Anagrammy Forum Archives - #27

13 November 2002 - 21 November 2002




More anagrams from the newbie -- Jesse Frankovich, 07:03:05 11/21/02 Thu

Republicans hold majority =
Democrats' pull-in job: hairy.

Republicans hold majority =
Democrats pay, ruin hill job.

Dallas Mavericks beat all =
As ball team, lacked rivals.

[In reference to their 11-0 start this season, most recently a drubbing of defending champs LA Lakers]

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring =
Prose: Frodo's own flight, the hellfire night.

[> Re: More anagrams from the newbie -- Joe F., 08:18:57 11/21/02 Thu

>Republicans hold majority =
>Democrats' pull-in job: hairy.
>Republicans hold majority =
>Democrats pay, ruin hill job.

The Republicans hold a majority
Jet-hunt-oil policy harmed Arabs


Two movie plot anagrams -- Jesse Frankovich, 08:16:48 11/21/02 Thu

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring =
Elf hero & helpers tow Frodo's thing in flight.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets =
Three actor-brats cypher father's demon.

The United Nations = Hated U.S. intention -- Scott Gardner, 06:21:28 11/21/02 Thu

[> Re: The United Nations = Hated U.S. intention -- reciprocally: U.S. hated intention, 08:09:00 11/21/02 Thu

[> [> NOM either way, I guess I encouraged you to post it here ;-) -- Joe F., 08:13:58 11/21/02 Thu

Bin Laden tells the US: "Convert to Islam, or die!" = Shove it! Sit on camel turd, insane troll. Bleed! -- Richard Brodie, 10:45:35 11/18/02 Mon

[> Re: Bin Laden tells the US: "Convert to Islam, or die!" .... *NOM* -- Jesse Frankovich, 07:44:49 11/21/02 Thu

Spanish oil spill = So, an ill ship slip. -- Jesse Frankovich, 20:34:09 11/20/02 Wed

[> A TOP Nom :) Welcome! [Re: Spanish oil spill = So, an ill ship slip. ] -- Paul Pan, 21:37:39 11/20/02 Wed

Jesse Frankovich
Feverish Jackson
Chef invokes jars
Fish jerk on caves

[> [> Re: A TOP Nom :) Welcome! Seconded! Jesse Frankovich = Jack is oven-fresh! -- Jaybur, 21:41:32 11/20/02 Wed

[> Welcome to the forum! -- Mattias Inghe, 21:47:49 11/20/02 Wed

Jesse Frankovich
Five jerks, no cash
J.F's a vein shocker

[> [> Hello,Jesse,do you have some relatives in Yugoslavia ? (I see "ICH" in your family name) -- Zoran, 22:46:57 11/20/02 Wed

[> [> [> Re: Hello,Jesse,do you have some relatives in Yugoslavia ? (I see "ICH" in your family name) -- Jesse Frankovich, 06:43:10 11/21/02 Thu

I don't know of any specifically, but I believe my paternal grandfather's family is from one of the formerly-Yugoslavia nations...

Davey Letterman = reedy late-TV man -- Jesse Frankovich, 20:41:12 11/20/02 Wed

The Cincinnati Bengals = CLE is ninth "cat-beaning" -- Jesse Frankovich, 19:22:39 11/20/02 Wed

The Cincinnati Bengals are basically the unanimous laughing stock of the NFL. This past Sunday (11/17), they lost their ninth game of the season (1-9) to Cleveland (CLE), and Bengals are cats, of course.

Deforestation = Tree is ant food. -- Richard G, 18:06:30 11/20/02 Wed

Also, rather too obviously:

Deforestation =
Not said of tree.


[> Termites ~ tire stem. -- Hans-Peter, 18:43:04 11/20/02 Wed

in relation to your Subject, Richard.

Stop it or you'll go blind (rude) -- Richard G, 18:18:24 11/20/02 Wed

One of the oddest antigrams I've found...

Stop it or you'll go blind =
Boy is told to pull groin.


The antiroyalist = Lay into E.R., that is. -- Richard G, 18:12:48 11/20/02 Wed

The natural history filmmaker David Attenborough = Rather adored in the UK for my light TV about animals -- David A. Green, 07:38:19 11/20/02 Wed

[> Excellent! Long NOM (or name is ok if Larry and Richard allow it) -- Joe F., 08:08:28 11/20/02 Wed

[> [> 43 letters - jeez, tough call.................... OK, it can go in Name if you like. -- Richard G, 18:00:44 11/20/02 Wed

A little reluctantly, as the subject is not only longer than usual but also has excellent letters for anagramming - making a perfect 'gram like the above bound to exist. Actually finding it is another matter, though. :)


The Toyota Corolla Verso = Hooray! to coolest travel! -- Jaybur, 02:39:34 11/20/02 Wed

[> Very cool! Other names *NOM* -- Zoran, 03:38:56 11/20/02 Wed

[> [> Re: Very cool! Other names *NOM* Thank you, Zoran! -- Jaybur, 07:28:54 11/20/02 Wed

Debtbuster Loans = Unstable debtors. -- Jaybur, 02:37:44 11/20/02 Wed

[> Indeed! Other-Name NOM [Debtbuster Loans = Unstable debtors] -- Paul Pan, 03:11:02 11/20/02 Wed

[> [> Re: Thanks for the Nom, Paul! -- Jaybur, 07:27:32 11/20/02 Wed

Hair..... -- Mavourneen Arndt, 18:40:19 11/19/02 Tue

Hair: The American Tribal Love Musical
Uh... a manic, over-theatrical liberalism.

[> Re: Hair: The American Tribal Love Musical: Ent NOM! -- Jaybur, 02:30:45 11/20/02 Wed

>Hair: The American Tribal Love Musical
>Uh... a manic, over-theatrical liberalism.

[> [> Thanx, Jaybur! -- Mavourneen Arndt, 04:33:19 11/20/02 Wed

The Royal Marines = Rash army ? No,elite ! -- Zoran, 00:03:55 11/20/02 Wed

[> I like it! Other names NOM -- Allan Morley, 02:22:44 11/20/02 Wed

[> [> Re: I like it! Other names NOM - Thanks,Allan ! -- Zoran, 03:40:30 11/20/02 Wed

Secretary General Kofi Annan -- Paul Pan, 03:40:28 11/20/02 Wed

Last week K. Annan submitted a plan for a solution to the Cyprus stalemate. It is currently being debated in Greece, Cyprus and Turkey. Public reaction has been rather cold in my nech of the woods, hence,

Secretary General Kofi Annan
Eternal Greeks annoy African

Random bunch -- Allan Morley, 02:33:10 11/20/02 Wed

Practise what you preach =
Chap was a true hypocrite.

The hate crimes =
This race theme.

(Dumb, I know:)
Binge drinker =
Drinking beer. :-)

The Security Council of the United Nations =
They concur to futile anti-Hussein edict, no?

Neo-Nazism =
Zion's mean.

Womaniser =
Or, "wise man". ;-)


[> Two NOMS :) -- Paul Pan, 03:05:00 11/20/02 Wed

>Practise what you preach =
>Chap was a true hypocrite.

Spot on!

>Womaniser =
>Or, "wise man". ;-)


[> [> Thankyou, Paul! -- Allan Morley, 03:31:57 11/20/02 Wed

The UN Weapons Inspectors = We search opponent's units -- Adrian H, 20:37:43 11/18/02 Mon

[> Re: The UN Weapons Inspectors = We search opponent's units ** NOM ** -- David A. Green, 05:54:10 11/19/02 Tue

Spot on, Adrian. TOPICAL NOM.

[> [> Seconded! Brilliant! -- Allan Morley, 02:20:08 11/20/02 Wed

Branch of philosophy (50 % RUDE) -- Zoran, 00:24:59 11/20/02 Wed

The aesthetics = He,his taste,etc.

The aesthetics = He eats shit,etc.

An odd bunch o grams (incl. rudeness) -- Ghud Sariffian, 08:58:54 11/19/02 Tue

A moronogram:
'I do it!' = Idiot

A reviewogram:
Red Dragon = Darn gored

A psychogram:
My wife and kids = Knifed midways

A waytoorudeogram:
What a moralist usually demands: Ban all the erotica = A dirty, swollen leather-mamba has adult anal coitus.

[> Re: An odd bunch o grams. - Ent NOM here. -- Mattias Inghe, 20:11:00 11/19/02 Tue

>'I do it!' = Idiot
Nicely put. However, I'm quite sure Iīve seen it before.

>Red Dragon = Darn gored
I like it! Ent NOM!

>My wife and kids = Knifed midways
You need therapy, man. ;D

Age should claim ~ Michael Douglas ;-) -- Mattias Inghe, 23:48:14 11/18/02 Mon

[> Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones = That ol' geezer and a chic sensual dame join :-( -- Paul Pan, 00:34:00 11/19/02 Tue

[> [> [That ol' geezer and a chic sensual dame join] Ha! *ENT NOM* -- Richard G, 15:42:36 11/19/02 Tue

[> [> [> Thanks old bean :) -- Paul Pan, 17:38:21 11/19/02 Tue

[> Age should claim ~ Michael Douglas - I forgot, entertainment NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 00:37:03 11/19/02 Tue

[> [> Thankee, Paul! I think itīs more of a name-gram tho. :) -- Mattias Inghe, 20:06:34 11/19/02 Tue

Terrorist plans for the London Subways unveiled = To Lords: Unpleasant violent fury! Where's Bond, sir? -- Mattias Inghe, 22:31:12 11/18/02 Mon

[> A better one... -- Mattias Inghe, 23:34:27 11/18/02 Mon

I replaced one letter in the original and got an IMO much better one:

Terrorism plans for the London Subways unveiled =
Revolutionary rants unfolds? Simple, where's Bond?

[> [> Re: A better one... *TOP NOM*, Mattias. Nice angle :) -- Richard G, 15:38:13 11/19/02 Tue

Mnemonic PI - formula -- Zoran, 10:13:46 11/16/02 Sat

Length of words in this sentence helps to remember
number PI (HOW=3,I=1,NEED=4,etc.)

How I need a drink,alcoholic of course,after the heavy
chapters involving quantum mechanics !
I have very famous and arch quote which contains
fourteen PI decimals.No check till hangover !


[> Re: Mnemonic PI - formula (even better,I think) -- Zoran, 10:44:16 11/16/02 Sat

With little changes...

How I need a drink,alcoholic of course,after the heavy
chapters involving quantum mechanics !
Very famous and arch quote which contains fourteen PI
decimals.I'll have to check in hangover !

[> [> Very good, now anagram it into another pi mnemonic. ;) *LONG NOM* -- Richard G, 14:27:39 11/16/02 Sat

[> [> [> Thanks Richard,I'll try it ! -- Zoran, 09:32:07 11/17/02 Sun

[> [> [> [> Re: Thanks Richard,I'll try it ! -- Richard G, 15:57:33 11/18/02 Mon

Here's my attempt, using a slightly different version of the original mnemonic:

How I need a drink, alcoholic in nature, after the heavy chapters involving quantum mechanics.
"Hah!" I roar. "I never calculate pi, having known the shady, half-cute, contrived, antique mnemonics!


[> [> [> [> [> Re: Thanks Richard,I'll try it ! Special or Long NOM -- Richard Brodie, 18:28:15 11/18/02 Mon

Observing word lengths is a difficult enough constraint by itself, but anagramming as well? I'm impressed.

[> [> [> [> [> As I promised ... -- Zoran, 07:17:15 11/19/02 Tue

Excellent work,Richard.Here is my attempt,joined with nominated anagram :

How i need a drink,alcoholic of course,after the heavy chapters involving quantum mechanics!
Sir,I have a offer:calculate on piracy,think who loves advanced technique through mnemonics!
In hangover,I'll have to check very famous and arch
quote which contains fourteen PI decimals !

I made a change in order of words in my previously
anagram.Looks to me better,because it's one sentence now.


[> [> [> [> [> [> Re: As I promised ... -- Richard G, 13:39:19 11/19/02 Tue

>Excellent work,Richard.Here is my attempt,joined with
>nominated anagram :
>How i need a drink,alcoholic of course,after the heavy
>chapters involving quantum mechanics!
>Sir,I have a offer:calculate on piracy,think who loves
>advanced technique through mnemonics!

Well done! Tough, isn't it?

>In hangover,I'll have to check very famous and arch
>quote which contains fourteen PI decimals !
>I made a change in order of words in my previously
>anagram.Looks to me better,because it's one sentence

Indeed, an improvement. Revised version now in.


The current beauty ideals (rude) -- Ghud Sariffian, 05:43:55 11/19/02 Tue

The current beauty ideals = Rude, yet unreachable tits

de Gaulle becomes sexy soil = ā Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises -- Wayne Baisley, 00:43:19 11/19/02 Tue

Last meal = Malt ales! -- Joe F., 09:27:15 11/17/02 Sun

[> Do you mean what the condemned man ought to choose, or what the drink-driver unwittingly chooses? *GEN NOM* -- Richard G, 17:20:08 11/17/02 Sun

[> [> Re: Do you mean what the condemned man ought to choose, or what the drink-driver unwittingly chooses? *GEN NOM* -- Joe F., 06:07:49 11/18/02 Mon

I meant it in the first way, although now you say it, the second interpretation also makes sense! At last, a NOM this month ;-)


[> [> [> Re: *GEN NOM* -- Richard G, 15:54:56 11/18/02 Mon

>At last, a NOM this month ;-)

Yes, you _have_ been a bit quiet lately... hope they're not working you too hard. :)


Maybe a bit negative? -- Ghud Sariffian, 09:38:49 11/18/02 Mon

The Space Shuttle Endeavour = Cue that hopeless adventure

Sicilian auntie? ~ Italian cuisine! (I nail it in sauce) -- Paul Pan, 23:20:02 11/15/02 Fri

[> Few more -- Paul Pan, 00:06:01 11/16/02 Sat

Nouvelle Cuisine = Eel in olive uncus
Indian Cuisine = Acid ennuis in I
Haute Cuisine = Use etui china

[> [> Italian cuisine = i.e. Sicilian tuna. -- Richard G, 14:22:05 11/16/02 Sat

[> Re: Sicilian auntie? ~ Italian cuisine! -- Michael Omstead, 13:38:54 11/16/02 Sat

I don't know exactly what it takes to nominate an anagram, but I like this one so I'd like to try. Or at least tell whoever CAN nominate to give this one another look hehe.

[> [> Thanks Michael, I appreciate that :) -- p, 02:27:49 11/17/02 Sun

>I don't know exactly what it takes to nominate an
>anagram, but I like this one so I'd like to try. Or
>at least tell whoever CAN nominate to give this one
>another look hehe.

[> [> [> PS -- Paul Pan, 02:41:34 11/17/02 Sun

>>I don't know exactly what it takes to nominate an anagram...

This Forum is the epitome of Athenian democracy (sans slaves), so anyone can nominate -- let alone you, who has been around for a while. The home page lists a few guidelines of what constitutes a good 'gram, but like everything in life one's good sense remains the best guide.

[> [> [> [> Re: PS -- Michael Omstead, 08:14:21 11/17/02 Sun

Awwwwww, sans slaves? There's always a catch.

[> [> [> [> [> Re: PS -- Richard G, 17:11:32 11/17/02 Sun

>Awwwwww, sans slaves? There's always a catch.

Well yes, at times in the past the Officeholders have been treated like slaves. ;)


Myra Hindley and Ian Brady, the infamous Moors Murderers = Duo's mode: bury many of their remains in dreary marshland. -- David A. Green, 06:34:50 11/16/02 Sat

[> Excellent! *LONG NOM* -- Richard G, 14:24:23 11/16/02 Sat

[> [> Myra Hindley and Ian Brady, the infamous Moors Murderers = They buried remains of so many in mud or dreary marshland. -- David A. Green, 04:15:21 11/17/02 Sun

Thanks for the NOM, Richard. I think I've found a better version, and if you agree I wonder if you'd consider switching the nomination?.....

[> [> [> Let's just say NOM again! -- Mattias Inghe, 05:43:28 11/17/02 Sun

>Thanks for the NOM, Richard. I think I've found a
>better version, and if you agree I wonder if you'd
>consider switching the nomination?.....

If not, Iīll NOM this as Long too, and you can screen it out yasself come selection time.

[> [> [> Hey, even better! New version now in (may not show up on the Current page for a few days) -- Richard G, 17:03:53 11/17/02 Sun

Prolonged rainfall = I'll plan roof garden! -- Jaybur, 01:43:30 11/15/02 Fri

[> [I'll plan roof garden!] :) Gen nom, Jaybur. -- Richard G, 12:05:18 11/16/02 Sat

[> [> Re: [I'll plan roof garden!] :) Gen nom, Jaybur. Thanks, RG! -- Jaybur, 08:46:51 11/17/02 Sun

The National Association of Chimney Sweeps = In my opinion a waif cleans the ashes, soot, etc. -- David A. Green, 08:13:38 11/17/02 Sun

[> Re: [In my opinion a waif cleans the ashes, soot, etc] Other Names NOM, David! -- Jaybur, 08:45:32 11/17/02 Sun

Andreas Baader = Abraded arenas -- Mattias Inghe, 00:26:00 11/16/02 Sat

I hope I have the right info on what 'Abrade' means (occupy, siege, wait out) or else this gram is probaly utter nonsens. :)

[> Baader-Meinhof Gang = Ah, die of German bang! -- David A. Green, 08:08:50 11/17/02 Sun

>I hope I have the right info on what 'Abrade' means
>(occupy, siege, wait out) or else this gram is probaly
>utter nonsens. :)

Strictly speaking, "abrade" means to wear down by friction or to erode - but I know where you're coming from Mattias, and your anagram makes sense to me.

The basic human rights (rude and sexist) -- Mattias Inghe, 00:22:57 11/16/02 Sat

The basic human rights = Must hire 'n' shag a bitch

Please shoot me. ;-)

[> Really,Mattias,have you ever had a pervert in family ? ;-) **Rude NOM** -- Zoran, 08:42:13 11/16/02 Sat

[> [> No comment. -- Mattias Inghe, 05:47:18 11/17/02 Sun


Sigmund Freud = Fumed in drugs -- Mattias Inghe, 23:49:28 11/15/02 Fri

[> Deserves a name NOM, ol' Sigmund was quike a cokehead :P -- Paul Pan, 02:35:51 11/17/02 Sun

[> [> Ta, Paul. He sure was. :oī) -- Mattias Inghe, 05:45:59 11/17/02 Sun

Antigram: The Louvre = True hovel :) Also: Le Louvre = Love rule! -- Paul Pan, 02:51:40 11/17/02 Sun

Euros arrive = "Au reservoir!" -- Wayne Baisley, 14:33:01 11/16/02 Sat

[> Very wacky wordplay :) -- Paul Pan, 02:33:57 11/17/02 Sun

Mulder's affair -- Zoran, 20:59:11 11/16/02 Sat

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Favorite agent buried alien's UFO !


CURRENT NOMS -- Richard G, 14:41:21 11/16/02 Sat



Steak and fries = Is fat and reeks -- Mattias Inghe, 22:26:31 11/15/02 Fri

[> Cute! *GEN NOM* -- Richard G, 14:18:32 11/16/02 Sat

Inland Revenue staff ... -- Pedt Scragg, 09:10:58 11/15/02 Fri

The Inland Revenue in the UK have recently employed temporary staff to deal with incomplete Tax Credit forms and manually input the forms that cannot be read using document scanners.

The Inland Revenue Tax Credit Officers do data capture off paper forms
Staff have noted peculiar defaced format. Screen error: adopt input fix.

[> Nicely constructed, Pedt. LONG NOM -- Richard G, 12:11:53 11/16/02 Sat

Myra Hindley dies = Hi, lady! End misery -- Dean Mayer, 08:39:30 11/16/02 Sat

Cosmetic surgery = Ego-cry: "Cuter miss" -- Paul Pan, 00:51:52 11/16/02 Sat

Peter Weir's Truman Show = Prisoner swum the water -- Mattias Inghe, 00:27:16 11/16/02 Sat

In the spirit of Nostradamus -- Richard Brodie, 20:45:55 11/15/02 Fri

Once again Osama bin Laden strikes at the United States of America.
Atomic targets: Senate to bleed; a Kansas stadium afire; one in China.

Web solutions = Blow on tissue -- Paul Pan, 18:38:29 11/15/02 Fri

Sperm count [Rude] -- Hans-Peter, 04:47:50 11/15/02 Fri

Sperm count
Cums per ton?


[> LOL! Rude NOM :) -- Pavlos, 17:47:05 11/15/02 Fri

[> [> Re: [LOL! Rude NOM :)] Thanks Paulos. -- Hans-Peter, 18:05:47 11/15/02 Fri

Milos Forman = A moron films. -- Hans-Peter, 04:45:28 11/15/02 Fri

[> Ent. NOM! Indeed, some of his films are pretentious and vacuous! -- Pavlos, 17:41:09 11/15/02 Fri

[> [> Thanks Paul/Pavlos. In fact I like most of his films. -- Hans-Peter, 18:01:56 11/15/02 Fri

Marital society = A reality sitcom -- Ghud Sariffian, 10:12:25 11/15/02 Fri

[> GEN NOM, I can attest to that! -- Paul Pan aka Pavlos, 17:48:20 11/15/02 Fri

tomi sakari saari = kia morisi sarata normi vai... -- tomi saari, 16:44:37 11/15/02 Fri

tomi sakari saari = kia morisi sarata

normi vaikkua = irmano vaikku

Posted using Sater anagram checker v. 5.0 (online)

[> Re: tomi sakari saari = kia morisi sarata normi vai... -- Pavlos, 17:45:39 11/15/02 Fri

Would be cool if non-English 'grams were accompanied by a translation, for us all to appreciate :)

The gravestones = Venerate ghosts. -- Richard G, 17:04:29 11/13/02 Wed

[> Re: The gravestones = Venerate ghosts. Gen NOM, Richard. -- Jaybur, 18:07:09 11/13/02 Wed

[> [> Thanks, Jaybur. -- Richard G, 15:20:26 11/14/02 Thu

[> The gravestones = Got Heaven's rest -- Adrian H, 21:17:32 11/14/02 Thu

[> The Gravestones = Gross teeth, Evan! -- Hans-Peter & Co, 14:57:09 11/15/02 Fri

Who wants to be a Millionaire? = I'm a late show. Noble win-ratio. -- Hans-Peter, 03:53:19 11/14/02 Thu

[> Who wants to be a Millionaire? = Me! I beat all to win show on air. -- David A. Green, 09:29:03 11/14/02 Thu

[> [> Indeed, a winner :) NOM -- Paul Pan, 21:38:40 11/14/02 Thu

[> Who wants to be a Millionaire? = A wealth ambition: win or lose? -- Adrian H, 23:47:51 11/14/02 Thu

[> [> Re: [ A wealth ambition: win or lose?] A deserved winner in March 2000! -- Jaybur, 01:41:16 11/15/02 Fri

[> [> [> [A deserved winner in March 2000!] Shoulda checked! -- AH, 02:17:58 11/15/02 Fri

[> [> [> [A deserved winner in March 2000!] Shoulda checked! Who wants to be a Millionaire? = How to win? Isolate lamebrain! -- AH, 02:24:09 11/15/02 Fri

Love at first sight = Gives hast to flirt. -- Hans-Peter, 02:00:46 11/15/02 Fri

The subject has been worked on a lot but I couldnīt
find this one... (hast is an older form of haste...)

Chopping Carrots -- Adrian H, 22:58:49 11/13/02 Wed

Chopping Carrots
by Jack Cannon

I don't draw the blinds anymore
It's no big deal in itself
It's simply a small part of my drive
to eradicate futile actions
It's a rough calculation
but I figure I've spent over
six months of my life
cleaning the fridge
Nearly a two whole years
chopping carrots
I don't intend to throw away
another moment tuning the television
(practically two entire weeks)
The amount of time people spend
tiling the bathroom is appalling
I caught Mr. Dawson
the man across the street
pruning his petunias only this morning
Perhaps I should drop by
and set him straight
with a ballpark calculation.


Petunia Cultivars
by Harold Dawson

My petunias.
I adore them with unconditional love,
Clipping or picking them.
They not only brighten my outlook on life;
They teach me startling new facts too.
For instance:
Mr. Cannon, who lives opposite
At number thirty-six,
Continually grins at us, staring, bloodshot.
Nibbling carrots while I prune.
His curtains are drawn again,
Perhaps to hide the fool's disgraceful
Smeg-ridden refigerator.
The crackpot is wearing cotton pyjamas
in the daytime. Again.
The bald-headed simpleton claims to waste all his time
writing flippant poems.
I love my purple plants:
That's another fact.

[> [Chopping Carrots] Love it, Adrian! *SPECIAL NOM* [+small correction] -- Richard G, 15:30:38 11/14/02 Thu

"Refigerator" needs fixing. Apart from that, perfect!


[> [> [*SPECIAL NOM*] Fixed. Thanks RG ;) -- AH, 20:31:48 11/14/02 Thu

Chopping Carrots
by Jack Cannon

I don't draw the blinds anymore
It's no big deal in itself
It's simply a small part of my drive
to eradicate futile actions
It's a rough calculation
but I figure I've spent over
six months of my life
cleaning the fridge
Nearly a two whole years
chopping carrots
I don't intend to throw away
another moment tuning the television
(practically two entire weeks)
The amount of time people spend
tiling the bathroom is appalling
I caught Mr. Dawson
the man across the street
pruning his petunias only this morning
Perhaps I should drop by
and set him straight
with a ballpark calculation.


Petunia Cultivars
by Harold Dawson

My petunias.
I adore them with unconditional love,
Clipping or picking them.
They not only brighten my outlook on life;
they teach me startling new facts, too.
For instance:
Mr. Cannon, who lives opposite
at number thirty-six,
is continually bloodshot-staring at us,
nibbling carrots while I prune.
His curtains are drawn again,
perhaps to hide the fool's disgraceful
smeg-ridden refrigerator.
The crackpot's wearing cotton pyjamas
in the daytime. Again.
The balding simpleton
claims to waste all his time
writing flippant poems.
I love my purple-headed plants:
that's another fact.

[> [> Re: [Chopping Carrots] NOM Seconded -- Richard Brodie, 21:02:45 11/14/02 Thu

This is one case where the reuse of a few keywords is justified IMHO in view of the turnabout treatment, which BTW is excellently done.

Sherlock Holmes (and Dr.Watson) = He rocks (and worthless old man). -- Hans-Peter, 04:16:20 11/14/02 Thu

[> That's a bit harsh! :) ENT NOM, Hans-Peter. -- Richard G, 15:34:17 11/14/02 Thu

[> [> Re: [That's a bit harsh! :)] I know :-) Thanks, Richard! -- Hans-Peter, 18:42:17 11/14/02 Thu

Regina = A reign. -- Jaybur, 09:17:00 11/13/02 Wed

[> [Regina = A reign.] Excellent, but not new it seems... [+more] -- Richard G, 16:45:15 11/13/02 Wed

It's well hidden on a pretty obscure page (some whacko who's trying to predict future wars using his own anagram-laced interpretations of Nostradamus), but it's there:

Up to you whether to accept a nom for this one, the 'gram certainly deserves it.


[> [> Re: [Regina = A reign.] Excellent, but not new it seems... [+more] -- Jaybur, 18:04:57 11/13/02 Wed

>It's well hidden on a pretty obscure page (some whacko
>who's trying to predict future wars using his own
>anagram-laced interpretations of Nostradamus), but
>it's there:
> >HREF="
>Up to you whether to accept a nom for this one, the
>'gram certainly deserves it.

Thanks RG. I'd like the Nom, if that's OK with you and Larry.


[> [> [> Re: [Regina = A reign.] Excellent, but not new it seems... [+more] -- Richard G, 15:19:08 11/14/02 Thu

>Thanks RG. I'd like the Nom, if that's OK with you
>and Larry.

I think it'd be well within the spirit of the rules to let this one through. The letter of the rules only goes as far as disallowing 'grams commonly found in books or websites, or in the archives of either Anagrammy or AG - beyond that it's largely up to the nominee.

The spirit of the rules =
Trust her if she polite. :)


[> [> [> [> Re: [Regina = A reign.] Thanks for the NOM, RG. -- Jaybur, 16:50:16 11/14/02 Thu

Saddam accepts UN resolution. = Do a mass destruction cleanup. -- Richard Brodie, 12:16:30 11/14/02 Thu

[> A few more -- Richard Brodie, 13:03:16 11/14/02 Thu

Saddam accepts UN resolution. =

Malconduct pause. No disaster.
Nuclear atomics? A sudden stop!
Aims a nuclear scud? Opts to end.
Atomic crusade plans not used.
Don't use our napalms, acids, etc.?
Dump caustic arsenal? So noted!
Stem atrocious DNA laden cups.

[> Nice one RB. *TOP NOM* -- Richard G, 15:38:35 11/14/02 Thu

[> [> Re: Nice one RB. *TOP NOM* Seconded! -- Jaybur, 16:48:46 11/14/02 Thu

Crime scene photographs = Gore, chap's corpse in them. -- David A. Green, 06:56:31 11/14/02 Thu

[> [Gore, chap's corpse in them.] Yep. GEN NOM, David. -- Richard G, 15:36:39 11/14/02 Thu

Bay City Rollers = Alert! Boy lyrics! -- Hans-Peter, 04:02:42 11/14/02 Thu

They are forgotten, arenīt they?

[> The Bay City Rollers = Hear little boys cry. -- David A. Green, 06:07:02 11/14/02 Thu




Updated: May 10, 2016


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