Anagrammy Forum Archives - #14

17 August 2002 - 31 August 2002




The Loan Company -- Joe F., 06:39:17 08/29/02 Thu

This is a (highly originally-named) company, which, erm, loans money....

The Loan Company = The ploy : Con a man.


[> Re: The Loan Company Hehe :) Other name NOM ! -- Paul Pan, 19:07:43 08/30/02 Fri

[> [> Thanks Paul :) -- Joe F., 00:20:51 08/31/02 Sat

Microsoft Frontpage Technical Support = Oops, if PC falters contact them, or ring up! -- David A. Green, 06:45:48 08/29/02 Thu

[> Re: Microsoft Frontpage Technical Support = Oops, if PC falters contact them, or ring up! NOM! (Other Names) -- Larry Brash, 23:17:09 08/30/02 Fri

Anagrammy Website is temporarily down -- Larry Brash, 14:55:54 08/29/02 Thu

The Anagrammy website has been a little TOO popular for its own good this month.

For the first time every we overran download quota of one Gigabyte in the last day or so.

I have upgraded our limit to 2 gig per month for a small monthly fee.

All should be restored in the next 24 hours.

Sorry about the inconvenience.


[> We are back again. Thank God, it didn't happen during the competition! -- Larry Brash, 23:07:50 08/30/02 Fri

The wrestler Kendo Nagasaki (mildly rude) -- David A. Green, 06:51:24 08/29/02 Thu

There are many people who claim that the masked wrestler Kendo Nagasaki was a Japanese Samurai warrior versed in the mysteries of far-Eastern martial arts; other people claim his real name was Peter Thornley, a plumber from Wolverhampton.

Whatever, his name's great for anagramming...

The wrestler Kendo Nagasaki =
Regret is, he wanks a lot naked
Karate strike legend has won!

[> Re: The wrestler Kendo Nagasaki (mildly rude) Name NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 19:06:18 08/30/02 Fri

>The wrestler Kendo Nagasaki =

>Karate strike legend has won!

Ministers = Interims. -- Hans-Peter, 04:59:35 08/28/02 Wed

Ministers = Interims.

My google search only produced results with no anagramming at all.
No hit in AG and Forum.


[> Re: Ministers = Interims. NOM -- Joe F., 11:43:47 08/28/02 Wed

It does seem to be new doesn't it? I think it's worth a NOM if it is, 1 word = 1 word is always pretty neat. NOM accepted, RG?

[> [> [Re: Ministers = Interims. NOM] , thanks, but -- Hans-Peter, 16:01:47 08/28/02 Wed

>It does seem to be new doesn't it? I think it's worth
>a NOM if it is, 1 word = 1 word is always pretty neat.
>NOM accepted, RG?

Barry Schwartz pointed out to me that I can not count :-)

9 letters to the left, 8 to the right. Damn.

Only repair I have is
Ministers = īs interim. [meaning 'that' as given in the OED2]

Well, itīs not the same any more, isnīt it?

Cheers and sorry

[> [> [> Re: [Re: Ministers = Interims. NOM] , thanks, but -- Joe F., 09:08:39 08/29/02 Thu

>Only repair I have is
>Ministers = īs interim

Actually Hans, it's still 9 to the left and 8 to the right ;)

Only fixes I can see are

Minister = Interims (Which is singular to plural)
Minister ~ 's interim (I assume this is what you meant? It's still not bad but not really worth a NOM any more, sorry.)


[> [> [> [> Re: [Re: Ministers = Interims. NOM] , thanks, but -- Hans-Peter, 20:03:58 08/29/02 Thu

>Minister ~ 's interim (I assume this is what you
>meant? It's still not bad but not really worth a NOM
>any more, sorry.)

Youīre absolutely right. I fully agree.

Thanks anyway

Earth Summit = I'm utter sham? -- Jaybur, 00:35:29 08/28/02 Wed

[> [I'm utter sham?] Unfortunately, yes. :( Topical nom, Jaybur. -- Richard G, 12:43:39 08/29/02 Thu

[> [> Re: Earth Summit Nom: Thank you, RG. -- Jaybur, 16:33:21 08/29/02 Thu

[Scot, after whom the mackintosh is named] Charles Macintosh = Chances hailstorm. -- Jaybur, 20:40:45 08/28/02 Wed

[> Re: Charles Macintosh = Chances hailstorm. * NOM * -- David A. Green, 06:55:55 08/29/02 Thu

Short and exactly to the point. A neat find, Janet. PEOPLE'S NAMES NOM.

[> [> Re: Chances hailstorm. * NOM * Thanks, David. -- Jaybur, 16:31:31 08/29/02 Thu

'Hand Shadows to be Thrown Upon the Wall' by Henry Bursil -- David A. Green, 20:22:46 08/26/02 Mon

'Hand Shadows to be Thrown Upon the Wall' by Henry Bursil =
Enthrall! Show how to shape bunny rabbits, owl, ruddy hen.

(Ruddy hen or duck: oxyura jamaicensis.)
(I used to own a copy of this book as a small boy - and great fun it was, too.)

[> Re: 'Hand Shadows to be Thrown Upon the Wall' by Henry Bursil *NOM* -- Richard G, 12:59:08 08/29/02 Thu

>'Hand Shadows to be Thrown Upon the Wall' by Henry
>Bursil =
>Enthrall! Show how to shape bunny rabbits, owl, ruddy

Worth a nom in my book, David. I'd move the s of 'rabbits' though, just so the list at the end doesn't hop from plural to singular - 'showS how' should be OK. (Or 'Enthralls!' if you prefer.)


Actress Cameron Diaz = Crazed mass reaction (more) -- Ghud Sariffian, 08:23:57 08/29/02 Thu

Cameron Diaz, actress =
Americas second tzar
Actors screamed "Nazi"!
Amazed escorts in car
A dozen ceramic stars

Vatican Galleries = Art is evangelical. (+more) -- Mey K., 09:22:36 08/28/02 Wed

Vatican Galleries:

Art is evangelical.
Angelic art's alive.
Art, live as angelic.

The Vatican Galleries, Rome:

Elevating me. Hail creators!
The revelation's real magic.
Ah, get miracles, revelation.

Mey K.

[> Re: Vatican Galleries = Art is evangelical. (other name?) NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 17:38:51 08/28/02 Wed does "bring good news", Vatican notwithstanding...

[> [> Re: Vatican Galleries = Art is evangelical. (other name?) NOM I guess! -- Mey K., 07:06:06 08/29/02 Thu

Thanks, Paul!

The Vatican Galleries = Ah, get clever Italians!

Mey K.

Allied Force -- Joe F., 06:08:59 08/29/02 Thu

The message coming from Washington as regards any possible massacre... oops, I mean "regime change", in Iraq is that an "Allied Force" would have to be involved.

Allied Force = Oil-led farce


Microsoft Technical Support = Furthest Complication Corps. -- Hans-Peter Reich, 03:20:04 08/29/02 Thu

National Obesity Forum = Boo! man is routinely fat. -- Jaybur, 00:40:39 08/28/02 Wed

[> Re: National Obesity Forum = Boo! man is routinely fat. Like it. Gen *NOM* -- Mike Torr, 19:15:01 08/28/02 Wed

[> [> Re: Like it. Gen *NOM* Thanks for Nom, Mike! -- Jaybur, 20:39:19 08/28/02 Wed

Quasi-rude -- Paul Pan, 17:56:02 08/28/02 Wed

A superior posterior = Propitious rose rear

We are the champions (some more) -- Zoran, 11:41:13 08/28/02 Wed

Oh,a creep in "West Ham" !
Oh,wipe a Manchester !
Heh,I am new sport ace !
When I am a top - cheers !


[> We are the champions = What nice semaphore ! -- Zoran, 11:55:35 08/28/02 Wed

We are the champions = Ah,semaphore,win,etc. -- Zoran, 11:25:42 08/28/02 Wed

Shakespeare's Sonnet XIV -- Mey K., 03:04:19 08/27/02 Tue

Something a bit more simple, for a change - Shakespeare's sonnet anagrammed into a paraphrase anagram, which is also an acrostic of a fitting word. Enjoy!

Sonnet XIV
William Shakespeare

Not from the stars do I my judgement pluck,
And yet methinks I have astronomy,
But not to tell of good, or evil luck,
Of plagues, of dearths, or seasons' quality,
Nor can I fortune to brief minutes tell;
Pointing to each his thunder, rain and wind,
Or say with princes if it shall go well
By oft predict that I in heaven find.
But from thine eyes my knowledge I derive,
And constant stars in them I read such art
As truth and beauty shall together thrive
If from thy self, to store thou wouldst convert:
Or else of thee this I prognosticate,
Thy end is truth's and beauty's doom and date.


The Joyful Attempt to Plot Our Fate
Meyran K.

I don't know much about the mystic world,
No visions of the future visit me;
So sorry I find Nostradamus droll -
I learned it's hard to grasp eternity.
God knows I shan't fit Librans certain traits -
How can one estimate the daily feuds?
The labyrinth shall ever round our fate;
Forsake then what the prophet *might* conclude...
Uniquely, though, your tempting look forebodes
Love's celebrated act and its result:
New infant nigh, of deft and higher mode,
Essentially the motive to exult...
Since that hypothesis is smartly done,
Signs forecast a divine and vibrant son.

Mey K.

[> Re: Shakespeare's Sonnet XIV. Special NOM of course! -- Joe F., 04:07:44 08/27/02 Tue

[> [> Re: Special NOM of course! Seconded, Mey! -- Jaybur, 01:18:14 08/28/02 Wed

[> [> [> Glad you liked it, J & J! -- Mey K., 09:04:34 08/28/02 Wed

M. Night Shyamalan's "Signs" = Man-things has my signals -- Mattias Inghe, 07:19:08 08/28/02 Wed

If African, motivate ~ affirmative action -- Paul Pan, 02:05:51 08/28/02 Wed

Assorted 'grams -- Allan Morley, 01:21:07 08/27/02 Tue

Spaghetti bolognese ~ goes on the big plates.

The casino =
I note cash.

All the world's a stage =
God's law: all's theater.

Rich and famous =
Fair mound cash, ~ found charisma.

Nude bathing =
Gaunt behind! ;-)


[> Re: Assorted 'grams *NOM* -- Mey K., 02:38:42 08/27/02 Tue

>Spaghetti bolognese ~ goes on the big plates.

One for the imagination, but my fave! Gen Nom, Allan.

Mey K.

[> Re: (All the world's a stage = God's law: all's theater.) *NOM* -- Ghud Sariffian, 04:40:18 08/27/02 Tue

>Spaghetti bolognese ~ goes on the big plates.

I agree with Mey. This is cool.

>All the world's a stage =
>God's law: all's theater.

...but this one I like even better. It gets my NOM.

[> [> Re: (God's law: all's theater.) *NOM* Seconded, Allan! -- Jaybur, 01:20:03 08/28/02 Wed

The path to Eternal Damnation (RUDE) -- Joe F., 04:13:02 08/27/02 Tue

The Christian Church = Ah, the rich rich cunts!

[> Re: The path to Eternal Damnation (RUDE) *NOM* -- Mike Torr, 09:53:39 08/27/02 Tue

Just thought I'd NOM this in case everyone else is too scared. I have nothing to lose, I'm an atheist :-)

[> [> Re: The path to Eternal Damnation (RUDE) *NOM* -- Joe F., 10:55:45 08/27/02 Tue

>Just thought I'd NOM this in case everyone else is too
>scared. I have nothing to lose, I'm an atheist :-)

Thanks Mike, I'm glad someone appreciates the satire (I mean, think how much money the Church has when people are starving....)

Actually I do believe in God but that doesn't mean I have any sympathy with these losers who are basically responsible for poverty.

Old stuff (take with a pinch of salt, please )

He's a tit
It's hate
Eat shit

:) Thanks again for the NOM.

[> [> [> Re: The path to Eternal Damnation (RUDE) *NOM* -- Mike Torr, 20:24:35 08/27/02 Tue

>Old stuff (take with a pinch of salt, please )
>He's a tit
>It's hate
>Eat shit

See, this is what I like about this Forum. It is purely for anagrams, and nobody ever gets sidetracked... ;)

Naturally, I took the above in good humour. If I couldn't, I'd never survive the regular onslaughts from religious quarters!

May I return the favour?

Belief in God
Inedible fog
Oblige fiend
Be "doing life"
If I belonged...
Do begin life!
Go be infidel!
Being fed oil
O, be defiling!

A random bunch. (some rude ones) -- Ghud Sariffian, 04:51:14 08/27/02 Tue

Actress Thora Birch = A rather cross bitch
Actress Halle Berry = Clearly her breasts
Constipation = Opts-in action
Make love not war! = Take lover, woman!
Presidential = Tale-inspired
Serious deep-dicking = OK, seduce rigid penis.

To my defense, let me just add that "Serious deep-dicking" is not a phrase in my ordinary vocabulary, but a quote from Chasing Amy. ;-)

[> Re: A random bunch. (some rude ones) ** NOM ** -- David A. Green, 05:55:09 08/27/02 Tue

>Actress Thora Birch = A rather cross bitch

Unkind, but it made me laugh! PEOPLE'S NAMES NOM.

[> [> Re: A random bunch. (some rude ones) ** NOM ** -- Ghud Sariffian, 09:52:11 08/27/02 Tue

>>Actress Thora Birch = A rather cross bitch
>Unkind, but it made me laugh! PEOPLE'S NAMES NOM.

Thanks! Have you seen Ghost World? At least she can sure play one. :)

The Acid Bath Murderer = Hardhearted tub crime. -- David A. Green, 08:31:00 08/24/02 Sat


[> Re: The Acid Bath Murderer = Hardhearted tub crime. *NOM*, excellent David! -- Joe F., 08:44:33 08/24/02 Sat

[> [> [*NOM*] Excellent 'gram, David, but I can't work out what category. -- Richard G, 18:49:56 08/24/02 Sat

Late 1940s ain't exactly topical, but General doesn't feel quite right. It's a bit of a stretch but I'm thinking People's Names, or maybe Entertainment seeing as a book entitled "The Acid Bath Murders" came out a few years back.

What are your thoughts David? Larry?


[> [> [> Re: [*NOM*] Excellent 'gram, David, but I can't work out what category. -- David A. Green, 06:04:07 08/27/02 Tue

>Late 1940s ain't exactly topical, but General doesn't
>feel quite right. It's a bit of a stretch but I'm
>thinking People's Names, or maybe Entertainment
>seeing as a book entitled "The Acid Bath Murders" came
>out a few years back.
>What are your thoughts David? Larry?
I can't make my mind up, either. I guess it might have to go in GENERAL if it doesn't fit comfortably elsewhere. In the days before I stopped drinking I once had a pint in the Crawley pub from which Haigh procured his barrels of acid...

Antisemitism = Testis minima -- Paul Pan, 05:19:41 08/27/02 Tue

Taj Mahal -- Mey K., 08:19:09 08/26/02 Mon

According to a certain theory to the original ownership:

Taj Mahal, Agra, India = A glad maharaja in it!

Mey K.

[> Re: Taj Mahal *Nice ! Other names NOM* -- Zoran, 22:54:59 08/26/02 Mon

[> [> Re: Taj Mahal *Nice ! Other names NOM* Thanx! I hope the theory's right, then ;) -- Mey K., 02:51:00 08/27/02 Tue

Low Consumer Confidence = Income flow concerned us. -- Mey K., 08:26:59 08/26/02 Mon

In the US, due to latest big business frauds:

Low Consumer Confidence = Income flow concerned us.

Mey K.

[> As an eekomomist, I agree! TOPIC NOM -- Paul Pan, 18:15:00 08/26/02 Mon

[> [> Re: As an eekomomist, I agree! TOPIC NOM Thanks, Paul! -- Mey K., 02:48:44 08/27/02 Tue

Conan the Barbarian -- David A. Green, 21:35:46 08/25/02 Sun

The Conan the Barbarian stories by Robert E. Howard =
A bent boy's hero, that bare-chested no-brain warrior.

[> Re: Conan the Barbarian - Funny! Entertainment NOM, David! -- Allan Morley, 00:49:32 08/27/02 Tue

Help please!!! -- Shane Carnegie, 10:22:49 08/24/02 Sat

Hi! I'd like to join in the fun - I've got a few anagrams I'd like to send, but what's the best way to find out if one has been done before?

- Shane Carnegie

[> Re: Help please!!! -- Wayne Baisley, 15:10:10 08/24/02 Sat

> what's the best way to find out if one has
> been done before?

Personally I "Search only in alt.anagrams" using the box at the top of:

We look forward to seeing your submissions. Welcome!

> Shane Carnegie =

A cash engineer, I enhance gears.
Ace earnings, eh?
Cesarean hinge seen in a charge
I can see hanger enshrine a cage.
AA screening, eh, Ensign Earache?
A greenish acne, a Grecian sheen, a Chinese anger
Search in a gene.
_Sine_ a grenache
Incense, rage. Ha!


[> Re: Help please!!! -- Richard G, 19:13:44 08/24/02 Sat

>Hi! I'd like to join in the fun - I've got a few
>anagrams I'd like to send, but what's the best way to
>find out if one has been done before?
>- Shane Carnegie

Certainly "Shane" (or should that be Cane?) - I would suggest you use A SEARCH ENGINE.


[> [> Dag! -- Wayne, 04:49:11 08/25/02 Sun

Man, I can't believe I fell for that. %-P Nicked me fair and square on that one. Was that you, Tully? I should have some coffee before I start replying to trolls. Good one. You can stop taking the piss now. :-)


[> [> [> Re: Dag! -- David Bourke, 20:44:12 08/26/02 Mon

I shall campaign to clear the good
name of The Northolt One.

`Twas me. Sorry, Wayne! (Very well taken!)


Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G = A hook stir up absurd gun-action -- Mattias Inghe, 19:03:45 08/26/02 Mon

Not really the most current of topics, but what the heck...

Britney Spears = Presbyterian -- Elizabeth D., 04:09:56 08/26/02 Mon

[> Re: Britney Spears = Presbyterian ... well, almost. -- Mattias Inghe, 18:00:51 08/26/02 Mon

Hi! Presbyterian should be in the plural form: Presbyterians

This one has been discovered numerous times before. It doesnīt make it less of a great anagram though. :)

[> Good, but old! (more) -- Paul Pan, 18:12:26 08/26/02 Mon

Britney Spears
Barney's Priest
I resent bra spy

Elizabeth D
Edith Blaze
Blithe daze
Hazel bidet

Militant Feminism? Germaine Greer = Emerge angrier :) -- Mike Torr, 00:33:40 08/23/02 Fri

[> Re: Germaine Greer = Emerge angrier :) Good, but an old one, sadly. -- Jaybur, 00:26:28 08/25/02 Sun

[> [> Oh sorry. Never mind, it was fun finding it! -- Mike Torr, 06:41:34 08/26/02 Mon

The Millennium Dome = Illumined Memo, then? -- Hans-Peter, 04:46:26 08/26/02 Mon

mix of anagrams -- Zoran, 04:36:06 08/26/02 Mon

Pandemic disease =
Damn,a species die !
Man dies,I escaped

"Anagram genius" = An enigma,sugar !

The soccer manager = Can greet more cash

Ladies and gentlemen = England's elite and me

Named England's elite
Team "Leeds" in England
I meant Leeds,England


Swan and Shadow, by John Hollander -- Richard G, 03:17:33 08/17/02 Sat

                              Above the
                       water hang the
                                     O so
                                 What                                A pale signal will appear
                                When                   Soon before its shadow fades
                               Where              Here in this pool of opened eye
                                 In us           No upon us As at the very edges
                                  of where we take shape in the dark air
                                    this object bares its image awakening
                                     ripples of recognition that will
                                       brush darkness up into light
even after this bird this hour both drift by atop the perfect sad instant now
                                       already passing out of sight
                                      toward yet-untroubled reflection
                                     this image bears its object darkening
                                    into memorial shades Scattered bits of
                                  light           No of water Or something across
                                 water               Breaking up No Being regathered
                                  soon                    Yet by then a swan will have
                                    gone                              Yes out of mind into what
                                          of a
                           sudden dark as
                                      if a swan


             Bobbing                                                                       swooping
       wafting the tiny                                                            butterfly each
     neat    wing   of woven                                      gossamer    webs  robed
   with    shades   of orange                               blue green   purple   and red
 shiny   spotted   handsome             yet        so strangely    fragile    like a
  paper    kite    in the heights       ever    about to shatter    like    a twig
   like a leaf like a flower pinned down   by none or not yet on the wing
      on the wind a wispy shape as   thin   as a shadow that soars to God
         through the afternoon just   like   the psyche unchained off
                     through a phantasm  of an  invented terrain of
                            memories sweet   as a   wide blue ocean
                                  this treasure  soft    ephemeral
                                arcane heroic  deep   and  radiant
                           wafts  as   slight   as a   gasp but  as  bright
                      as the  skies  high    over    woods   over  worlds
                        spirit  so  brittle      and      pattern  so  brash
                          both audacious                     and precarious
                                just like                              life itself


[> Re: Swan and Shadow: Simply beautiful, a masterpiece, Richard! Extra-Special NOM! -- Jaybur, 04:36:11 08/17/02 Sat

[> Holy cow. That was...impressive. Nom seconed! -- Mattias Inghe, 04:51:35 08/17/02 Sat

[> Re: Swan and Shadow, by John Hollander Brilliant, RG! -- Joe F., 07:21:26 08/17/02 Sat

Oh well, there goes any chance in Hell my poem had in Special....
Great original idea Richard and NOM readily thirded. Great work.

[> Re: Swan and Shadow, by John Hollander BRAVO ! -- Zoran, 07:57:06 08/17/02 Sat

[> Re: Swan and Shadow, by John Hollander -- We are not worthy!! Quite awesome. -- Mike Torr, 08:47:23 08/18/02 Sun

[> WOW. This can only be done in a web-based forum. Great work, RG. -- Larry Brash, 16:16:59 08/18/02 Sun

[> [> Thanks everyone! Glad you liked it. -- Richard G, 02:18:08 08/19/02 Mon


[> Masterpiece :) -- Paul Pan, 18:44:29 08/19/02 Mon

[> Re: Swan and Shadow, ;)))) -- Matjaz P., 19:35:42 08/19/02 Mon

[> [> Re: Swan and Shadow A belated huge kudos, RG! -- Mey K., 03:00:13 08/20/02 Tue

[> [> [> Re: Swan and Shadow - Excellent, RG! NOM twelfthed! ;-) -- Allan Morley, 08:19:37 08/20/02 Tue

[> Re: Swan and Shadow (V. rude) -- David Bourke, 03:46:02 08/23/02 Fri

Re: Swan and Shadow

Absolutely brilliant work, Richard!
If I might offer my own version of it...

A prick, purple and
red, a vast hard on, arisen,
stiff, erect, throbbing in the
light, glistening, ready for action,
a blue veined, one-eyed trouser snake,
a pussy python. What a beast! Old fella,
penis, a todger, the wife's best friend
a John Thomas...a huge cock, a member, a
hampton, a beef sausage, a bacon assegai,
pork sword, a love torpedo, Kojak, a
dong, a scrotum pole...insatiable,
deep within her, a woody thrusting
right inside...stabbing in between
into a sweet gaping tush it bores.
Kiss the pink.
full of white semen. Ah, yes! Here
I go! - He shoots..."Nngh!! Aahh!"
Down, periscope! - rest,
wet, bent over...dead to the world
little willy is fast asleep, sated
for another night...what a pisser!
(Fnarr fnarr!). That was
was it for you? - Where is she?


[> [> Re: Swan and Shadow (V. rude) This is great, DB, and of course I *Nom* it as well, but rather foul it must be said! -- Joe F., 07:41:22 08/23/02 Fri

[> [> [> Re: Swan and Shadow *Nom* -- David Bourke, 02:36:05 08/24/02 Sat

Thanks very much, Joe! But I shall decline
your kind `Nom', as Richard's beautiful work
doesn't deserve to be stuck next to my vile
and disgusting sixth-form humour in the Archive
for all eternity!



[> [> [> [> Re: Swan and Shadow *Nom* -- Richard G, 01:47:33 08/26/02 Mon

>Thanks very much, Joe! But I shall decline
>your kind `Nom', as Richard's beautiful work
>doesn't deserve to be stuck next to my vile
>and disgusting sixth-form humour in the Archive
>for all eternity!

That's... very thoughtful of you, David. Especially seeing as the draft webpage I'd rigged up (with the three poems in a column) looked kinda like the butterfly was being rogered to death. ;)

Second-form humour =
Forum chorused "Nom!"


Police Complaints Authority = Postulation: I'm paltry choice. -- Wayne Baisley, 11:44:15 08/25/02 Sun

Pretty alcoholic utopianism


A normal pregnancy: In utero = Routine -- Wayne Baisley, 03:09:34 08/25/02 Sun

George versus Saddam = Odd games, more graves. -- Matjaz P., 02:37:36 08/24/02 Sat

George versus Saddam =
Odd games, sure graves.
Guess? Add more graves.

[> Re: George versus Saddam = Odd games, SURE graves. -- Matjaz P., 02:38:51 08/24/02 Sat

>George versus Saddam =
>Odd games, sure graves.
>Guess? Add more graves.

[> [> Re: George versus Saddam = Odd games, sure graves. TOPICAL NOM for what hopefully won't be a topical 'gram. -- Richard G, 18:29:00 08/24/02 Sat

[> [> [> Re: Thanks, RG, I hope no war will be necessary. -- Matjaz P., 22:58:23 08/24/02 Sat

The singer Ray Charles = He arranges the lyrics -- Jaybur, 08:14:02 08/21/02 Wed

[> [He arranges the lyrics] Nice, Jaybur. Ent/Name nom. -- Richard G, 14:38:32 08/22/02 Thu

[> [> Re: [He arranges the lyrics] Nice, Jaybur. Ent/Name nom. Thanks, RG. -- Jaybur, 19:01:19 08/24/02 Sat

William Sydney Porter = I will pen dreamy story. -- Jaybur, 03:59:55 08/21/02 Wed

[> Re: William Sydney Porter = I will pen dreamy story. Splendid, O. Jaybur! *NOM* -- Richard G, 14:32:47 08/22/02 Thu

[> [> Re: I will pen dreamy story. Splendid, O. Jaybur! *NOM* O, thank you, O. RG! -- Jaybur, 19:00:07 08/24/02 Sat

The dancer Robert Helpmann = Rather bold men prance, then! -- Jaybur, 22:11:33 08/20/02 Tue

[> [Rather bold men prance, then!] Worth a Name/Ent nom, Jaybur. -- Richard G, 14:10:59 08/22/02 Thu

[> [> Re: Worth a Name/Ent nom, Jaybur. Thanks, RG. -- Jaybur, 18:58:31 08/24/02 Sat

Friedrich August von Hayek = I vouch Keynes a right fraud. -- Wayne Baisley, 15:39:20 08/22/02 Thu

[> Re: Friedrich August von Hayek = I vouch Keynes a right fraud NAME NOM :) John Maynard Keynes = Any jerk hands money -- Paul Pan, 17:58:38 08/22/02 Thu

[> [> John Maynard Keynes = Any jerk hands moneyJohn Maynard Keynes = Any jerk hands money -- Larry Brash, 01:33:52 08/23/02 Fri

John Maynard Keynes = hands any jerk money

is an old one by the late Daniel F. Etter and won the Name Category in March 1999.


[> [> [> Oops! -- Paul Pan, 01:58:24 08/23/02 Fri

[> [> Re: Friedrich August von Hayek = I vouch Keynes a right fraud NAME NOM -- Thanks, Paul! -- Wayne Baisley, 15:26:57 08/24/02 Sat

Thanks for the nom, Paul!

Paul Pan =
Plan A: Up
anal pup
A lap pun


Online movie piracy = Poor civilian enemy -- Ghud Sariffian, 09:11:59 08/24/02 Sat

David Ginola = Vagina Dildo (nt) -- Graham, 03:07:41 08/24/02 Sat

Posted using Sater anagram checker v. 5.0 (online)

Ferdinand Magellan = Find & name large land. -- Mey K., 08:50:19 08/23/02 Fri

[> Re: Ferdinand Magellan = Find & name large land GREAT name NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 23:53:37 08/23/02 Fri

[> Re: Ferdinand Magellan = Find & name large land. - name NOM seconed! -- Mattias Inghe, 02:19:13 08/24/02 Sat

Martin Strel vs. Mississippi -- Matjaz P., 00:21:48 08/24/02 Sat

Not sure if you know, but a Slovenian marathon swimmer, Martin Strel, is currently swimming the Mississippi river from start to end, all 2600 miles of it in 66 days. Nobody's done it yet, but i looked into anagrams and here's what i found:

The Slovenian swimmer, Martin Strel
Sent to win, man'll tame her, Miss River!


No man will tame the stern Miss River!

Which one will turn out to be true, I dont't know,


Three anagrams from a newbie ~~ Inside! -- Michael Omstead, 22:22:26 08/23/02 Fri

One good turn deserves another = Honest gesture? Do over, earn nod.
Rap and hip-hop music = Chorus: "Ah, pimpin' pad!"
Security envelopes = Voyeur's pestilence.

Michael Omstead

Home? Sad climate!
Ma's home dialect.
I am a chest model.
The medical Soma ~ made them social.

[> Re: Three anagrams from a newbie ~~ Inside! - and already a NOM -- Mattias Inghe, 23:22:40 08/23/02 Fri

Welcome to the forum, Michael!

>Security envelopes = Voyeur's pestilence.

Thatīs damn funny. Well worth an award nomination. :) General NOM for this.

>Michael Omstead

Some acid, Hamlet?

[> NOM Seconded! (more..) -- Paul Pan, 23:48:34 08/23/02 Fri

Michael Omstead
Sod! I am the camel
I am the Damocles'
Maladies cometh
Shalom, decimate!
Madame Cleo shit

Spam -- Larry Brash, 01:02:04 08/23/02 Fri


Need a new driver's license?

Too many points or other trouble?

Just want a license that can never be suspended?

Want an ID for nightclubs or hotel check-in?

Avoid tickets, fines, and mandatory driver's education?

Protect your privacy, and hide your identity.

The United Nations gave you the privilege to be driving freely throughout the world! (The Convention on International Road Traffic of 1949, & World Court Decision, The Hague, The Netherlands).

Take advantage of your rights. Order an International Driver's Licence that will never be suspended or revoked.

Confidentiality is assured


We await your call 7 days per week, 24 hours per day, including weekends and holidays.


An on-duty police officer pulled over a car and told its driver as he had been wearing a seatbelt, he'd automatically win over $1,949,724 in the National Driver Safety Competition.

"What are you going to do with your winnings?" said the officer.

"In truth, I reckon I'll try get a valid driver's license again," he replied innocently.

"Dear Lord, no! Don't listen to that rotten idiot!" voiced his rotund curvy wife in the passenger's seat. "He's a real jerk when he's blind drunk and very stoned."

A cousin in the back, roused out of narcotic sleep, frowned at the cop very nervously and groaned, "Run, run! I knew we'd get us arrested and convicted in a stolen car!"

Suddenly, a tiny voice in the trunk, called out in Spanish, "Are we over the border yet?"

[> Re: Spam - Don't think I'll EVER stop laughing at this, Larry!! *NOM* for sure! -- Mike Torr, 01:03:54 08/23/02 Fri

>Need a new driver's license?
>Too many points or other trouble?
>Just want a license that can never be suspended?
>Want an ID for nightclubs or hotel check-in?
>Avoid tickets, fines, and mandatory driver's education?
>Protect your privacy, and hide your identity.
>The United Nations gave you the privilege to be
>driving freely throughout the world! (The Convention
>on International Road Traffic of 1949, & World Court
>Decision, The Hague, The Netherlands).
>Take advantage of your rights. Order an International
>Driver's Licence that will never be suspended or
>Confidentiality is assured
>We await your call 7 days per week, 24 hours per day,
>including weekends and holidays.
>An on-duty police officer pulled over a car and told
>its driver as he had been wearing a seatbelt, he'd
>automatically win over $1,949,724 in the National
>Driver Safety Competition.
>"What are you going to do with your winnings?" said
>the officer.
>"In truth, I reckon I'll try get a valid driver's
>license again," he replied innocently.
>"Dear Lord, no! Don't listen to that rotten idiot!"
>voiced his rotund curvy wife in the passenger's seat.
>"He's a real jerk when he's blind drunk and very
>A cousin in the back, roused out of narcotic sleep,
>frowned at the cop very nervously and groaned, "Run,
>run! I knew we'd get us arrested and convicted in a
>stolen car!"
>Suddenly, a tiny voice in the trunk, called out in
>Spanish, "Are we over the border yet?"

[> [> Re: Spam - Don't think I'll EVER stop laughing at this, Larry!! *NOM* for sure! -- Mike Torr, 01:13:52 08/23/02 Fri

"I reckon I'll try get a valid driver's license again,"

Just spotted this little imperfection, alas. Care to tweak, Larry? I'd be grateful if you could salvage this fine piece of work and make it 100% perfect.

[> [> [> The quickest NOM ever. Thanks, Mike + CORRECTION -- Larry Brash, 01:27:59 08/23/02 Fri

An on-duty police officer pulled over a car and told its driver as he had been wearing a seatbelt, he'd automatically win over $1,949,724 in the National Driver Safety Competition.

"What are you going to do with your winnings?" said the officer.

"In truth, I reckon I'll try and get a valid driver's license again," he replied innocently.

"Dear Lord, no! Don't listen to that rotten idiot!" voiced his rotund curvy wife in the passenger's seat. "He's a real jerk when he's blind drunk!"

A very stoned cousin in the back, roused out of narcotic sleep, frowned at the cop very nervously and groaned, "Run, run! I knew we'd get us arrested and convicted in a stolen car!"

Suddenly, a tiny voice in the trunk, called out in Spanish, "Are we over the border yet?"

[> [> [> [> Re: [Thanks, Mike + CORRECTION] - Well corrected. Thanks! -- Mike Torr, 02:19:39 08/23/02 Fri

[> [> [> [> [> Seconded! Funny as anything I've ever read here! Well done Larry. -- Joe F., 06:11:05 08/23/02 Fri

[> [> [> [> [> [> A spam NOM fit to be a special NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 17:53:57 08/23/02 Fri

[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Thanks everyone. Certainly one of my better spamagrams. -- Larry Brash, 22:44:57 08/23/02 Fri

Bush -v- Saddam -- Myles Francis, 01:01:00 08/22/02 Thu

George Bush hates Saddam's Iraq =

A mad quest. Bash his raged ogres.

[> Re: Bush -v- Saddam **HELLO** -- Larry Brash, 01:57:54 08/23/02 Fri

Welcome to the Forum

Myles Francis =
Flimsy cranes.
Rimless.... fancy...
Myself? Cairns ...
Ms. Arsenic Fly.
Mrs. Fancy Lies.
Crassly if men..
Cry, if manless.
Slimy Frances.
Fans smile, cry.
My finer class.
In cars myself.
Nice ass, Mr Fly.


[> [> Re: Bush -v- Saddam **HELLO** -- Mike Torr, 02:38:12 08/23/02 Fri

Welcome, Myles! Got a middle name/initial? :)

Myles Francis =
Clay Firmness
Fancy Smilers
Misers can fly
My finer class
I fry classmen

[> [> [> Re: Bush -v- Saddam **HELLO** -- Paul Pan, 18:13:41 08/23/02 Fri

Myself = Narcis
Clarify 'n' mess
Fly- cream sins
Fascism 'n' rely
Miss crane-fly
Sly fan crimes
Manly sferics
Sly manic serf
Miss Cleanfry
Rylen Fascism.
Lacy Firmness
Fly in screams
I fry calmness
Rim- less fancy
Flimsy 'n' Cesar
Crissy Felman

[> [> [> Re: Bush -v- Saddam **HELLO** -- Myles, 20:17:21 08/23/02 Fri

>Welcome, Myles! Got a middle name/initial? :)

Absolutely. Full name: Myles Matthew Scott Francis - do your worst!!

Author Terry Pratchett > act the truth-portrayer. -- Mattias Inghe, 18:18:52 08/23/02 Fri

...does he?

Religious Doctrine = Our rigid selection. -- Mey K., 08:42:04 08/23/02 Fri

On Sabbatical Leave = So can't be available. -- Mey K., 03:05:49 08/20/02 Tue

[> Re: On Sabbatical Leave = So can't be available. -- Very good. Gen NOM! -- Mike Torr, 04:43:49 08/20/02 Tue

[> [> Re: On Sabbatical Leave = So can't be available. -- Very good. Gen NOM! -- Mey K., 08:40:55 08/23/02 Fri

Thanks, Mike!

Sabbatical Leave = As I'll vacate, babe!


Mey K.

'Living with a Colostomy' by Margaret Schindler (slightly coarse) -- David A. Green, 07:10:02 08/23/02 Fri

'Living with a Colostomy' by Margaret Schindler =
Morally wrong, mind, to recycle shit via this bag.

Oh, the joys of DIY: Painter and Decorator ~ ...and poor credit rate N/A -- Mike Torr, 02:18:21 08/23/02 Fri


Saint Teresa = A neat Sister! -- Jaybur, 03:41:43 08/21/02 Wed

[> Re: Saint Teresa = A neat Sister! Name NOM ! Indeed she was :) -- Paul Pan, 19:08:19 08/21/02 Wed

[> [> Re: A neat Sister! Name NOM ! Indeed she was :) Thank you again, Paul! -- Jaybur, 07:29:19 08/22/02 Thu

[> [> Re: Saint Teresa = A neat Sister! Seconded. Terrific find, Jaybur. -- Larry Brash, 01:41:32 08/23/02 Fri

The Director of Medical Services -- Larry Brash, 15:13:23 08/18/02 Sun

The Director of Medical Services =
I made cleverest chief doctor, sir.

Sorry about my absence. Finally had spme spare time to anagram.


[> Re: The Director of Medical Services *GEN NOM*, Larry. -- Richard G, 14:03:20 08/22/02 Thu

[> [> *GEN NOM*, Larry. Thanks, but not sure it deserves it. -- Larry Brash, 01:38:09 08/23/02 Fri

Arthur C Clarke Quote... -- Mike Torr, 01:11:30 08/23/02 Fri

I thought it was time I tried a few more long ones...

"Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes I think we're not. In either case the idea is quite staggering."
-- Arthur C. Clarke


Are alien meteor swarms in his great keen head alone, or resident in the kinetic universe?
Quiet, tie twitching, he cogitates: shrieks "Mum!"




Updated: May 10, 2016


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