Anagrammy Forum Archives - #34

16 December 2002 - 3 January 2003




Saddam Hussein = He damns Saudis -- Wordminer, 10:25:08 01/02/03 Thu

[> [He damns Saudis] Also a rediscovery, first posted in Dec 1997 by Johnnie Burning Elk (and probably old even then). Sorry, Wordminer. -- Richard G, 15:46:26 01/02/03 Thu

[> Re: He damns Saudis - how to search ? -- Wordminer, 03:57:13 01/03/03 Fri

I did a site search on "Saudis" which did not show it - maybe it searches winners only ?

[> [> Re: He damns Saudis - how to search ? -- Richard G, 20:25:06 01/03/03 Fri

>I did a site search on "Saudis" which did not show it
>- maybe it searches winners only ?

If you were searching from our search page, it wouldn't have come up as this 'gram actually predates the competition. The full alt.anagrams archive at Google (stretching back to 1994) is searchable from the box at the bottom right of that page, and it was there that I found the earlier instance. It's also at Anagram Genius (again searchable from the above page), dated 1985.

If you find a good short gem, it's always a good idea to search for previous occurrences in those three archives especially.


Buda bum buda bum buda bum bum bum -- Richard G, 15:35:46 12/31/02 Tue

The 'William Tell' Overture by Gioacchino Rossini =
It is lively hero music with a cool Lone Ranger bit.


[> Re: An ENT *NOM* definitely! -- A. Sadali, 17:01:52 12/31/02 Tue

[> Boom-cha! Seconded! -- Paul Pan, 18:36:59 12/31/02 Tue

[> [> Thanks Paul and Ahmad! That music degree finally came in handy. -- Richard G, 10:17:26 01/01/03 Wed

[> Re: Buda bum buda bum buda bum bum bum. It's wonderful. Definitely an ENT *NOM* -- Ernesto G, 12:32:23 01/03/03 Fri

>The 'William Tell' Overture by Gioacchino Rossini =
>It is lively hero music with a cool Lone Ranger bit.

It's wonderful. Definitely an ENT *NOM*

Dermatological Spam -- Ernesto G., 01:49:09 01/03/03 Fri

Eliminate blemishes, pimples, facial pore cleanser with Facial-Glo =
Piles, acne, warts, moles? Help: I am allergic! Blame soap if I feel itchin'

[> Re: Dermatological Spam - NOM -- Richard Brodie, 11:16:07 01/03/03 Fri

The Medical Malpractice Insurance industry = Dirty inept menaces cause claim, turn lad rich. -- Tom Myers, 08:10:56 01/03/03 Fri

The Medical Malpractice Insurance industry =
Dirty inept menaces cause claim, turn lad rich.

Knights -- Ernesto G, 08:03:37 01/03/03 Fri

The Knights of Malta = Knelt: got sham faith

From an ad on "aromatherapy" (mildly rude) -- Ernesto G, 07:25:28 01/03/03 Fri

Basil -- Ocimum basilicum: insect bites, Anxiety, depression, fatigues, insomnia, migraine, nervous tension, mental fatigue, clarity. Uplifting, refreshing. =

Citric fruit infusion. Augments penis erectile mass. (Is impartial on effeminacy, bi/homosexual leaning, buggery, vomiting, insulin-resistant diabetes.)

Poisoned Death = Option? He's dead! -- A. Sadali, 03:46:11 01/03/03 Fri

perfection = in perfecto! -- A. Sadali, 01:22:54 01/03/03 Fri

Saddam x 3 -- Mattias Inghe, 00:28:00 01/03/03 Fri

Saddam Hussein = Sad human sides

President Saddam Hussein = He and USA impend distress
..or 'He distress and impend USA' but I磎 not sure the word 'impend' can be used that way.

President Hussein = Need sinister push

[> Forgot those... -- Mattias Inghe, 00:41:51 01/03/03 Fri

[USA says:] President Saddam Hussein ~ predated US in his madness.

[Iraq says:] President Saddam Hussein ~ persuaded in this madness.

Drug dealers = Real drudges -- Mattias Inghe, 21:25:43 01/02/03 Thu

[> Drug pushers = Shrug, dupers! -- Paul Pan, 21:57:12 01/02/03 Thu

[> [> Re: Drug pushers = Shrug, dupers! = Prudes shrug -- Paul Pan, 21:58:28 01/02/03 Thu

[> [> [> Drug abuse = Guru based -- Mattias Inghe, 23:56:04 01/02/03 Thu

[> [> [> [> Recreational chemicals = Oh, accelerates criminal -- Mattias Inghe, 00:05:46 01/03/03 Fri

Two Thousand and Three = UN TO END HATED HOT WARS [well we can hope ...] -- wordminer, 15:25:29 01/01/03 Wed

[> Re: Two Thousand and Three = UN TO END HATED HOT WARS [well we can hope ...] -- Joe F., 22:55:06 01/01/03 Wed

> Two Thousand and Three = UN TO END HATED HOT WARS [well we can hope ...]

NOM in the Overoptimistic Category....

Suggestion, Hated = Death, so

Two Thousand and Three = UN to end hot wars' death.

[> [> [Alternatively...] The year two thousand and three = War to destroy heathen nuthead. -- Richard G, 01:15:53 01/02/03 Thu

[> [> Two thousand and three = O, to end the sad warhunt! -- Jesse F, 19:48:23 01/02/03 Thu

[> [> [> [Alt] Two thousand and three = Too sad... end the warhunt! -- Jesse F, 19:50:55 01/02/03 Thu

[> [Also = ] own threat handed to us -- Wordminer, 05:04:33 01/02/03 Thu

[> [> The Times Square Ball in New York = Well, quite many kiss near the orb! ...Happy New Year, all! -- Mey K., 08:33:42 01/02/03 Thu

[> [> [> *TOP NOM* Mey. [+suggestion] -- Richard G, 15:12:45 01/02/03 Thu

Reads a smidgen better IMO as:

The Times Square Ball in New York =
Well, many kiss quite near the orb!


[> Two Thousand and Three = And now, oust the hatred -- Mattias Inghe, 00:04:23 01/03/03 Fri

With a Song in my Heart (rude) -- Spersitraut, 15:17:56 01/01/03 Wed

With a song in my heart = With a thong in my arse

[> Ha! A nice rude NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 21:48:53 01/02/03 Thu

"Should ye old acquaintance be forgot..." = Choice for bad quote to "Auld Lang Syne." -- Jesse Frankovich, 20:02:32 01/02/03 Thu

[The fear of trees] Dendrophobia = Abhor odd pine. -- Hans-Peter, 04:03:17 01/02/03 Thu

With the very best wishes to all of you for 2003!

[> Those heinous strobiles! :) Gen *NOM* -- Mey K., 08:28:40 01/02/03 Thu

[> [> [Gen *NOM*] Thanks, Mey. -- Hans-Peter, 19:02:22 01/02/03 Thu

[> More on the subject -- Paul Pan, 19:55:45 01/02/03 Thu

You cannot see the hylophobia [fear of forests] for the dendrophobia!
Oh boy! Blind forest-hoodoo apathy, 'n' he hue tree-panic!

National Football League = An all-out goal: obtain, flee. -- Jesse Frankovich, 19:33:17 01/02/03 Thu

Mince pies = Spice in me! -- Joe F., 08:36:32 01/02/03 Thu

[> Too close to a Hall of Famer, "Spice in 'em". Sorry Joe. [+more] -- Richard G, 15:40:41 01/02/03 Thu

This raises an interesting point though, that as to which hallmark of a good anagram should be the first to be sacrificed. The classic version maintains the height of aptness at all costs, resorting to an abbreviation to ensure there's no singular-plural discrepancy between the two sides; Joe's version gambles on that discrepancy (a minor one, to the point of not really being noticed IMO) in order to avoid the cheat of an abbreviation and improve the smoothness. In this case, both flaws are minor so it really is a toss-up as to which is the better tack.


NOMS ARE NOW CLOSED -- Richard G, 10:14:23 01/01/03 Wed

The complete nom list won't be up for a few hours (I'm not at home at the moment) but Larry's holiday means there's no hurry.


[> Re: Full list of noms now uploaded. -- Richard G, 01:59:14 01/02/03 Thu


If you have more than one nomination in a category, please send your selections for the final list to larry at brash dot com.


[> [> Re: Full list of noms now uploaded. -- Joe F., 08:21:39 01/02/03 Thu

>If you have more than one nomination in a category,
>please send your selections for the final list to
>larry at brash dot com.

I thought it was lbrash at ozemail dot com, has he changed it or something?

[> [> [> Re: Larry's correct address -- Richard G, 15:05:24 01/02/03 Thu

>>larry at brash dot com
>I thought it was lbrash at ozemail dot com, has he
>changed it or something?

Both addresses are valid. Or at least they would be if I'd got it right: should be "larry at brash dot NET". Sorry everyone.

[and that should be "ozemail dot com dot au" as well :P]


Rude -- Richard G, 15:46:27 12/31/02 Tue

The transsexual =
Axe her nuts last. ;)


[> Re: Rude :) Sounds about right. Rude NOM! -- Joe F., 04:11:12 01/01/03 Wed

[> [> Cheers Joe! -- Richard G, 10:15:30 01/01/03 Wed

Bargain prices -- Jesse Frankovich, 06:16:14 01/01/03 Wed

Bargain prices = Big crap is near.


The bargain prices =

Bear crap-thingies.
Can be garish tripe.
Each bring pirates.

[> [Bargain prices = Big crap is near] One last *GEN NOM* for 2002. -- Richard G, 10:08:30 01/01/03 Wed

Very rare non-cynical political anagram (tongue in cheek, I assure you!) -- Joe F., 12:27:33 12/31/02 Tue

[Whitehouse Spokesman] Ari Fleischer ~ is clarifier

Sorry guys, I found 'lie', 'lies' and 'liar' but couldn't finish them!

[> Not good enough Joe, see me after class. :P -- Richard G, 14:46:05 12/31/02 Tue

I take it you mean "Ari Fleischer = He's clarifier". I've read and seen too much Michael Moore in recent days to nom this without a fight............. OK, have one if you like. :)

A bit awkwardly:
Ari Fleischer =
Fear's rich lie. [read as 'fear's a rich lie']


[> [> Re: Not good enough Joe, see me after class. :P -- Joe F., 04:06:28 01/01/03 Wed

>I take it you mean "Ari Fleischer = He's clarifier".

Yes, sorry, that's it.

>I've read and seen too much Michael Moore in recent
>days to nom this without a fight............. OK, have
>one if you like. :)

Trust me, I had to fight with myself to get myself to post it in the first place ;)

NOM accepted I guess, thanks. Maybe write it as "He's clarifier?!", that's a big improvement methinks :)


[> [> [> [He's clarifier?!] :) You're right, that helps a lot. Revised version now in. -- Richard G, 10:06:00 01/01/03 Wed

The lost city of Atlantis = Lofty ocean silt - That's it! -- Stuart Evans, 22:05:46 12/31/02 Tue

[> [Lofty ocean silt - That's it!] Excellent, Stuart! Other names nom. -- Richard G, 10:02:16 01/01/03 Wed

The first human clone =Then,he's from lunatic -- Zoran, 09:12:02 12/30/02 Mon

[> Re: The first human clone =Then he's from lunatic Nom** -- Tom Myers, 11:08:45 12/31/02 Tue

Quite nice! Quite true!

[> [> Re: The first human clone =Then he's from lunatic Nom** - Thanks,Tom ! -- Zoran, 03:52:40 01/01/03 Wed

I will survive = I've will, virus! -- Paul Pan, 20:46:18 12/31/02 Tue

sleeping is the balm of hurt minds = dreams fill nothing but piss me, eh? -- A. Sadali, 17:10:12 12/31/02 Tue

career women = were romance -- A. Sadali, 17:04:06 12/31/02 Tue

Our very best wishes for a great New Year = Sure beer is tasty, we're wary of hangover! -- Tom Myers, 13:04:45 12/31/02 Tue

[> Cheers Tom! Great to see you back, have a topical nom. -- Richard G, 15:02:23 12/31/02 Tue

Paul Simon = Soul in amp -- Mattias Inghe, 13:01:26 12/31/02 Tue

Paul Simon = Pilous man

Is he? :)

[> [Paul Simon = Soul in amp] Looks new, nice work Mattias. *NAME/ENT NOM* -- Richard G, 14:58:38 12/31/02 Tue

Filmmaker Michael Moore -- Mattias Inghe, 13:33:57 12/31/02 Tue

Michael Moore =

Lo, hear commie!
Am heroic mole
Him: A cooler me

Oh, more malice?
Or (comma) he lie!
Real commie ho

Macho Moliere

[> Michael Moore's films and book -- Richard G, 14:22:27 12/31/02 Tue

Roger and Me =
Modern rage. [not seen the film, but the 'gram sounds about right]

Bowling for Columbine =
Gun will be icon for mob.

Stupid White Men =
He's impudent wit.


Some more -- Stuart Evans, 00:12:41 12/31/02 Tue

Wayne Rooney of Everton FC =
Vow no canny footy, Referee

Graham Norton=
Agh! Moron rant

Significant Other=
I fornicate things

Inspector Morse=
Not cop series, Mr!

[> Deeply offensive reply. -- Larry Brash, 13:02:57 12/31/02 Tue

>Significant Other=
>I fornicate things
He's fornicating 'it'. [whoops, very non-PC]


Mildly rude! -- Scott Cooper, 01:13:57 12/31/02 Tue

Dog farts under the table
Send for that beagle turd

Scott Cooper

Posted from The Anagrammy Website's Anagram Checker

[> I like it, Scott. RUDE NOM. And thanks for using the Checker. -- Larry Brash, 12:50:09 12/31/02 Tue

[> Welcome, Scott (some anagrams of your name) -- Larry Brash, 12:58:07 12/31/02 Tue

Scott Cooper =
Cop to escort.
To Top Soccer!
Soccer to pot.
Coco Protest.
Crop to Tesco.

Got a middle name for us to play with?


Area 51 anagram -- Tom Myers, 03:10:39 12/31/02 Tue

The Air Force installation near Groom Lake ~ took in aliens or a large alien mothercraft.

[> Re: Area 51 anagram NOM -- Joe F., 12:33:08 12/31/02 Tue

>The Air Force installation near Groom Lake ~ took in
>aliens or a large alien mothercraft.

Excellent, Name NOM. Coincidently I am attempting a long anagram on this topic at the moment.

The Raelian Religion = Alien tailoring here? -- Jaybur, 08:00:19 12/31/02 Tue

Monthly Discomfort (RUDE & OFFENSIVE) -- Mey K., 16:08:56 12/30/02 Mon




A menstrual flow = Raw smell of tuna.


Woman felt a slur.
No lawful stream?
Now a full stream.

Mey K.

[> Rude (gasp!) NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 17:29:57 12/30/02 Mon

>A menstrual flow = Raw smell of tuna.

[> Mister Meyran Kraus = In art, makes us merry. -- Jesse F, 06:03:36 12/31/02 Tue

Men's spirit is for ~ first impression -- A. Sadali, 05:52:42 12/31/02 Tue


Gordon Brown Prudent Economist... -- Stuart Evans, 21:44:08 12/30/02 Mon

Gordon Brown Prudent Economist
No Dr? Miser counted wrong pot - Nob!

Posted from The Anagrammy Website's Anagram Checker

[> Welcome, Stuart. [anagrams of your name] -- Larry Brash, 22:06:40 12/30/02 Mon

The usual newbie welcome.

Stuart Evans =
Savant's true.
Raven Status.
Nature's vast.
Use vast rant.
Nuts are vast.
Satan, TV user.
A vast unrest.
TV tears anus.
Starves aunt.
Venus as tart.
A TV? Arse, nuts.


[> [> Re: Welcome, Stuart. [more anagrams of your name] -- Paul Pan, 22:32:00 12/30/02 Mon

Stuart Evans =
Trust Vanesa
Us at taverns
Save rat nuts

[> [> [> Re: Welcome, Stuart. [more anagrams of your name] -- Larry Brash, 23:10:42 12/30/02 Mon

>Stuart Evans =
>Save rat nuts

Nut saves art.

[> [> [> [> Re: Welcome, Stuart. [more anagrams of your name] -- JF, 05:48:16 12/31/02 Tue

Stuart Evans =

"Venus": art sat.

[> Prudent Economist = Compound interest. [+anagrams of your name] -- Richard G, 00:23:04 12/31/02 Tue

Welcome to the Anagrammy Forum, Stuart.

Mister Stuart Evans =
Mistrusts a veteran.
I must rate servants.
Starves minute rats. [you cruel beast]


[> [> Re: [more anagrams of your name] -- Jesse F, 05:52:20 12/31/02 Tue

>Welcome to the Anagrammy Forum, Stuart.

Mister Stuart Evans =

A true transvestism.

romantic honeymoons = oh man, corny emotions! -- A. Sadali, 14:56:52 12/30/02 Mon

[> Cool :) GEN NOM! -- Paul Pan, 20:47:55 12/30/02 Mon

[> [> Re: Cool :) GEN NOM! Thanks Paul! :) -- A. Sadali, 05:43:32 12/31/02 Tue

More on Rael -- Paul Pan, 01:53:55 12/31/02 Tue

Claude Vorilhon a.k.a. Rael is a cult leader who advocates that we are all alien clones. He runs Cloneaid, a company that allegedly produced the first human clone.

Claude Vorilhon
Hurl, avoid clone
Clone hid valour
One ovular child
No rule, ova child
Value, or no child (He obviously charges dearly for his cloning services)
Our Child, a novel

[> Even more on Rael -- Paul Pan, 02:13:06 12/31/02 Tue

Claude "Rael" Vorilhon
I, cloner, overhaul lad
Ha, our evil lad-cloner
Clone lad (ovular heir)
I herald ovular clone
I herald clone valour
Hullo, a clone arrived
Aha, lurid clone lover
Cloner hold evil aura

Nuclear reactor = An ulcer creator. -- Hans-Peter, 22:32:29 12/30/02 Mon

[> BRILLIANT, H-P. Just saw it in a.a. and hoped that you would post it here. GEN NOM. -- Larry Brash, 23:08:40 12/30/02 Mon

[> [> [BRILLIANT, H-P.] GEN NOM. Thanks Larry and Joe... -- Hans-Peter, 00:08:22 12/31/02 Tue

Normally I post it in both media.
I forgot

Doubt = Do, but...

yesterday. But that is not important, anyway.

[> Seconded! That may well get my vote. One of your best ever, HP! -- Joe F., 00:05:09 12/31/02 Tue

Special Educational Needs (Very politically incorrect!) -- Joe F., 08:54:27 12/30/02 Mon

A Special Educational Needs Student = I calculated, ten add one is, (pauses.....) ten!


[> Re: Special Educational Needs. Cruel... Shame on you, Joe. Have a *NOM*, BTW. :) -- Mey K., 15:59:22 12/30/02 Mon

[> Re: Special Educational Needs (Very politically incorrect!) -- Larry Brash, 23:27:43 12/30/02 Mon

>A Special Educational Needs Student = I calculated,
>ten add one is, (pauses.....) ten!

Not as clever, but just as non-PC:

A Special Educational Needs Student =
Lad is so dense; an actual petite dunce.

Larry (excuse the bad French)

IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT -- Larry Brash, 21:39:38 12/30/02 Mon

I will be away on a short holiday and the Anagrammy Awards competition will be late starting this month.

I hope to have everything ready by the 5th of January.

We will be spending a few days in the Blue Mountains (= NOM unsuitable) at Medlow Bath (= held wombat), staying in the famous "Hydro Majestic Hotel" (= The Laird's joy cometh)


[> Re: IMPORTANT RUDE ANNOUCEMENT -- Paul Pan, 21:54:06 12/30/02 Mon

A short holiday = I satyr,lad (Ho! Ho!)

[> [> Re: IMPORTANT RUDE ANNOUCEMENT -- Larry Brash, 22:13:05 12/30/02 Mon

Thanks, Paul, but it will be a family holiday

Our short holiday =
I shout, "O, doh, Larry!"

Lord of the Rings, Part Two: 'The Two Towers'.... -- Larry Brash, 20:59:49 12/29/02 Sun

Lord of the Rings, Part Two: 'The Two Towers'.
It's long. Reward: the worth of two 'Potters'.

Larry Brash

Posted from The Anagrammy Website's Anagram Checker

[> Ho ho! An ENT NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 23:48:28 12/29/02 Sun

[> [> Thanks, Paul. -- Larry Brash, 21:42:07 12/30/02 Mon

On the Raelians -- Paul Pan, 23:46:49 12/29/02 Sun

Raelians (=a real sin!) are a cult whose members believe that humans are actually cloned aliens (Cloning~Clingon?}. The cult leader's "magnum opus" is *The Raelian Revolution*

The Raelian Revolution
Alien earth revolution
Evil alien rout on earth
Another evil alien tour
Our violent alien heart
Our violent alien earth
Volunteer alien hot air

It is scary that these bozos are actively involved in human cloning and "eugenics"

The Raelian Revolution
Re-evaluation on Hitler

[> Re: On the Raelians NOM -- Joe F., 00:49:46 12/30/02 Mon

>The Raelian Revolution
>Re-evaluation on Hitler

Excellent! Other Names NOM.

[> [> Thanks Joe :) -- Paul Pan, 17:28:31 12/30/02 Mon

"Crime and Punishment" = Sin much? Damn! I repent! -- Mey K., 16:01:50 12/30/02 Mon

Iron Man - The Hero = Hire a moron then -- A. Sadali, 15:00:51 12/30/02 Mon

The Nativity [Luke 2.10] -- Jaybur, 03:24:22 12/16/02 Mon

Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.


The Nativity (A school play)

Scene: A poor, lowly old stable, on a star-studded, frosty night. Inside, beside a few odd cows, sits a young mother, cuddling a new infant.

Enter dad, head held high, (how bold and proud!) tripping over his long, faded outfit.

"Oh, and how is our baby son, anyway?"

The diminutive Mary lifts her angelic face to his, the light turning her hair into a glowing, holy halo, saying,

"Oh, Joseph, he's been a right little bugger all day long."

[> Re: The Nativity [Luke 2.10] Love It! Long NOM. -- Joe F., 04:15:28 12/16/02 Mon

[> [> Re: The Nativity [Luke 2.10] Love It! Long NOM. A belated thank-you, Joe! -- Jaybur, 17:00:57 12/18/02 Wed

[> OK, there goes Long for the month. :) Excellent work, Jaybur. -- Richard G, 14:36:06 12/16/02 Mon

[> [> Re: OK, there goes Long for the month. :) Excellent work, Jaybur.Thanks, RG! -- Jaybur, 16:59:47 12/18/02 Wed

[> Re: The Nativity [Luke 2.10] A slightly amended version - hopefully an improvement. -- Jaybur, 06:59:15 12/30/02 Mon

Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.


The Nativity (A school play)

Scene: A poor, lowly old stable, on a star-studded, frosty night. Inside, beside a few odd cows, sits a young mother, cuddling a new infant.

Enter Joseph, his head held high, (how bold and proud!) tripping over his long, dingy, faded outfit.

"Oh, and how is our dear baby son, anyway?"

The diminutive Mary lifts an angelic face to his, the light turning her hair to a glowing, holy halo.

"Oh, he's been a right little bugger all day long."

The post-Christmas sales = Claim stress at the shops! -- Jaybur, 03:15:52 12/29/02 Sun

[> Re: The post-Christmas sales = Claim stress at the shops! Simply excellent, JB! Topical *NOM* -- Mey K., 03:30:43 12/29/02 Sun

[> [> Re: Claim stress at the shops! Simply excellent, JB! Topical *NOM*: Thanks for that, Mey! -- Jaybur, 05:24:28 12/29/02 Sun

[> [> Re: The post-Christmas sales = Claim stress at the shops! Seconded: Topical *NOM* -- A. Sadali, 05:29:38 12/29/02 Sun

love is strange = so everlasting -- A. Sadali, 05:10:11 12/29/02 Sun

[> Re: love is strange = so everlasting: Gen NOM! -- Jaybur, 05:20:53 12/29/02 Sun

[> [> Re: love is strange = so everlasting: Gen NOM! - THANKS Jaybur! :) -- A. Sadali, 05:28:30 12/29/02 Sun

A holy war = Halo awry? -- Jaybur, 21:39:54 12/28/02 Sat

[> Re: A holy war = Halo awry? -- Joe F., 05:05:20 12/29/02 Sun

You thief, I posted "Holy War = Wry Halo" in AG the other day ;)

No, it's ok, I think they are different enough to be regarded as seperate.


[> [> Re: A holy war = Halo awry? -- Jaybur, 05:19:29 12/29/02 Sun

>You thief, I posted "Holy War = Wry Halo" in AG the
>other day ;)
>No, it's ok, I think they are different enough to be
>regarded as seperate.

That's amazing - it was an independent discovery! I checked 'A holy war' in the Archives and AG, and it wasn't there!

It *is* very similar, tho' so you had better claim credit for it, I think.


Santa's Big Problem -- Mey K., 03:35:03 12/29/02 Sun

The Patron Saint of Christmas Day = Fat prat's hard to toss in a chimney...


Mey K.

2 Poems of Family Confusion -- Mey K., 21:25:35 12/27/02 Fri

Leigh's amusing poem of familial mix-up is anagrammed into a paraphrase of another, somewhat known poem, dealing with a similar issue...

Henry Sambrooke Leigh
The Twins

In form and feature, face and limb,
I grew so like my brother,
That folks got taking me for him,
And each for one another.

It puzzled all our kith and kin,
It reached a fearful pitch;
For one of us was born a twin,
Yet not a soul knew which.

One day, to make the matter worse,
Before our names were fixed,
As we were being washed by nurse,
We got completely mixed;

And thus, you see, by fate's decree,
Or rather nurse's whim,
My brother John got christened me,
And I got christened him.

This fatal likeness even dogged
My footsteps when at school,
And I was always getting flogged,
For John turned out a fool.

I put this question, fruitlessly,
To everyone I knew,
"What would you do, if you were me,
To prove that you were you?"

Our close resemblance turned the tide
Of my domestic life,
For somehow, my intended bride
Became my brother's wife.

In fact, year after year the same
Absurd mistakes went on,
And when I died, the neighbors came
And buried brother John.


Mey K.
Eerie Kins

If I recall, it all occurred
When I was twenty three;
I got married to one older girl,
As foxy as could be.

The fox had one teen daughter -
A kid with hair of red.
My father fell in love with her,
And soon the two were wed.

This turned dad to a son-in-law,
And frankly jerked our lives:
My daughter was my mother,
For she was father's wife!

But if you think our quirk is done,
It merely just begun -
I soon became a father
Of one beefy little son.

The recent baby then became
Brother-in-law to dad,
So he's sort of my uncle...
Now 'Eerie' turned to 'Bad':

As uncle, he's considered, too,
One tubby, weeping brother
To the wife's eccentric daughter
Who, of course, was my step-mother.

Father's wife then had a kid -
See, it kept getting fun;
I got one zealous grandson (For
He was my daughter's son);

My fine wife's now my mother's mom -
Indeed it makes me blue,
For not only is she a wife,
But my grandmother too...

I became the craziest joke
You people ever saw -
A husband of my grandmother,
I'm my own grandpa!

Mey K.

[> Re: 2 Poems of Family Confusion: Superb and very funny! SPECIAL NOM, Mey! -- Jaybur, 00:10:18 12/28/02 Sat

[> Re: 2 Poems of Family Confusion - SECONDED -- Richard Brodie, 07:23:40 12/28/02 Sat

A masterpiece reminiscent of your equally clever and amusing 9 rooms. For new members who might have missed that gem, visit


You are certainly nonpareil in this anagramming genre.

[> Oh my... -- Mattias Inghe, 08:55:59 12/28/02 Sat

Incredibly clever. Nom seconed, thirded, fiftyfourthed, whatever. :)

I don't have it here so I can磘 really figure it out by myself, but the version I磛e seen of the second situation said that he is not only his own grandfather, but actually father and son to himself...

[> [> Thank you all! :) -- Mey K., 03:33:00 12/29/02 Sun

Seasons Greetings = Insane egg tossers ;) -- Paul Pan, 20:59:03 12/27/02 Fri

[> Re: Seasons Greetings = Insane egg tossers ;) Ah, the true spirit of Xmas... *NOM* -- Mey K., 21:22:39 12/27/02 Fri


[> [> LOL! Thats the last last gram I expected to be nommed....let alone by Mey :) Thanks :P -- Paul Pan, 00:35:00 12/29/02 Sun

Raymond Briggs' classic tale, 'The Snowman' = Drawings, a symbolic song, can melt hearts. -- Jaybur, 21:42:33 12/28/02 Sat

Corus and Regal Hotels = Sugar and cholesterol? -- Jaybur, 18:24:51 12/28/02 Sat

Lady Diana Frances Spencer, The Princess of Wales = Feel a Crown-led spy PC assassinated her in France -- Joe F., 10:39:30 12/28/02 Sat

Film industry -- A. Sadali, 07:03:31 12/27/02 Fri

Film industry = Flirty nudism

[> [Christian view point] The Film industry = Filthy! Trim nudes! -- Larry Brash, 10:23:04 12/28/02 Sat

Noel - Christmas Day = Mary's child atones. (Mary's neatso child) -- Larry Brash, 22:22:04 12/25/02 Wed

[> Re: Noel - Christmas Day = Mary's child atones. Great! Topical *NOM* -- Mey K., 00:51:04 12/26/02 Thu

[> [> Thanks, Mey -- Larry Brash, 10:07:18 12/28/02 Sat

"World-of-anagrams" (new site on Internet) -- Zoran, 05:38:46 12/26/02 Thu

Hi,folks !

Merry Christmas to all and I have one present
for you.I finished with making of web site
"World-of-anagrams".See it on:

All the best,

[> Re: "World-of-anagrams" (new site on Internet) -- David A. Green, 20:55:33 12/26/02 Thu

>Hi,folks !
>Merry Christmas to all and I have one present
>for you.I finished with making of web site
>"World-of-anagrams".See it on:
>All the best,

Loved the site, Zoran!

Illustrating your anagrams with photographs is an excellent touch which adds an extra layer to their enjoyment. Also, I welcomed the international perspective with your selection of anagrams from other European countries. I guess this is a section that can grow and grow: did you ever get in touch with that Moscow professor who has compiled a compendium of anagrams in Russian?

Anyway, congratulations on your new site. A fun Xmas present for us all.

[> [> Re: "World-of-anagrams" (new site on Internet) -- Joe F., 00:13:47 12/27/02 Fri

>Loved the site, Zoran!
>Illustrating your anagrams with photographs is an
>excellent touch which adds an extra layer to their
>enjoyment. Also, I welcomed the international
>perspective with your selection of anagrams from other
>European countries. I guess this is a section that can
>grow and grow: did you ever get in touch with that
>Moscow professor who has compiled a compendium of
>anagrams in Russian?
>Anyway, congratulations on your new site. A fun Xmas
>present for us all.

Seconded! I'm sure if the Grand Anagrammies 2002 run the Anagram Site Category then this will be a new nomination. Very impressed with your web design!


[> [> [> New site on Internet by Zoran = Sir Z, a winner boy! Note: ten/ten -- A. Sadali, 06:59:58 12/27/02 Fri

Congrats Zoran. A treat indeed.

[> [> [> Re: "World-of-anagrams" (new site on Internet) -- Larry Brash, 10:05:04 12/28/02 Sat

>Seconded! I'm sure if the Grand Anagrammies 2002 run
>the Anagram Site Category then this will be a new

Zoran's site will definitely be included in that category. Entries to that category are selected by RG and myself.


[> Re: "World-of-anagrams" (new site on Internet) -- Richard Brodie, 11:36:47 12/27/02 Fri

Opinion seems to be evenly divided on Serbian girls:

Novi Sad Yugoslavia
Avoid lousy vaginas.
I assay good in vulva.

BTW Zoran, excellent site!

[> [> Thanks,everybody ! I am happy you like my work ! (+ answers to all) -- Zoran, 15:03:01 12/27/02 Fri

Richard Brodie wrote:

>Opinion seems to be evenly divided on Serbian girls:
>Novi Sad Yugoslavia
>Avoid lousy vaginas.
>I assay good in vulva.

I will surely follow your suggestion!

>BTW Zoran, excellent site!
Thank you very much !
David A.Green wrote:

>Loved the site, Zoran!

>Illustrating your anagrams with photographs is an >excellent touch which adds an extra layer to their >enjoyment. Also, I welcomed the international perspective >with your selection of anagrams from other European >countries. I guess this is a section that can grow and >grow: did you ever get in touch with that Moscow professor >who has compiled a compendium of anagrams in Russian?

>Anyway, congratulations on your new site. A fun Xmas >present for us all.

Yes,I'm planing to put some more galleries.Site is open
for all contributors,especially for anagrammers with
some exotic material.

Unfortunately,I didn't received the answer from Mr.Sergey
Kutasov.Perhaps I will write him again.

Thanks for the comments,I am happy that you like my work!
Joe Fatallah wrote:

>Seconded! I'm sure if the Grand Anagrammies 2002 run the >Anagram Site Category then this will be a new nomination. >Very impressed with your web design!


Thanks,Joe !For computer amateur like me it would be
great honour to get this kind of nomination ! :-)
Ahmad Sadali wrote:

>New site on Internet by Zoran =
>Sir Z, a winner boy! Note: ten/ten

>Congrats Zoran. A treat indeed.

Thanks,Ahmad ! Nice anagrammy comment!

I would like to know something about anagrams
on Arabian language,perhaps you could help me?
Do you have some tradition in making of anagrams
(once I red about old Arabian chronograms called
"tareh".Perhaps you have some tradition with
anagrams ?)

[> [> [> Re: Thanks,everybody ! I am happy you like my work ! (+ answers to all) -- A. Sadali, 23:05:00 12/27/02 Fri

>I would like to know something about anagrams
>on Arabian language,perhaps you could help me?
>Do you have some tradition in making of anagrams
>(once I red about old Arabian chronograms called
>"tareh".Perhaps you have some tradition with
>anagrams ?)

Hi Zoran, I am not well verse in Arabic or Arabian language.
And as such, I can't help you in this matter. My second language is Malay. And I don't think the Malays have any anagram tradition.

Heard of 'tareh' too, but am not so sure about that also.
Hope you will find other sources.

Ok! Hear from you again.

[> Bravo Zoran, very good job! -- Paul Pan, 21:15:55 12/27/02 Fri




Updated: May 10, 2016


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