Anagrammy Placegetters for December 2018
All the highly-placed anagrams from the December 2018 Anagrammy Awards.
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1st - Meyran Kraus with:
A present we get on Christmas Day =
Some itchy sweater Grandpa sent.
2nd - View with:
The excrement's ~ extreme stench!
3rd - Ellie Dent with:
Heavy snow forecast =
Very often saw chaos
1st - Meyran Kraus with:
The song 'Twelve Days of Christmas' =
"Several modest gifts? Why not cash?!"
2nd - Ellie Dent with:
Hans Christian Andersen's 'The Little Match Girl' =
Chillness in that heart-rending Christmas tale.
3rd - Mike Mesterton-Gibbons with:
Smokey Robinson and the Miracles =
Harmonisers back notes in melody
1st - David Bourke with:
Theresa May postponing Brexit vote =
Her next move? Operating to bypass it.
2nd - Adie Pena with:
The partial government shutdown =
What Trump does -- nothing relevant!
3rd - Dharam Khalsa with:
'Tis the season to be jolly =
Not easily to the jobless.
1st - Meyran Kraus with:
The three wise men Melchior, Gaspar and Balthasar =
The Magi shall reach Him and bestow a rare present.
2nd - Ellie Dent with:
The American President, Donald Trump =
Important leader ... and resident chump!
3rd - Tony Crafter with:
Prime Minister Theresa May =
Me? 'Remainers' hate my spirit!'
1st - Rosie Perera with:
Suicide Prevention Hotline =
It induces inner hope to live.
2nd - Tony Crafter with:
Wildlife Photographer of the Year Competition =
Filmed the hippo, wolf, tiger, ape, rhino, rat, coyote.
3rd - Jesse Frankovich with:
Flying Spaghetti Monster =
Left many theists groping.
1st - Ellie Dent with:
The Church minister began fervently to pray: "Dear Lord," he said,
with a look of rapture on his face, "without you we are but dust..."
Then one horrified wee girl Annie, a four-year-old, spoke
"Oo, what is butt dust??"
Church was pretty much over after that.
2nd - Tony Crafter with:
Britain's Top Four Christmas Carols
1. Silent Night
2. O Holy Night
3. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
4. In the Bleak Mid Winter
1. Sing it like a hymn
2. Sings of the Lord
3. Triumphal song that celebrates a new-born King!
4. It chills this iron-hard earth
3rd - Meyran Kraus with:
Five Greatest Ice Cream Flavors
1. Chocolate Chip
2. Strawberry
3. Cookies And Cream
4. French Vanilla
5. Fudge Brownies
Five Of The Worst (But Real) Ice Cream Flavors
5. Chicken Wings
4. Vinegar
3. Caramel-Bacon
2. Charcoal
1. Deep Fried Oysters
1st - Stristopher Churdy with:
"In a game of 'Kiss\Marry\Kill', which three personalities would you instantly pick for each segment and what would be the reasons for it?"
Kiss: Rachel Riley - has a nice figure.
Marry: Susie Dent - a wife thinks of words.
Kill: The Countdown people who lost that one Anagrammy bit.
2nd - Adie Pena with:
"In a game of 'Kiss\Marry\Kill', which three personalities would you instantly pick for each segment and what would be the reasons for it?"
KISS SINGER: How we honour the diplomat as a pal
MARRY CHRISTMAS: You can beget the fat St. Nick
KILL ROY: No unidentified fellow was here.
3rd - Ellie Dent with:
"In a game of 'Kiss\Marry\Kill', which three personalities would you instantly pick for each segment and what would be the reasons for it?"
KISS: Bond. Passionately! Heroic young man.
MARRY: Mr Wonderful. A life hero. Raise two kids.
KILL: The Witch of the West. Encapsulating hate.
1st - Meyran Kraus with:
The Twelve Days of Christmas
On the 12th day of Christmas my true love sent to me:
12 Drummers Drumming
11 Pipers Piping
10 Lords a-Leaping
9 Ladies Dancing
8 Maids a-Milking
7 Swans a-Swimming
6 Geese a-Laying
5 Golden Rings
4 Calling Birds
3 French Hens
2 Turtle Doves
And a Partridge in a Pear Tree!
The MAGA-Tripe Trump-Mess
In his 2 years in office, the Donald gave to me:
12 Dreadful Spellings
11 Racist Phrasings
10 Nutty Ramblings
9 Toady-Dumpings
8 Toddler-Cagings
7 Migrant Harmings
6 Grim Links Damning
5 Million Tweets
4 Allies Mad
3 Near-Wars
2 Creepy Sons
And 1 Video Where He Craved Pee!
2nd - Julian Lofts with:
The Most Influential Films of All Time Compiled By The University of Turin
1. The Wizard of Oz
2. Star Wars
3. Psycho
4. King Kong
5. 2001: A Space Odyssey
6. Metropolis
7. Citizen Kane
8. The Birth of a Nation
9. Frankenstein
10. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
11. Casablanca
12. Dracula
13. The Godfather
14. Jaws
15. Nosferatu
16. The Searchers
17. Cabiria
18. Dr Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
19. Gone With the Wind
20. Battleship Potemkin
We see that these created the most spinoffs and mentions
1. Frank Baum
2. Notwithstanding Nazi elements
3. Alfred Hitchcock
4. Fay Wray on the Empire State Building
5. Wise HAL
6. Fritz Lang
7. Orson Welles
8. Civil War, nationhood
9. Boris Karlov
10. A Walt Disney fantasy
11. Humphrey Bogart
12. Tod Browning
13. Francis Ford Coppola
14. Spielberg
15. Vampire
16. John Ford
17. Viewed at the White House
18. Zany Kubrick, he’s too OTT!
19. Scarlett O’Hara
20. Eisenstein
3rd - Adie Pena with:
The Ten Best Holiday Movies of All Time (according to Parents Magazine)
1. A Christmas Story
2. Arthur Christmas
3. Elf
4. It’s a Wonderful Life
5. Miracle on Thirty-fourth Street
6. The Muppet Christmas Carol
7. The Nightmare Before Christmas
8. Prancer
9. The Santa Clause
10. White Christmas
1. But that air rifle is best, Mommy!
2. My favorite son?
3. Ferrell's tactics amaze
4. He has hope with that angel
5. Drama in the courtroom
6. Miss Piggy's attempt as Mrs. Cratchit
7. Characters for Halloween
8. The forest reindeer is hurt
9. Can the rich Tim Allen pass for...
10. Hit tune turned classic.
1st - Meyran Kraus with:
A Christmas Carol
Written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The shepherds went their hasty way,
And found the lowly stable-shed
Where the Virgin-Mother lay:
And now they checked their eager tread,
For to the Babe, that at her bosom clung,
A Mother's song the Virgin-Mother sung.
They told her how a glorious light,
Streaming from a heavenly throng.
Around them shone, suspending night!
While sweeter than a mother's song,
Blest Angels heralded the Savior's birth,
Glory to God on high! and Peace on Earth.
She listened to the tale divine,
And closer still the Babe she pressed:
And while she cried, the Babe is mine!
The milk rushed faster to her breast:
Joy rose within her, like a summer's morn;
Peace, Peace on Earth! the Prince of Peace is born.
Thou Mother of the Prince of Peace,
Poor, simple, and of low estate!
That strife should vanish, battle cease,
O why should this thy soul elate?
Sweet Music's loudest note, the Poet's story,
Didst thou ne'er love to hear of fame and glory?
And is not War a youthful king,
A stately Hero clad in mail?
Beneath his footsteps laurels spring;
Him Earth's majestic monarchs hail
Their friends, their playmate! and his bold bright eye
Compels the maiden's love-confessing sigh.
Tell this in some more courtly scene,
To maids and youths in robes of state!
I am a woman poor and mean,
And wherefore is my soul elate.
War is a ruffian, all with guilt defiled,
That from the aged father's tears his child!
A murderous fiend, by fiends adored,
He kills the sire and starves the son;
The husband kills, and from her board
Steals all his widow's toil had won;
Plunders God's world of beauty; rends away
All safety from the night, all comfort from the day.
Then wisely is my soul elate,
That strife should vanish, battle cease:
I'm poor and of low estate,
The Mother of the Prince of Peace.
Joy rises in me, like a summer's morn:
Peace, Peace on Earth! The Prince of Peace is born!
My mother holds me tight
To shield me from the chill
When early Winter light
Shines on the window sill.
An orchid in her arms,
I'll be all safe from harm.
As heathers gently sway,
I get my minor wish:
To go out for a day
With dad to net a fish.
That bay with haddock rife
I will adore for life.
The iris of her eye;
Her hair that's semi-dense;
Her laughter and her sigh -
They baffle every sense...
Such is the nature of
The first, and final, love.
I stand here in a heath
And see her heading down
Amid begonia wreaths,
Dressed in a classic gown.
The ornamental doves
Elucidate my love.
As lilies scent the air,
Our baby loves to thrash
In big-boy clothes and chair,
His bib now stained with mash,
His rattle echoing
The messengers of Spring.
Herbs, blooms and greens are dead
And taint the garden view;
Above my blistered head,
The sun comes shining through.
My bluebells sadly prove
That Summer made its move.
The daisies line the gate
Of his new school of art;
The little boy came late -
It was too hard to part.
We madly try to mend
A bond about to end.
The thistle-thorns of gloom
Do nettle as I stroll
Through his near-empty room -
He's off to reach his goals.
No noise to haunt the halls;
We are alone this Fall.
A second tour of France
Shows love could prosper still -
The forces of romance
Healed us like super-pills.
The asters near the Seine
Restore my soul again.
I'm chuffed to proudly pat
These cheeks, so plump and cute!
No rose is red like that;
It's godsent, simply put:
If our mood's spent or poor,
A grandson is the cure.
Here - in this private place
On one enchanted hill -
I load her graveside vase
With dainty daffodils.
Each time I stop to weep
It cuts, the pain too deep.
I shiver with a smirk
And watch when they are shot:
The decent fireworks
Fall like forget-me-nots.
I'll meet her soon at last...
The time for prayers has passed.
2nd - Tony Crafter with:
A Traditional Carol
Away in a manger
No crib for a bed
The little Lord Jesus
Laid down His sweet head
The stars in the bright sky
Look down where He lay
The little Lord Jesus
Asleep on the hay
The cattle are lowing
The Baby awakes
But little Lord Jesus
No crying He makes
I love Thee, Lord Jesus
Look down from the sky
And stay by my side
'Til morning is nigh
Be near me, Lord Jesus
I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever
And love me, I pray
Bless all the dear children
In Thy tender care
And take us to Heaven
To live with Thee there
*My keen Christmas wish here is
To help all I meet,
Share joy and goodwill
As I walk down the street.
To give my time freely
And ask not for pay,
And cherish that duty
Every minute, each day.
To reward the jobless,
Even though I am broke,
And hide noble deeds
With a shrug or a joke.
To seek to be jolly,
Decent, godly, serene,
And toil restlessly,
Bear these said tasks unseen.
To buy all the beers
When I go to a bar,
The landlord at the inn
Will think I am a star.
I'll carry a banner,
Reading 'Jesus Is Love',
(*If I win the lottery,
Cancel all the above).
3rd - Dharam Khalsa with:
How To Give a Cat a Pill
So, you get a cat for Christmas and, unfortunately, after the dining excesses of that festive season it gets sick. After the vet prescribes gigantic pills, here are detailed instructions for exactly what to do next.
* Pick the cat up and cradle it gently in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to its cheeks. As cat opens mouth pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow.
* Retrieve pill from floor and cat from beneath sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process, while holding pill in right hand.
* Retrieve cat from bedroom and throw soggy pill away.
* Take another pill from foil wrapper while cradling cat in left arm, holding rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push pill to back of mouth with right forefinger. Hold mouth shut for a count of ten.
* Retrieve pill from goldfish bowl and cat from top of wardrobe. Call spouse in from outside.
* Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between knees, hold front and rear paws. Ignore low growls emitted by cat. Get spouse to hold head firmly with one hand while forcing wooden ruler into mouth. Drop pill down ruler and rub cat's throat vigorously.
* Retrieve cat from curtain rail, get another pill from foil wrapper. Make note to buy new ruler and have curtains mended. Carefully sweep shattered figurines and vases from hearth and set aside for gluing later.
* Wrap cat in large towel and get spouse to lie on cat with head just visible from below armpit. Put pill in end of drinking straw, force mouth open with pencil and blow into straw.
* Check label to make sure pills are not harmful to humans, while drinking glass filled with fruit juice to take awful taste away. Affix germicidal cream and Bandaid to spouse's forearm. Remove blood from carpet with stiff-bristled brush and pail filled with water and hydrogen peroxide.
* Retrieve hiding cat from flowerpot in neighbor's garden shed. Pull out another pill. Place cat in cupboard. Gently close door on neck, leaving just head showing. Force cat's mouth open with spoon, Flip pill into throat with elastic band.
* Fetch screwdriver from garage and put cupboard door back on hinges. Apply cold compress to cheek, while checking records for date of latest tetanus shot. Throw T-shirt away and fetch one from bedroom.
* Phone Fire Department to retrieve cat out of tree across the road. Offer apologies to neighbor who ran into fence while not wanting to hit cat. Take last pill from foil wrap.
* Try to outwit cat. Tie front paws to rear paws with garden twine and bind tightly to leg of dining table. Try to find heavy multi-layer pruning gloves in garden shed. Firmly push pill in mouth, followed by large piece of raw fish. Hold head up and attempt to pour full liter of water down throat to wash down pill.
* After cursing argument, have glum spouse drive you to ER. Fill out forms, watch in pain, trying to remain respectful and smile, when doctor examines fingers, applies stitches to cuts, and retrieves pill fragments from eye. Call furniture store to order new dining room table.
* Lie and arrange for Animal Control to transfer willful cat to local shelter. Phone pet shop to ask if they have any hamsters.
Whew! Goodwill to all!
1st - Meyran Kraus with:
Santa's Christmastime Pleasures =
This means a Mrs. Claus striptease!
2nd - View with:
Ex- Miss Kentucky Ramsey Carpenter =
A sexy stunner makes my prick erect
3rd - Simeon Galavar with:
On your phone, watching ~
porn? Yeah, touching now!
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