Ember Nickel

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Original text in yellow, anagram in pink.

A poem by C.S. Lewis.

I am so coarse, the things the poets see
Are obstinately invisible to me.
For twenty years I've stared my level best
To see if evening–any evening–would suggest
A patient etherized upon a table;
In vain. I simply wasn't able.
To me each evening looked far more
Like the departure from a silent, yet a crowded, shore
Of a ship whose freight was everything, leaving behind
Gracefully, finally, without farewells, marooned mankind.

Red dawn behind a hedgerow in the east
Never, for me, resembled in the least
A chilblain on a cocktail-shaker's nose;
Waterfalls don't remind me of torn underclothes,
Nor glaciers of tin-cans. I've never known
The moon look like a hump-backed crone–
Rather, a prodigy, even now
Not naturalized, a riddle glaring from the Cyclops' brow
Of the cold world, reminding me on what a place
I crawl and cling, a planet with no bulwarks, out in space.

Never the white sun of the wintriest day
Struck me as un crachat d'estaminet.
I'm like that odd man Wordsworth knew, to whom
A primrose was a yellow primrose, one whose doom
Keeps him forever in the list of dunces,
Compelled to live on stock responses,
Making the poor best that I can
Of dull things…peacocks, honey, the Great Wall, Aldebaran
Silver weirs, new-cut grass, wave on the beach, hard gem,
The shapes of horse and woman, Athens, Troy, Jerusalem.

Although I write often and pass among
Poets, perhaps they do not know I'm young.
I'm nineteen (my birthday will be in June).
If we were both to contemplate the moon,
I'd be unlikely to see anything more
Than craters which we could have seen before
We looked afar through ornate telescopes.
I'll take a place alongside other dopes.

Lambs look like lambs to me. They have no higher
Meaning. The sun: a mere warm orb, like fire.
And dawn: colored stripes, clouded over or hazy.
Perhaps my imagination's lazy.
I don't know whether I'd like to see
Whatever came to others, learnedly.
Whether you believe Christ was really God or doubt him
Not all glum writing's really about him.

Heavenward glances don't ever represent
God's call to an antagonist ("Repent!")
Wardrobes never were Narnian gates,
Few weaving women arcane female Fates.
To unpack an old writer's reference
Or allusion's not my real preference.
I'm baffled, didn't get stuff, have conceded
All I narrate's chaff, not needed.

Leaves which float down rivers have never been
Viking vessels. No one has shown me when
A wolf was a devil. And I don't speak
French, so my poetic street cred's weak.
So though it could spark modernist complaints
I think that I will stick with old constraints.
Limericks, sonnets, other things with iambs,
Acrostics, forms I've made up, anagrams.

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Each side of the anagram is a double acrostic: the first one is created from the first letter of each line, while the second is diagonal.

Just as these lines that merge to form a key
ArE as chess squares; when month and day are four;
Don't Risk another chance to move to mate.
One gamE is real and one's a metaphor.
Untold tiMes this wisdom's come too late.
Battle of WhIte has raged on endlessly.
Everywhere BlAck will strive to seal his fate.
Continue a searcH for thirty-three and three.
Veiled forever is tHe secret door.

Please hEed this word soon. Listen here to me.
Renew; fiNd that head enthroned. When? May five,
Or the mAsters the Earth can't take shall teem.
VerseD in old oracles, rook and knight strive.
Each Just a member in a royal scheme.
ResUrrected heroine, again free--
Be Safe; game that system or lose. (Too, scream.)
STill quest for two and four, that's how to see.
Stay victorious; stay cool and alive.

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A logic puzzle from the book "Harry Potter and theSorcerer's Stone".

Danger lies before you, while safety lies behind,
Two of us will help you, whichever you would find,
One among us seven will let you move ahead,
Another will transport the drinker back instead,
Two among our number hold only nettle wine,
Three of us are killers, waiting hidden in line.
Choose, unless you wish to stay here forevermore,
To help you in your choice, we give you these clues four:
First, however slyly the poison tries to hide
You will always find some on nettle wine's left side;
Second, different are those who stand at either end,
But if you would move onward, neither is your friend;
Third, as you see clearly, all are different size,
Neither dwarf nor giant holds death in their insides;
Fourth, the second left and the second on the right
Are twins once you taste them, though different at first sight.

Rebellious Lions wander down the school
To outwit an evil threat. Unwise idiots, yet cool.
Fluffy the canine is a three-headed brute.
Yet Fluffy goes to sleep whenever he hears the flute.
Furious, the Lion children view weedy Devil's Snare;
They need eerie fire to wilily go out of there.
They're undaunted seeing many flying eerie keys;
With magical wooden brooms, they would outfly these.
Fourth's a wizard chessboard, sculptured dangers in white stone.
Ron leaves his friends to face more rooms alone.
Fifthly is a humongous, now unconscious troll.
Nauseous, they pass it, running onward to their goal.
Then between two deadly fires, they will need to think;
Hermione will point out to Harry which one to drink.
Finally, the riddle of the Mirror of Erised.
Harry finds the Stone, and survives whole (i.e., isn't dead.)

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A lipogrammatic sonnet, without a single letter "E".

Kids watch with glowing souls, at this rising
Up from brown slush, to look down on clouds or
Mountains or tops of tracks. It's surprising
And odd how illusions look if you soar.
Right now you can look at this world both ways.
It's cold and harsh, but still a torch will burn.
Today it's dark, but wait for distant days
And glory will show you that it's your turn.
So climb to find clouds that will bring us snow.
High up, in this unforgiving thin air.
Victory blurs with loss. And now you go;
It's fast and cold to burn out. It's not fair.
Living is placid win and loss. But still
It's all you know until it's all downhill.

To a victor abroad,

Skillfully you wow us, and looking high
I find a song unwillingly grow loud.
Amid all lulls, triumph lurks. Win, don't sigh.
Hubbub halts. Win! A champion is proud.
No insidious worry. Scrub it out!
Bollocks to lugubrious stops, I say!
Will a slowdown slow us down? This is not
Too tricky. I insist that all should play.
Odd winds blow forth. Victors stand. It is fitting.
A sorrowful cross to carry? Shit, no.
On town outskirts, all us fans--indignant, gritty--
Withhold sad tidbits, control words. And so
Vibrant transatlantic fans now light in truth.
Thought is not hollow for us icy youth.

-A kid

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Updated: May 10, 2016


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