Anagrammy Forum Archives - #6

13 June 2002 - 27 June 2002




Re: Ent or Name NOM ! Re: The Renaissance artist Raphael = He's a class pain... -- angela, 17:20:56 06/26/02 Wed

pls send me a copy about Raphael Sanzio as a paiter during his time

[> Re: Ent or Name NOM ! Re: The Renaissance artist Raphael = He's a class pain... -- Larry Brash, 21:04:28 06/27/02 Thu

>pls send me a copy about Raphael Sanzio as a paiter
>during his time

Raphael Sanzio =
He's a polar Nazi.

Germany against Brazil = In a starry, blazing game! -- Matjaz P., 04:45:45 06/27/02 Thu

[> Re: Germany against Brazil = In a starry, blazing game! NOM (Topical) -- Jaybur, 17:47:24 06/27/02 Thu

[> [> Re: Germany against Brazil = In a starry, blazing game! NOM thx jb -- Matjaz P., 19:01:41 06/27/02 Thu

The two Williams sisters, Venus and Serena = A ten... -- Jaybur, 19:36:18 06/25/02 Tue

The two Williams sisters, Venus and Serena = A tennis date: US smashers will serve to win

Posted using Sater anagram checker v. 5.0 (offline)
The latest version can be found at:

[> People's Names nom, Janet. -- Richard G, 19:48:54 06/25/02 Tue

[> [> Re:[ People's Names nom]Thanks, RG. Tennis match = Tim enchants! -- Jaybur, 07:49:50 06/27/02 Thu

The Tiller Girls -- David A. Green, 06:53:23 06/27/02 Thu

The famous Tiller Girls dancing troupe =
Adroit chorus line lift up leg garments!

One small step for a man, one giant leap for one-upmanship -- Richard G, 17:46:14 06/16/02 Sun

"That's one small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind." Neil Armstrong
Gentleman made first moon trip, thanks again to all personnel from NASA.


[> Re: (One small step for a man, one giant leap for one-upmanship)and one giant *NOM*, Richard! -- Jaybur, 20:53:54 06/16/02 Sun

[> Much better than Krakers' classic version (April 1998) -- Larry Brash, 00:00:07 06/17/02 Mon

[> [> Re: Much better than Krakers' classic version (April 1998) -- Matjaz P, 20:37:56 06/17/02 Mon

I disagree. While Richard's anagram is great,
the classic 'Off to Mars' version seems funnier to me,
and to me includes many layers of satire for
such a short sentence.

But like I said, my hat off to Richard!

[> [> [> Re: Much better than Krakers' classic version (April 1998) -- Larry Brash, 19:04:26 06/18/02 Tue

>I disagree. While Richard's anagram is great,
>the classic 'Off to Mars' version seems funnier to me,
>and to me includes many layers of satire for
>such a short sentence.

By current standards, th Krakowski version seems choppy and has no consistency in the tense. The "Off to Mars" is what makes it great, however. It will be famous for decades to come.
>But like I said, my hat off to Richard!

We both agree on this.


[> [> [> [> Whoops! "On to Mars!" is the punchline. -- Larry Brash, 19:44:19 06/18/02 Tue

[> [> [> Re: Much better than Krakers' classic version (April 1998) -- Richard G, 02:19:59 06/27/02 Thu

>I disagree. While Richard's anagram is great,
>the classic 'Off to Mars' version seems funnier to me,
>and to me includes many layers of satire for
>such a short sentence.

In that case......

"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." Neil Armstrong =
Apollo treks earthmen to Moon; a Net anagram finds itself planning Mars. :)

>But like I said, my hat off to Richard!

Thanks, Matjaz.


[> [> [> [> Re: Much better than Krakers' classic version (April 1998) -- Matjaz P., 05:46:23 06/27/02 Thu

>"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for
>mankind." Neil Armstrong =
>Apollo treks earthmen to Moon; a Net anagram finds
>itself planning Mars. :)

Grantham's lenient Moon-gram feels like Plato's darn footprint. Nasa, man?

Matjaz P.

[> Gorgeous one, Richard! NOM seconded! -- Santi, 20:53:53 06/17/02 Mon

>"That's one small step for a man; one giant leap for
>mankind." Neil Armstrong
>Gentleman made first moon trip, thanks again to all
>personnel from NASA.

[> [> Thank you all! -- Richard G, 01:53:37 06/18/02 Tue

[> Re: One small step for a man, one giant leap for one-upmanship -- Adrian H, 22:48:50 06/17/02 Mon

>"That's one small step for a man; one giant leap for
>mankind." Neil Armstrong
>Gentleman made first moon trip, thanks again to all
>personnel from NASA.
"Eagle" flips open antenna; transmits landmark signal from Moon to Earth.

[> [> Speaking of one-upmanship... Another NOM for Adrian! -- Richard G, 01:45:19 06/18/02 Tue

[> [> [> [Re: Speaking of one-upmanship... Another NOM for Adrian!] Thanks, RG. -- Adrian H, 02:10:18 06/18/02 Tue

[> A tribute to all conspiracy buffs! -- Paul Pan, 02:15:11 06/18/02 Tue

That's one small step for a man; one giant leap for
mankind." Neil Armstrong


NASA pranks planet! Terrestrial men shot a film montage of "Moon Landing."


[> [> Another angle deserves another NOM! Great, Paul. -- Richard G, 03:37:08 06/18/02 Tue

[> [> [> Thanks Richard, and needless to say I second the NOM of your Armstrong 'gram. -- Paul Pan, 18:39:05 06/18/02 Tue

[> Another take on "That's one small step..." -- Allan Morley, 15:12:49 06/18/02 Tue

"That's one small step for [a] man; one giant leap for mankind." Neil Armstrong
After little hops, gentleman skips an 'a' and mangles narration from Moon. ;-)


[> [> Heck, I like Allan's version too! *LONG NOM* and what have I started? :-O -- Richard G, 01:34:10 06/19/02 Wed

[> [> [> Re: Heck, I like Allan's version too! *LONG NOM* and what have I started? :-O -- Jaybur, 02:21:37 06/19/02 Wed

Yes, I like it too!

I wonder which word or well-known phrase has generated the most and the best anagrams over the years?


[> [> [> [> Re: I wonder which word or well-known phrase.... -- Joe F., 03:13:27 06/19/02 Wed

Janet wrote:
>I wonder which word or well-known phrase has generated
>the most and the best anagrams over the years?

"Ernesto Guiraldes" has to come close, surely!

[> [> [> [what have I started?] This month's Awardsmaster's Challenge, perhaps? -- Adrian H, 03:19:01 06/19/02 Wed

Animal Farm [probably helps if you know the ending] -- Richard G, 03:49:02 06/27/02 Thu

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
Another amoral lie, Squealer's quote means ham is all but a real man.


A short poem by Anne Stevenson -- Richard G, 02:15:44 06/27/02 Thu


Of course I love them, they are my children.
That is my daughter and this my son.
And this is my life I give them to please them.
It has never been used. Keep it safe. Pass it on.



My mother despises my every move:
No mess, loud music and cheap TV series, and that is that.
I think I might put the heifer in a home -
She's nearly fifty, the eerie old bat.


[> Excellent! *NOM* -- Paul Pan, 03:05:55 06/27/02 Thu

My mother, right or wrong = Throw erring hog-mom? Try!

[> [> Thanks, Paul. -- Richard G, 03:45:47 06/27/02 Thu

Religions, anagrammed... -- Paul Pan, 22:38:52 06/26/02 Wed

Unless you are a Rastafarian, you are likely to be offended by the below, so my sincere apologies in advance!

Agnosticism = Isn't so magic!
Bahai = Bahia
Buddhism = Dumb dish
Christianity = Tiny Irish cat = Is tin charity
Hinduism = Humid sin
Islam = I slam = S-mail (snail mail)
Jainism = I jam sin
Judaism = I'm Judas
Neopaganism = Apes moaning
Rastafarianism = Fair Samaritans
Satanism = A mint ass = I'm Satan's
Scientology = Isn't ecology
Shinto = Shit, no!
Sikhism = Kiss him!
Taoism = A moist
Zoroastrianism = Is a Nazism rotor

[> More religions, anagrammed... -- Paul Pan, 23:27:29 06/26/02 Wed

Asartu = A US rat
Confucianism = A fun comic sin
Jehovah's Witnesses = The Jewish son saves = Jove washes the sins
Mormonism = I'm Ms Moron
Shamanism = I smash man
Wicca = CIA WC (where agents take a leak)

[> [> Re: More religions, anagrammed... -- Richard G, 02:13:07 06/27/02 Thu

>Jehovah's Witnesses = The Jewish son saves

The best of the bunch IMO, but unfortunately it's old. Richard Brodie won the General category with it way back in June 1998 (this was before Other Names was created).

Nice rediscovery though, Paul.


[> [> [> Drats! :) N/T -- Paul Pan, 02:32:07 06/27/02 Thu

>>Jehovah's Witnesses = The Jewish son saves
>The best of the bunch IMO, but unfortunately it's old.
>Richard Brodie won the General category with it way
>back in June 1998 (this was before Other Names was
>Nice rediscovery though, Paul.

The first World Cup semi-final -- Richard G, 02:29:22 06/27/02 Thu

The Republic of Korea =
Boo elite Führer pack.


Oliver Kahn -- Adrian H, 20:21:43 06/26/02 Wed

The Germany captain Oliver Kahn
Ah! Ran in, kept goal in every match


[> Worth a Topical/People's Names nom, Adrian. -- Richard G, 02:07:21 06/27/02 Thu

Picture of Dorian Gray -- Mey K., 19:54:20 06/24/02 Mon

Oscar Wilde's 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'
Face in scary portrait grew old, hideous.

Mey K.

[> Re: Picture of Dorian Gray SPOT ON! ENT NOM! -- Larry Brash, 22:12:07 06/24/02 Mon

>Oscar Wilde's 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'
>Face in scary portrait grew old, hideous.

Cor! His face in portrait was eroded, ugly.

[> [> Re: [Picture of Dorian Gray SPOT ON! ENT NOM!] A winner! Seconded, Mey! -- Jaybur, 00:44:58 06/25/02 Tue

[> [> [> Re: Picture of Dorian Gray Thank you both! -- Mey K., 20:31:02 06/26/02 Wed

Yasser Arafat -- Mey K., 03:42:55 06/26/02 Wed

What the letters dealt me:

The PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat = Ah, fat Ariel Sharon eats my crap!

Mey K.

[> Re: Yasser Arafat -- Paul Pan, 15:06:14 06/26/02 Wed

The PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat = "Martyr"? Ah, Sharon fails at peace...

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon = His iron arms repel irate Islam in ire

The program "Anagram Genius" = Ah, upmost rearranging game! -- Joe F, 03:39:02 06/24/02 Mon

[> Re: The program "Anagram Genius" = Ah, upmost rearranging game! OTHER NAMES NOM, Joe -- Larry Brash, 22:15:28 06/24/02 Mon

[> [> Cheers Larry, my specialist category! -- Joe F., 07:56:09 06/25/02 Tue

[> Yes, it seems to have gone that way, Joe. -- Larry Brash, 00:26:57 06/26/02 Wed

Valentine's Day Anagram (rude) -- Joe F., 06:56:57 06/25/02 Tue

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet
And so are you


Air's so vile,
Asses are red.
Slut, you are eager
So we run to bed!

[> Yep, pretty much what the rhyme really means. ;) Long or Special nom, you pick. -- Richard G, 18:58:31 06/25/02 Tue

[> [> Long if that's ok, it won't stand a chance in hell in special! (If I choose long will it still go in the literary archives?) -- Joe F., 21:54:36 06/25/02 Tue

[> [> [> If I choose long will it still go in the literary archives? YES, JOE, it will. -- Larry Brash, 00:25:01 06/26/02 Wed

You say "Participate" on the homepage. Does it mean to "cite apt pair" ? ;-) -- Hans-Peter Reich, 04:59:14 06/25/02 Tue

Participate = Cite apt pair

Hope its new!

[> [Participate = cite apt pair] Clever catch, Hans-Peter. -- Richard G, 19:01:18 06/25/02 Tue

[> [> Re: Clever catch, Hans-Peter. Thanks Richard. -- Hans-Peter, 23:24:09 06/25/02 Tue

Gabriel Garcia Marquez meets Shakira (kinda rude) -- Paul Pan, 22:29:00 06/25/02 Tue

"Shakira's music has a personal stamp that doesn't look like anyone else's and no one can sing or dance like her, at whatever age, with such an innocent sensuality, one that seems to be of her own invention." Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Towering fake tits and an enormous 'n' eager ass can elicit quasi-erection boner to raving aged Nobel laureate loon.
With zest he hearkens, hails and evokes chosen Latina nymph (sans talent, with meek arias, cacophonous hymns).

(Quote from

An Impressionist = Inspiration? Mess! -- Joe F., 04:19:29 06/21/02 Fri

[> Re: An Impressionist = Inspiration? Mess! *NOM* -- Paul Pan, 18:55:57 06/25/02 Tue

[> [> Re: An Impressionist = Inspiration? Mess! *NOM* Thanks Paul! -- Joe F., 21:55:57 06/25/02 Tue

Pointillism = Millipoints :) -- Paul Pan, 19:05:27 06/21/02 Fri

[> Re: Pointillism = Millipoints :) Self-NOM -- Paul Pan, 18:57:01 06/25/02 Tue


[Spam snipped -- Ed.]

[> Holy Hell. We've been spammed! -- Larry Brash, 23:18:02 06/23/02 Sun


[> [> Re: Holy Hell. We've been spammed! NOM: You've been Nommed! -- Jaybur, 18:01:54 06/24/02 Mon

[> [> [> Thanks, Janet -- Larry Brash, 22:14:15 06/24/02 Mon

Lucian Freud (Long) -- Jaybur, 22:30:32 06/23/02 Sun

Lucian Freud: A German-born British painter.

The grandson of Sigmund Freud, he was born in Berlin. He came to England with his parents and acquired British nationality in nineteen thirty-nine. His earliest love was drawing, and he began to work full time as an artist after being invalided out of the Merchant Navy.

His Interior at Paddington (Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool) won a prize at the Festival of Britain, and since then he has built up a formidable reputation as one of the most powerful contemporary figurative painters. Portraits and nudes are his specialities, often observed in arresting close-up.

His early work was meticulously painted, so he has sometimes been described as a `Realist' (or rather absurdly as a Superrealist), but the subjectivity and intensity of his work has always set him apart from the sober tradition characteristic of most British figurative art since the Second World War. In his later work his handling became much broader.


This eminent, but controversial artist aims deliberately to astonish, disturb, seduce and convince. Harsh, brutal in his approach, he's no liar. He doesn't flatter, or hold back from illuminating reality; ordinary human wrinkles, hairy warts and all, are on his canvases. No romanticizing is apparent in *his* art. He maintains that honesty or truth in art is where real beauty lies.

We admire the nude gracing a Rembrandt painting. But see Freud's brutally honest work Benefits Supervisor Resting. The subject, one known as Big Sue, worked for the Department of Health and Social Security. She posed for a whole series of canvases, and he's hidden no detail, believe me! Imagine that gross, wobbling mass: it's a fat, blubbery woman who appears in dire need of liposuction!

It's difficult for a viewer to appreciate its artistic merit, this portrayal of an overweight, bare woman, if repulsed by her quite horrific girth!
And I add, warranting an alternative title: A Freudian Strip!

[> Re: Lucian Freud (Long) LONG NOM & a comment. -- Larry Brash, 23:01:46 06/23/02 Sun

Just this evening, Gaile was telling me a bit about Lucian Freud and his unflattering portrait of Queen Elizabeth.

[> [> Re: Lucian Freud (Long) LONG NOM & a comment.Thanks, Larry! -- Jaybur, 17:58:18 06/24/02 Mon

>Just this evening, Gaile was telling me a bit about
>Lucian Freud and his unflattering portrait of Queen

What a coincidence, Larry!

A major exhibition of his work has just opened at the Tate Britain, so he is in the national newspapers here just now. Opinion is divided about the Queen's protrait. It certainly doesn't flatter, but it does have an air of harsh realism!


Madonna :"Express your self" = Damn fool yearns super sex ! -- Zoran R., 05:29:46 06/24/02 Mon

Neurotics build castles in the sky, psychotics liv... -- Larry Brash, 21:52:05 06/20/02 Thu

Neurotics build castles in the sky, psychotics live in them, and psychiatrists collect the rent.
Tics? Cults? Still nutty, panicky or tetchy? Need Doc Brash's help? The clients visits are his income.

Posted using Sater anagram checker v. 5.0 (online)

[> SELF NOM in Long, in case I forget. -- Larry, 01:19:45 06/23/02 Sun

>Neurotics build castles in the sky, psychotics live in
>them, and psychiatrists collect the rent.
>Tics? Cults? Still nutty, panicky or tetchy? Need Doc
>Brash's help? The clients' visits are his income.

Anagrammatic address on Internet -- Zoran R., 08:42:49 06/22/02 Sat

During my surfing on net,I saw the site (friend and finder
are anagrams).Very funny word !

Does anyone know something like that ?


The smash hit = Ah,"The Smiths" ! -- Yugoguy, 08:16:57 06/22/02 Sat

Believe it or not - I LOVE TO BE INERT ! -- Yugoguy, 04:43:15 06/19/02 Wed

[> Re: Believe it or not - I LOVE TO BE INERT ! I believe you, Yugoguy :-) General NOM! -- Allan Morley, 14:42:04 06/20/02 Thu

[> [> Re: Believe it or not - I LOVE TO BE INERT ! Thanks,Allan,I guess it is in nature of my countryman ! :-) -- Yugoguy, 07:29:08 06/22/02 Sat

Some spam I received... -- Adrian H, 02:41:18 06/21/02 Fri

As seen on NBC, CBS, CNN, and even Oprah! The health discovery that actually reverses aging while burning fat, without dieting or exercise! This proven discovery has even been reported on by the New England Journal of Medicine. Forget aging and dieting forever! And it's Guaranteed!
Click here:
Would you like to lose weight while you sleep!
No dieting!
No hunger pains!
No Cravings!
No strenuous exercise!
Change your life forever!
1. Body Fat Loss 82% improvement.
2. Wrinkle Reduction 61% improvement.
3. Energy Level 84% improvement.
4. Muscle Strength 88% improvement.
5. Sexual Potency 75% improvement.
6. Emotional Stability 67% improvement.
7. Memory 62% improvement.


New experimental system of male contraception!
Revealed on BBC Radio's programme Farming Today: "Instead of recommending environmentally unfriendly methods of child prevention (e.g. condoms), this inexpensive routine is very much better", Government experts recently agreed.

1. Seek, hunt even, your goat, sheep or suckling pig.
2. Shave and clean him well.
3. Tether the belligerent, shivering, yet spotless beast around your waist.
4. Manoeuvre begun, inch your lengthening, hardening penis into the violent creature's ovine/porcine anus.
5. Invoke the Devil.
6. Experiment with your nude, hellish love slave. Cum and rejoice!


Ring: (028) 168756 or (028) 168774 for more!


[> LOL!!!! Ultra-NOM ;) -- Paul Pan, 02:47:08 06/21/02 Fri

>As seen on NBC, CBS, CNN, and even Oprah! The health
>discovery that actually reverses aging while burning
>fat, without dieting or exercise! This proven
>discovery has even been reported on by the New England
>Journal of Medicine. Forget aging and dieting forever!
>And it's Guaranteed!
>Click here:
>Would you like to lose weight while you sleep!
>No dieting!
>No hunger pains!
>No Cravings!
>No strenuous exercise!
>Change your life forever!
>1. Body Fat Loss 82% improvement.
>2. Wrinkle Reduction 61% improvement.
>3. Energy Level 84% improvement.
>4. Muscle Strength 88% improvement.
>5. Sexual Potency 75% improvement.
>6. Emotional Stability 67% improvement.
>7. Memory 62% improvement.
>New experimental system of male contraception!
>Revealed on BBC Radio's programme Farming Today:
>"Instead of recommending environmentally unfriendly
>methods of child prevention (e.g. condoms), this
>inexpensive routine is very much better", Government
>experts recently agreed.
>1. Seek, hunt even, your goat, sheep or suckling pig.
>2. Shave and clean him well.
>3. Tether the belligerent, shivering, yet spotless
>beast around your waist.
>4. Manoeuvre begun, inch your lengthening, hardening
>penis into the violent creature's ovine/porcine anus.
>5. Invoke the Devil.
>6. Experiment with your nude, hellish love slave. Cum
>and rejoice!
>Ring: (028) 168756 or (028) 168774 for more!

[> [> [Re: LOL!!!! Ultra-NOM ;)] Thanks, Paul, glad you enjoyed it ;) -- Adrian H, 03:26:40 06/21/02 Fri

A televised briefing -- Adrian H, 00:36:54 06/21/02 Fri

Blair launches televised briefings

Tony Blair has sought to put his troubles with spin-doctors behind him in the first of a regular series of US-style televised news conferences in Downing Street.

A televised briefing =
I've seen Blair fidget


Martial arts -- Matjaz P, 22:17:49 06/17/02 Mon

Taekwondo = O, takedown.
The Karate = Take heart.
(The) Aikido = Do (the) KIAI.
The Judo = Joe!!?? Thud.


[> Taekwondo = O, takedown. *NOM* (General) for this one, Joe. -- Larry Brash, 19:53:28 06/18/02 Tue

[> [> Re: Taekwondo = O, takedown. *NOM* (General) for this one, Matjaz (Sorry - I think Joe found a similar one). -- Larry, 19:55:15 06/18/02 Tue

[> [> [> Mine was with the other spelling, "Tae Kwan Do" = "A takedown". Could we have a joint NOM, maybe? -- Joe F., 01:08:53 06/19/02 Wed

[> [> [> [> Hmmm... let's see. -- Richard G, 01:46:32 06/19/02 Wed

A little Googling reveals that terms like 'Right Leg Hook Kick Takedown' do exist in Taekwondo, and that 'Taekwando' is a common alternative spelling. Joe beat Matjaz to the 'gram by a good few days too, so I reckon the nom should go to him (with his original spelling). Larry?

Really should have done this research earlier and nommed the 'gram myself, it's rather good.


[> [> [> [> [> Re: Hmmm... I think i'll give the NOM to Joe. If I'd seen Joe's gram I'd NOM it before.. -- Matjaz P., 04:53:30 06/19/02 Wed

>A little Googling reveals that terms like 'Right Leg
>Hook Kick Takedown' do exist in Taekwondo, and that
>'Taekwando' is a common alternative spelling. Joe beat
>Matjaz to the 'gram by a good few days too, so I
>reckon the nom should go to him (with his original
>spelling). Larry?
>Really should have done this research earlier and
>nommed the 'gram myself, it's rather good.

[> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Hmmm... I think i'll give the NOM to Joe. If I'd seen Joe's gram I'd NOM it before.. -- Larry, 23:01:50 06/20/02 Thu

>>A little Googling reveals that terms like 'Right Leg
>>Hook Kick Takedown' do exist in Taekwondo, and that
>>'Taekwando' is a common alternative spelling. Joe beat
>>Matjaz to the 'gram by a good few days too, so I
>>reckon the nom should go to him (with his original
>>spelling). Larry?

I got a little confused and thought that I was nomming Joe's. Sorry about the mixup.

Yes, go with Joe's.


[> [> [> [> [> Re: Hmmm... By the way : about Take heart -- Matjaz P., 04:57:49 06/19/02 Wed

As some Bruce Lee fan know, in one of his most famous
films, he takes out the heart of
his opponent by a bare hand.

Matjaz P.

Stretching exercise = Christ! Energetic sex! -- Adrian H, 20:42:39 06/19/02 Wed

[> LOL! Rude NOM ;-) -- Allan Morley, 14:44:21 06/20/02 Thu

[> [> [Re: LOL! Rude NOM ;-)] Thanks, Allan. Energetic sex = Exercise 'gent' -- Adrian H, 19:07:17 06/20/02 Thu

[> [> [> Submissive sex (rude!) -- Paul Pan, 19:27:43 06/20/02 Thu

Submissive sex = Vex sissies' bum

The Kinsmen -- Santi, 10:10:06 06/20/02 Thu

The Kinsmen were the "garage" group which recorded the hit "louie louie" by Richard Berry. The leader was accused to sing "smutty lyrics" in the recording and persecuted by the FBI which wasted a lot of time listening to the recording and slowing it down to catch the "porn poem" that was hidden in it.

The Kinsmen = Think "semen"!

Now an entire website is dedicated to this song:

M. Henri Matisse = His immense art! -- Jaybur, 20:44:34 06/18/02 Tue

[> Worth a People's Names nom, Jaybur. -- Richard G, 01:35:51 06/19/02 Wed

[> [> Re: Worth a People's Names nom, Jaybur. Thanks, Richard. -- Jaybur, 02:35:06 06/19/02 Wed

Footballer Michael Owen = Amenable fellow... rich, too! -- Jaybur, 20:48:29 06/18/02 Tue

The Wombles of Wimbledon -- Jaybur, 20:37:17 06/18/02 Tue

Great Uncle Bulgaria = Ageing cultural bear.

Lure in a garbage cult.
In a true garbage cull.
A genial grab culture.


Wimbledon Fortnight = Oh, net Wombling drift! -- Jaybur, 20:29:23 06/18/02 Tue

Incontinence? -- Adrian H, 19:52:18 06/18/02 Tue

Old groin ~ drooling


GET BIG, RIPPED, & STRONG! REAL ANABOLIC PHARMACEU... -- Larry Brash, 03:13:49 06/18/02 Tue


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Here's a few of the most common side effects of consuming anabolic steroids:

1. If you are a crack male bodybuilder, your prick and balls will shrivel up to baby size, and I don't mean 8 pounds and 21 inches long. Breasts will grow large, like the charming boobs of Pamela Anderson.

2. If you are a crack female bodybuilder, the clitoris will flower, swell up like a squashed ugly salami, breasts will shrink and voice will drop 2 octaves to a low awful growl.

3. The liver will become quite cirrhotic, black, necrotic, or worse, a cancerous growth.

4. All your 62 Anagrammy Awards get scrubbed or cancelled.

5. Get knobbled for dealing in illegal goods and end charged in court or confined in jail.

6. Begin to send millions of childish wretched spams to the World's 134,456,789 bored Internet users.

7. The screwball spam will include extensive prompts about removal from the list that the reader never asked to go on in the first place. All it'll do is confirm the innocent readers' email's correct and, in a flash, you can sell them to another bloody "opt-in" list.

8. You could add a clever concept, a proud patriotic tag to the end of the email to make you look like a nice, warm, decent person, not a dumb spamming creep/evil drug dealer who thinks that all 134,456,789 Internet users live in the USA.

Posted using Sater anagram checker v. 5.0 (online)

[> SPAM NOM, Larry. Excellent! -- Richard G, 03:33:17 06/18/02 Tue

[> [> Seconded, quite brilliant! -- Joe F., 08:21:34 06/18/02 Tue

[> [> [> Re: Seconded, quite brilliant! Thanks, guys, I try my best -- Larry Brash, 18:56:31 06/18/02 Tue

Auguste Rodin's 'The Kiss' = So truth is naked, I guess. -- Jaybur, 04:38:13 06/18/02 Tue

[> *NOM* ;) Auguste Rodin's 'The Thinker" = Ennui, ire, darkest thoughts... -- Paul Pan, 07:08:11 06/18/02 Tue

[> [> Re: *NOM* ;) Merci beaucoup, Paul! [Auguste Rodin's 'The Thinker" = Ennui, ire, darkest thoughts...]Tres bien! -- Jaybur, 07:14:22 06/18/02 Tue

[> Re: Auguste Rodin's 'The Kiss' - I like it! Nom seconded. -- Allan Morley, 15:09:15 06/18/02 Tue

Plane toilet [a bit rude] -- Richard G, 18:23:49 06/16/02 Sun

Aeroplane toilet =
Elope to a latrine. ;)


[> Re: Plane toilet [a bit rude] - A mile high nom for that, Richard. ;-) -- Allan Morley, 15:06:54 06/18/02 Tue

THE ANAGRAMMY WINNERS FOR MAY 2002 -- Larry Brash, 01:45:35 06/13/02 Thu

To view the winners of the most recent competition:
Click Here

Congratulations to all the Winners!

[> Re: THE ANAGRAMMY WINNERS FOR MAY 2002 (Whoops, try again) -- Larry Brash, 01:47:52 06/13/02 Thu

To view the winners of the most recent competition:

Click Here

Congratulations to all the Winners!


[> [> Re: THE ANAGRAMMY WINNERS FOR MAY 2002: Congrats to winners, and thanks to all concerned! -- Jaybur, 07:29:25 06/13/02 Thu

[> [> [> Re: THE ANAGRAMMY WINNERS FOR MAY 2002: Good show all, esp. Allan! -- Mey K., 08:31:02 06/13/02 Thu

[> [> Should they be renamed the AnagramMey Awards? Well done all :) -- Adrian H, 19:33:13 06/13/02 Thu

[> [> [> Or perhaps the Allangrammies? ;) -- Richard G, 13:57:17 06/14/02 Fri

[> [> [> [> Re: Or perhaps the Allangrammies? ;) -- Allan Morley, 15:04:13 06/18/02 Tue

>Or perhaps the Allangrammies? ;)

Well done to all the winners, especially Mey, and thankyou everybody for all my Awards! I'm still in shock!

Four Anagrammies =
Arrange? I'm famous! :-)


[> [> Well done all of course, though I dunno who "all" is yet 'cos the link gives me the April results still -- Joe F., 21:50:26 06/13/02 Thu

[> [> [> It's up. Ignore my utter stupidity. Honestly, I mean that this time :-) -- Joe F., 05:40:32 06/14/02 Fri

[> [> [> [> More likely to be Microsoft's utter stupidity, to be honest. They do this to me all the time. -- Richard G, 13:54:02 06/14/02 Fri

Message from the Awardsmaster -- Larry Brash, 22:33:18 06/14/02 Fri

I have had little opportunity to post to the Forum in the last 2 weeks because of running the awards, a trip to Canberra and various other demands on my time.

Firstly, I would like to comment on how well the new Forum is going. It is great to see some new names here. Special welcome to Paul Pan who has been particularly active with some high quality anagrams.

It is also pleasing to see how many "old" regulars from alt.anagrams have come over to the Forum. It is nice to see that people are comfortable to post to both the newsgroup and the Forum. I wish some of the others would do likewise. There is some talented people who would most welcome here.

The Forum has certainly become quite active and it took me a little while to catch up on all the posts. Nice to see.

Next, I would like to thank the Anagrammy Archivist, Richard Grantham, for a sterling job with his recent upgrading of the Literary Anagrams Archive. I have still to upload to the files, but I should have this completed this evening. Check it out:

Literary Anagrams Archive

Richard and I have been hard at work revamping the look of the website. As you will have noticed we have added a new footer. It is actual a line of code with 3 javascripts embedded. It means that we can change these javascripts in one external file and all the footers change automatically. You will also notice that we have been using a couple of cascading style sheets (again in external files) that will change the look of the text, including justifying the text in paragraphs. We still have a little fine-tuning to do, but essentially most of the website has been revamped (except the Nom Archives).

We will be looking at how to remove the annoying banner ads at the top of the Forum.

Anyway, it is great to see how things are going here. Keep up the good work and anagramming!


[> Larry, thanks for the warm welcome. You run a very cool site :) -- Paul Pan, 03:41:34 06/15/02 Sat

[> Re: Message from the Awardsmaster[..]Thanks, Larry and Richard, for all your work on the website. -- Jaybur, 08:48:28 06/16/02 Sun

[> Re: Message from the Awardsmaster -- Larry Brash, 00:05:51 06/17/02 Mon

>Next, I would like to thank the Anagrammy Archivist,
>Richard Grantham, for a sterling job with his recent
>upgrading of the Literary Anagrams Archive. I have
>still to upload to the files, but I should have this
>completed this evening. Check it out:
>Literary Anagrams Archive

I have just being reviewing most of the Literary Arcives and Richard has done a brilliant job on them. They look far more attractive and easier to follow.

Well done.


[> [> Re: (Message from the Awardsmaster) Literary Archives: Excellent! Vote of thanks to RG! -- Jaybur, 02:34:50 06/17/02 Mon

[> [> [> [Excellent! Vote of thanks to RG!] Thanks, everyone. -- Richard G, 03:34:41 06/18/02 Tue

[Owen again] The soccer star Michael Owen = O, score: let's cheer a match win! -- Jaybur, 02:38:50 06/18/02 Tue

England's soccer star Michael Owen = Goal scorer lad in match scene news. -- Jaybur, 05:05:31 06/17/02 Mon

[> *NOM* Can't remember if this is Topical or not - People's Names if he missed. -- Richard G, 01:37:45 06/18/02 Tue

[> [> Re: *NOM* Can't remember if this is Topical* *He scored a goal v. Denmark! Thanks for Nom, RG! -- Jaybur, 02:35:58 06/18/02 Tue

What's the best album? -- Adrian H, 19:32:34 06/17/02 Mon

Best-ever, overall:
Beatles' "Revolver"


[> Can't say I agree with you there, but nice 'gram. *ENT NOM* -- Richard G, 01:40:16 06/18/02 Tue

[> [> ]Re: Can't say I agree with you there, but nice 'gram. *ENT NOM*] You're probably right. Thanks, anyway! -- Adrian H, 02:14:31 06/18/02 Tue

Bad weather = Ah, waterbed! -- Matjaz P, 20:31:27 06/17/02 Mon

It is that Wimbledon time again = Await Tim: I am the GB tennis idol! -- Jaybur, 18:04:36 06/17/02 Mon

A good result = Sure do gloat! -- Jaybur, 21:12:38 06/16/02 Sun

[> Re: A good result = Sure do gloat! Very true! Gen NOM. -- Joe F., 06:19:58 06/17/02 Mon

[> [> Re: A good result = Sure do gloat! Very true! Gen NOM.Thanks, Joe! -- Jaybur, 08:19:01 06/17/02 Mon

The Almera Hurricane = Elite car name! Hurrah! -- Jaybur, 05:15:08 06/17/02 Mon

American history of art = Mariah Carrey not so fit -- Zoran R., 04:03:33 06/17/02 Mon

[Film actress] Lisa Bonet = Is notable! -- Jaybur, 07:17:00 06/16/02 Sun


[> Re: [Film actress] Lisa Bonet = Is notable! (Anagram also! *NOM*) -- Zoran R., 08:57:33 06/16/02 Sun

By the way,what's happened to her ?
As a talented girl she was in "Cosby show" and one
movie with Mickey Rourke,if I remember well.


[> [> Re: [Film actress] Lisa Bonet = Is notable! (Anagram also! *NOM*) -- Zoran R., 09:07:00 06/16/02 Sun

>By the way,what's happened to her ?
>As a talented girl she was in "Cosby show" and one
>movie with Mickey Rourke,if I remember well.
Now I see why ...

Lisa Bonet =Is not able


[> [> [> Re: [Film actress] Lisa Bonet = Is notable! (Anagram also! *NOM*) -- Paul Pan, 17:28:32 06/16/02 Sun

Maybe she gained too much weight (Eat-in slob) and developed a dramatic skin disorder (A boil nest), both no-nos in Hollywood.
On the other hand, her struggle for world peace and understanding finally paid-off (A Nobelist).

[> [> [> Re: Lisa Bonet = Is notable! (Anagram also! *NOM*)Thanks, Zoran. Miss Lisa Bonet is bliss to name! -- Jaybur, 21:05:09 06/16/02 Sun

Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie = I try a crime saga, as detail has charm. -- Jaybur, 07:53:48 06/13/02 Thu

[> Very elegant, Janet. *ENT NOM* -- Richard G, 17:22:46 06/16/02 Sun

[> [> Re: Very elegant, Janet. *ENT NOM* Thanks RG: The writer writ there! -- Jaybur, 21:01:28 06/16/02 Sun




Updated: May 10, 2016


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