Anagrammy Forum Archives - #10

11 July 2002 - 31 July 2002




Something a bit different -- Richard G, 05:09:02 07/21/02 Sun

Recently, I've been working on a large series of anagrams not involving letters. Instead, I've taken a number of... familiar and less familiar images (without giving too much away) and juggled the contents about to produce other images of the same type (i.e. each image in any given set contains the same amount of each colour by area).

Click here to see the end result. Hopefully it represents all possible combinations, but if anyone spots another one I'll have a crack at coding it up.


[> Re: Something a bit different Special NOM. -- Larry Brash, 22:24:16 07/21/02 Sun

>Recently, I've been working on a large series of
>anagrams not involving letters. Instead, I've taken a
>number of... familiar and less familiar images
>(without giving too much away) and juggled the
>contents about to produce other images of the same
>type (i.e. each image in any given set contains the
>same amount of each colour by area).

Click here

People may fail to appreciate what RG has actually done here. There is not one "image" on the page, they are all hand coded HTML tables. Have a look at the source code, all 350K of it! If you can read even basic HTML, you will be amazed.

BTW, if you use Netscape, you will need version 6 or higher to see the page properly.

Great work, Richard. This is the most innovative use of HTML that I have ever seen.

While they are anagrams without letters, it are anagrams in a sense, enough for me to say:

Special NOM.


[> Re: Something a bit different - Wow! Impressive, Richard! -- Allan Morley, 02:03:50 07/22/02 Mon

[> Re: Something a bit different -- Gilbert & George, 09:24:46 07/22/02 Mon

We've also been trying to conceptualise the anagramming of our performance art.

Your brilliant "flag anagrams" will, no doubt, attract "Emperor's New Clothes" comments, but we urge you to take no note of such ignorant criticism.

You will be aware of our well-known exhibits at the Serpentine Gallery, which have been similarly abused, yet have been MOST profitable!

Bugger the 'Establishment' and keep taking the piss!


PS Our color panels bear a similar resemblance to yours.

[> [> Re: Something a bit different -- G&G, 09:53:30 07/22/02 Mon

We think this also qualifies as a color anagram,

[> [> Come off it, Mick. Post under your real name. -- Larry Brash, 08:11:01 07/23/02 Tue

Mick Tully

If you are so insistent on posting to the Forum, why don't you do did under your real name?


[> [> [> Re: Come off it, Mick. Post under your real name. -- Walter Newboldt, 20:10:18 07/24/02 Wed

thta's rgiht mick!!!! you shuold post under youre
onw name!! snipign away at richrads exclent and
inovaitve wok form bheind a psudeoymn just becuase
you dont hve his ablity is cowaldry and despicbale
and somethnig that i myslef am aboev adn I dn'ot
dobut tht your litlte sidekikc david buoke is porbably
invloved wiht it aswell. if i was aynthign todo with
the fourm i'D ban yuo from psoting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

walter newboldt -
"world web talent"

[> [> [> [> Re: Come off it, Mick. Post under your real name. -- Richard G, 14:28:53 07/28/02 Sun

>thta's rgiht mick!!!! you shuold post under youre
>onw name!! snipign away at richrads exclent and
>inovaitve wok form bheind a psudeoymn just becuase
>you dont hve his ablity is cowaldry and despicbale
>and somethnig that i myslef am aboev adn I dn'ot
>dobut tht your litlte sidekikc david buoke is porbably
>invloved wiht it aswell. if i was aynthign todo with
>the fourm i'D ban yuo from psoting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now now Walter, that's going too far. I don't have any quarrel with Mick or David any more, and have no wish to stir things up again needlessly. I'd have hoped they felt similarly.


[> [> [> [> [> Re: Come off it, Mick. Post under your real name. -- David Bourke, 04:38:28 07/30/02 Tue

>...I don't have any quarrel with Mick or David any more,
> and have no wish to stir things up again needlessly. I'd > have hoped they felt similarly.

Indeed. We shall raise a glass to our Australian
fiends at the AGM tonight, no doubt!


[> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Come off it, Mick. Post under your real name. -- Joe F., 06:30:51 07/30/02 Tue

>Indeed. We shall raise a glass to our Australian
>fiends at the AGM tonight, no doubt!

Oh dear, I do hope that was a genuine slip....

[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Come off it, Mick. Post under your real name. -- David Bourke, 01:30:31 07/31/02 Wed

>>Indeed. We shall raise a glass to our Australian
>>fiends at the AGM tonight, no doubt!
>Oh dear, I do hope that was a genuine slip....

Oops! I forgot the Welsh contingent!


[> [> Re: Something a bit different -- Richard G, 16:29:39 07/23/02 Tue

Welcome to the Forum, Gilbert and George. I've been known to follow your work in the past and it's a great honour to have you on board. I'm particularly taken with the link you posted - I like the piece, its damning criticism of Christianity is something with which I heartily concur. Thank you.

>Your brilliant "flag anagrams" will, no doubt, attract
>"Emperor's New Clothes" comments, but we urge you to
>take no note of such ignorant criticism.

I can understand such comments, in particular when applied to the simpler, "found" anagram flags - although as far as I can tell there has never been a previous attempt to assemble an exhaustive collection. On the other hand, I probably didn't make it clear that the more complex flags really have been "anagrammed" in a way: subtle modifications here and there (a narrower St George's cross on the English flag vs. a wider one on the old Union Jack; a slight shift of the Burundian saltire; wider rays on the Macedonian gyronny etc.) mean that each flag in a set contains identical numbers of pixels of each colour. (Tunisia, Turkey and Hong Kong for instance each have 12618 pixels of red and 882 of white - a bit more white than Turkey began with and a bit less white for the other two.) It's the same sort of trick as the anagramming of one existing poem into as close a possible rendition of another, IMO.

Anyway, thanks for dropping by and for your kind comments.

Gilbert and George =
Or, "Great big legend!"


[> Re: Something a bit different -- Thomas White, 21:04:14 07/31/02 Wed

>Recently, I've been working on a large series of
>anagrams not involving letters. Instead, I've taken a
>number of... familiar and less familiar images


Why not go further? Did you know that every file is actually a sequence of 1's and 0's? (I think they are called bits). Those bits can be rearranged to create any type of file! It is amazing but it is true!

Why not do something along those lines? For example, you could take the complete works of Shakespeare and anagrammatize the bits into a huge hand-coded jpeg of Larry Brash smiling. Think how impressed everyone would be if you did that!

If that is to big a job to start with, why not start with something smaller? Perhaps you could create a small audio file of you saying a single word and then anagrammatize the bits into an essay on your favorite subject!

Congarulations on bringing anagrams right into the computer age where they belong!!


The Constellations -- Larry Brash, 14:30:55 07/30/02 Tue

I have been rather busy and have had trouble finding time to anagram.
Below is an anagram of the 88 constellations. It presented certain difficulties with letter frequency, there being a multitude of U's and just one F.

Andromeda, Antlia, Apus, Aquarius, Aquila, Ara, Aries, Auriga, Bootes, Caelum, Camelopardalis, Cancer, Canes Venatici, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Capricornus, Carina, Cassiopeia, Centaurus, Cepheus, Cetus, Chamaeleon, Circinus, Columba, Coma Berenices, Corona Australis, Corona Borealis, Corvus, Crater, Crux, Cygnus, Delphinus, Dorado, Draco, Equuleus, Eridanus, Fornax, Gemini, Grus, Hercules, Horologium, Hydra, Hydrus, Indus, Lacerta, Leo, Leo Minor, Lepus, Libra, Lupus, Lynx, Lyra, Mensa, Microscopium, Monoceros, Musca, Norma, Octans, Ophiuchus, Orion, Pavo, Pegasus, Perseus, Phoenix, Pictor, Pisces, Picis Austrinus, Puppis, Pyxis, Reticulum, Sagitta, Sagittarius, Scorpius, Sculptor, Scutum, Serpens, Sextans, Taurus, Telescopium, Triangulum, Trangulum Australe, Tucana, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Vela, Virgo, Volans, Vulpecula.
This is a list of eighty eight constellations, all-up, visible on Earth, up in space's vacuum.

Astronomers in ancient Greece, Arabia, Mexico and Asia, and exploring Caucasian mariners observed, mapped and gave each star group arcane names - mercurial superhuman heroes, mythological creatures and various curious animals.

Polaris to Arcturus to Spica to Southern Cross; a complex panoramic circle. Our opus excludes pure spiral nebulae, quasi-circular galaxies, ubiquitous pulsars, unusual quasars, major planets or uncommon moons.

Spurious astrologers, vacuous gurus, paranoiac psychics, and manic mediums loudly murmur, as usual, auspicious star signs or particular unusual conjunctions, can exactly predict, ruin, or cure our capricious lives or mess 'em up. Many peculiar accuracies occur.

[> Re: The Constellations - Very Cool! Long NOM! -- Paul Pan, 17:17:55 07/30/02 Tue

>I have been rather busy and have had trouble finding
>time to anagram.
>Below is an anagram of the 88 constellations. It
>presented certain difficulties with letter frequency,
>there being a multitude of U's and just one F.
>Andromeda, Antlia, Apus, Aquarius, Aquila, Ara, Aries,
>Auriga, Bootes, Caelum, Camelopardalis, Cancer, Canes
>Venatici, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Capricornus,
>Carina, Cassiopeia, Centaurus, Cepheus, Cetus,
>Chamaeleon, Circinus, Columba, Coma Berenices, Corona
>Australis, Corona Borealis, Corvus, Crater, Crux,
>Cygnus, Delphinus, Dorado, Draco, Equuleus, Eridanus,
>Fornax, Gemini, Grus, Hercules, Horologium, Hydra,
>Hydrus, Indus, Lacerta, Leo, Leo Minor, Lepus, Libra,
>Lupus, Lynx, Lyra, Mensa, Microscopium, Monoceros,
>Musca, Norma, Octans, Ophiuchus, Orion, Pavo, Pegasus,
>Perseus, Phoenix, Pictor, Pisces, Picis Austrinus,
>Puppis, Pyxis, Reticulum, Sagitta, Sagittarius,
>Scorpius, Sculptor, Scutum, Serpens, Sextans, Taurus,
>Telescopium, Triangulum, Trangulum Australe, Tucana,
>Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Vela, Virgo, Volans, Vulpecula.
>This is a list of eighty eight constellations, all-up,
>visible on Earth, up in space's vacuum.
>Astronomers in ancient Greece, Arabia, Mexico and
>Asia, and exploring Caucasian mariners observed,
>mapped and gave each star group arcane names -
>mercurial superhuman heroes, mythological creatures
>and various curious animals.
>Polaris to Arcturus to Spica to Southern Cross; a
>complex panoramic circle. Our opus excludes pure
>spiral nebulae, quasi-circular galaxies, ubiquitous
>pulsars, unusual quasars, major planets or uncommon
>Spurious astrologers, vacuous gurus, paranoiac
>psychics, and manic mediums loudly murmur, as usual,
>auspicious star signs or particular unusual
>conjunctions, can exactly predict, ruin, or cure our
>capricious lives or mess 'em up. Many peculiar
>accuracies occur.

[> [> Re: The Constellations - Thirded, Larry! -- Allan Morley, 14:39:37 07/31/02 Wed

[> [> [> Thank you, Paul, Mike and Allan! -- Larry Brash, 15:06:21 07/31/02 Wed

[> Superb effort Larry - NOM seconded! -- Mike Torr, 18:04:30 07/30/02 Tue

[> Re: The Constellations. Truly a masterpiece! -- Santi, 19:08:27 07/31/02 Wed

>I have been rather busy and have had trouble finding
>time to anagram.
>Below is an anagram of the 88 constellations. It
>presented certain difficulties with letter frequency,
>there being a multitude of U's and just one F.
>Andromeda, Antlia, Apus, Aquarius, Aquila, Ara, Aries,
>Auriga, Bootes, Caelum, Camelopardalis, Cancer, Canes
>Venatici, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Capricornus,
>Carina, Cassiopeia, Centaurus, Cepheus, Cetus,
>Chamaeleon, Circinus, Columba, Coma Berenices, Corona
>Australis, Corona Borealis, Corvus, Crater, Crux,
>Cygnus, Delphinus, Dorado, Draco, Equuleus, Eridanus,
>Fornax, Gemini, Grus, Hercules, Horologium, Hydra,
>Hydrus, Indus, Lacerta, Leo, Leo Minor, Lepus, Libra,
>Lupus, Lynx, Lyra, Mensa, Microscopium, Monoceros,
>Musca, Norma, Octans, Ophiuchus, Orion, Pavo, Pegasus,
>Perseus, Phoenix, Pictor, Pisces, Picis Austrinus,
>Puppis, Pyxis, Reticulum, Sagitta, Sagittarius,
>Scorpius, Sculptor, Scutum, Serpens, Sextans, Taurus,
>Telescopium, Triangulum, Trangulum Australe, Tucana,
>Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Vela, Virgo, Volans, Vulpecula.
>This is a list of eighty eight constellations, all-up,
>visible on Earth, up in space's vacuum.
>Astronomers in ancient Greece, Arabia, Mexico and
>Asia, and exploring Caucasian mariners observed,
>mapped and gave each star group arcane names -
>mercurial superhuman heroes, mythological creatures
>and various curious animals.
>Polaris to Arcturus to Spica to Southern Cross; a
>complex panoramic circle. Our opus excludes pure
>spiral nebulae, quasi-circular galaxies, ubiquitous
>pulsars, unusual quasars, major planets or uncommon
>Spurious astrologers, vacuous gurus, paranoiac
>psychics, and manic mediums loudly murmur, as usual,
>auspicious star signs or particular unusual
>conjunctions, can exactly predict, ruin, or cure our
>capricious lives or mess 'em up. Many peculiar
>accuracies occur.

[> [> Indeed, even moreso when you consider the letter distribution. Well done! -- Mey K., 21:01:08 07/31/02 Wed

The sure-footed = Oh, deft toe-user! -- Jaybur, 05:00:25 07/27/02 Sat

[> Re: [The sure-footed = Oh, deft toe-user!] Cute! GEN NOM -- Richard G, 12:49:08 07/28/02 Sun

[> [> [The sure-footed = Oh, deft toe-user!] Cute! GEN NOM Thanks, RG! -- Jaybur, 17:29:01 07/31/02 Wed

[> [> Re: [The sure-footed = Oh, deft toe-user!] Very Cute! Seconded! -- Paul Pan, 17:46:33 07/31/02 Wed

Rodentia (lat.) -- Zoran R., 09:43:05 07/31/02 Wed

Rodentia = ID: one rat

Stereophonics (mildly rude) -- Joe F., 08:24:50 07/31/02 Wed

Famous Welsh rock band:

Posh erections
So creeps, no hit?
Ethic poorness
The procession
Shortie ponces
One shit corpse
I consort sheep!

The Stereophonics
Hot, corniest sheep
Hence poorest shit

And my favourite of the lot....

The Stereophonics = Sheep's ethnic root!


House of Prayer = Fear your hopes. [Hmm...] -- Mey K., 08:13:38 07/31/02 Wed

'Enronitis' fever scene? Doctor, ~ restore investor confidence ! -- Paul Pan, 00:40:08 07/31/02 Wed

Marlon Devonish -- Adrian H, 20:10:55 07/30/02 Tue

Frankie Fredericks regained the Commonwealth Games 200m title ahead of England's Marlon Devonish and Darren Campbell in a dramatic final.

Marlon Devonish = Oh no! Silver? Damn!


[> Re: Marlon Devonish - Nice one, Names NOM -- Mike Torr, 22:27:59 07/30/02 Tue

[> [> [Re: Marlon Devonish - Nice one, Names NOM] Cheers, Mike. -- Adrian H, 23:34:04 07/30/02 Tue

New computer = True, PC won me ! -- Zoran R., 17:24:20 07/30/02 Tue

[> New computer =U met PC-owner -- Zoran R., 18:43:37 07/30/02 Tue

October Sky -- spersitraut, 11:17:38 07/29/02 Mon

I don't know if this anagram has been posted before, but... here it is:

"October Sky" = Rocket boys

[> Re: October Sky - Entertainment NOM -- Mike Torr, 00:56:10 07/30/02 Tue

Once I'd gone and read a review of this movie (first time I'd heard of it), I realised what a good one this is. Well done! I hope it's original...

[> [> Re: October Sky - Entertainment NOM -- David A. Green, 07:20:41 07/30/02 Tue

>Once I'd gone and read a review of this movie (first
>time I'd heard of it), I realised what a good one this
>is. Well done! I hope it's original...

A great anagram, but not original, I'm afraid. Joe Johnston's 1998 coming-of-age film 'October Sky'is (probably) an intentional anagram of the Homer Hickam memoir 'Rocket Boys' on which the movie is based. A search on google will retrieve many hits where this anagram has been discussed and commented on. Sorry!

There are many other examples of this kind of deliberate anagramming: Carole King's own record label, for instance, is called Rockingale.

[> [> [> Re: October Sky - Entertainment NOM -- Larry Brash, 14:36:26 07/30/02 Tue

>A great anagram, but not original, I'm afraid.

Indeed, it is very well known. Sorry, the NOM is not accepted.


Funny computer game -- Zoran R., 08:58:01 07/30/02 Tue

Moorhuhn:Winter edition
Weird humor in the notion !

[Cricketer] Sachin Tendulkar = And I lack the runs. -- Joe F., 03:06:25 07/28/02 Sun

[> Re: [Cricketer] Sachin Tendulkar = And I lack the runs. Howzat!! *NOM* Joe! -- Jaybur, 03:48:55 07/28/02 Sun

[> Bloody good but not new, alas [nommed in May 1999]. Rediscovery = Cry, O deviser! :) -- Richard G, 12:56:55 07/28/02 Sun

[> [> Grrr dammit. Thanks anyway for the nom, Janet. -- Joe F., 22:36:19 07/28/02 Sun

[> [> [> Actually I've just noticed that "duck" is in there as well, but I can't see a finish for it. Anyone? -- Joe F., 22:40:37 07/28/02 Sun

[> [> [> [> In last, he ran... duck! -- Mike Torr, 20:14:36 07/29/02 Mon

[> [> [> [> [> Re: In last, he ran... duck! -- David A. Green, 07:58:46 07/30/02 Tue

A bit contrived, but imagine a Test Match between India and Sri Lanka. Dulip Liyanage comes in to bowl... a short delivery on the off side... Tendulkar steers the ball through gully and third slip for 4 runs...

Sachin Tendulkar = He'd cut Sri Lankan

(Not too improbable: A few years back I actually watched Sri Lanka play India at Galle, although this was before Tendulkar's time.)

Migraine prophylaxis (rude) -- spersitraut, 11:28:31 07/29/02 Mon

Migraine Prophylaxis = Oral sex: I'm happy. I grin

[> More on the subject :) -- Paul Pan, 02:28:03 07/30/02 Tue

Migraine Prophylaxis = Oral sex: I'm happy. I grin

Actually you are spot-on, scientifically speaking. Oral sex (as all forms of sex) trigger the secretion of pleasant endorphins. To this extent, oral sex *does* constitute " Migraine prophylaxis". Hence:

Not tonight dear, I have a headache = A rath ache-antidote: Give head, hon!

George Romero = Gore, more gore! -- Santi, 09:49:35 07/27/02 Sat

[> Re: George Romero = Gore, more gore! *Name NOM!* -- Jaybur, 18:12:25 07/27/02 Sat

[> [> Re: George Romero = Gore, more gore! *Name NOM!* Thanks, Janet! -- Santi, 19:51:02 07/27/02 Sat

[> [> Re: George Romero = Gore, more gore! *Name NOM!* -- spersitraut, 10:55:15 07/28/02 Sun

Name * NOM! * seconded

[> [> [> Brilliant, Santi! -- Richard G, 12:59:26 07/28/02 Sun

[> [> [> [> Thank you guys! -- Santi, 00:25:16 07/30/02 Tue

Swingers (very rude) -- spersitraut, 05:36:05 07/29/02 Mon

The Cancun Swingers = Chasing newer cunts

[> Very apt! ... Rude NOM! -- Mike Torr, 20:16:13 07/29/02 Mon

David Ginola = Vagina Dildo (nt) -- Chris Whiteoak, 20:53:15 07/25/02 Thu

i am a big footy fan and think David Ginola is one of the best players around 2day.
i was just sat making anagrams out of footy players names when i realised David Ginola = Vagina Dildo!!!!!!

me, my mates and even my parents found it quite funny and i hope you all do too.

will you e-mail me at if you have any good footy player anagrams or any other footy related anagrams. cheers, from Chris Whiteoak
Posted using Sater anagram checker v. 5.0 (online)

[> Re: David Ginola = Vagina Dildo -- Adrian H, 21:30:32 07/25/02 Thu

>i realised David Ginola = Vagina Dildo!

It's an old one (1995 according to WTP's AG archive)

You will probably find a lot more football 'grams there:

Anyway, welcome to the forum. Sorry about this, but:

Chris Whiteoak ~ is a thick whore
"Wotcha!" I shriek


[> [> Re: David Ginola = Vagina Dildo -- Larry Brash, 14:44:32 07/26/02 Fri

>>i realised David Ginola = Vagina Dildo!
>It's an old one (1995 according to WTP's AG archive)

Yes. It looked too familiar to be new.

>Anyway, welcome to the forum. Sorry about this, but:
>Chris Whiteoak ~ is a thick whore
>"Wotcha!" I shriek

Chris Whiteoak =
Who is a trick, eh?
Each hit is work.
Wet hair? Oh, sick!
Hi, hot arse-wick.


[> [> [> Re: Chris Whiteoak = The Irish Wacko -- Wayne Baisley, 14:31:17 07/27/02 Sat

> Chris Whiteoak =

The Irish wacko
Hies with a cork!
Hickies or what?
Artichoke wish
What hickories?

[> [> [> [> Or I suppose "Wack o' the Irish" would be better -- Wayne Baisley, 11:39:16 07/28/02 Sun

[> [> [> [> Chris Whiteoak = Hi, weak ostrich! ;) -- Richard G, 13:02:35 07/28/02 Sun

Pancreatitis and ketogenic diet -- Spersitraut, 01:38:12 07/23/02 Tue

Pancreatitis and ketogenic diet = Takes a potent acidic ingredient

[> Re: Pancreatitis and ketogenic diet *NOM* -- Richard G, 14:52:08 07/26/02 Fri

>Pancreatitis and ketogenic diet = Takes a potent
>acidic ingredient

I've done a bit of research and it turns out this one's right on the money. (If I read it correctly, the epilepsy-alleviating ketogenic diet can cause pancreatitis as a side-effect when used in conjunction with valproic acid - please correct me if I'm wrong.) Anyway, very impressive work. *GEN NOM*

...Am I right in thinking you're not new to anagramming, Spersitraut? ;)

Pancreatitis and ketogenic diet =
I get an Ernesto act, and I picked it!


[> [> Re: Pancreatitis and ketogenic diet *NOM* *NOM* -- spersitraut, 02:30:50 07/27/02 Sat

>>Pancreatitis and ketogenic diet = Takes a potent
>>acidic ingredient
>I've done a bit of research and it turns out this
>one's right on the money. (If I read it correctly, the
>epilepsy-alleviating ketogenic diet can cause
>pancreatitis as a side-effect when used in conjunction
>with valproic acid - please correct me if I'm wrong.)
>Anyway, very impressive work. *GEN NOM*
>...Am I right in thinking you're not new to
>anagramming, Spersitraut? ;)
>Pancreatitis and ketogenic diet =
>I get an Ernesto act, and I picked it!

Pancreatitis and ketogenic diet =
I get an Ernesto act, and I picked it!

Thank you very much. I think that your 'gram is a truly impressive work, Richard G! I am breathless...


P.S.: Who are you, BTW?

[> [> [> Re: Pancreatitis and ketogenic diet *NOM* *NOM* -- Richard G, 12:47:56 07/28/02 Sun

>Thank you very much. I think that your 'gram is a
>truly impressive work, Richard G! I am breathless...

Thanks! But I think I'll pass on the nom, if you don't mind.

>P.S.: Who are you, BTW?

Good question, I often lie awake at night wondering that myself. :)


[> [> Re: Pancreatitis and ketogenic diet *NOM* *NOM* -- spersitraut, 02:31:30 07/27/02 Sat

>>Pancreatitis and ketogenic diet = Takes a potent
>>acidic ingredient
>I've done a bit of research and it turns out this
>one's right on the money. (If I read it correctly, the
>epilepsy-alleviating ketogenic diet can cause
>pancreatitis as a side-effect when used in conjunction
>with valproic acid - please correct me if I'm wrong.)
>Anyway, very impressive work. *GEN NOM*
>...Am I right in thinking you're not new to
>anagramming, Spersitraut? ;)
>Pancreatitis and ketogenic diet =
>I get an Ernesto act, and I picked it!

Pancreatitis and ketogenic diet =
I get an Ernesto act, and I picked it!

Thank you very much. I think that your 'gram is a truly impressive work, Richard G! I am breathless...



P.S.: Who are you, BTW?

An alias? -- Santa Claus = Casual Stan -- Mike Torr, 20:13:20 07/26/02 Fri

[> Re: An alias? [Casual Stan] I Like that! Name NOM! -- Jaybur, 18:19:38 07/27/02 Sat

[> [> Thanks! -- Mike Torr, 01:05:43 07/28/02 Sun

Neutrogena's Visibly Young anti-age night cream -- David A. Green, 20:43:30 07/27/02 Sat

Neutrogena's Visibly Young anti-age night cream =
I guess you mightn't be a (inactive) gran any longer!

[> Re: Neutrogena's Visibly Young anti-age night cream Long or Other names **NOM**!!! -- Santi, 00:13:19 07/28/02 Sun

>Neutrogena's Visibly Young anti-age night cream =
>I guess you mightn't be a (inactive) gran any longer!

Spersitraut = Super artist! -- Jaybur, 18:16:03 07/27/02 Sat

Change for the better = Thenceforth be great! -- Jaybur, 05:09:20 07/27/02 Sat

[> Re: Change for the better = Thenceforth be great! Excellent, Gen Nom! -- Joe F., 06:11:22 07/27/02 Sat

[> [> [Thenceforth be great! ] Excellent, Gen Nom! Thanks, Joe! -- Jaybur, 18:07:48 07/27/02 Sat

sometimes -- spersitraut, 14:08:55 07/27/02 Sat

Securities and Exchange Commission =
Sometimes sex' s a coin, inducin' charge

Securities and Exchange Commission -- spersitraut, 13:56:01 07/27/02 Sat

Securities and Exchange Commission
Exercises a modicum: chastising none

La crise de confiance qui touche les marchés -- spersitraut, 13:37:17 07/27/02 Sat

La crise de confiance qui touche les marchés =
Cue: Headquarters face economic chilliness

Scandales et crise boursière -- spersitraut, 13:35:56 07/27/02 Sat

Scandales et crise boursiere = Cancers erode U.S.A.'s liberties

Sunbathers II -- spersitraut, 13:18:37 07/27/02 Sat

The naked sunbathers = Then, shake at red buns

Reciprocity in love -- spersitraut, 22:44:58 07/24/02 Wed

I love you for sentimental reasons =
You love me for intestinal reasons

[> LOL! Nice parallelogram. NOM (rude, if I get your implication? Gen otherwise) -- Richard G, 17:33:43 07/25/02 Thu

[> [> Re: LOL! Nice parallelogram. NOM seconded. I certainly get the implication, but maybe I'm just sick. -- Joe F., 23:14:20 07/25/02 Thu

[> [> [> Re: LOL! Nice parallelogram. NOM seconded. I certainly get the implication, but maybe I'm just sick. -- spersitraut, 02:45:27 07/27/02 Sat

Thanks guys! Certainly, if there's anyone here who is overtly sick, he/she should be seeing a doctor.


Re: GET BIG, RIPPED, & STRONG! REAL ANABOLIC PHARMACEU... -- Ken, 00:32:06 08/03/02 Sat

Please unsubscribe!!!!!

>- D-BOL - WINNI-V - EQUIPOSE - GHB - and More!
>(Please click on the link below or copy and paste the
>following url into your browser if above link does not
>- Build Incredible Muscle Size and Strength - Get
>Vascular, Hard and Ultra Ripped
>Sustenol - Deca Nor - Masterbolan - Somatroph HGH -
>SDI-LABS TOLL FREE:1-561-742-5932; 164 Lake Worth Rd.
>Lake Worth, FL 33467
>To be cancelled FOR FREE from our email list please
>click on the following link and and hit send. Your
>email address will be removed within 24 hours.
> If above link does not work please
>send an email with the word cancel in the subject to
>If you have previously cancelled and are still
>receiving this message, or need to speak with us
>regarding this email, you may call our ABUSE CONTROL
>CENTER immediately Toll Free at 1-888-425-6789 or
>email ,
>*Our sincere love and prayers go out to all of the
>familys and individuals that were touched by the
>horrible acts committed against our country. And also
>for our soldiers who are now defending this great land.
> =
>Here's a few of the most common side effects of
>consuming anabolic steroids:
>1. If you are a crack male bodybuilder, your prick and
>balls will shrivel up to baby size, and I don't mean 8
>pounds and 21 inches long. Breasts will grow large,
>like the charming boobs of Pamela Anderson.
>2. If you are a crack female bodybuilder, the
>clitoris will flower, swell up like a squashed ugly
>salami, breasts will shrink and voice will drop 2
>octaves to a low awful growl.
>3. The liver will become quite cirrhotic, black,
>necrotic, or worse, a cancerous growth.
>4. All your 62 Anagrammy Awards get scrubbed or
>5. Get knobbled for dealing in illegal goods and end
>charged in court or confined in jail.
>6. Begin to send millions of childish wretched spams
>to the World's 134,456,789 bored Internet users.
>7. The screwball spam will include extensive prompts
>about removal from the list that the reader never
>asked to go on in the first place. All it'll do is
>confirm the innocent readers' email's correct and, in
>a flash, you can sell them to another bloody "opt-in"
>8. You could add a clever concept, a proud patriotic
>tag to the end of the email to make you look like a
>nice, warm, decent person, not a dumb spamming
>creep/evil drug dealer who thinks that all 134,456,789
>Internet users live in the USA.
>Posted using Sater anagram checker v. 5.0 (online)

Father Christmas = The fat charms, Sir! -- Mike Torr, 20:15:27 07/26/02 Fri

A MUCH better Jeanniegram! -- Mike Torr, 09:16:03 07/25/02 Thu

Found this after my 'negligee' effort...

I dream of Jeannie
Man joined faerie

[> Cute! ENT NOM -- Richard G, 13:29:23 07/26/02 Fri

[> [> Cheers! -- Mike Torr, 20:06:48 07/26/02 Fri
[1468] = One averts apish lapses - Sophists, too! -- Mike Torr, 01:10:21 07/24/02 Wed

[> Nice, Mike! [+more] -- Richard G, 16:02:02 07/24/02 Wed

Had a fiddle with the wording, hope you don't mind. I don't know if these rearrangements are an improvement, neither's ideal. =
Sophists avert one's too apish lapses.
O, sophists to avert one's apish lapses.

Unless your original meaning was that one can avert *sophists* too... by avoiding the NG at all costs, I presume. :)


[> [> Re: Nice, Mike! [+more] -- Mike Torr, 23:39:45 07/24/02 Wed

> =
>Sophists avert one's too apish lapses.
I like this one, though I'd add a hyphen:
Sophists avert one's too-apish lapses.

What happens now? Do we get joint credit? Are we even allowed to NOM each other?? :)

>Unless your original meaning was that one can avert
>*sophists* too... by avoiding the NG at all costs, I
>presume. :)
That was actually kind of the opposite of my intention (I'm an APIHNA neophyte) - but hey, it's open to interpretation!

[> [> [> Re: Nice, Mike! [+more] *NOM* -- Richard G, 17:31:22 07/25/02 Thu

>> =
>>Sophists avert one's too apish lapses.
>I like this one, though I'd add a hyphen:
>Sophists avert one's too-apish lapses.

Nearly did that, technically should've I guess.

>What happens now? Do we get joint credit? Are we
>even allowed to NOM each other?? :)

I don't have any claim to this one, you found all the keywords - in fact all the words - while all I did was tweak it a bit (at which point you countertweaked). And not only am I allowed to nom you, I'm going to. :) Other Names, methinks.

>>Unless your original meaning was that one can avert
>>*sophists* too... by avoiding the NG at all costs, I
>>presume. :)
>That was actually kind of the opposite of my intention
>(I'm an APIHNA neophyte) - but hey, it's open to

apihna isn't on my server, unfortunately. Pity, sounds like my sort of group.


[> [> [> [> Re: Thanks! -- Mike Torr, 09:10:06 07/26/02 Fri

>>What happens now? Do we get joint credit? Are we
>>even allowed to NOM each other?? :)
>I don't have any claim to this one, you found all the
>keywords - in fact all the words - while all I did was
>tweak it a bit (at which point you countertweaked).
>And not only am I allowed to nom you, I'm going to. :)
>Other Names, methinks.

Thank you very much :)

>apihna isn't on my server, unfortunately. Pity, sounds
>like my sort of group.

Have a look on Google Groups if you want to know what kind of thing goes on there. It's a rather fun cyberpub where people not only pick holes in punctuation but also (far more frequently) make puns.

Probably should have been called

[> [> [> [> [> Re: Thanks! -- Richard G, 14:37:10 07/26/02 Fri

>It's a rather fun cyberpub where people not only pick
>holes in punctuation but also (far more frequently)
>make puns.

I've seen some of their wares at in the past.

>Probably should have been called

*Definitely* sounds like my kind of group. ;)


Sheraton Hotels. = Rat holes. Honest. -- Hans-Peter, 05:54:55 07/25/02 Thu

[> Re: Sheraton Hotels. = Rat holes. Honest. * NOM * -- David A. Green, 06:47:06 07/25/02 Thu

Splendid! A five star OTHER NAMES NOM.

[> [> LOL! Nom seconded, H-P, extremely funny. -- Joe F., 08:09:04 07/25/02 Thu

[> [> [> Thank you both! -- Hans-Peter, 14:59:08 07/25/02 Thu

One for Barbara Eden fans... -- Mike Torr, 09:14:29 07/25/02 Thu

Negligee = Genie leg

Italian for Beginners -- spersitraut, 07:44:30 07/25/02 Thu

Italian for Beginners
Entails foreign brain

Microsoft Internet Explorer = Time for pixel content errors! -- Mike Torr, 21:15:46 07/23/02 Tue

[> Ha! Other Names nom, Mike. -- Richard G, 15:43:59 07/24/02 Wed

[> [> Re: Ha! Other Names nom, Mike. -- Mike Torr, 23:35:33 07/24/02 Wed

Thanks Richard!

You realise, of course, that the anagram is to be recited in the same voice as the guy who says "Time for teletubbies"...

This one's a bit deep -- Joe F., 11:43:24 07/23/02 Tue

The War on Terrorism = Mirror a hot Western

[> Yep, just a bunch of bloody cowboys... :( Top nom, Joe. -- Richard G, 17:02:18 07/23/02 Tue

[> Re: This one's a bit deep. My favourite WOT-gram. NOM seconded! -- Santi, 20:39:08 07/23/02 Tue

>The War on Terrorism = Mirror a hot Western

[> Thanks guys. I feel like I am going to get assassinated by the CIA sooner or later ;) -- Joe F., 00:02:19 07/24/02 Wed

[> [> Better watch it then Joe, cause THE CIA are an ACE HIT. ;) -- Richard G, 15:52:03 07/24/02 Wed

An incestuous relationship (Very rude) -- Joe F., 08:44:42 07/11/02 Thu

An incestuous relationship
I spilt on her anus. Eat, cousin!

[> My regards to your cousin, Joe. (still very rude) -- Richard G, 14:45:28 07/11/02 Thu

>An incestuous relationship
>I spilt on her anus. Eat, cousin!

Eww, too much information! ;)

Incestuous relationship =
Arsehole puts it in cousin.

[or indeed "Put it in cousin's arsehole."]


[> [> LOL! Rude NOM -- Joe F., 00:02:01 07/12/02 Fri

Incestuous relationship = Put it in cousin's arsehole

[> [> [> Thanks Joe! (And thanks for picking too, I couldn't decide.) -- Richard G, 14:19:32 07/12/02 Fri

[> [> Re: My regards to your cousin, Joe. (still very rude) -- David A. Green, 07:00:07 07/24/02 Wed

>Incestuous relationship =
>Arsehole puts it in cousin.
Also puts this in our niece.

Cartes routieres = Erotic treasures -- Spersitraut, 03:51:50 07/24/02 Wed

Cartes routieres
Erotic treasures

Le Tour de France = 'Fleet' race round -- Adrian H, 19:57:19 07/23/02 Tue

Le Tour de France =
'Fleet' race round
Led race? Fortune!


[> Re: Le Tour de France = 'Fleet' race round NOM -- Mike Torr, 21:48:05 07/23/02 Tue

>Le Tour de France =
>'Fleet' race round

I'm going to nominate this, but I feel that it works better without the quotes:

Le Tour de France = Fleet race round

This could either mean "a fleet(n) is racing around the course", or (IMO better) "fleet(adj, as in 'fast') race round"

Netscape Navigator = Ancient savage port -- Mike Torr, 21:17:29 07/23/02 Tue

Natural breasts = A true bra's slant. -- Santi, 04:50:45 07/23/02 Tue

[> Yep, the pneumatic stuff's the wrong shape all right. RUDE NOM, Santi. -- Richard G, 16:54:32 07/23/02 Tue

[> [> Re: Yep, the pneumatic stuff's the wrong shape all right. RUDE NOM, Santi. Thanks Richard! -- Santi, 20:31:36 07/23/02 Tue

[> [> Re: Yep, the pneumatic stuff's the wrong shape all right. RUDE NOM, Santi. Thanks Richard! -- Santi, 20:35:21 07/23/02 Tue

Nude beaches in France & Spain Fine & cheap cannabis ensured -- Spersitraut, 03:17:42 07/23/02 Tue

Nude beaches in France & Spain =
Fine & cheap cannabis ensured

[> [Re: Nude beaches in France & Spain] NOM -- Richard G, 16:58:43 07/23/02 Tue

>Nude beaches in France & Spain =
>Fine & cheap cannabis ensured

My guess is the connection here is not out of the realms of possibility. ;) Other names/Rude nom, Spersitraut.


The playstation = Pleasant hit toy. -- Santi, 04:39:07 07/23/02 Tue

Not so good as Janet's classic one but it works fine.

[> Re: The playstation = Pleasant hit toy. *NOM* -- Joe F., 06:44:12 07/23/02 Tue

>Not so good as Janet's classic one but it works fine.

Arguably an antigram but a good antigram nonetheless! Ent/Name NOM.

[> [> Re: The playstation = Pleasant hit toy. *NOM* Thanks Joe! -- Santi, 08:04:04 07/23/02 Tue

>>Not so good as Janet's classic one but it works fine.
>Arguably an antigram but a good antigram nonetheless!
>Ent/Name NOM.

Calories = "Oil scare" or "Oil cares". -- Santi, 04:22:03 07/23/02 Tue

Effeminacy = Iffy menace. -- Santi, 04:18:47 07/23/02 Tue

Come in dinner jackets! = Menace dict: No jerkins! -- Hans-Peter, 03:58:42 07/23/02 Tue

Shipman -- Adrian H, 19:50:28 07/22/02 Mon

I came up with this on a.a., thought I'd share with you.

Doctor Harold Frederick Shipman =
Horror plan of sick medic - Dr. Death


[> Re: Shipman NAME NOM. I was hoping you might post it here. -- Larry Brash, 21:53:15 07/22/02 Mon

[> [> Re: Shipman NAME NOM. Thanks, Larry -- Adrian H, 22:20:48 07/22/02 Mon

[> Re: Shipman -- Spersitraut, 02:16:19 07/23/02 Tue

>I came up with this on a.a., thought I'd share with
>Doctor Harold Frederick Shipman =
>Horror plan of sick medic - Dr. Death

Very good!

Doctor Shipman = Dispatch moron

[> Re: Shipman -- Spersitraut, 02:16:20 07/23/02 Tue

>I came up with this on a.a., thought I'd share with
>Doctor Harold Frederick Shipman =
>Horror plan of sick medic - Dr. Death

Very good!

Doctor Shipman = Dispatch moron

Bush telephones Afghan premier -- Spersitraut, 01:55:36 07/23/02 Tue

Bush telephones Afghan premier
= Thus, a beginners' map of help, here

Gardening spam (mildly rude) -- Allan Morley, 02:00:32 07/22/02 Mon

Sliding Blade PowerTooth(TM) Pruning Saw with Belt Clip

The Sliding Blade PowerTooth(TM) Saw by FISKARS(R) has a 6" Stainless Steel blade featuring a patented triple angle tooth design to plane away wood faster than ordinary designs. The Quick Release push button lock ensures safety from accidental closure during operation of the saw.

Made in Finland, assembled in the USA, this saw comes with a handy belt clip and a lifetime guarantee.

CLICK HERE to order your Sliding Blade PowerTooth(TM) Pruning Saw by FISKARS(R) Today!


At last, a spam with real worth and appeal! I could do with one of those things, thanks. Partially because my dern garden grows wild and free in the time I take deleting all the needless, crass and nonsensical spam I get forwarded so incessantly, but largely because right now I feel like snipping important (if meager) soft and fleshy appendages off your body. I don't need to draw you a diagram.

So CLICK HERE if you wanna be Bobbitted quick smart with this sleek, robust, serrated saw! Or perhaps blunt scissors.

It won't hurt a bit. It'll hurt a LOT.


[> Re: Gardening spam *NOM* Ouch! -- Adrian H, 19:41:54 07/22/02 Mon

[> Re: Gardening spam (mildly rude, but very funny) SECONDED! -- Larry Brash, 21:55:29 07/22/02 Mon

The cigarettes = Get trite aches! -- Santi, 21:24:50 07/22/02 Mon

The documentaries ~ hosted "true cinema". -- Santi, 21:12:07 07/22/02 Mon


True cinema hosted ~ the documentaries


[> Documentaries ~ educate minors -- Adrian H, 21:13:46 07/22/02 Mon

Nudist beach (rude) -- Joe F., 07:16:22 07/22/02 Mon

Nudist beach
Sun, bad ethic
A bitch's nude
I bashed cunt
Had nice bust

And, tragically,

Nudist beach = Sunbathe dic_

Oh, where was the K when I needed it?


Welcome back me. I'm not dead, I've just been in Spain :) -- Joe F., 17:51:35 07/21/02 Sun

[> Re: Welcome back, Joe. -- Larry Brash, 22:34:54 07/21/02 Sun

Why has Joe been over to Spain? =
Hehe! To paw senorinas, by Jove!

[> [> Re: Welcome back, Joe. -- Joe F., 06:23:22 07/22/02 Mon

>Why has Joe been over to Spain? =
>Hehe! To paw senorinas, by Jove!

Hahaha! No comment

Paint artist = Tint is apart. -- Santi, 05:45:20 07/22/02 Mon

World Champion Michael Schumacher = Much accomplished when amoral rich. -- Hans-Peter, 04:06:32 07/22/02 Mon

The Anagrammy Awards Forum = What made your friends? Grammar! -- Hans-Peter, 05:52:20 07/21/02 Sun

[> Oops, that was the "Back"-Button. Sorry, sorry, sorry.... -- Hans-Peter, 06:03:01 07/21/02 Sun

The Anagrammy Awards Forum = What made your friends? Grammar! -- Hans-Peter, 05:46:08 07/21/02 Sun

dysfunction -- spersitraut, 03:20:26 07/21/02 Sun

what is erectile dysfunction? =
deficiency at worthless unit

[> Re: dysfunction RUDE NOM -- Richard G, 04:50:49 07/21/02 Sun

>what is erectile dysfunction? =
>deficiency at worthless unit

Great! Rude nom, Spersitraut.

Spersitraut =
Super traits!
I trust pears.
Rise, upstart!

Welcome to the Forum. I liked your Roman Holiday 'gram too.


Ali G (Sacha Baron Cohen) = Cannabis! Cool gear, hah? -- Richard G, 17:32:51 07/20/02 Sat

[> Re: Ali G (Sacha Baron Cohen) = Cannabis! Cool gear, hah? * NOM * -- David A. Green, 18:46:34 07/20/02 Sat

Yous anagram, innit for real wicked! Me is chilled to nominate it. NAMES NOM

[> [> ME IS TANKIN U 4 DA NOM -- Ricky G, 04:42:18 07/21/02 Sun

peter jan balkenende = jat belerende knapen (nt) -- Lytse Piebe, 00:42:43 07/21/02 Sun

Posted using Sater anagram checker v. 5.0 (online)

Mister Simon Wiesentahl = Hitler in a witness' memos -- Yugoguy, 04:23:22 07/18/02 Thu

[> Name nom, Zoran. -- Richard G, 01:05:42 07/19/02 Fri

[> [> Re: Thanks,Richard -- Yugoguy, 23:06:17 07/20/02 Sat

Get a larger penis = Enter a "girls"-page -- Mattias Inghe, 14:27:27 07/20/02 Sat

Get a larger penis = Agreeing plaster

My last gram for a few weeks. Ill be back.

[> True enough! :) RUDE NOM (or Spam?) -- Richard G, 17:28:23 07/20/02 Sat




Updated: May 10, 2016


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