Adie Pena

Anagrammy Awards > Literary Archives > Adie Pena

Original text in yellow, anagram in pink.

A few words regarding this anagrammatic puzzle --

1. All the 20 answers COMBINED are an anagram of the popular four-line poem.

2. Each picture merely "suggests" a possible answer, e.g., an image of roast beef (for a four-letter answer) could be MEAL, MEAT, DISH, DINE, FOOD or simply BEEF.

3. An answer can be a person, place or thing; or even an adjective, adverb or verb.

4. All are one-word answers EXCEPT for No. 20 [6, 8].

5. While the 19-letter title of this piece, THE NEW YEAR NIGHT POEM, is NOT part of the anagram, it serves as an aid in solving the puzzle. All the 19 answers in the '2009'-shaped diagram either BEGIN or END with one of the letters in the title. Each of the 19 letters is used only ONCE; and these have been placed in the proper squares to assist the solver.

6. After the '2009'-shaped diagram is correctly filled in, the remaining 14 letters can be anagrammed into a very relevant two-part answer [No. 20].

Text version:

Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go
Ring out the false, ring in the true.


1 _ _ _ N
2 _ _ T
3 A _ _
4 _ _ _ E
5 M _ _ _ _
6 H _ _ _
7 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y
9 _ _ _ E
10 _ _ _ R
11 G _ _ _ _ _ _ _
12 W _ _ _ _ _ _ _
13 _ _ _ O
14 N _ _
15 _ _ T
16 _ _ P
17 _ _ E
18 _ _ _ E
19 _ _ _ _ H

20 _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

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Updated: May 10, 2016


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