 8 | Oxford University Fellows = Dull sex off in ivory towers. |
13 | Dharam Khalsa | 5 | Gila National Forest = A fire's toll...not again! |
14 | Mike Mesterton-Gibbons | 4 | Grand Central Station, New York = Train tracks go down entry lane. |
15 | Larry Brash | 3 | The North Atlantic Treaty Organization = Attain a zone trying a hit-threat control. |
16 | Apple Inc | 2 | The Google Android operating system ~ got one dismayed straggler to iPhone. |
Total points: | 199 | from 34 votes (DFE factor: 0.471) |
1 | Tony Crafter | 40 | Lucy was sitting on the settee, heartily drinki... ~ how I'd carry on without you." "Nice," snorte... |
2 | Scott Gardner | 24 | Seven Deadly Sins: 1. Lust 2. Gluttony 3. Gr... = 1. Dodgy "love" 2. Hunger 3. Wants 4. Slept... |
3 | nedesto | 22 | On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Se... = Author's revolutionary paper ruffles creation ... |
4 | Meyran Kraus | 17 | Confucius says: "In China, bright nude cooks wh... = Confucius also says: "Foolish butcher who back... |
5 | Mike Mesterton-Gibbons | 12 | Princess Alix Viktoria Helena Luise Beatrice of... = Alien in palace of tsarina is executed by her ... |
6 | Christopher Sturdy | 10 | Serious computer glitch at the Royal Bank of Scotland = Shout "error blocked payment to all accounts" as I fight. |
6 | Dharam Khalsa | 10 | Elements of Chinese Medicine: 1. Wood 2. Fire... = 1. Fir tree 2. Hot flames 3. The world we se... |
8 | Rosie Perera | 9 | The five fingers of a hand: 1. Thumb 2. Index... = 1. Fleshy 2. Had poked 3. Giving "bird" rude... |
9 | Ellie Dent | 7 | Four young friends, Theresa, Zoe, Pattie and Br... = If the lawyers-to-be, Martin, Pete, and Brad, ... |
10 | Adie Pena | 5 | ... = ... |
11 | View | 4 | Earth Headed for Catastrophic Collapse, Research... = Appears crash is rather close. End of the worl... |
11 | Maurice Goddard | 4 | 'Sexual depravity' of penguins that Antarctic s... = As authenticated, very real vulgar finds rent ... |
Total points: | 164 | from 28 votes (DFE factor: 0.429) |
1 | Larry Brash | 30 | "Life's a bitch then you die", A clever old joke foretold. That sort produce many a sigh, and trumpets "I must be su... |
2 | nedesto | 20 | ... |
3 | Meyran Kraus | 19 | "I tried to jump but I gave up, For old hearts can't be spared; This End to Life could not shock me - My soul's alrea... |
4 | Don P Fortier | 16 | Doom pursues the traveled lout Spirit ends brief mortal span Still the joker dodged about: "Hey, catch me if you can... |
5 | Christopher Sturdy | 11 | It's dumb to hate The Reaper, Poor old unloved scythe. Accept your fate; life's just grim And do a drunk smile so b... |
5 | Rosie Perera | 11 | As I hope to stave off Death, I'll pen this anagram rhyme. Could be crooked, dry, or cold; but... Used up letters just i... |
7 | Mike Mesterton-Gibbons | 9 | Prepared to die? So asked, reply: "Hadn't I more hours to be? I've much still due: Jobs that can't do ... So gift... |
8 | David Bourke | 8 | To avoid to be a stupid stiff? The punctual reaper, grim? Not be some churchyard skeleton? The odds due are jolly sli... |
9 | Adie Pena | 7 | But as doctors look at Life, I could Never doubt He created me And I'm happier, just my old self Pass through Eterni... |
10 | Dharam Khalsa | 6 | Like a focused crocodile's snout - Death jumped out and grabbed me - I trust I'm the happy Host's lover - For all Et... |
11 | View | 3 | Dad told me, Ma approved: Surest thing in life is our death. The Lord blocks our flesh. You may reject it but not escape... |
12 | Tony Crafter | 2 | Death's just horrid luck? Poor Fate? "Drat, no!" I mumble, "rot!" "It's governed by the life you chose, Plus places, tim... |
13 | Ellie Dent | 1 | Death can occur - I ask Verger And Bell must toll, I hope, for me. Stop the Rush! Time to let up, Joy Is dead - end... |
13 | Maurice Goddard | 1 | "His cruddy jabber made me think - Odd thought for one last spree? - To sure mercy sad "I'll live it up!" - To one last ... |
Total points: | 144 | from 25 votes (DFE factor: 0.560) |
1 | nedesto | 43 | ... = ... |
2 | Tony Crafter | 39 | This letter was sent to the Kirkcaldy Rotary Cl... = A little old lady was walking down the street... |
3 | Meyran Kraus | 19 | 10. "A Better Amercia" (A Mitt Romney iPhone Ap... = 5. "Freshly ground black people" (A major acc... |
4 | Adie Pena | 16 | ... = ... |
5 | Dharam Khalsa | 4 | Triumph, the famous Insult Comic Dog from NBC's... = OK, here are seven Benjamin Franklin quotes t... |
Total points: | 121 | from 22 votes (DFE factor: 0.227) |
1 | Meyran Kraus | 40 | Alan Gould's 'Fifteen Statements in a Card Game' is anagrammed into four 13-line poems which imitate a 52-card deck: The... |
2 | nedesto | 27 | This crossword contains four titles from a beloved writer and a farewell highlighted in blue. The letters in the complet... |
3 | Tony Crafter | 22 | As the Queen celebrates 60 years since ascending the throne, here are 60 facts released by Buckingham Palace to celebra... |
4 | Tony Crafter | 20 | A series of short jokes. |
5 | Adie Pena | 10 | MY MANY COLORED DAYS by Dr. Seuss |
6 | Dharam Khalsa | 6 | The Mobius Strip Anonymous - version 1 |
7 | Adie Pena | 3 | Colours of the Rainbow. |
7 | Rosie Perera | 3 | The Mobius Strip Anonymous - version 2 |
Total points: | 131 | from 22 votes (DFE factor: 0.364) |
1 | Mike Mesterton-Gibbons | 38 | Inaudible farts ~ left us in bad air. |
2 | Meyran Kraus | 33 | "As I dutifully sit, broken hearted, ~ I'd sure like a shit - but only farted!" |
3 | View | 26 | The geishas = I shag these. |
4 | nedesto | 17 | La Tour Eiffel dans Paris = Tall penis used for a fair. |
4 | Tony Crafter | 17 | Having a three-in-a bed session = I bone Sadie then ravish Agnes! |
6 | Christopher Sturdy | 11 | Complete kidney failure = Tope - i.e. I'm fucked renally! |
7 | Adie Pena | 5 | The disco song Y.M.C.A. = Men to sod chic gays! |
8 | Dharam Khalsa | 4 | 'Old person smell': It's not just in your head = Is it the July sun, or normal stool? Depends! |
Total points: | 151 | from 26 votes (DFE factor: 0.308) |
Daniel F. Etter Memorial Award Points*
*Adjusted Points = Sum of (Points * 'DFE factor') |
High Standings
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