1 | Christopher Sturdy | 29 | One with a mischievous sense of humour = I have so much fun with someone serious! |
2 | Larry Brash | 20 | Actions speak louder than words = Useless pair chat and do not work. |
3 | Tony Crafter | 18 | One's wild oats = Sown to ladies! |
4 | Rick Rothstein | 13 | Ignoring the facts = A frightening cost. (Awardsmaster's Choice Award) |
4 | Adie Pena | 13 | American fast food outlets = For fat adults. So come in! Eat! (Awardsmaster's Choice Award) |
6 | View | 12 | Path of least resistance = Easiest plan for the acts. |
6 | Meyran Kraus | 12 | 1. F E A S T 2. E A R T H 3. A R M O R 4. S T O N E 5. T H R E W = 1. Fatten 2. Terra 3. War-Mesh 4. Ore 5. Shot |
8 | Dharam Khalsa | 11 | When I'm sixty-four = Sex? Out. Why? Infirm. |
8 | David Bourke | 11 | Get Viagra tablets online = Better-lasting love again! |
10 | Mike Mesterton-Gibbons | 9 | The proverbial needle in a haystack = Hard search: event likely to be a pain. |
10 | Ivan Andonov | 9 | Dopeheads = Hope's dead. |
12 | Rosie Perera | 8 | 1. A D M I T S 2. D E A D E N 3. S E R E N E ... = 1. Indeed! 2. Deter 3. As repose 4. Beer 5... |
13 | Ellie Dent | 7 | The godly go for ~ the glory of God. |
13 | nedesto | 7 | 1. P A S T O R 2. A T T I R E 3. S T U P I D 4. ... = 1. Elder 2. Suit 3. Too arid 4. To traipse 5. P... |
15 | Ed Pegg Jr | 6 | Cost-benefit analysis ~ bins social safety net. |
16 | Scott Gardner | 3 | The trombone player = Better employ a horn. |
16 | Dr Charles G Waugh | 3 | Producer casting-couches = Accursed, roguish concept. |
Total points: | 191 | from 32 votes (DFE factor: 0.531) |
1 | Meyran Kraus | 39 | Darwin's evolutionary 'On the Origin of Species' = It proved how our "Genesis" is one fictional yarn. |
2 | nedesto | 30 | Captain America Black Widow The Hulk Iron Man Thor = Patriot Hot chick Calm down! Urbane man Ah, I like war! |
3 | Scott Gardner | 25 | "The Scream" painting = Inspect a nightmare. |
4 | Adie Pena | 16 | Claude Monet's work Impression, soleil levant = Masterpiece's oldest or known value? Millions! |
5 | Larry Brash | 14 | Beethoven's Late String Quartets = The strongest antique blast ever! |
6 | Rosie Perera | 13 | "Time now for the RidicuList" (Anderson Cooper) = CNN compiled the fun or weirdo stories to air. |
7 | Ivan Andonov | 11 | Other names = The Ramones? |
8 | Tony Crafter | 8 | The 'Ritual Fire Dance' composed by Manuel de Falla = Ballet music fuelled a pyromaniac need for death. |
8 | Dharam Khalsa | 8 | Maurice Sendak's "Where The Wild Things Are" = Writer shares huge wicked animals. The end. |
10 | View | 7 | Walt Disney's motion picture 'Mary Poppins' = I, prim polite nanny, support domestic ways. |
11 | Ellie Dent | 6 | The art masterpiece = The Scream ... peer at it! |
12 | Mike Mesterton-Gibbons | 3 | Le Penseur by Auguste Rodin = Brain user's guy to peel nude? |
Total points: | 180 | from 31 votes (DFE factor: 0.387) |
1 | Tony Crafter | 42 | The Diamond Jubilee anniversary celebrations = Ever a noble icon, Her Majesty's lauded in Britain! |
2 | Scott Gardner | 28 | The annular solar eclipse = Lunar halo is pearlescent. |
3 | View | 27 | Sad men mourn ~ Donna Summer. |
4 | Dr Charles G Waugh | 20 | Gay unions = Agony in U.S. |
5 | nedesto | 16 | Popular Scotsman George Dario Marino Franchitti = Master of the Indianapolis motor car racing group. |
6 | Ivan Andonov | 13 | Tomislav Nikolic, the new president of Serbia = Proven man won, I see. Boris Tadic felt like shit. |
7 | David Bourke | 12 | The new Costa ship 'The Costa Fascinosa' = Safe seas, with no Capt. Schettino chaos! |
8 | Adie Pena | 9 | Air Force Academy graduates = Four dear gay cadets, America! |
9 | Meyran Kraus | 7 | Daredevil in wingsuit completes the leap safely = Then I guess a simple little idea proved we can fly. |
10 | Christopher Sturdy | 4 | Roy Hodgson is England's football manager = So, fans... all-or-nothing sad old man, by George! |
11 | Rosie Perera | 3 | The May Day anti-capitalism protests = A pity many idiots march past Seattle. |
12 | Dharam Khalsa | 2 | Massive wildfire is largest in New Mexico history = Excessive shifting wind worries military - me also! |
Total points: | 183 | from 31 votes (DFE factor: 0.387) |
1 | View | 27 | Nicolas Sarkozy = Crazy lookin' ass. |
1 | nedesto | 27 | PM David Cameron = Vapid commander. |
3 | Meyran Kraus | 24 | The Williams sisters, Serena and Venus = Ladies must share several tennis wins. |
4 | Dharam Khalsa | 23 | Romney = Money ®. |
5 | Adie Pena | 19 | Ali's not ~ a Liston. |
6 | Ivan Andonov | 15 | Aguero = A rogue. |
7 | Christopher Sturdy | 11 | Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi = Sham trial? I alleged he made a bomb. |
7 | Mike Mesterton-Gibbons | 11 | Queen Elizabeth the Second = She'd be eloquence at zenith. |
9 | David Bourke | 9 | President Francois Hollande = Controls, and fine leadership. |
10 | Tony Crafter | 8 | Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi = Mail: 'A Lethal Mega-Bomber' Has Died'. |
11 | Scott Gardner | 5 | President Francois Hollande = An old, idealist French person. |
12 | Rosie Perera | 3 | Francois Gerard Georges Hollande = Ah, France's old leader's going? Roger. |
13 | Ellie Dent | 2 | The Norwegian Symbolist artist Edvard Munch = So the dumb 'Scream' sold then, inviting arty war. |
Total points: | 184 | from 31 votes (DFE factor: 0.419) |
1 | Scott Gardner | 29 | The Olympic Stadium = My athletics podium. |
2 | Meyran Kraus | 27 | McDonald's 'Healthy Eating Options'? = They all had a "STOP! DON'T COME IN!" sign. |
3 | Tony Crafter | 22 | Statue of the Little Mermaid, Copenhagen = Glum female pointed her tits at the ocean. |
4 | nedesto | 15 | 'This American Life' = Families in the car. |
5 | Adie Pena | 13 | Republican senator = Insane crap; trouble. |
6 | Christopher Sturdy | 11 | The Royal National Institute of Blind People = Inability to see and not real helpful to point. |
6 | Ed Pegg Jr | 11 | Hearst Publications = That is so Republican. |
6 | David Bourke | 11 | The 'Some Like It Hot' curry house = You risk the toilet so much here! |
9 | Rosie Perera | 10 | The Electronic Privacy Information Center = Proficiency in rather covert email content. |
10 | Larry Brash | 9 | Continuing Professional Development = End in improving couple of one's talents. |
11 | Dharam Khalsa | 7 | The racehorse "I'll Have Another" = A cheer! Hooves thrill the arena. |
12 | Rick Rothstein | 6 | This expert's a ~ sex therapist. |
13 | Mike Mesterton-Gibbons | 5 | The Leadership Conference of Women Religious = College name for heroic nuns who defer pieties. |
14 | View | 4 | Truvada (Gilead Sciences Incorporated) = Ordered top vaccine against cruel AIDS. |
Total points: | 180 | from 30 votes (DFE factor: 0.467) |
1 | nedesto | 35 | This man takes his cross-eyed cur to some vet w... ~ "My god... I'll have to put this terrier down.... |
2 | Rosie Perera | 28 | Four degrees with zero percent unemployment: ... = Get hired to: 1. Guess when myopic people pe... |
3 | Tony Crafter | 26 | 1. D E S C E N D A N T 2. E C H E N E I D A E ... = 1. Name-bearer 2. Under-sea creatures 3. ... |
4 | Dharam Khalsa | 21 | Top Four Gemstones Emerald Ruby Sapphire Diamond = Frog tint Red-headed passion Pompous blue Marry me! |
5 | Adie Pena | 18 | T-Shirts, Four Kinds On Sale: 1. Small, 2. Medi... = 1. A Normal Kid, 2. Regular Miss, 3. Tall Man,... |
6 | Meyran Kraus | 11 | 1. C R A B W I S E 2. R A T L I N E S 3. A T L A... = 1. Astray; eerie 2. Sail net 3. Alabaster man 4... |
6 | Christopher Sturdy | 11 | Engelbert Humperdinck at The Eurovision Song Contest. = See the English don't notice Baku government is corrupt . |
8 | Larry Brash | 9 | Mrs H. Mirren had hoped to be made a meteoritic offer. = A Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire. |
9 | Linda CS | 2 | How to See Sometimes life wobbles Like refle... = O Sly Lie - I See, So I Kneel The webs I f... |
Total points: | 161 | from 28 votes (DFE factor: 0.321) |
1 | Tony Crafter | 28 | ANGER ON THE UNLOVED CHALLENGE One horror so unique Oh, I've got over-piqued Queerest I've seen. A plague o' U 'n' ... |
2 | Mike Mesterton-Gibbons | 22 | Value one's English dough Quash euro quid pro quo Veto each bid! Vogue to leave sterling? No! See no gent's penny g... |
3 | Meyran Kraus | 21 | Get up, dude, sing along - It gave us no dull songs, So I love 'Queen'! Hunched Roger on the snare, Group voices, gr... |
4 | Larry Brash | 15 | Queer, unique squad that involves costing us quids, lots on each year. Old-league poor sovereigns, none ever governing. ... |
5 | Rosie Perera | 11 | Bush let us loose in Iraq: "God's going to love Iraq!" Even though Europe coughs. Iraq, renounce your struggle. One unde... |
5 | nedesto | 11 | ... = "font-family:courier new; font-size:11px"> ... |
7 | Don P Fortier | 9 | Colonials gone (not quite) Deserved our equal right Pique us and see Governing loose or rough A slave's never good ... |
7 | David Bourke | 9 | George VI's beloved daughter...unique, no equal. Relinquish to no-good-use Prince Charles? Goodness, never! Our aged Q... |
9 | Dharam Khalsa | 8 | Real people don't eat quiche-- So un-unique, un-English, Overvalued, overrun, Soggy (gag), overdone; So, serve a noo... |
10 | Ellie Dent | 7 | Tough as Victoria One is your super Queen Queen's got to behave. Gloved hand superior One horse, dog gladden Queen... |
10 | Adie Pena | 7 | God gave us our sharp Queen! Honour our superb Queen! Love our good Queen! So cool and dashing; Hero, investigating;... |
12 | Maurice Goddard | 5 | Three equal score years on GB's throne is long! Hello! "Viva ER!!" Our eloquent song! Queue up! "Viva ER!!" echoed our... |
13 | Christopher Sturdy | 4 | One banquet got ugly: Prince Charles gone rogue; pissed enough to squeal Viva Las Vegas. Required undue groove to honour... |
14 | View | 1 | Song spurs Queen Victoria's honour: Value, Love Queen! God gave U best Queen! Govern, good Queen Victoria! So good... |
Total points: | 158 | from 27 votes (DFE factor: 0.519) |
1 | Tony Crafter | 35 | A guy goes into a bar. He orders twelve shots a... = Two rest-home seniors are chatting. The guy s... |
2 | Meyran Kraus | 25 | CAT STATISTICS AND RECORDS Most popular breed:... = DOG STATISTICS AND RECORDS Most common dog na... |
3 | Larry Brash | 24 | Meyran Kraus Tony Crafter Adie Pena Dharam K... = This Rankings Board marks the order of the re... |
4 | nedesto | 17 | Top Ten Films That Predicted The Future 10. T... = 10. The Carrey Network 9. Shrewd Hybrids Plo... |
5 | Adie Pena | 11 | ... = 1. Fat persons favored 2. Motion pictures 3... |
6 | Dharam Khalsa | 9 | US News and World Report: The 10 Best Places to... = High altitude backpacking? Socialize with Ap... |
7 | Rosie Perera | 8 | "There are now more state-sanctioned marijuana ... = Smart people who love to smoke weed: enjoy a ... |
Total points: | 129 | from 22 votes (DFE factor: 0.318) |
1 | nedesto | 30 | Crossword |
2 | Mike Keith | 29 | This is just one pair out of 1,143,839,622,748,050,000,000,000,000 different pairs of anagram sonnets generated by a si... |
3 | Meyran Kraus | 22 | To My Mother - Edgar Allan Poe's sonnet anagrammed into another sonnet with a fitting acrostic |
4 | Tony Crafter | 19 | Two Pope Jokes |
5 | Tony Crafter | 13 | THE 10 BEST FIRST LINES IN FICTION. (As adjudged by The Guardian national newspaper). |
6 | Adie Pena | 6 | Word squares |
6 | Dharam Khalsa | 6 | JUNE by Nicholas Gordon |
8 | Adie Pena | 4 | WHITE SQUARES OR BLACK by Arnie Gatton |
9 | Scott Gardner | 3 | Word Squares |
Total points: | 132 | from 23 votes (DFE factor: 0.391) |
1 | nedesto | 50 | Walt Disney's Pinocchio = I can shit woody pencils! |
2 | Meyran Kraus | 21 | Patient's catheter = Scatter pee in that. |
3 | Tony Crafter | 19 | I can't make love tonight, I'm surfing the crimson wave = No frets; I'm having a cock-veto while I'm menstruating. |
4 | Rick Rothstein | 16 | A menage a trois = i.e., a neat orgasm. |
5 | View | 14 | The brassiere cups = Precise as her bust. |
6 | Larry Brash | 13 | Bayerische Motoren Werke AG = More erect? Oh yes... a big wanker! |
7 | Christopher Sturdy | 5 | Can't understand new technology = Contented, ugly, now-canned trash. |
Total points: | 138 | from 25 votes (DFE factor: 0.280) |
Daniel F. Etter Memorial Award Points*
*Adjusted Points = Sum of (Points * 'DFE factor') |
High Standings
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