1 | Thomas W Hunter | 65 | Senior Biochemist = He is into microbes. |
2 | Rick Rothstein | 26 | The bar scene = A beer stench. |
3 | Maurice Goddard | 25 | What is the very most precious thing on our planet? = It's human to give thirsty person pure clean H-two-O. |
4 | Murray Cameron | 22 | The end of the world as we know it = Look down there. Few wanted this. |
5 | Rosie Perera | 20 | Hitting one's weight loss goal = With eating less, go light soon! |
5 | Meyran Kraus | 20 | If in total silence, ~ I can listen to life. |
7 | View | 13 | An eroticism ~ is not a crime. |
8 | Adie Pena | 9 | Please cancel my subscription to Netflix now = Notable sex in slow cryptic film can upset one. |
9 | Tony Crafter | 5 | Christmas without Christ is just M&S = Christm&s! (just has humoristic twist). |
10 | Patrick Clark | 3 | Envy is in the strength we wish a vaccine had, ~ and this is why we can't ever have nice things. |
11 | Tom Myers | 0 | Find your inner Zen? = NO! Ruined in frenzy! |
Total points: | 208 | from 36 votes (DFE factor: 0.306) |
1 | David Bourke | 47 | The late English actress Dame Barbara Windsor DBE = Blonde EastEnders she was a bad girl! |
2 | Rosie Perera | 26 | Kids Say The Darndest Things = "Daddy's that singer. He stinks!" |
2 | Adie Pena | 26 | The choirmaster's ~ "Oh, Christmas Tree." |
4 | AlanY | 25 | Tucker Carlson Tonight = Stoking the cult rancor. |
5 | Tony Crafter | 24 | The Mariah Carey song: 'All I Want For Christmas... = Watch, saying: "A merry, seasonal hit...? Or f... |
6 | Rick Rothstein | 22 | Christmas Eve = I see TV's charm. |
6 | Meyran Kraus | 22 | The spirits in the Dickens novella 'A Christmas... = "Let's all visit Don, that rich American perso... |
8 | Paul Pan | 14 | Canadian actress Ellen Grace Philpotts-Page = Epic angel cast as Elliot P., a transgender chap. |
Total points: | 206 | from 35 votes (DFE factor: 0.229) |
1 | Rosie Perera | 51 | Donald Trump's baseless conspiracy theories = Our dismal psycho president can't bear losses. |
2 | Dharam Khalsa | 34 | Supreme Court of the United States = 'No' to Trump suit. The defeat's secure! |
3 | Christopher Sturdy | 32 | First prize for medical advancement = Pfizer met demand for trial vaccines. |
4 | Valery Silivanov | 21 | Pandemia, riots = Paranoid times. |
5 | Tom Myers | 20 | Georgia runoff election = Going for a recount, I feel. |
6 | Meyran Kraus | 13 | Me last year: "Why is this year so bad?" = As this year says: "Wait, hold my beer". |
7 | Patrick Clark | 10 | It's all over for Donald Trump. Say goodbye! = No more vulgar lies told by a party of odds! |
8 | FatPhil | 8 | Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly = Use dumb ideas, crash splendidly. |
8 | Tony Crafter | 8 | Prince William and Kate's first NHS whistlestop tour = Simple train trips with wife to thank all nurses, docs. |
10 | View | 6 | The Christmas holidays during the new pandemic = Stay at home - diminish such danger. Children wept. |
10 | Rick Rothstein | 6 | Supporters sprint, demand ~ President Trump's pardons. |
12 | Adie Pena | 5 | The Christmas holidays now during a pandemic = And why more social distancing has triumphed. |
13 | Bill Dorner | 4 | “Grandma got run over by a reindeer” = Urban doe terror! I avenged my gran. |
Total points: | 218 | from 38 votes (DFE factor: 0.342) |
1 | Dharam Khalsa | 49 | Donald Trump's attorney Rudolph William Giulian... = A ... |
2 | Paul Pan | 40 | Vice President Kamala Harris = America's kind heart prevails. (Awardsmaster's Choice Award) |
3 | Paul Lusch | 28 | Fashion mogul Peter Nygard = Thug of a man preyed on girls. |
4 | Meyran Kraus | 24 | The American president Donald Trump = I'd pardon the meanest darn culprit... Me! |
5 | Adie Pena | 15 | Saint Nicholas (also known as "Father Christmas") = Oh, so "Santa" is this character fans know in malls. |
6 | Tony Crafter | 14 | Balthasar, Melchior, and Gaspar, aka 'The Three Wise Men' = Hark! A harbinger (a star) led them to a new Messiah place. |
7 | Rick Rothstein | 13 | The American president Donald Trump = Each pardon's imprudent, detrimental. |
8 | David Bourke | 9 | Patrice Runner = Recurrent pain! |
9 | Murray Cameron | 5 | David Lange = A dang devil! |
9 | Mikiller | 5 | Kamala Harris = Ah, AKA Mrs Liar! |
Total points: | 202 | from 35 votes (DFE factor: 0.286) |
1 | Meyran Kraus | 47 | The Donald Trump Presidency = An odd peril pretty much ends. |
2 | Rosie Perera | 38 | The Pythagorean Theorem = Math theory on page three. |
3 | Tony Crafter | 31 | The Brexit Withdrawal Agreement = Battle extra-hard. Emerge with win! |
4 | Adie Pena | 27 | Bugatti Veyron Super Sport = Buy gas, rev to purr, step on it! |
5 | Paul Lusch | 26 | The Geminids meteor shower = We rode to see night shimmer. |
6 | Dharam Khalsa | 20 | Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago Resort in Palm Beach = Grand club or rooms that pamper Melania's lad. |
7 | Rick Rothstein | 13 | The Donald Trump Presidency = Top hurdle? Try... pandemic's end. |
Total points: | 202 | from 35 votes (DFE factor: 0.200) |
1 | Adie Pena | 64 | Antonio Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons" 1. Spring... = 1. Environment is so green 2. Warm up 3. A ... |
2 | Meyran Kraus | 46 | ... = ... |
3 | Maurice Goddard | 23 | Don't worry kids, Dr. Fauci said he's vaccinated... = A tender dad's crucial act did us a favor -- S... |
4 | Christopher Sturdy | 20 | You're showing classic symptoms of having the plague = Itchy spots; A phlegmy mess; Now a final, grievous cough. |
5 | Tony Crafter | 13 | "Cheers to a new year and another chance for us... = "Wham! Another year - yet another f***ing chan... |
6 | John Ramos | 12 | "The Supreme Court really let us down. No Wisdo... = Mere loser lectured magistrates who unwound lo... |
7 | Rosie Perera | 6 | Letters to Santa reveal the toll the pandemic is... = Oh Santa! Ma dead, Pa sick. It's rotten hell. G... |
7 | Patrick Clark | 6 | Kevin Spacey releases a video on Christmas Eve,... = Setting gloom, ever tightly bleak, suicide is ... |
Total points: | 190 | from 33 votes (DFE factor: 0.242) |
1 | Rosie Perera | 47 | Batten down the hatches. A virus may wipe out the weak. Trump will sue and not concede. It is gonna be a long, hard yea... |
2 | Meyran Kraus | 38 | ... |
3 | Tony Crafter | 21 | I'll get a mass Twitter command to the public, thus: 'Danger! Hibernate for two full years and when you wake up, avoid ... |
4 | Adie Pena | 17 | ... |
5 | David Bourke | 13 | Anticipated in doom: Whatever sweeping future changes come in the New Year, no doubt that Meyran bloody Kraus will shaf... |
6 | Maurice Goddard | 11 | ... |
7 | Dharam Khalsa | 10 | ... |
8 | AlanY | 8 | Cut hair. Call on grandma now. Impeach the mad bungler. Set to refute fake news? Study. Envision death will be w... |
8 | View | 8 | I have news for you! Stop fighting! Retrace this name - Corona! Why? Note, unusual pandemic malady will take the beaten... |
10 | Patrick Clark | 4 | Wuhan forced plausible data mute. Know everything, say nothing? Is no claim dealt? I'd bet for much worse: penalty to t... |
Total points: | 177 | from 30 votes (DFE factor: 0.333) |
1 | Meyran Kraus | 56 | ... = ... |
2 | Tony Crafter | 44 | Harvey came home one night from a long day at wo... = After a long illness, Pam died and arrived at t... |
3 | Adie Pena | 33 | The Ten Most Expensive Paintings Ever Sold in U... = 1. Jesus Christ the Savior 2. Franz Kline-inf... |
4 | Maurice Goddard | 11 | On record day for covid-nineteen deaths, Trump ... = Deep in a world of inane fantasy, a chronicall... |
Total points: | 144 | from 24 votes (DFE factor: 0.167) |
1 | Tony Crafter | 31 | WE THREE KINGS |
2 | Adie Pena | 21 | COVER GIRL |
3 | Meyran Kraus | 19 | IT WAS A VERY GOOD YEAR |
4 | Tony Crafter | 18 | TEARS |
5 | Patrick Clark | 14 | Tribute to Mike Keith |
6 | Patrick Clark | 6 | By means of wordplay |
7 | David Bourke | 5 | Paddy the Aer Lingus captain |
8 | Patrick Clark | 3 | The Lady who Knows Everything |
Total points: | 117 | from 20 votes (DFE factor: 0.400) |
1 | David Bourke | 43 | President Donald Trump's golden showers videotape = Moron pondered, when Las Vegas prostitutes piddled. |
2 | Murray Cameron | 40 | Inflatable sex doll = So tall, and flexible! |
2 | Adie Pena | 40 | It is too damn cold for an erection = A senior tool of mine did contract! |
4 | Meyran Kraus | 21 | Wackiest Punning for Christmas in Titles for Adults:= - 'Chet's Nuts Roasting' - 'Saint Prick' - 'It's A Wonderful MILF' |
5 | Christopher Sturdy | 15 | "Can't you bugger off and mind your own business?" = Gruff, innocuous warning's to demean busybody. |
6 | Tony Crafter | 8 | The American folk-singer Arthur Ira Garfunkel= Fuck, Art, the large hair's... grim? No, freakin' unreal! |
Total points: | 167 | from 29 votes (DFE factor: 0.207) |
Daniel F. Etter Memorial Award Points*
*Adjusted Points = Sum of (Points * 'DFE factor') |
High Standings
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