Tony Crafter

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Original text in yellow, anagram in pink.

There was a young lady at sea,
Who said, "It is so hard to pee;"
"Indeed," said the mate,
"That accounts for the state
Of the captain, the purser and me!"

A satiated tart on a yacht,
Had cystitis and went to a doc;
"Ah dear patient," peered he,
"I do see from this wee,
A huge surplus of seamen - that's hot!"

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Part of a poem by Rudyard Kipling.

By the old Moulmein Pagoda, lookin' eastward to the sea,
There's a Burma girl a-settin', and I know she thinks o' me;
For the wind is in the palm-trees and the temple-bells they say;
"Come you back, you British soldier; come you back to Mandalay!"

Rudyard Kipling's aesthetically memorable poem on meek
beauty. Whimsy often parodied now by comedians, music-hall
artistes and book. But, oh, has a keen, timeless charm
that eternally endears it to those who think about ideology.

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There was a young lady named Gloria,
Who was screwed by Sir Gerald Du Maurier,
And then by ten men,
Sir Gerald again,
And the band at the Waldorf Astoria!

Sir Gerald, mad-eyed at their fun,
Wades in armed with a dagger and gun;
"Ye ragtime bastards!" he calls,
"Draw away - or no balls."
Now they're a band on the run. (Oi!)

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There was a young tar from the sea,
Who screwed a baboon in a tree;
The result was most horrid,
All arse and no forehead,
Four balls and a purple goatee!

Proof that, although she's a swinger, a lad must not screw an ape. Woo her; send flowers; be a real Romeo; fine. But be a dear - treat her as a lady. No rude oral.

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Part of a song by ABBA.

'Thank you for the music, the songs they're singing,
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing;
Who could live without it, I ask in all honesty,
What would life be,
Without a song or a dance where are we?
So I say, thank you for the music,
For giving it to me.'

Chic Abba totty Agnetha Faltskog, The Girl With Golden Hair, enjoying her work as she eulogises over music, intertwining it with thoughts of youth.
And now? Total ennui. Kinkily reclusive, she wryly shies away from the hoodoo of untrue fame.

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In the Garden of Eden lay Adam,
Complacently stroking his madam;
And loud was his mirth,
For he knew that on Earth,
There were only two balls and he had 'em!

Wicked madam, aware of God's plan,
Determinedly takes him in hand;
Hey, why aim to enthral?
When a hand round these balls,
Gets her total control of her man!

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Updated: May 10, 2016


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