Adie Pena

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Original text in yellow, anagram in pink.

"By all means, marry. If you get a good mate, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher." - Socrates

"Oh, you don't agree I am acceptably legit because our home bedroom of loyal Playboy playmates is polygamous?" - Hefner

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Jessie Mackay

O JUNE has her diamonds, her diamonds of sheen,
Meet for a queen’s neck, if Death had e'er a queen!
June has her blue days, jewels of delight,
Set in the ivory of Alp-land white,-
But October, October's the lady o' the year!

O January's garland is redder than the rose,
And the wine-red ruby of January glows
All the way to madness and half the way to sin,
When sleep is in the poppy and fire is in the whin!
But October, October's the lady o' the year!

October will ride in a mantle o' the vair,
With the flower o' the quince in her dew-wet hair;
October will ride to the gates of the day,
With the bluebells ringing on her maiden way;-
For October, October’s the lady o' the year!


Thrilled to be uninhibited, then plainly juiced;
We're gathered in here to get real boozed!
See that friendly fraulein offering the jollies?
Damn, her front just as healthy as Dolly's!
Yep, October, October's the season o' the beer!

While we're happy and enthralled, enjoying old Munich,
The whole Schweinebraten may make you sick.
Down the hundredth Weisswurst I dare ya!
A horrid queasy stomach in northern Bavaria?
When October, October's the season o' the beer!

Dehydrated yesterday, I had quite enough;
Need some anyway at Wienerwald Hall to quaff.
He, a jovial fellow, said, "Want a joint?"
"A whiff?" I drawled, "What's the point?"
If October, October's the season o' the beer!

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Elizabeth Coatsworth

November comes,
And November goes
With the last red berries
And the first white snows,

With night coming early
And dawn coming late,
And ice in the bucket
And frost by the gate.

The fires burn
And the kettles sing,
And earth sinks to rest
Until next spring.


No man's land
On Checkpoint Charlie
Vowed to cut
East from West Germany.

Minefields between
Broke the twisted site.
Ever best, this banishes
Rhythms of the night.

Iron curtains disintegrate
Next, both links
End at Brandenburg Gate.

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Charlotte Bronte's WINTER STORES is anagrammed into 10 poems (3 of which are existing, and 7 are original) with a hidden constraint: the first letters of each poem in the anagram spell out CURRER BELL, which was Bronte's pseudonym.

Charlotte Bronte

We take from life one little share,
And say that this shall be
A space, redeemed from toil and care,
From tears and sadness free.

And, haply, Death unstrings his bow,
And Sorrow stands apart,
And, for a little while, we know
The sunshine of the heart.

Existence seems a summer eve,
Warm, soft, and full of peace,
Our free, unfettered feelings give
The soul its full release.

A moment, then, it takes the power
To call up thoughts that throw
Around that charmed and hallowed hour,
This life’s divinest glow.

But Time, though viewlessly it flies,
And slowly, will not stay;
Alike, through clear and clouded skies,
It cleaves its silent way.

Alike the bitter cup of grief,
Alike the draught of bliss,
Its progress leaves but moment brief
For baffled lips to kiss

The sparkling draught is dried away,
The hour of rest is gone,
And urgent voices, round us, say,
“'Ho, lingerer, hasten on!”

And has the soul, then, only gained,
From this brief time of ease,
A moment’s rest, when overstrained,
One hurried glimpse of peace?

No; while the sun shone kindly o’er us,
And flowers bloomed round our feet,—
While many a bud of joy before us
Unclosed its petals sweet,—

An unseen work within was plying;
Like honey-seeking bee,
From flower to flower, unwearied, flying,
Laboured one faculty,—

Thoughtful for Winter’s future sorrow,
Its gloom and scarcity;
Prescient to-day, of want to-morrow,
Toiled quiet Memory.

’Tis she that from each transient pleasure
Extracts a lasting good;
’Tis she that finds, in summer, treasure
To serve for winter’s food.

And when Youth’s summer day is vanished,
And Age brings Winter’s stress,
Her stores, with hoarded sweets replenished,
Life’s evening hours will bless.

[The Mamas and The Papas]

All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey
I've been for a walk on a winter's day
I'd be safe and warm if I was in LA
California dreamin' on such a winter's day

Stepped into a church I passed along the way
Well, I got down on my knees and I pretended to pray
You know the preacher likes the cold he knows I'm gonna stay
California dreamin' on such a winter's day

All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey
I've been for a walk on a winter's day
If I didn't tell her I could leave today
California dreamin' on such a winter's day

[Todd-Earl Rhodes]

utter aloneness
snowflake on gnome's nose

We seek future thoughts
To restore furthermost forests
Full of sumptuous trees,
Shelter of fresh blossoms, of boughs,
Of lustrous shrubs, of bushes, too.

Forever homeless, we stutter, suffer
For we dream of a lustful summer.

To the shortest hot fevered spell.

[Lisa Shields]

The sun rose on fields
snow blown and misted
ghostly swirls and dervishes.
No fog this–––
for fog simply lies.
No–––this was living
as it arched and twisted,
fingering out to the road
and reaching for me
like the shade of a beloved friend.
There was white inside,
trying to seep out of pores,
I felt it strain
trying to mesh and meld
with this sentient wraith
fingers touching
and suddenly
I am the morning mist
dancing in the crystal air.

The bitter tableau
Of slush, of woe.

Warmth we'll depart
Like an icicle through the heart.

We're the blest.
Trustful fools, we sought to rest.

The soulful remorse we evoke settles.
We pursue sleep. Go greet, meet death.

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Updated: May 10, 2016


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