The Anagrammasia Database © was compiled by Abstruse, a long time member of the National Puzzlers League. The original document can be found here.
Our copy has been extensively edited by Larry Brash to correct coding errors, but the content is unchanged. This is to be only used for searching for rediscoveries.
Source | Anagram | Author | Date | Notes |
Machiavellian | Laic evil Haman | Hoho | Jan 1969 |
Machiavellianism | A la evil machinism | SkyLight | Sep 1931 |
Machiavellianism | Chain miasmal evil | Livedevil | Oct 1935 |
Machiavellianism | Each is villain, Ma'm | Meno | Mar 1917 |
Madame | Am dame | Cincinnatus | Jan 5 99MM |
Madison Avenue | O, use vain ad men! | HartKing | May 1977 |
Madison Square Garden | O, Rangers' quad is named | HelBernhardt | Aug 83 4*P |
Maelstrom | Lame storm 80 | Primrose | Sep 96 Ca |
Maenad | Mad ane 72 | IMWise | Aug19 99GD |
Maestro | O, master 66 | SherlockHol+ | Nov 1922 |
Mafioso, the | O, shame of it | Ulk | Feb 1991 |
Magdalene | Angel dame* | Nightowl | Nov 1972 |
Magic lantern slide, the | Gleam entertains child | Francolin | Feb 1917 |
Magic lantern's slides, the | Thin-made screen-lit glass | Francolin | Jan 1916 |
Magicians, the | Shine at magic | Grandmother | Feb 1926 |
Magistrate | A grim state | EveningStar | Jun 05 TT |
Magistrate | Gait master | Spud | May 1927 |
Magistrate | I tag master | Duncan | Oct14 99GD |
Magnetic | Magic net | Eureka | Nov 87 OMM |
Magnetical | A magic lent | Eureka | Nov 87 OMM |
Magniloquence | Claque goin', men | EmmoW | Jun 1952 |
Magnitude, the | And huge it met | Francolin | Sep 1916 |
Maharaja | Am a rajah | TryemAll | Sep 1928 |
Mahimahi | I, ham? I, ham!* | Ulk | Jan 1991 |
Maid of Orleans, the | Has led men; fair, too | Archimedes | May 1952 |
Maid of Orleans | A damsel [of] iron | Archimedes | May 1952 |
Maid of the Mist | I, 'midst [the] foam | Jason | Jun 1901 |
Maidenliness | Lines in dames | Enavlicm | Dec 1925 |
Maidenly | Lady mien | Nightowl | Jul 1971 |
Maidenly | Men? daily!* | Ulk | Feb 1990 |
Maidens | Men's aid | Arcanus | Aug 1 97Co |
Maidservant, the | I, man that served* | Arcanus | Dec 1943 |
Mail-order catalogue, the | Aid rural home to get lace | WrongFont | Mar 1931 |
Mail-order catalogues, the | I deal at home; regular cost | FredDomino | Jan 1953 |
Mail-order houses, the | Hits our home dealers | FredDomino | May 1950 |
Main attractions, the | A star into act in them | Hoho | Feb 1964 |
Maine | NE am I | SueDeNymme | Jun 1935 |
Mainstay, a | Ay, stamina | PuzLDure | Mar 1920 |
Maison de ville | O, idle man lives | Alcyo | Jan 1925 |
Maitre d'hotel | Doth meal rite | TheGink | Sep 1972 |
Make oneself scarce, to | Come flee or sneak, scat | Moonshine | Nov 1916 |
Make yourself scarce, to | Cue of "scram, Katy, or else" | PalinAnagr | Not dated |
Maladministration | Mistrial, damnation! 39 | Moonshine | May 1926 |
Malcontents | Not calm nest | LAllegro | Feb10 01EO |
Malcontents | Sent not cal | Nyas | May16 95My |
Male chauvinist pig | Gal cues him: anti-VIP | Tut | Jan 1977 |
Male chauvinist | A he uncivil at Ms. | Rho | Jun 1974 |
Malediction | Elicit "O, damn!" | AlecSander | Mar 1926 |
Malediction | O, I'm idle cant | Hoodwink | Apr 1967 |
Maledictions | Lo, I cite damns | Merlin | Mar 1977 |
Maledictions | Malison cited | DCVer | Jul 1931 |
Malefactions | I am felons' act | PoorRichard | Nov 1931 |
Malefactor | Craft o' male | Katmat | Jan 1942 |
Malevolence | Calm, e'en love* | Travv | Jul 1977 |
Malevolence | Me clean love* | Hoho | Jan 1969 |
Malevolent | Lament love | EveningStar | Jun 05 TT |
Malevolent | Let man love* | RayleRhoder | Jan 1945 |
Malevolent | Mental love* 51 | Hoosier | Apr 1934 |
Maliciousness | Soul's nice aims* | FredDomino | Oct 1952 |
Malingerer | Erring male | Enavlicm | Not Dated |
Malingerers | Men are girls | Enavlicm | Mar 1918 |
Mallemaroking | I'm lone gum lark | BlueHenChick | Sep 1932 |
Malted milk | Kid'll eat! mm! | Hudu | Dec 1985 |
Malversation | Am an evil sort | SuSan | Feb 1933 |
Malversation | Evil arts, O man | Enavlicm | Sep 08 NP |
Man of destiny | Din my fate, son! | ElUqsor | Aug 1956 |
Man of distinction, the | Him? is not noted, in fact* | Baful | Nov 1967 |
Man of the hour | Oft human hero | Baful | Nov 1967 |
Man-eater | Near-tame* | Anemone | Aug 1984 |
Manager, the | He great man | Nypho | Aug 1913 |
Manager | A German | Pearson |
Manager | Ran game | Viking | Nov 1967 |
Manchurian | U R Chinaman | Dracula | Sep 1931 |
Mandatory | Do try a man | IMWise | Jul 99 MT |
Manducate | Man ate cud | EmmoW | May 1935 |
Manducatory | O, man! try a cud | EmmoW | May 1935 |
Manifest destiny | I find my nest east* | DirtyJack | Sep 1989 |
Manifestation | A fantom ties in | AyayeKay | Oct 1943 |
Manliness | Man's lines | Yercas | Feb 1931 |
Mannered | Dern mean* | Viking | Sep 1964 |
Manouevers | Moves near U | SAmple | Apr 1933 |
Manufactories, the | Fast machine route | Violet | Aug18 06NP |
Manuscript | Print us, Mac | Acorn | May 1981 |
Maple sugar | Real sap gum | CAR | Jun 6 13Co |
Maple syrup | M...purely sap | Brutus | Jul 1979 |
Maranatha, the | Rath anathema | BlueHenChick | Jan 1941 |
Marathoner | R. Mota ran, eh? | TeZirMan | Nov 1988 |
Marchioness, a | Ah, so nice a Mrs. | Jason | Mar15 05AP |
Mardi Gras festival, the | Great mirth lives as fad | Jemand | Apr 1913 |
Marginate | Rim: agnate | Arcanus | Nov 1934 |
Marginated | And get a rim | Damonomad | Apr 1931 |
Marijuana cigarettes | Attain jag: sure a crime | FredDomino | Jul 1953 |
Marimba, the | Hammer a bit | WrongFont | Feb 1938 |
Mariner's compass, the | Can steer ship so,Marm | Meno | Apr 1917 | |
Mariner's compass, the | I chart seaman's romps | AwlWrong | Jul 1937 |
Mariner's compass, the | Masters ocean ship, Mr. | AwlWrong | Jul 1937 |
Mariposa, the | Trim sea opah | BlueHenChick | Nov 1928 |
Marital disputes | A disaster: lump it | ESCrow | Nov 1910 |
Marital disputes | At mild spats, I rue | Q | Oct 1910 |
Maritime | I mime tar | Hoho | Mar 1966 |
Marlinspike, a | Sailmaker pin | Viking | Nov 1971 |
Marmennill, a | Merman, in all 82 | AwlWrong | May 1946 |
Marriage ceremony, the | O, my! a mere ring act here | Q | Oct 1921 |
Marriage contracts, the | Great contraries match | ESCrow | Aug 1911 |
Marriage proposal, the | Oh, Marital agreer "pops" | Arcanus | May 1939 |
Marriage settlement, a | Meet, mate, arrange list | Moonshine | Jun 1919 |
Marriage, the | Aha, merger, it | AbStruse | Feb 1983 |
Marriage, the | Heart mirage | TomAHawk | Mar 1 08AP |
Marriage | A grim era 27 | Nox | Aug 9 13BI |
Marriageable daughter | But I heard, a rare gal (gem) | Atlantic | Dec 1981 |
Marriageable daughter | Girl: get'er a beau, Ma; hard | Atlantic | Dec 1981 |
Marriageable daughter | Raid, gauge marble heart | Atlas | Apr 1922 | |
Married couple | Cupid o'er realm | AwlWrong | May 1943 |
Married man, the | I'm her darn mate | Q | Oct 1910 |
Married man, the | Mirth near dame | ESCrow | Nov 1910 |
Married woman | Now I'm drear, Ma | Q | Apr 11 IMM |
Married woman | O, Mr., I drew a man | Spreggs | Dec 1940 |
Married | Err, maid | ESCrow | Nov 1910 |
Married | I'm drear | Q | Oct 1910 |
Mars | Arms | Primrose | Jun 1940 |
Martial law | Am ill at war* | BeauNed | Apr 1933 |
Martial law | I'm all at war | Victor | Dec 1898 |
Martian, the | It: earthman* | Sibyl | Sep 1986 |
Masculine | "man" is clue | AlecSander | Jan 1925 |
Masculine | Minus lace 89 | Hoho | Aug 1946 |
Mashed potatoes | Shape most do eat | AlecSander | Nov 1918 |
Masher, the | Sham there | Francolin | Jul 1915 |
Masochist, the | He stomachs it | Ixaxar | Jun 1949 |
Mason and Dixon's Line | On Dixie's no-man's-land | Molemi | Aug 1925 |
Mason-Dixon Line, the | Lo! man's on Dixie then | DCVer | Feb 1934 |
Masquerade parties | Aim at queer dress, Pa | JoelHHint | Jan 7 89Me |
Masquerade, the | Hats made queer | Archimedes | Feb 1940 |
Masquerade | Queer as mad | Anonymous | 62 Wheat |
Masquerader, the | Queer sham trade 13 | Lateo | Sep16 06NP |
Masqueraders, the | Hat am queer dress | BeeWilder | Jan 1943 |
Mass meeting | Times men gas | Stocles | Dec24 08Co |
Massachusetts | State has scums | IScream | Jun 1924 |
Massacre | Mars case | FredDomino | May 1953 |
Masseur | Use arms! | DeeSweet | Feb 1988 |
Masseur | Uses arm | Hoho | Jan 1964 |
Master detectives | Vets detest a crime | Viking | Jul 1931 |
Master of Arts, the | Test for a smart he | Katmat | May 1935 |
Master of Arts | O, far smartest | Leip | Apr 1933 |
Master of ceremonies, the | After mess there I come on | TheGopher | Oct 1954 |
Master of ceremonies, the | Come here to see first man | Moonshine | Oct 1916 |
Master of ceremonies, the | He seems finer actor to me | FredDomino | Dec 1953 |
Master | A set Mr. | Jason | May15 05AP |
Mastered | Met dares | Larry | Jul 1947 |
Mastermind, a | I'm smart dean | Viking | Jul 1931 |
Mastermind, a | Smart named, I | Hoho | Nov 1972 |
Masterpiece, a | See me, I cap art | DCVer | Nov 06 Or |
Masterpiece | Peer: it's acme | AChem | Aug 1969 |
Masterpiece | See prime act | DCVer | Nov 1915 |
Masterpieces | Seem art epics | Orion | Apr 1925 |
Masticate, to | Moist eat act | Viking | Aug 1972 |
Masturbate | Rubs at meat | AbStruse | Jul 84 UnE |
Masturbated | Sat, rub'd meat | Famulus | Jul 84 UnE |
Mater Dolorosa, the | O, tears load mother | AwlWrong | Mar 1937 |
Mater Dolorosa, the | Ordeals to a mother | AwlWrong | Apr 1938 |
Mater Dolorosa, the | Sad role to a mother | AwlWrong | Mar 1937 |
Materfamilias, the | A fertile Mama, this | Ulk | Mar 1987 |
Materfamilias | Familiar mates | Wehanonowit | Feb 1935 |
Materia medica | I medicate Mara | ExcelCOrr | Jul 1930 | |
Materialism | Aim t' realism | Wehanonowit | Feb 1935 |
Materialism | Ma'm, i-it's real | TimIddity | Jul 1924 |
Maternity | Amen, try it | Hoho | Feb 1938 |
Matinee idol | In late mode, I | DCVer | Mar 1934 |
Matinee idol | Note: I'm ideal | DCVer | Mar 1934 |
Matinee idols | "it" men so ideal | DCVer | Mar 1934 |
Matinee idols | I entail modes | DCVer | Mar 1934 |
Matriheritage | I, Ma, heir target | TheGink | Jun 1974 |
Matrimonial agenices, the | I tie man's name to each girl | DCVer | Apr 1913 |
Matrimonial agents | Mate-naming a lot, sir | Amanovlettus | Mar 1937 |
Matrimonial | Ain't immoral | Hoho | Oct 1970 |
Matrimonial | Anti-immoral | AlecSander | Jan 6 06TT |
Matrimonial | O, man, I'm trial | Lateo | Apr 1924 |
Matrimonially | I'm only marital | Remardo | Sep 1918 | |
Matrimonially | I, Mar lot, mainly | MCS | Dec19 99Co |
Matrimony | I try? no, m'am | Gwendoline | Sep 5 97Co |
Matrimony | Into my arm | Anonymous | 62 Wheat | 20 |
Matrimony | Miry to man | DCVer | Jul 1920 |
Matrimony | O, trim many | Q | Oct 1910 |
Matrimony | Riot, my man | Q | Nov 1914 |
Matrimony | Yon trim Ma | ESCrow | Nov 1910 |
Matter of course | Or some true fact | FredDomino | Jun 1950 |
Mattress, a | Mat as rest | AwlWrong | Oct 1935 |
Mattress, the | That rests me | Hoho | Oct 1940 |
Mattress | Mat rests | Gemini | Nov 1921 |
Mausers | Use arms | Papav | Mar 1988 |
Mayflower, the | Wary, left home | Sibyl | Sep 1963 |
Maypole, the | Oh, play meet | Patristocrat | Aug 1941 |
Meadowlark | Aw, medlar! OK? | Travv | Nov 1985 |
Meadows | As mowed | Larry | Jun 1973 |
Mean-spirited | In a distemper | Viking | May 1940 |
Mean-spirited | It spied me, ran | Nypho | Jun 1949 |
Mean-spirited | Said in temper | Viking | Dec 1939 |
Meaninglessness | Mingle sans sense | FredDomino | Mar 1955 |
Measure, the | Meter has use | Kenneth | Nov 1925 |
Measured | Made sure | Enavlicm | Jun 08 NP |
Measurements | Man uses meter | Katmat | Nov 1941 |
Meat Markets | Me stark Mart | Enavlicm | Dec 1931 |
Meat loaf | Oft a meal | Enavlicm | Nov 1928 |
Meat shortage | Get roast? ah, me! | Tut | Feb 1974 |
Mechanical drawing, a | Ach, I can draw line, mag | TerryBull | Apr 1920 |
Mechanical engineer | Can reline GE machine | FredDomino | Sep 1956 |
Mechanical powers, the | Machines to help a crew | ORange | Aug 91 Ke |
Mechanicalness | Cleans machines | Ralph | Oct 1926 |
Mechanicians | I scan machine | Balmar | Jan20 00Pe |
Mechanotherapists | These charms to pain | Zoroaster | May 1929 |
Mediations | No, it aids me | EssEll | Apr21 06NP |
Mediators | "aid me" sort | Enavlicm | May 1927 |
Medical diagnosis, the | Doc might nail disease | AbStruse | Jul 1936 |
Medical diagnosis, the | Hi! MD locating disease | Molemi | Oct20 06NP |
Medical man, the | 'at leech? damn 'im!* | GiGantic | Sep 1933 |
Medical practitioner, the | I,MD,I correct (heal) patient | Arcanus | Aug 1942 |
Medical prescriptions | Doc's prim Latin recipes | Viking | May 1932 |
Medical profession, the | A doctor's fine help is me | Francolin | Mar 1917 |
Medical profession, the | Doctors shape life in me | Viking | Apr 1933 |
Medical profession, the | Find healers' composite | Viking | Apr 1933 |
Medical profession, the | I cede men for hospitals | AwlWrong | Aug 1941 |
Medical profession, the | I'm force hospitals need | Viking | Apr 1933 |
Medical profession, the | It minds scope of healer | Viking | Apr 1933 |
Medical profession, the | Oh, see place in it for MDs | FredDomino | Jan 1959 |
Medicaster, the | Meet Dr.: is cheat | ESCrow | Nov 1931 |
Medication | Diet a-comin' | Enavlicm | Feb 1938 |
Medications | Tonics aid me | Travv | Jan 1975 |
Medicine man, a | Acme Indian, me | Francolin | Apr 1917 |
Medicine man | I name nice MD | ProblemChild | Mar 1974 |
Meditation | I nod at time | CAH | Feb 12 IMM |
Meditations | O, in dim state | Ahmed | Dec24 87St |
Mediterranean Sea, the | I'm here, end at Near East | Blackstone | Oct 1949 |
Mediterranean fruit flies | Infiltrate: farm ruined, see? | Elspeth | Oct 1981 |
Mediterranean fruit fly | Defiantly ruin tree farm | MitziChrist+ | Dec 81 4*P |
Meerschaum pipes | Prime! chaps use 'em | JSeezer | Apr24 15BI |
Megaliths | Light as me* | Alf | Mar 1983 |
Megalomania | A main goal: me | Mangie | Oct 1976 |
Megalomaniac, the | Ego claimeth a man | Nypho | Jul 1949 |
Megatherium | I get a hummer | Amaranth | Oct 1924 |
Melancholia | Each moan ill | Oracles | Sep 1916 |
Melancholies | A solemn chiel | JoMullins | Feb 9 99MM |
Melancholiness | O, chill meanness | SamSlick | Nov 1916 |
Melancholiousness | O, launches no smiles | AChem | Apr 1970 |
Melancholy Dane, the | Can heed only Hamlet 31 | DCVer | Jan 98 Qu |
Melancholy Dane, the | Lo, can he deny Hamlet? | AbStruse | Apr 1982 |
Melancholy | Cham lonely | Tav | May 1974 |
Melodic | I'm dolce | Hoho | Oct 1960 |
Melodrama | Am mad role | Amaranth | Jan 1914 |
Melodramatic | A more mild act* | FredDomino | Sep 1952 |
Melodramatics | Actor's dilemma | DoubleH | Jul 1983 |
Melodramatics | I'm mad-act roles | AyayeKay | Jan 1943 |
Melodramatics | Lad mimes actor | Baful | Aug 1966 |
Memorial Day | A memory dial | Torfrida | May20 97My |
Memorial Day | A memory laid | SirOrm | Jan 1933 |
Memorial Day | Laid a memory | AnnieLaurie | May 93 Th | 33 |
Memorial Day | O'er a mild May | LieLey | Dec 1898 |
Memorial Day | O, real 'mid May | Torfrida | Apr18 97Co |
Memorial gardens, the | Dig: mortals here (amen!) | Ulk | Oct 1988 |
Menageries, the | Their game seen | FredDomino | Dec 1952 |
Mendaciously | Ay, scum lied on | Hoodwink | May 1948 |
Mendaciousness | A cussed sin, O men! | Hoho | Mar 1943 |
Mene mene tekel upharsin | El eke Persian men, hunt me | ESCrow | May 1927 |
Mene mene tekel upharsin | The mural pi seen, men knee | Hercules | Jul 1946 |
Mental delusion, a | I'm not all due sane | Viking | Jun 1940 |
Mental delusion, a | Mull idea not sane | Atlantis | Jun 1925 |
Mental delusions, the | These all in nut's dome | Viking | Feb 1965 |
Mental delusions | Does mean "li'l nuts" | Viking | Dec 1939 |
Mental institution, a | Lo, nut inmate sat in it | AbStruse | Jul 1987 |
Mental institution, a | Lo, nut inmate sat in it | DavidShulman | Dec 81 4*P |
Mental reservations, the | Latent evasions there, Mr. | AChem | May 1971 |
Mentally deficient | I tally defect in men | PearlieGlen | Jan 1927 |
Mentally disturbed | Barmy lid unsettled | AbStruse | May 1982 |
Mephisto Waltz, the | Me hep to what Lizst? | Tut | Dec 1975 |
Mephistopheles | He Sheol's pet imp 39 | EmmoW | Jul 1932 |
Mephistopheles | Helps hot imp, see! | FredDomino | Jun 1950 |
Mephistopheles | Oh, see h--l's pet imp | EmmoW | Jul 1932 |
Mephistopheles | The people hiss 'm | DeeGee | Apr 1957 |
Mephistophelianly | O, ape the sly imp in h--l | Viking | May 1969 |
Mercantile establishment | I can sell them best raiment | FredDomino | Aug 1953 |
Mercator's projection, the | Joint correct maps hereto | DCVer | Jan 99 MT |
Mercenary woman, the | E'er want money charm | Q | Oct 1912 |
Mercenary | Meaner cry | Yercas | Apr 1927 |
Merchandise | Riches named | Enavlicm | Apr 1931 |
Merchant princes | Scan pert rich men | Myself | Mar16 07NP |
Merchant tailor | Man art clothier | Binks | Jan12 99MM |
Merchants | Starch men | Remardo | Nov18 05NP |
Mercifully | Fly! I'm cruel* | AChem | Apr 1929 |
Mercifully | I full mercy | Yercas | Oct 1928 |
Merciless | Less crime* | Cincinnatus | Nov 1925 |
Meretricious | I'm o'er-cute, sir | FredDomino | Aug 1966 |
Meretricious | O, I merit curse | Xquiq | Jul 1934 |
Mergenthaler linotype, the | Oh, all printing men get thee | Chet | Oct 1947 |
Merino, a | One ram, I | TeZirMan | Jul 1985 |
Mermaids | Mid-sea, Mr. | Patristocrat | Oct 1940 |
Mesartim | Me: I'm star | Nightowl | Mar 1986 |
Messiah, the | IHS as theme | AwlWrong | Jan 1943 |
Messiah | Is 'e sham? | AbStruse | Feb 1938 |
Messieurs | Sirs use me | Jason | Mar15 05AP |
Messieurs | Um...see "sirs" | SakrElBahr | May 1935 |
Metamorphose | Other pose, Ma'm | Cris | Jun 1917 |
Metamorphoses | More phases, Tom | Spica | Dec 1923 |
Metamorphoses | More shapes, Tom | ROVer | Feb12 87St |
Metamorphosis | Shape man to sir | Hap | Nov 1976 |
Metaphor | Trope, ham? | Hap | Jul 1975 |
Metaphors | Sham trope* | Evergreen | Sep 1930 |
Metaphysical | Heap mystical | Hoho | Dec 1954 |
Metaphysicians | Mystics in a heap | TH | Apr 2 01Co |
Metathesis | It's the same* 79,84,89 | FredDomino | Dec 1963 |
Meteoric shower, a | O, where comets air | FredDomino | Jun 1950 |
Meteorological data | O, meet old air catalog | NovusHomo | May 1932 |
Meter maid | Timer-dame 4*P83 | Volar | Feb 1979 |
Methodicalness | The class in mode | Moonshine | Aug 1927 |
Methodist, a | At this mode | Balmar | Oct 4 02MA |
Methodist | The modist | Balmar | Nov15 02MA |
Metric measure | Marm, cue, I: stere | TheGink | Jul 1961 |
Metronomical | Cool timer, man | Viking | Aug 1964 |
Metropolis, a | Is top o' realm | AbStruse | Mar 1940 |
Metropolitan Opera House, the | Homer appealeth: riotous tone | Molemi | Oct 1956 |
Metropolitan Opera House, the | Oratorio theme haunts people | BNatural | Jul 1960 |
Metropolitan Opera House, the | Popular theater home to noise | BNatural | Jul 1960 |
Metropolitan Opera House, the | Theater to harmonious people | Resolute | May30 06Co |
Metropolitan Opera House, the | Theater to harmonious people | Resolute | May30 06Co |
Metropolitan Opera House | Lo! aha! I promote pure notes | DavidShulman | Jan 82 4*P |
Metropolitan Opera House | O, I hear notes popular to me | AbStruse | Jun 1981 |
Metropolitan Opera House | O, a popular tenor home site | PhilipCohen | Jan 82 4*P |
Metropolitan Opera, the | Let me hear it! pop? O,no, art, | Mangie | May 1978 |
Metropolitan Opera, the | Plain theater to poor me | Viking | May 1963 |
Metropolitan Opera | Lo, matinee troop par | Kay | Jan 1963 |
Mexican hot tamale, a | [hot] meat a la [Mexican] | ALone | May 1932 |
Michelob beer | I be "belch more" | Nightowl | Feb 1976 |
Micrometers | More metrics | Googol | Oct 1977 |
Micrometry | Come, try rim | Wehanonowit | Oct 1939 |
Microradiometers | Radiomicrometers | Evergreen | Aug 1932 |
Midas touch, the | Ho, cash due mitt | ArchieTech | Oct 1959 |
Middle Ages, the | These, e.g.: D-MLI AD | Ruthless | Jun 1985 |
Middle course, a | Lauds mediocre | AwlWrong | Jul 1947 |
Midnight | Dim thing | EZ2C | Dec 1898 | 23 |
Midshipman | Mind his map | Anonymous | 62 Wheat |
Mighty hunter, a | Aim thy gun, eh, T.R.? | Nightowl | Mar 1978 |
Migratory | Tarry? I'm "go" | AyayeKay | Nov 1942 |
Milestones | Notes miles | Lateo | Jan 1924 |
Milestones | Time lesson | LeeFrance | Jul 1980 |
Militant feminists | "anti" fists limit men | TheGink | Sep 1971 |
Militarism | I limit Mars* | AlecSander | Jun 1919 | |
Militarism | I limit arms* 27,31 | Barnyard | Jul 1917 |
Military aeroplanes, the | Help! see total army in air | Jemand | Nov 1912 |
Military man, a | I'm any martial | Arcanus | Sep 1935 | |
Military man, the | I'm that army line | Viking | Jan 1936 |
Military preparedness | I'd present army plea, sir | Remardo | Apr 1917 |
Military uniforms | I limn suit for army | Viking | Sep 1968 |
Mimmation | I'm a mint o' "M" | AwlWrong | May 1942 |
Minaret | Art in me | Enavlicm | Jan 1920 |
Minarets | Trim, sane | Enavlicm | Nov 1922 |
Mince pies | Spice in 'em | Ithaca | Sep29 87Ar |
Mind one's own business, to | Don't nose in:"wimen" boss us | Moonshine | Feb 1919 |
Mineral kingdom, the | Make gold in her mint | XSpecked | Mar 1942 |
Mineralogists, the | Males sight tin ore | Viking | Mar 1965 |
Mini | I'm "in" | Twisto | Jul 1988 |
Miniature golf | I.e., I am runt [golf] | SkyLight | Sep 1931 |
Miniaturely | A rule: I'm tiny | Hoho | Jan 1955 |
Miniaturists, the | Thus is item in art | Viking | Aug 1971 |
Minimifidians, the | I find I'm in atheism | Nypho | Mar 1949 |
Minister of the Gospel, a | He's it: sage pilot for men | FredDomino | Nov 1950 |
Minister of the Gospel, a | If lost, is great hope, men | FredDomino | Nov 1950 |
Minister, a | Is rite man | Spud | Aug 23 IRR |
Minister, a | It: amen, sir | Osaple | Oct 1974 |
Minister | I, I'm stern | LewWard | Jun18 87St |
Minister | Sin timer | Ralph | Dec15 01AP |
Ministerial benches, the | H.M. cabinet is here: listen! | Tartarin | Nov 1936 |
Ministers | Remit sins | ONEOne | Apr20 05NP |
Minnesota | Name it, son | Barbara | Jun 71 REL |
Minnows | Non-swim* | FredDomino | Nov 1953 |
Minority Leader, the | Merit head Tory line | Hoho | Mar 1969 |
Minus quantity | Quaint tiny sum | Arcanus | Jun 1935 |
Minutes | Time sun 29 | Resolute | 05 GD |
Minyan | Many in | Ralph | Apr 1931 |
Mirabile dictu | I dub it miracle 32,49 | Tunste | Jan 1927 |
Miracle, a | I am clear* | BeauNed | Apr 1939 |
Mirage | Air gem | RaeKing | Jul28 98GD |
Mirage | Imager | Kenneth | Oct 25 IRR |
Mirages, the | A mere sight | AbStruse | Jul 1980 |
Mirages | Air gems | Evergreen | Mar 1941 |
Misadventure | I've met sad run | Amor | Jul 1950 |
Misadventure | Maid's venture | Hoho | May 1945 |
Misalliance | Am in ill case | MCS | Jul14 03Co |
Misanthrope, a | Ipso man-hater | LZH | Dec 1929 |
Misanthrope, a | Is po' man-hater | Balmar | May12 00AP |
Misanthrope, a | Man to rap is he | DCVer | Jun 1913 |
Misanthrope, a | O, rip hates man | TheCelt | Jan20 06NP |
Misanthrope, the | Hate men? pish! rot!* | Spreggs | Dec 1932 |
Misanthrope, the | Hi, spot men-hater | DavidShulman | Feb 82 4*P |
Misanthrope, the | Hip! hate men sort | EveningStar | Aug15 89Mc |
Misanthrope, the | His heart top, men* | Hoodwink | Jan 1962 |
Misanthrope | Another simp | Tunste | Feb 1927 |
Misanthrope | Hate romps in | Jason | Mar15 05AP |
Misanthrope | I sharp to men | Yercas | Oct 1932 |
Misanthrope | PS: I'm no hater* | CornCob | Aug 1985 |
Misanthrope | Spare him not | Anonymous | 1833 FarmA |
Misanthrope | Spare him not | Fash | 1835 |
Misanthropes, the | Hi! stop! men-haters | LarryMcGuig+ | Aug18 00MA |
Misanthropes, the | So th' rips hate men | Hoho | Jun 1938 |
Misanthropist, the | Hates: I'm thin sport | TheGopher | Sep 1966 |
Misanthropist | Timonist harps | Travv | Aug 1982 |
Misarranged | Mars reading | Nyas | Jul 6 88Pn |
Miscalculation | Account LL as MII | Acorn | Jan 1973 |
Miscalculation | I call a miscount 70 | Jason | Feb 1910 |
Miscalculation | I miscall a count | DCVer | Mar 1915 |
Miscegenates | A genetic mess | Hap | Aug 1973 |
Miscegenation | Nice teaming so* | Mangie | Dec 1976 |
Miscellaneous | Case, elm, oil, sun | Osaple | Oct 1954 |
Miscellaneous | Some cues in all | Si | Oct 1937 |
Miscellanies | Clean similes* | DCVer | Dec 1934 |
Mischief-maker | Mark if I scheme | Bolis | Nov 7 85GD |
Misconstruable, the | This be most unclear | Viking | Apr 1937 |
Misconstruable | I'm obscure slant | Xquiq | Dec 1936 |
Misconstruable | Isn't so clear, bum! | Tartarin | Dec 1936 |
Misdemeanant, a | 't is a mean man, Ed | Vesta | Apr 1920 |
Misdemeanants | Am sin-sated men | AyayeKay | Jan 1943 |
Misdemeanor | Deem as minor | AbStruse | May 1989 |
Misdemeanors | Made more sins | Mars | May 1933 |
Misericordias | O, sir, amid cries | AniseLang | Aug 9 88Pe |
Misfeasance | A sin faces me | OShaw | Nov 1927 |
Misfortune | It's more fun* | DCVer | Feb 1933 |
Misfortune | Oft ruins 'em | FredDomino | Dec 1952 |
Misfortune | Oft ruins me | DCVer | Feb 1933 |
Misfortune | Stem of ruin | FredDomino | Dec 1952 |
Mishna | Nashim 73 | AwlWrong | Dec 1942 |
Misinterpretations | Men assert I trip on it | Archimedes | Oct 1938 |
Misleading statement, a | Attesting man-made lies | FredDomino | Mar 1955 |
Misleading statement, a | Attesting man-made lies | FredDomino | Mar 1955 |
Misleading statement, a | Same, attesting damn lie | FredDomino | Mar 1955 |
Misleading statement, a | Same, attesting damn lie | FredDomino | Mar 1955 |
Misocapnist | Pa's nicotism* | Acorn | Nov 1973 |
Misogynist, the | He got Missy - nit!* | ArtyEss | Mar 1957 |
Misogynist | No, Missy - git! | Shyrene | Dec 1927 |
Misogynists, the | Miss "yes" tonight* | Hoho | Oct 1937 |
Misogynists, the | Miss not yet sigh | Hoho | Oct 1937 |
Misogynists, the | On mists ye sight | Hoho | Oct 1937 |
Misogynists, the | Ye sight not miss | Hoho | Oct 1937 |
Misopedist, the | Tot, despise him | Arcanus | Aug 1936 |
Mispronouncement, a | One can put misnomer | ArtyEss | May 1910 |
Misrepresentation | Mean person tries it | FredDomino | Oct 1963 |
Misrepresentation | Met a pretension, sir | AniseLang | Jul13 86Ts |
Misrepresentation | Misreport ain't seen* | FredDomino | Nov 1951 |
Misrepresentation | Misreport in Senate | FredDomino | Jan 1965 |
Misrepresentation | Simon Peter in tears | RWHJr | Jul 65 REL |
Misrepresentation | Sir, am I not pretense? | AniseLang | Dec15 02AP |
Misrepresentations | One interprets amiss | Amanovlettus | Jun 1934 |
Misrepresentations | Tire a missent person | MCS | Aug27 01Co |
Missing link, the | 'tis nigh men's ilk | DCVer | Dec 1926 |
Missionary, the | Met sin: ahoy, sir | AbStruse | Nov 1982 |
Missish | His Ms. is | Eos | Sep 1980 |
Misspelled | Smelled pis | WrongFont | Mar 1931 |
Misspellings | Singels, simpl | Deacon | Nov 1990 |
Misspent youth, a | I, my past one thus | Tut | Aug 1974 |
Misspent youth, a | This pays men out | Hoho | Jun 1955 |
Misspent youth, a | This pays men out | Hoho | Jun 1955 |
Mistaken identity, the | Attend ye! think it is me? | AbStruse | Dec 1979 |
Mistaken identity | D---! it isn't mine Katey | ArtyEss | Sep 1959 |
Mistaken identity | I ken it isn't my "date" | ArtyEss | Sep 1959 |
Mistaken identity | Tsk, I deny: it ain't me | DavidShulman | Sep 81 4*P |
Mister | Mr. site | AwlWrong | Sep 1943 |
Mistress, the | It's th' Mrs., see? | BlueHenChick | Mar 1929 |
Mistress | Mrs. is set | Jason | May15 05AP |
Misunderstanding, a | Damn snag is under it | NickTait | Jan 1952 |
Misunderstanding | Sad grin: I'm stunned | ArtyEss | Sep 1919 |
Misunderstood | Do set our minds | Gwendoline | Mar 1913 |
Misunderstood | So some did turn | DonOS | Nov 3 83GD |
Mixture | True mix | KappaKappa | Aug 1931 |
Mobilization | Am I not oil biz? | DhumbbBhelle | Oct 1958 |
Model, the | Mold thee | Amaranth | Nov 1915 |
Moderates | Are modest | Hap | Dec 1984 |
Modern times | I'm some trend | LeeFrance | Apr 1980 |
Modulation | I am not loud | Remardo | Nov 1919 |
Modus operandi, the | I par on method used | Hoho | Nov 1961 |
Modus operandi, the | Method is our end, Pa | Amaranth | Mar 1917 |
Modus operandi | I.e., d--- random opus* | BeauNed | Apr 1933 |
Mogilalia | "I-I'm a-a l-log" | Flora | Mar 1917 |
Molars | Morsal | AlTTude | Not Dated |
Moldiness | I'm oldness | AniseLang | Apr 91 Es |
Momentous | Some mount! | Hoho | Aug 1939 |
Mona Lisa, the | Ah, I am stolen | Amaranth | Nov 1911 |
Mona Lisa, the | Ah, not a smile* | Viking | Jul 1963 |
Mona Lisa, the | An' a hot smile | Twisto | Dec 1935 |
Mona Lisa, the | No hat, a smile | PalinAnagr | Not dated |
Mona Lisa, the | Not aha smile | Brutus | Sep 1976 |
Monarch butterfly | N.b., fluttery chroma | Nightowl | Dec 1984 |
Monarch, a | O, arch man | Primrose | Aug 1923 |
Monasteries, the | Stern homes a tie | Victor | Jul 8 99GD |
Monasteries | Amen stories | LordBaltimo+ | 96 GD |
Monasteries | Is a rest, O men | RAre | Dec 8 06NP |
Monasteries | No mates, sire | SuSan | Dec 1932 |
Monastery | My one star | FAEI | Sep 65 REL |
Monastery | O, many rest | Saxon | Sep 9 02Co |
Monastery | Tera, my son | Travv | Dec 1986 |
Monastic | Stoic man | Katmat | Nov 1941 |
Monetary difficulties | I direct a fistful money* | Castet | Dec 1933 |
Monetary | Money art | Ralph | Jul14 00AP |
Money-changer, a | One charge many | Phil | Aug23 03EO |
Money | Mo' yen | Patristocrat | Sep 1940 |
Mongolian race, the | Lo, Chinamen are got | Atlantis | May 1912 |
Mongrel pup, a | Real pom 'n' pug* | AChem | Dec 1970 |
Monkeyshines | He inks my nose | JackOLantern | Oct 1935 |
Monocarbonate | One carbon atom | Cicero | Jan 1922 |
Monologuists, the | O, listen! mouths go | MULater | Aug 1941 |
Monoplane, the | Meant lone hop | Mars | Jul 1927 |
Monopolies | Monies' pool | Arcanus | Jun 1935 |
Monopolist | Most in pool | TH | Sep 4 07Co |
Monotonous repetition, a | Postum? O, no,no,no I iterate | FredLot | Dec 1916 |
Monroe Doctrine, the | "no room" then recited | LordBaltimo+ | Apr 1 02AP |
Monroe Doctrine, the | Don't come in there, or.. | Amaranth | Dec 1916 |
Monroe Doctrine | "come not in" order | DCVer | Dec 1903 |
Monsieur | "sir" | SakrElBahr | May 1935 |
Monstrosities | O, it is monsters | Neoteric | Feb 1942 |
Monte Carlo | Lancet room | Nelsonian | 00 EO |
Monte Carlo | Moola cent'r | Ruthless | May 1988 |
Month of August, the | Hot sun fought at me | Osaple | Oct 1957 | |
Month of August, the | Thou hot gust fan me | Francolin | Sep 1914 |
Monument, a | On mute man | Hyperion | Mar23 04Co |
Moonlight Sonata, the | Smooth tone a la night | TimWheeler | Jul 83 4*P |
Moonlight serenade, a | Maid e'en longs to hear | Amaranth | Feb 1913 |
Moonlight serenader, a | He moans to endear girl | AwlWrong | Dec 1943 |
Moonlight serenader | Night solo meanderer | AwlWrong | Jan 1944 |
Moonlight serenades | Ah, sing me tender solo | Amaranth | Nov 1912 |
Moonlight serenades | Hear olden-time songs | Donatello | Feb 1913 |
Moonlight serenades | Then Romeos sing lead | Viking | Jun 1934 |
Moonlight | Night loom | Jason | May15 05AP |
Moonlight | Thin gloom 40,43 | Jason | Feb15 05AP |
Moonshine | I'm shone on | TheGink | Feb 1971 |
Moonshine | Nose on him | Enavlicm | Dec 1919 |
Moral rectitude | Could rate merit | TheGopher | Aug 1957 |
Moral rectitude | Do act merit rule | TheGopher | Feb 1962 |
Morganatically | All gay, romantic | Comrade | May 05 Or |
Moribund | Unmorbid* | Hoho | Jul 1952 |
Mormon Tabernacle Choir, the | Tinhorn chorale:mere mob act* | Hap | Oct 1975 |
Morning Star, the | Near night's mort | LordBaltimo+ | Sep 99 MT |
Morning Star, the | Streaming north | MayEss | Feb 98 HC |
Morning after, the | Ante night reform | Archimedes | May 1952 |
Morning after, the | Fret o'er night, man | TheGopher | Sep 1954 |
Morning after, the | Gent remain froth | Hoho | Aug 1961 |
Morning after, the | In great form then* 33 | Gemini | Oct 1925 |
Moron | O, norm* | Ixaxar | Oct 1935 |
Morphine addict, a | Man hit acrid "dope" | Viking | Mar 1934 |
Morphine addict, the | D--n it! cert, I'm hop-head | Viking | Aug 1937 |
Morse Code, the | Here come dots 51 | Si | Oct 1939 |
Mortality tables | Stall my obit-rate | MrRee | Oct 1949 |
Mosquitoes | O, Moses! quit 20,40 | Tranza | Oct23 08Co |
Most valuable player | Truly above male pals | Hap | Jul 1983 |
Mother Carey's chickens | Con the merry sea-chicks | AniseLang | Jul31 87La |
Mother Earth | Th' terra home | BNatural | Jul 1956 |
Mother Nature | True earth nom | AwlWrong | Aug 1938 |
Mother lode | The ore mold | AwlWrong | Dec 1942 |
Mother's Day | 's her [day], Tom | Travv | May 1985 |
Mother's Day | To her my ads | Oedipus | Oct 1961 |
Mother, a | Ho, mater | Gee | Jul 1914 |
Mother, a | Or "the Ma" | Viking | Dec 1970 |
Mother-in-law, a | Howler at man, I | AfterAll | NP |
Mother-in-law, a | Lo, I want her Ma | Q | Oct 1912 |
Mother-in-law, a | The woman liar | Ralph | Mar31 00AP |
Mother-in-law, a | Woman raileth | Balmartelia | May19 00Pe |
Mother-in-law | Woman Hitler | PalinAnagr | Not dated |
Mothers-in-law, the | We start h--l in home | Hercules | Jul 1927 |
Mothers-in-law | Men trials: who? | JustaSmith | Mar 1936 |
Mothers-in-law | O, her man wilts | Cryptanalyst | Jul 1936 |
Mothers-in-law | Show men trial | Nyas | Dec 1898 |
Mothers-in-law | What roils men | Bolis | Dec 1898 |
Motion picture, a | "cinema" to our pit | Viking | Jan 1969 |
Motion picture, a | Cinema? O, trip out! | TeZirMan | Mar 1989 |
Motion picture, a | Opiro in mute act | RachelCEhrl | Jun 1919 |
Motion picture, a | Our top cinema, it | FredDomino | Dec 1952 |
Motion pictures | Nor is topic mute | Mystic | Apr 1934 |
Motion-picture fans | Profit unto cinemas | Pat | Dec 1949 |
Motivate | Move at it | Travv | Oct 1986 |
Motivated | Moved at it | Enavlicm | Nov 1928 |
Motivation, the | I move it on that | BooJeeKay | Jun 1957 |
Motives | It moves! | Pat | Feb 1953 |
Mount Sinai | Is mountain | Amaranth | Aug 1930 |
Mount of Parnassus, the | Oft Pan's or Muse's haunt | Hercules | Jun 1926 |
Mountain climber | I clamber in mount | Arcanus | Aug 1945 |
Mountain dew | I undo "wet" man | Viking | Dec 1931 |
Mountain dew | O, I'm unwanted* | GiGantic | Jan 1931 |
Mountaintop | Up on to it, man! | Li'lGamin | Dec 1975 |
Mountebank, a | Mean at bunko | Hoho | Jul 1966 |
Mountebank | Bunko meant | Livedevil | Dec 1935 |
Mountebank | No bunk, mate* | FredDomino | May 1939 |
Mountebank | Note: am bunk | Amaranth | Jan 24 IRR |
Mountebank | To mean bunk 73 | MazyMasker | Jul 1945 |
Mountebankery | Ay, not mere bunk* | Serpeggiando | Oct 1926 |
Mountebanks | Bunko man set | Viking | Aug 1932 |
Mountebanks | Meant bunkos | AyayeKay | Jul 1943 |
Mountebanks | Men at bunkos | Hoho | Jan 1952 |
Mourning | Grim noun | Yercas | Mar 1933 |
Mourning | O, grim nun | Anonymous | 62 Wheat |
Moustache | Mouth case | Arcanus | Jun 1931 |
Moustaches | Mouth cases | ShooFly | Aug 96 Qs |
Mouthiness | Mine shouts | Pacifico | Dec 1953 |
Mouths, the | O, shut them | Osaple | Feb 1923 |
Moving picture show, a | Charming views up, too | Marmion | Apr 1935 |
Moving picture show, a | Group vows cinema "hit" | Marmion | Apr 1935 |
Moving picture show, a | I wish cuter vamp go on | Marmion | Apr 1935 |
Moving picture show, a | To magic view-shop run | Marmion | Apr 1935 |
Moving picture show, a | Vitascope grown, I hum | Marmion | Apr 1935 |
Mucilage | I.e., lac gum | Tunste | Mar 1935 |
Mule armadillo, the | Hello! armed mulita | Tav | Nov 1976 |
Muleteers | Steer mule | Donatello | Aug 1929 |
Mulligrubs, the | Light, rum blues | BlueHenChick | Sep 1932 |
Multiple personality | I mentally trio (supple) | DirtyJack | Aug 1988 |
Multiple sclerosis | I peril muscles? lots! | Hap | Nov 1978 |
Multiple sclerosis | Tissue or cells limp | HowBergersonPalinAnagr | Not dated |
Municipal bands | Plain band music | Amor | Oct 1923 |
Municipality | City in a lump, I 32 | PoorRichard | Jul 1928 |
Murderous | Rum-roused | Marmion | Jun 1 97MB |
Muscovites | Soviet scum | Hercules | Not Dated |
Music of the spheres | Ether's hums [of] epics | AyayeKay | May 1943 |
Music of the spheres | Ether's hums [of] epics | AyayeKay | May 1943 |
Musical comedies, the | I use comic themes, lad | Q | Apr 1920 |
Musical comedy, a | Comic lady amuse | Arcanus | Sep 1929 |
Musical comedy, the | My cuties hold acme | FredDomino | Dec 1953 |
Musical comedy, the | Yum! catch melodies | FredDomino | Dec 1953 |
Musical instruments | Clans strum us in time | Ixaxar | Jul 1989 |
Musical note | Unit comes "la" | DavidShulman | Jul 83 4*P |
Musicals, the | I hum, act less | Sigmasexspr+ | Oct 1973 |
Must | Stum | Larry | Jan 1972 |
Mustard plasters | Smart result pads | Atlantis | Mar 1925 |
Mutilators | 'tis a rum lot | Chris | Dec 1915 |
Muttering | Emit grunt | Anonymous | Not Dated |
Muzzle-loading rifle, the | Ol'[rifle] gun: I dazzle them | TheOzarkBoy | Oct 1935 |
Myocardial infarction | I, in fact, a mild coronary | Volar | Dec 1979 |
Myrmidon, a | On mid army | Kenneth | Feb 1959 |
Mysterious | Misty? O, sure | DABorgmann | May 1974WW |
Mysterious | O, 'tis my ruse | Tryon | Oct 16 FL |
Mysteriously | Sly is my route | DCVer | May 1931 |
Mystery of love, the | Very holy test [of] me | TheGopher | Mar 1954 |
Updated: May 10, 2016
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