Anagrammy Forum Archives - #11

18 July 2002 - 8 August 2002




Pauline Hanson -- Richard G, 16:43:36 08/08/02 Thu

Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party =
Hate non-Aryanness in population.

[a made-up word, admittedly, but according to Google it has been used before]


Invictus by W. E. Henley -- Adrian H, 00:34:54 08/08/02 Thu

[Probably Henley's most famous work, anagrammed into a short biography of the author. Incidentally, I went to the same school, and was even in Henley House!]


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbow'd.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul

Invictus by William Ernest Henley.
A quiet, thoughtful child, educated at The Crypt School (of Gloucester), who unfathomably suffered from tubercular disease of the bone; a sad, harsh leg amputation followed, then twenty months accommodated in Scotland transformed him back to health. He then befriended Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, who, in the memory of his one-stumped companion, wrote of flamboyant charlatan Captain Silver, the brash commander, naughty chap!
He died at Woking aged fifty-three.

[> I like this. Long NOM! -- Mike Torr, 00:46:06 08/08/02 Thu

[> [Re: Invictus by W. E. Henley] Superb, Adrian. Seconded! -- Richard G, 16:09:15 08/08/02 Thu

Military Precision -- Mike Torr, 19:58:54 08/07/02 Wed

I couldn't choose between these two...

Military Precision = Army oils it nice - RIP
Military Precision = Primarily no cities

[> Re: Military Precision *NOM* -- Richard G, 16:02:41 08/08/02 Thu

>Military Precision = Primarily no cities

Nicely ambiguous 'gram - did you mean that 'no cities' are among the planned targets, or that that's the inadvertent by-product of said "precision"? ;) **GEN NOM**


A banner-ad from this forum -- Mattias Inghe, 08:58:15 08/08/02 Thu

A flatter Stomach and Less Cellulite in Just 19 Days! =

(Three on the same theme. Canīt decide wich is the better one)

Clueless flat lady Jamie, 19, lost her ass, cunt and tit.
Jamie, 19, lost cunt, all tits and her cute ass. Lays fled!
Jessica Daly, 19, cut menu, lost her left tit and all ass.

Star causes 91 lethally action filled adjustments.

"I am an antichrist" = An anti-racism hit -- Mattias Inghe, 00:10:44 08/08/02 Thu

[> Or was it maybe... "I am THE antichrist" = Anarchist hit item. -- Mattias Inghe, 07:36:59 08/08/02 Thu

"I am THE antichrist" = Anarchist hit item.
Canīt remeber the exact lyrics there.

The fine art of lovemaking = Flirting, he evoke fat moan -- Mattias Inghe, 07:27:47 08/08/02 Thu

Ritual combats = A tribal custom. [and more] -- Mey K., 07:21:28 08/07/02 Wed

True enough! Some more from those phrases:

Ritual Combats:

Brutal, somatic.
I'm a brutal cost.

A tribal custom = Mob acts ritual.

Mey K.

[> *NOM* for the one in the subject line, though the others aren't bad either! -- Joe F., 09:08:39 08/07/02 Wed

[> [> Why, thank you! -- Mey K., 07:04:34 08/08/02 Thu

Advertising = Devising art. -- Hans-Peter, 03:06:55 08/08/02 Thu

FINAL CALL FOR VOTES -- Larry Brash, 23:56:34 08/07/02 Wed

I will close the voting in about 22 hours from now.

The Anagrammy Voting Page is HERE

If you have already voted this month, please ignore this. If not, vote now, before it is too late.

Thank you,


foto -- andres, 14:19:17 08/06/02 Tue

send foto to my e-mail

[> Andres~'s a nerd. -- Joe F., 22:37:10 08/07/02 Wed

Ariel Sharon = Rash. Earn oil. -- Joe F., 22:29:46 08/07/02 Wed

[> Re: Ariel Sharon = Rash. Earn oil. -- Joe F., 22:32:30 08/07/02 Wed

Actually, on second thoughts, put inverted commas around 'earn'!

Ariel Sharon = Rash. 'Earn' oil.

Ben Kingsley = Leg be skinny -- think of Ghandi :-) -- Mike Torr, 19:21:11 08/07/02 Wed

[> Re: Ben Kingsley = Leg be skinny -- think of Ghandi :-) Name NOM, Mike! -- Jaybur, 20:02:08 08/07/02 Wed

[> [> Thanks Jaybur! -- Mike Torr, 20:09:55 08/07/02 Wed

The genealogical line = Hence I got all lineage. -- Jaybur, 17:28:57 08/07/02 Wed

[> Re: The genealogical line = Hence I got all lineage. Gen nom, Jaybur. -- Richard G, 18:21:50 08/07/02 Wed

[> [> Re: [The genealogical line Gen nom, Jaybur.] Thanks, RG. -- Jaybur, 20:03:42 08/07/02 Wed

Nanotechnology = Oh - ontogeny clan! -- Mike Torr, 19:36:43 08/07/02 Wed

Incriminating evidence = Indicating in crime, even. -- Jaybur, 17:26:02 08/07/02 Wed

Assorted 'grams -- Allan Morley, 14:35:44 07/31/02 Wed

There is no God but Allah =
The tough old Arabs' line.

Deliriousness =
Delusions rise.

Sophisticated ~ chat is so tepid! ;-)

Abortion on demand ~ to abandoned minor.
No, not born - I am dead.

The Betty Ford Clinic =
Rectify bent dolt (hic!)

Three blind mice =
Incredible, them!

Doing th Macarena =
O, a nightmare dance! :-)


[> Re: Assorted 'grams. 2 NOMs for you! -- Larry Brash, 15:14:02 07/31/02 Wed

Several good ones here, but my Noms are

>Sophisticated ~ chat is so tepid! ;-)

For General

>Doing the Macarena =
>O, a nightmare dance! :-)

For Entertainment.


[> There is no God but Allah = The tough old Arabs' line: Another NOM -- Mike Torr, 21:16:19 07/31/02 Wed

[> [> Thankyou, Mike and Larry! -- Allan Morley, 13:16:08 08/07/02 Wed

cancel -- sharon, 11:54:38 08/07/02 Wed


Prominent sin = Inprisonment -- Mattias Inghe, 04:15:19 08/07/02 Wed

This one is so obvious that it almost has to be discovered before. But amazingly I canīt find it anywhere.

[> Re: Prominent sin = Inprisonment Haven't found it either! Gen *NOM* -- Mey K., 07:10:38 08/07/02 Wed

[> [> No nom here. Save that for real words :) [See Mike's post] -- Mattias Inghe, 11:50:21 08/07/02 Wed

[> Re: Prominent sin = Inprisonment -- ? -- Mike Torr, 08:50:55 08/07/02 Wed

>This one is so obvious that it almost has to be
>discovered before. But amazingly I canīt find it

Perhaps it's because the spelling is 'imprisonment'...

[> [> Re: Prominent sin = Inprisonment -- ? -- Mattias Inghe, 11:23:11 08/07/02 Wed

>>This one is so obvious that it almost has to be
>>discovered before. But amazingly I canīt find it
>Perhaps it's because the spelling is 'imprisonment'...

English is not my native tounge, but my dictionary of choice uses both spellings. But Iīm beginning to suspect itīs dead wrong.

Imprisonment =
Men romps in it
Innermost imp
Misprint on me :)

Scrub in -- Mey K., 07:17:08 08/07/02 Wed

Surprisingly a bunch from this small phrase:

To scrub in:

Cut on ribs.
Rub tonics.
O, burn cist!

Mey K.

Refrigerator Magnets = Great for 'reminder' tags. -- Mey K., 07:14:28 08/06/02 Tue

[> Re: Refrigerator Magnets = Great for 'reminder' tags. Gen NOM! -- Wayne Baisley, 09:37:58 08/06/02 Tue

[> Great, but RickRothstein found that a 'd' is missing. You can buy one from me, though ;-) -- Hans-Peter, 21:39:43 08/06/02 Tue

[> [> Great for 'reminder' tags = Error at 'fridge' magnets! :-( -- Wayne Baisley, 00:58:01 08/07/02 Wed

[> Whoopsy... Sorry, guys! -- Mey K., 07:12:54 08/07/02 Wed

Some professions -- Mattias Inghe, 01:13:18 08/06/02 Tue

A priest = Is Pater
A president = Pedantries
A policeman = Plain cameo
A prostitute = A tourist pet
A proctologist = Gas? Protocol it!

A priest = Parties!
A president = Pedestrian
A policeman = I camp alone
A prostitute = Strip, eat out
A proctologist = Coital sport? Go!

A priest = Paté, sir.
A president = Needs a trip
A policeman = Cop in a meal
A prostitute = Treat it soup
A proctologist = Tool grips taco

A priest = A stripe
A president = Red panties (!)
A policeman = E-mail on cap
A prostitute = Up to artiste
A proctologist = O, girls opt coat

[> Re: Some professions *NOM* -- Richard G, 17:37:57 08/06/02 Tue

>A priest = Is Pater
>A president = Pedantries
>A policeman = Plain cameo
>A prostitute = A tourist pet
>A proctologist = Gas? Protocol it!
>A priest = Parties!
>A president = Pedestrian
>A policeman = I camp alone
>A prostitute = Strip, eat out
>A proctologist = Coital sport? Go!
>A priest = Paté, sir.
>A president = Needs a trip
>A policeman = Cop in a meal
>A prostitute = Treat it soup
>A proctologist = Tool grips taco
>A priest = A stripe
>A president = Red panties (!)
>A policeman = E-mail on cap
>A prostitute = Up to artiste
>A proctologist = O, girls opt coat

Funny! Special nom for the collection, Mattias.


[> NOM seconded! -- Paul Pan, 18:00:11 08/06/02 Tue

[> [> Thanks. Thatīs where boredom and a dusty old scrabbleboard takes me. :) -- Mattias Inghe, 04:05:08 08/07/02 Wed

Over 3,800 anagram names from around the world... -- Paul Pan, 00:23:25 08/06/02 Tue

Looking for anagram names for your twins, triplets, quadruplets, etc etc, ad infintum?

Visit and feast your eyes on nuggets such as:

Carmella 'n' Marcella
Claudine 'n' Dulcinea
Dino 'n' Odin
Hecate 'n' Cathee
Khan 'n' Hank
Siemens 'n' Meissen 'n' Nemesis

[> Re: Over 3,800 anagram names from around the world... -- Paul Pan, 22:38:08 08/06/02 Tue

Looking for anagram names for your twins, triplets, quadruplets, etc etc, ad infintum?
Visit and feast your eyes on nuggets such as:
Carmella 'n' Marcella
Claudine 'n' Dulcinea
Dino 'n' Odin
Hecate 'n' Cathee


Announcing an insane, screwed, manifestation of conduct:

Squire, I wish to be registered as the first-known anagram-related spammer to intentionally 'n' unashamedly anagram his own spam (Need MD? Defensive, hesitant chuckle!).

'Gram Spam, thank you Hellenic mam (succulent lent lunch!)

[> Re: Over 3,800 anagram names from around the world... Special NOM!! -- Santi, 01:58:17 08/07/02 Wed

>Looking for anagram names for your twins, triplets,
>quadruplets, etc etc, ad infintum?
>Visit and
>feast your eyes on nuggets such as:
>Carmella 'n' Marcella
>Claudine 'n' Dulcinea
>Dino 'n' Odin
>Hecate 'n' Cathee
>Khan 'n' Hank
>Siemens 'n' Meissen 'n' Nemesis

[> [> Thanks :) However ... -- Paul Pan, 02:08:21 08/07/02 Wed

however this should be a joint nomination for Nanaea and myself, as this project was a joint effort :)

Philanderer (rude) -- Hans-Peter, 01:52:20 08/07/02 Wed

Lip hardener.

Doing his job I suppose...

Greenhouse effect = Huge trees offence. -- Hans-Peter, 02:41:09 08/06/02 Tue

[> Re: Greenhouse effect = Huge trees offence. - General NOM! Very good. -- Mike Torr, 06:26:36 08/06/02 Tue

[> [> Thank you , Mike. -- Hans-Peter, 21:38:20 08/06/02 Tue

Sent to prison ~ to stop sinner -- Adrian H, 20:26:09 08/06/02 Tue

[> Re: Sent to prison ~ to stop sinner -- Perfect. General NOM! -- Mike Torr, 21:20:00 08/06/02 Tue

[> [> [Perfect. General NOM!] Thankyou, Mike :) -- Adrian H, 21:23:16 08/06/02 Tue

a bunch -- Matjaz P., 01:37:16 07/18/02 Thu

Pop music = 'Cos I pump.
A mighty word = Gad I'm worthy.
A medalist = Aimed last.
A dead plant .. add a planet.
The quickest adapt = Ah, aptest quit deck.
No emotions is monotone.

Matjaz P.

[> Re: a bunch *NOM* -- Mey K., 07:51:26 07/18/02 Thu

>No emotions is monotone.

My fave! Gen Nom.

Mey K.

[> [> No emotions is monotone (M.P) O, it's one *NOM* ! (Z.R.) -- Zoran R., 09:08:28 07/18/02 Thu

[> [> [> Re: No emotions is monotone : Thanx both, I'm just back from windsurfing in Southern adriatic ;) -- Matjaz P, 20:54:19 08/06/02 Tue

A case of mistaken identity -- Wayne Baisley, 05:41:33 08/06/02 Tue

Inspired by someone claiming to be "David Bourke" ...

A case of mistaken identity =
Testimony indicates a fake.
Mey indicates it's not a fake.
Dotty insistence -- I am a fake!
Steady on! Is it me can fake it?
Mensa idiots can yet fake it.


[> A case of mistaken identity = Testimony indicates a fake....Gen NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 17:58:25 08/06/02 Tue

How to make the perfect Bloody Mary = Why, my lab prefer the tomato cooked -- Mattias Inghe, 12:26:32 08/06/02 Tue

Love is a four letter word -- Mattias Inghe, 11:42:09 08/06/02 Tue

Love is a four letter word =

As evlidoer torture flow
to sorrowful alive deter
Weariful revert to old, so
led to rift valorous were

True to love i arrows fled
So farewell to truer void
To our alert if lovers wed
Woeful terror let's avoid

Good 'old Bill Clinton strikes again :) -- Paul Pan, 02:14:52 08/06/02 Tue

"The Israelis know that if the Iraqi or the Iranian army came across the Jordan River, I would personally grab a rifle, get in a ditch, and fight and die" (former US President Bill Clinton at a fund-raising dinner).
Eerie oral intern skirt-ejaculator, anti-Vietnam draft-dodger, bribed-in-HQ grass-whiff inhaler, Hillary-in-Senate panhandler, denied stating this:
"I would do anything for Israel - apart from a circumcision"

[> Re: Good 'old Bill Clinton strikes again :) NOM! -- Mattias Inghe, 11:33:30 08/06/02 Tue

>"The Israelis know that if the Iraqi or the Iranian
>army came across the Jordan River, I would personally
>grab a rifle, get in a ditch, and fight and die"
>(former US President Bill Clinton at a fund-raising
>Eerie oral intern skirt-ejaculator, anti-Vietnam
>draft-dodger, bribed-in-HQ grass-whiff inhaler,
>Hillary-in-Senate panhandler, denied stating this:
>"I would do anything for Israel - apart from a

Bwaha. Spot on. Without further ado, I call this Long and nominate it.

Business Corporation = One's basis : Corruption -- Joe F., 01:49:03 08/06/02 Tue

[> Re: Business Corporation = One's basis : Corruption. We're finding that out!... Gen *NOM* -- Mey K., 07:13:26 08/06/02 Tue

[> [> Thanks Mey. Methinks we've known all along, somehow.... -- Joe F., 07:21:28 08/06/02 Tue

The Atkins diet = Thin-steak diet -- Paul Pan, 00:29:30 08/03/02 Sat

[> Re: The Atkins diet = Thin-steak diet -- Mike Torr, 19:08:01 08/05/02 Mon

Ha! I like this. NOM (Other names?)

[> [> Thanks :) -- Paul Pan, 20:59:03 08/05/02 Mon

[> [> Re: The Atkins diet = Thin-steak diet - NOM! Sorry, forgot to use subject line! -- Mike Torr, 01:41:21 08/06/02 Tue

Usual reason to do a Masters -- Joe F., 01:33:00 08/06/02 Tue

Master's Degree ~ regards esteem!

Also, less cynically:
Semester, grade.


Mr rioter's ~ terrorism -- Paul Pan, 23:08:02 08/05/02 Mon

Twins -- Adrian H, 21:06:49 08/05/02 Mon

In twos? O! Twins!

Cleaves in two =
Ace! Love twins!


Oscar Wilde's 'The Importance of Being Earnest' = Oh, we meet entertaining prose of classic bard! -- Mey K., 03:38:38 08/01/02 Thu

[> Great! ENT NOM, Mey. -- Richard G, 09:29:37 08/01/02 Thu

[> 'The Importance of Being Earnest' = Go on, prance if the name is better. -- Mattias Inghe, 13:23:32 08/05/02 Mon

Some untold stories of D-Day -- spersitraut, 04:50:36 08/05/02 Mon

Some untold stories of D-Day = A soldier's muddy footnotes

(an alternatively 'gram is: A footsoldier's muddy notes)

The Leader Board is open -- Larry Brash, 17:21:16 08/04/02 Sun

4 votes in.

The Leader Board is now open.

Leader Board


Anagrammy Voting is open -- Larry Brash, 13:15:18 08/04/02 Sun

This is to inform everyone that voting is now open for this month's Anagrammy Awards.

Voting will be open for approximately 5 days. I will also send a final reminder in the final 24 hours.

The URL direct to the Anagrammy Voting Page is

All the best.


Director Ed Wood = to weird "odd-core" -- Santi, 09:14:26 07/27/02 Sat

[> How about "The director Ed Wood = Odd, weird to the core"? [I do like your term 'odd-core', though. :)] -- Richard G, 12:43:59 07/28/02 Sun

[> [> Re: How about "The director Ed Wood = Odd, weird to the core"? [I do like your term 'odd-core', though. :)] Great! Name NOM! -- Santi, 18:53:17 07/30/02 Tue

[> [> [> [Great! Name NOM!] Nom's all yours, Santi. -- Richard G, 09:12:54 08/01/02 Thu

[> [> [> [> Re: [Great! Name NOM!] Nom's all yours, Santi. I leave the NOM to you, Richard. You arranged it! -- Santi, 09:42:03 08/02/02 Fri

[> [> [> [> [> No thanks Santi, it was just a minor shuffle on my part. This one's definitely and deservedly yours. -- Richard G, 12:41:01 08/04/02 Sun

Thraldom = Harm told. -- Hans-Peter, 02:22:14 08/04/02 Sun

Commonwealth Games -- Larry Brash, 17:09:02 08/01/02 Thu

Commonwealth Games in Manchester, UK =
The Aussie month: crack men, glam women.


[> Re: Commonwealth Games LATE SELF NOM -- Larry Brash, 08:24:05 08/02/02 Fri

>Commonwealth Games in Manchester, UK =
>The Aussie month: crack men, glam women.

Would everyone mind terribly, if I late self-nommed this one? I have not had much time to anagram this month and was a little late getting this one in.



[> [> Re: Commonwealth Games LATE SELF NOM: Seconded, Larry. -- Jaybur, 18:55:46 08/02/02 Fri

[> [> [> Beaudy, Jaybur; yer a top sheila! -- Larry Brash, 21:27:19 08/03/02 Sat

homemakers = ah moms reek! -- walter nebwoldt, 02:36:30 08/03/02 Sat

[> Re: homemakers: The homemaker = Ah, meek mother! -- Jaybur, 05:09:28 08/03/02 Sat

awardmsater's challege: -- walter nebwoldt, 02:26:50 08/03/02 Sat

note too laet,i hope???!

"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind" Neil Armstrong
signal of a folk's prominent; "met ten arrogant aliens!" darn! so napalm them!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::))
walter newboldt - "world web talent"

Weight Watchers -- Paul Pan, 01:06:55 08/03/02 Sat

~ chew, waste girth
~ grew with cheats
~ charge with stew
~ chew right, sweat
~ chew earth-twigs

- We chew straight
- Tiger chews WHAT ?!?!
- Chew, wear tights
- We chew at girths
- Re: what git chews
- We girth watches
- Chew tart? we sigh!

Eat yourself slim! = My rule is, lose fat! -- aybur, 22:01:40 08/02/02 Fri

[> Re: Eat yourself slim! = My rule is, lose fat! General NOM, (J)aybur, but starting Monday :P -- Paul Pan, 00:00:16 08/03/02 Sat

[> [> Re: [... lose fat] General NOM, (J)aybur, but starting Monday :P Thanks, Paul! -- Jaybur, 00:31:09 08/03/02 Sat

The Scarsdale diet = Hard edict: eat less -- Paul Pan, 00:20:45 08/03/02 Sat

[> Re: The Scarsdale diet = Hard edict: eat less: Gen NOM, starting now! -- Jaybur, 00:29:10 08/03/02 Sat

[> [> Hehe, thanks Jaybur ;) -- Paul Pan, 00:30:34 08/03/02 Sat

Vital nutrients = Nutritive slant. -- Jaybur, 22:05:18 08/02/02 Fri

The roller coasters = These roll creators -- Jaybur, 22:03:28 08/02/02 Fri

Monsieur Camille Saint-Saens = So, listen: real musician's name! -- Jaybur, 18:05:01 07/27/02 Sat

[> People's Names nom, Jaybur. [+more] -- Richard G, 12:40:12 07/28/02 Sun

Monsieur Camille Saint-Saens =
Learns to see animals in music.


[> [> Nice touch, RG... a *NOM* for you, too! -- Mey K., 09:57:27 08/01/02 Thu

>Monsieur Camille Saint-Saens =
>Learns to see animals in music.

[> [> [> Thanks, Mey. -- Richard G, 10:24:48 08/01/02 Thu

[> [> Re: People's Names nom, Jaybur. Thanks for Nom, RG. -- Jaybur, 18:52:46 08/02/02 Fri

Keep Britain Tidy = Rip intake by diet -- Wayne Baisley, 15:47:20 08/02/02 Fri

I read that the wild rat population in Britain is growing rapidly, perhaps due to discarded fast food.

Keep Britain Tidy =
Rip intake by diet.
Pinky-baiter diet (You know, Brain's friend)
Rat bit kidney pie.
Keepin' dirty bait
Tip: bakery tied in
Pike rabid entity.


FINAL SELECTIONS PLEASE -- Larry Brash, 08:20:41 08/02/02 Fri

I think everyone knows the routine, but in case anyone is new:

If you have more than one nomination in a category (except Special), please email me the ones that you would like on the final list.

The list can be found in Richard's post:
"FULL LIST OF NOMS [warning, large]"

or here at:
Current Noms



Australian Football = A fatal ritual on slob. -- Hans-Peter, 02:10:39 08/02/02 Fri

Anagrammatist's block = Amok blasts! I can't gram' ... -- Paul Pan, 22:37:14 08/01/02 Thu

The Oxford English Dictionary = Exhort godly arch-definitions! -- Paul Pan, 21:56:03 08/01/02 Thu

JULY NOMS ARE NOW CLOSED -- Richard G, 11:12:41 08/01/02 Thu

Full list of noms will follow shortly.


[> FULL LIST OF NOMS [warning, large] -- Richard G, 11:32:25 08/01/02 Thu

JULY 2002 NOMINATIONS [104/67]
[List snipped -- Ed.]

New Corporate-Fraud Law -- Mey K., 21:06:01 07/31/02 Wed

Seemingly strict, but will it be effective?

Bush Signs New Corporate-Fraud Law
"We'd flog... ah, *warn* a corrupt business".

Mey K.

[> Re: New Corporate-Fraud Law *NOM* -- Mey K., 10:02:08 08/01/02 Thu

>Seemingly strict, but will it be effective?
>Bush Signs New Corporate-Fraud Law
>"We'd flog... ah, *warn* a corrupt business".

Last minute posting, cursed be thy name... My self *NOM* for the month, if noone's up for it.

Mey K.

(Alas!) On warm summer days... -- spersitraut, 12:50:14 07/27/02 Sat

MUNICH, Germany (Reuters) - The naked sunbathers who once
filled Munich's central park on warm summer days are turning
their backs on Germany's famous open-air celebration to nudity. [...]
"We've lost many of the nudists who made the English Garden
a special place," said park director Thomas Koester.

On warm summer days = My nude swarms roam

[> Sunbathers -- spersitraut, 13:17:01 07/27/02 Sat

>MUNICH, Germany (Reuters) - The naked sunbathers who
>filled Munich's central park on warm summer days ...

The naked sunbathers = Bask under that sheen

[> [> Re: Sunbathers A lovely image, spersitraut! Gen *NOM* -- Mey K., 09:58:47 08/01/02 Thu

As it's the 31st... -- Mike Torr, 01:32:03 08/01/02 Thu

Last-ditch entry to get myself nominated
Month-end letters yield fat snotty magic!

[> ...but don't ignore this one! :-) -- Mike Torr, 09:50:11 08/01/02 Thu

Flute sonata = A tune's aloft. -- Richard G, 01:28:15 07/20/02 Sat

[> Re: Flute sonata = A tune's aloft. A cutey that was somehow missed! *NOM* -- Mey K., 08:11:44 07/31/02 Wed

[> [> [A cutey that was somehow missed! *NOM*] Thanks, Mey. -- Richard G, 09:14:58 08/01/02 Thu

United States of America = I see a fun,so I'm attracted ! -- Zoran R, 10:32:59 07/31/02 Wed

[> With a tiny change: United States of America = I see fun,so I am attracted ! Other Names NOM, Zoran. -- Allan Morley, 14:38:16 07/31/02 Wed

[> [> [I see fun,so I am attracted !] Other Names NOM, Zoran. Seconded! -- Jaybur, 17:27:45 07/31/02 Wed

[> [> United States of America = I see fun,so I am attracted ! Other Names NOM, Zoran. Thirded, fourthed and fifthed! -- Santi, 18:54:42 07/31/02 Wed

[> [> [> Thank you all (with a tiny change that Allan suggests) -- Zoran R., 03:22:00 08/01/02 Thu

[> [> [> [> Yep, nice work Zoran. American culture = Rare, uncut malice ;) -- Joe F., 06:41:42 08/01/02 Thu

Jelena Dokic (RUDE) -- Joe F., 01:29:22 08/01/02 Thu

Jelena Dokic = Lean dick, Joe!

[> Re: Jelena Dokic (RUDE) Joe,you little devil *NOM* -- Zoran R., 03:31:07 08/01/02 Thu

>Jelena Dokic = Lean dick, Joe!

[> [> Thanks Zoran, I thought you might appreciate this one :) -- Joe F., 03:36:50 08/01/02 Thu

>>Jelena Dokic = Lean dick, Joe!

Sandler -- Mey K., 03:36:40 08/01/02 Thu

For a reason yet unknown, the classic Capra comedy 'Mr. Deeds Goes to Town' has been remade recently as 'Mr. Deeds', starring the gross-out comedian Adam Sandler.

Adam Sandler:

Real damn sad.
Sad, darn lame.
Darn sad male.
Lad's near mad.

The Comedian Adam Sandler:

Oh man, act a lead in "Mr. Deeds"!
A ham - I cannot lead "Mr. Deeds".

Mey K.

Princess Diana Memorial Fountain = I dream of an Uncle Sam inspiration -- Wayne Baisley, 02:42:10 08/01/02 Thu

After 5 long years an American team has won the competition to design a memorial to be built in Hyde Park.

Princess Diana Memorial Fountain =
I dream of an Uncle Sam inspiration
Painless inundation from America?


George Best's liver transplant operation = To preserve genial, notable sporting star -- Adrian H, 22:23:31 07/31/02 Wed

[> Well done for avoiding the cynical approach! Topical NOM -- Mike Torr, 01:04:26 08/01/02 Thu

[> [> [Topical NOM] Thanks, Mike. -- Adrian H, 01:49:10 08/01/02 Thu

As it's the 31st... -- Mike Torr, 01:33:36 08/01/02 Thu

Last-ditch entry to get myself nominated
Month-end letters yield fat snotty magic!

[> Please ignore - accidental duplication! -- Mike Torr, 01:35:00 08/01/02 Thu

Hebrew University = View ruins thereby. -- Mey K., 00:52:23 08/01/02 Thu

[> Re: Hebrew University = Wives bury therein :( -- Paul Pan, 01:01:48 08/01/02 Thu

The Meaning of Life -- Joe F., 11:15:48 07/31/02 Wed

The Meaning of Life
One fine lame fight
Feel fate homing in

[> Re: The Meaning of Life = Feel fate horning in /General NOM! -- Santi, 19:11:16 07/31/02 Wed

>The Meaning of Life
>One fine lame fight
>Feel fate homing in

[> [> Thanks Santi. Sorry to be so pedantic, but just so RG doesn't think it's not an anagram, I think you meant "Feel fate homing in" ;) -- Joe F., 00:20:50 08/01/02 Thu




Updated: May 10, 2016


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