Anagrammy Forum Archives - #44

15 February 2003 - 2 March 2003




Destruction of missiles? = US (set in discomfort): "Lies!" -- Jesse F, 06:44:43 03/02/03 Sun

"The Magdalene Sisters" -- Ernesto G, 06:46:45 02/24/03 Mon

The Magdalene Sisters =

Heartless digest. Amen
Girl's hate demeans set
Atheists' ledgers. Amen
Atheist's genre: medals
Sadists enlarge theme
Sadism threatens glee
Relegates sadism then

[> Re: "The Magdalene Sisters" *NOM* -- Mey K., 20:49:16 02/24/03 Mon

>The Magdalene Sisters =
>Sadism threatens glee

Apt, if you're familiar with the movie and story. Ent. *NOM*, Ernesto!

Mey K.

[> [> Re: "The Magdalene Sisters" *NOM* -- Ernesto G., 01:59:31 03/02/03 Sun

>>The Magdalene Sisters =
>>Sadism threatens glee
>Apt, if you're familiar with the movie and story. Ent.
>*NOM*, Ernesto!
>Mey K.

Thank you, Meyran!

*TOP NOM* for 'gram by Ernesto -- Richard G, 16:22:51 02/25/03 Tue

While preparing the forum archives, I spotted this gem by Ernesto which was overlooked at the time:

Unilateralism = U.S.' martial line

It was posted only a few days before February began so I think it's within the spirit of the rules to let it compete this month, unless anyone disagrees. It certainly deserves a run IMO, not least because it's still so topical. (Great work, Ernesto!)


[> Re: *TOP NOM* for 'gram by Ernesto -- Ernesto G., 01:58:22 03/02/03 Sun

>While preparing the forum archives, I spotted this gem
>by Ernesto which was overlooked at the time:
>Unilateralism = U.S.' martial line
>It was posted only a few days before February began so
>I think it's within the spirit of the rules to let it
>compete this month, unless anyone disagrees. It
>certainly deserves a run IMO, not least because it's
>still so topical. (Great work, Ernesto!)

Thank you very much, Richard.

a Zurich clinic -- Ernesto G, 01:56:15 03/02/03 Sun

At least a dozen terminally ill British patients are expected to fly to a controversial clinic in Zurich in the coming months to be helped to commit suicide there.


The "victimized": concerted in bold arrangement to coerce their end.
Euthanasia: a thorny, "filthy" issue, still illicit in most places.

hardcore pictures = such rapid erector -- A. Sadali, 02:48:37 03/01/03 Sat

[> Re: hardcore pictures = such rapid erector :) Nice one, rude NOM! -- Joe F., 08:47:07 03/01/03 Sat

[> [> Re: Thanks Joe! -- A. Sadali, 01:00:19 03/02/03 Sun

George Bush and Saddam Hussein = Baddish, huge ass, dangerous men -- A. Sadali, 02:43:29 03/01/03 Sat

[> [Baddish, huge ass, dangerous men] Yep. ***PEOPLE'S NAMES NOM***, Sadali. -- Richard G, 10:29:06 03/01/03 Sat

[> Seconded, youre on a roll! -- Paul Pan, 18:10:39 03/01/03 Sat

[> [> Thanks You guys! -- A. Sadali, 00:56:34 03/02/03 Sun

Fast Food Chain employee = Heads off to pee in my cola. >:) -- Mey K., 18:12:42 02/26/03 Wed

[> Haha...having been there, I think this deserves a NOM!! ;) -- Michael Omstead, 18:57:03 02/26/03 Wed

[> :D Nom seconed! Rude? -- Mattias Inghe, 01:28:24 02/27/03 Thu

[> [> :) Thirded, I really like this one. -- Joe F., 07:52:59 02/27/03 Thu

[> [> [> Thank you all! Esp. to Michael who verified my suspicion. :P -- Mey K., 08:39:37 02/27/03 Thu

[> Fast Food Chain employee = Coffee-shop menial, today -- AH, 19:38:54 02/27/03 Thu

[> Re: Fast Food Chain employee: more disturbing evidence... -- David A. Green, 23:00:53 03/01/03 Sat

Urine in cola? That's nothing...

The fast food chain employee =
Hey, that lad poos in me coffee!

[> [> Yikes! -- Paul Pan, 00:56:11 03/02/03 Sun

The fast food chain employee
O-oh! Fed hot faeces in my plate
Coy, he fed a pan of shit omelet

O, Toilet Brush = It rubs the loo! :P -- Jesse F, 14:14:00 03/01/03 Sat

[> A long overdue ode to the TB :) GEN NOM! -- Paul Pan, 18:09:23 03/01/03 Sat

[New?] Wreath = The war -- Jaybur, 00:48:59 02/15/03 Sat

[> Re: [New?] Wreath = The war -- David A. Green, 07:16:52 03/01/03 Sat

Nice find, Janet. Apparently, though, it's quite old. Sandy Balfour, in his just-published memoir about crosswords called "Pretty Girl In Crimson Rose (8)" (Atlantic Books, 2003, p 106) states that this anagram was actually used as a part of an intelligence test for potential code breakers at Bletchley Park during the Second World War.

[> [> Re: [New?] Wreath = The war] Thanks for the info, David - very interesting! -- Jaybur, 17:55:02 03/01/03 Sat

NOMS ARE NOW CLOSED - list to follow shortly -- Richard G, 10:32:41 03/01/03 Sat

[> FULL LIST OF FEBRUARY NOMS -- Richard G, 11:05:44 03/01/03 Sat


Please send your selections for the final list to larry at brash dot net.


Help your dry, cracked, sore feet (spam) -- Ernesto G, 09:27:01 03/01/03 Sat

Help your dry, cracked, sore feet = Try keep a recycled odour fresh

The Hound of the Baskervilles = OK! Hunt hellish, overfed beast! -- Scott Gardner, 07:53:43 03/01/03 Sat

Drain = Nadir. [more] -- Jesse Frankovich, 15:50:12 02/28/03 Fri

nadir (n.): the lowest point.


Drain = Nadir.



[> Re: Drain = Nadir. ... good one-worder -*Gen NOM* -- Wordminer, 07:30:24 03/01/03 Sat

moral values = a marvellous! -- A. Sadali, 03:08:09 03/01/03 Sat

online surveys = seen virus only -- A. Sadali, 03:03:53 03/01/03 Sat

A Couple of Easy Magic Tricks -- Mey K., 21:11:37 02/28/03 Fri

One Splendid Demonstration of ESP

1. Pick a number from 1 to 10.
2. Multiply it by 9. Add the digits of the result together. Subtract 5.
3. Assign a letter to the answer you have (A=one, B=two, etc).
4. Think of a country that begins with this letter.
5. Think of an animal that begins with the second letter of the country.
6. What's a colour associated with the animal?
7. That's odd... see, there are no grey elephants in Denmark!


A Lesson In Fear

1. Repeat stages 1-3 in the trick above.
2. Think of the name of a cute bird that starts with that letter.
3. Imagine the snappy sound it makes. Go on.
4. Obtain the first letter of that sound. Think about a country which ends with the letter.
5. Try to dwell on the global menace its cold, sadistic leader presents.
6. Then, drift your hate towards the camel-humping demons...
7. Honey, you're now a bigot.

Mey K.

[> There goes February's Long Award. Congratulations, Mey :) -- AH, 21:54:51 02/28/03 Fri

[> Yet another precedent-setting LONG NOM by Mey! -- Paul Pan, 00:14:45 03/01/03 Sat

TWO rudish dancing 'grams... -- Jesse Frankovich, 13:30:12 02/18/03 Tue

Exotic dances = Do nice sex act.

Exotic pole dances = Exceptional coeds!

[> Rude NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 18:13:30 02/18/03 Tue

...though I would suggest a small amendment:
"Exotic dancers = Do nice sex acts"

[> [> Thanks for NOM, but... -- Jesse F, 07:02:35 02/19/03 Wed

>...though I would suggest a small amendment:
>"Exotic dancers = Do nice sex acts"

Thanks for the suggestion Paul, but you added an R to the left and an S to the right... thus no anagram. Have to keep it as is.
[Exotic dances = Do nice sex act.]


[> [> [> Yikes! I scare myself sometimes... -- Paul Pan, 18:18:55 02/19/03 Wed

Exotic dances
Do nicer sex act [I think this is what I meant]
Sex-aid concert [an adult version of 'We are the World']
Can excite "rods"
Sex act in decor
Sex act? Cried: No! [she's an artist, not a prostitute!]
Cried on sex act [its her first time]
Sex act on cider [hic!]
Sex? I accord "ten"!

[> [> [> [> Above 'grams are of Exotic danceRs -- Paul Pan, 18:20:06 02/19/03 Wed

[> [> [> [> Kindly allow me a RUDE self-nom -- Paul Pan, 18:00:20 02/28/03 Fri

Exotic dancers
Can excite "rods"

[> [> [> Bummer... -- Paul Pan, 20:07:52 02/19/03 Wed

I seems 'Exotic dancers = Do sex-act nicer' is, afterall, a Rothsteingram from 2002.

WTC-site architect -- AH, 00:41:15 02/28/03 Fri

A complex of angular towers and a spire that would be among the world's tallest structures has been chosen for the World Trade Center site in New York, official sources say.

Berlin-based architect Daniel Libeskind's design is centred around the excavated pit of the former World Trade Center.

Why was he chosen? Let the anagram decide...

Dislike Bin Laden?
Daniel Libeskind!

[> Nice find, Adrian... Name NOM. -- Jesse F, 04:38:12 02/28/03 Fri

[> A WTC Engineer = Erecting anew. -- Jesse Frankovich, 04:47:29 02/28/03 Fri

[> [> Re: {A WTC Engineer = Erecting anew.} Nice ... *NOM* -- A. Sadali, 14:50:44 02/28/03 Fri


Darwin's theory of evolution = To win, you fed on other rivals -- Scott Gardner, 09:44:08 02/27/03 Thu

[> Very nice, Scott... NOM indeed. -- Jesse F, 11:17:13 02/27/03 Thu

[> [> Seconded! -- Mey K., 18:00:40 02/27/03 Thu

[> [> [> Thanks to both of you! -- Scott G, 10:31:05 02/28/03 Fri

[> Darwin's theory of evolution ~ overwrites Holy foundation -- AH, 19:09:57 02/27/03 Thu

[> [> [overwrites Holy foundation] Also great! *NOM* (Gen I guess) -- Richard G, 13:31:14 02/28/03 Fri

[> Darwin's theory of evolution = Why! Over-rated notion is foul! -- AH, 19:11:24 02/27/03 Thu

[> Darwin's theory of evolution = Vision of nature: worthy lode -- Wordminer, 06:24:42 02/28/03 Fri

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences = Studs of cinema anticipated Oscar ceremony -- Scott Gardner, 10:29:48 02/28/03 Fri

[> Great Scott! :) *OTHER NAMES NOM* -- Richard G, 13:28:35 02/28/03 Fri

The Terrorist Mujahid Osama Bin Laden = Rabid trojan is not real. The US made him. ;-) -- Joe F., 08:32:19 02/28/03 Fri

[> :) Name nom, Joe. -- Richard G, 13:25:16 02/28/03 Fri

Miss Germany in Baghdad (rude, non pc, etc...) -- Mattias Inghe, 08:46:37 02/28/03 Fri

Miss Germany in Baghdad
"I demand... *sigh*" (bangs army)

Iraq without Saddam Hussein? = U.S. quest/wish had admiration -- AH, 19:26:54 02/27/03 Thu

[> Hussein-less Iraq = Ass relinquishes! -- Jesse F :), 04:50:40 02/28/03 Fri

Die Zauberflote (the Magic Flute) = Delicate, elite. Huge Mozart buff! -- Scott Gardner, 04:36:19 02/28/03 Fri

Monet's "Water Lilies" = Elite art won smiles -- Scott Gardner, 03:42:26 02/28/03 Fri

Shakespeare's 'Othello' -- Mey K., 18:06:15 02/27/03 Thu

'Othello, Moor of Venice', a tragedy by William Shakespeare
Oh, Iago's raves compel the ebony army-leader to kill a wife!

Mey K.

[> [Shakespeare's 'Othello'] *MEDIUM NOM*, Mey. -- Richard G, 18:59:54 02/27/03 Thu

[> [> Excellent! Seconded! -- Scott Gardner, 03:31:03 02/28/03 Fri

[> The Tragedy of Othello = He fell to... to gory death! -- Scott Gardner, 03:37:04 02/28/03 Fri

Cook's Tours = So, Cork to US? -- Jaybur, 03:27:50 02/28/03 Fri

Masochism = Cosh maims. -- Hans-Peter, 02:08:28 02/28/03 Fri

[> Sadomasochism [crude] -- Paul Pan, 02:46:08 02/28/03 Fri

Och! Sod, maim ass!

Mr Muscle Oven Cleaner = No! Cleverer mum cleans! -- Jaybur, 20:57:27 02/27/03 Thu

[> Re: Mr Muscle Oven Cleaner = No! Cleverer mum cleans! -- David Bourke, 22:25:42 02/27/03 Thu

Nice one, Jaybur. A slight variation...

Mr Muscle Oven Cleaner = No scum, men! Real clever!


Election day = Only a deceit. -- Hans-Peter, 02:01:11 02/27/03 Thu

The Americanīs should know...ooops, sorry.

[> Made me smile. Gen *NOM*, Hans! -- Mey K., 18:05:03 02/27/03 Thu

No, no need to apologize. :P

[> [> [Gen *NOM*] Thanks, Mey. My pleasure. ;-) -- Hans-Peter, 21:35:14 02/27/03 Thu

>No, no need to apologize. :P

A Mike Tyson fight -- Mey K., 08:53:25 02/27/03 Thu

Tyson's recent fight, some term as yet another sham, ended after 49 seconds as his opponent Etienne hit the floor. Tyson thus gained 5 million dollars in less than a minute.

A Mike Tyson fight = Hey, fast K.O. timing!

More (among many, many others):

A mighty finest K.O.
"K.O. thing is my feat".
A fist - K.O. in the gym.
Oh, meaty fist king!

Mey K.

[> Re: A Mike Tyson fight - NOM for "Hey, fast K.O. timing!" -- Nice one... Jesse F, 11:15:44 02/27/03 Thu

[> [> Thanks, Jesse, and good comeback! -- Mey K., 18:03:28 02/27/03 Thu

[> The fighter Mike Tyson = Seen him get thrifty K.O.? -- Jesse Frankovich, 15:33:38 02/27/03 Thu

His Holiness the Pope = PS: He is the Polish one. -- Jaybur, 18:02:59 02/26/03 Wed

[> Re: His Holiness the Pope = PS: He is the Polish one.[SPOT ON, Jaybur! -NameNOM] -- Larry Brash, 00:32:12 02/27/03 Thu

[> [> Re: PS: He is the Polish one.[SPOT ON, Jaybur! -NameNOM] Thanks, Larry! -- Jaybur, 16:58:52 02/27/03 Thu

Michelangelo Buonarroti's famed 'Pieta' = Ceiling painter, he'd a famous marble too! -- Jaybur, 16:54:55 02/27/03 Thu

Special someone = O, income pleases. -- Jesse F, 13:50:17 02/27/03 Thu

Sistine Chapel = he paints, ceils* -- Wordminer, 10:52:44 02/27/03 Thu

*ceil: to furnish with a ceiling

[> [Or ] He paints, ceils ~ Sistine Chapel. -- Wordminer, 11:15:20 02/27/03 Thu

Michelangelo's David = Led, heaving clod. (I SAM.)* -- Wordminer, 10:27:12 02/27/03 Thu

* I Samuel, 17:49
stone, clod, what's the difference ?

Raphael's "The School of Athens" = Shape lot of heathen scholars -- Scott Gardner, 10:27:10 02/27/03 Thu

Sistine Madonna = Maiden saint, son -- Scott Gardner, 08:03:29 02/27/03 Thu

[> Yet another artistic gem, Scott, and goes right into your Ent *NOM*s pile. :) -- Mey K., 08:37:40 02/27/03 Thu

The Salvation Army = Heal my starvation. -- Mey K., 20:51:56 02/24/03 Mon

[> Other name NOM, a gem :) -- Paul Pan, 23:07:19 02/24/03 Mon

[> [> Ta, Paul! -- Mey K., 08:33:26 02/27/03 Thu

Manet, "Olympia" = I'm no Playmate! -- Scott Gardner, 08:24:36 02/27/03 Thu

Raphael's "Sistine Madonna" = Paint a maiden lass, her son -- Scott Gardner, 08:05:29 02/27/03 Thu

Random pair -- Allan Morley, 09:19:55 02/26/03 Wed

William Butler Yeats =
Subtle, wily material.

Nuclear powers =
Open war's cruel.


[> Re: Nuclear powers = Open war's cruel. *NOM* -- Jaybur, 18:04:47 02/26/03 Wed

[> [> What about "Nuclear powers ~ open cruel wars" To me that reads better but up to you of course. -- Joe F., 07:49:44 02/27/03 Thu

Coastal region = Go! Coral is neat! /// Coastal reef = See coral aft. -- Jesse F, 07:41:41 02/27/03 Thu

Michelangelo Buonarroti's "Pieta" = Ah! A potent, religious marble icon -- Scott Gardner, 05:56:06 02/27/03 Thu

Michelangelo's "Pieta" = I'm the angelical pose -- Scott Gardner, 05:52:14 02/27/03 Thu

Leonardo's "The Last Supper" = Apostles sup near the Lord -- Scott Gardner, 12:56:10 02/26/03 Wed

[> Brilliant! ENT(?) NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 17:32:48 02/26/03 Wed

[> [> Oops, I didnt see the other one! But my NOM still holds. -- Paul Pan, 17:33:54 02/26/03 Wed

[> [> [> Thanks, Paul! -- Scott Gardner, 05:17:45 02/27/03 Thu

Evan Marriott (Joe Millionaire) = Major TV role--I eliminate on air -- Scott Gardner, 11:11:19 02/26/03 Wed

[> I hear they broke it off... who saw it coming? ;) Ent *NOM*, Scott. -- Mey K., 18:11:22 02/26/03 Wed

[> [> Thanks, Mey! -- Scott Gardner, 05:16:17 02/27/03 Thu

Country groupies (rude) -- Mattias Inghe, 01:32:50 02/27/03 Thu

Country groupies
I grope your cunts

Patriotic deeds = Practised to die -- Mattias Inghe, 01:26:05 02/27/03 Thu

M.Caine = Cinema -- Zoran, 07:16:12 02/25/03 Tue

[> [M.Caine = Cinema] Brilliant! And apparently new. *NAME NOM*, Zoran! -- Richard G, 16:03:53 02/25/03 Tue

[> [> Re: [M.Caine = Cinema] Brilliant! And apparently new. *NAME NOM*, Zoran! Thanks,Richard! -- Zoran, 00:10:29 02/27/03 Thu

Leonardo da Vinci, "The Last Supper" = Have Lord and apostles in picture -- Scott Gardner, 12:57:52 02/26/03 Wed

[> Nice one Scott, Entertainment NOM. -- Jesse F, 13:06:01 02/26/03 Wed

[> Thanks, Jesse! -- Scott Gardner, 13:43:37 02/26/03 Wed

[> (One more): Leonardo da Vinci, "The Last Supper" = Oil and such, painted over plaster -- Scott Gardner, 13:45:30 02/26/03 Wed

[> [> Also great! Good job. -- Mey K., 18:09:58 02/26/03 Wed

C. Zeta-Jones = Jeez! Acts on! -- Jaybur, 18:07:30 02/26/03 Wed

You learn aerobics... = O, yea! Burn calories! -- Jesse F, 13:10:03 02/26/03 Wed

[> Re: {You learn aerobics... = O, yea! Burn calories!} ... GEN NOM -- A. Sadali, 14:56:18 02/26/03 Wed

How many feet in yard? = May find three on way. -- Jesse F, 06:47:04 02/26/03 Wed

[> Re:[How many feet in yard? = May find three on way] = What ? If any more, deny ! [+others] -- Wordminer, 10:56:55 02/26/03 Wed

How many feet in a yard ? =

Ah, naif may yet wonder. =

In my daft way hear "one".

The Marston Hotels = Host to shelter man. -- Jaybur, 09:02:06 02/26/03 Wed

Audit Commissioners = Aim is to consider sum. -- Jaybur, 00:04:12 02/26/03 Wed

[> [Audit Commissioners = Aim is to consider sum.] Nice work, Jaybur. Gen NOM. -- Jesse F, 06:02:03 02/26/03 Wed

[> [> Re: Nice work, Jaybur. Gen NOM. Thanks, Jesse! -- Jaybur, 08:53:13 02/26/03 Wed

Nicole Kidman as Virginia Woolf, 'The Hours' = Oh, girl is in our movie , and with a false conk! -- Jaybur, 08:50:49 02/26/03 Wed

porno ... -- A. Sadali, 03:12:07 02/26/03 Wed

the pornographic sites
hot posing ... (I erect, sharp!)

[> Re: porno ... (RUDE) -- Allan Morley, 08:23:35 02/26/03 Wed

>the pornographic sites
>hot posing ... (I erect, sharp!)


The pornographic sites =
Nice, pert, garish photos.
Ah, I spot his erect prong!


[> [> Re: Re: porno ... (RUDE) -- Jesse F, 08:48:21 02/26/03 Wed

The pornographic sites =

Oh, great open-shirt pics!

A controversial anagram -- don't read if easily distressed by 9/11-related material -- Allan Morley, 09:11:15 02/18/03 Tue

[BTW a belated thankyou for my Long Category win last month, everyone.]

This 1989 poem by Stephen Dunn became widely known in the second half of September 2001. I've anagrammed it into a look at how the other half lives, partially sympathetically, partially not. Apologies in advance for the latter if it causes offense [and the former too, I guess].


For the historical ache, the ache passed down
which finds its circumstance and becomes
the present ache, I offer this poem

without hope, knowing there's nothing,
not even revenge, which alleviates
a life like yours. I offer it as one

might offer his father's ashes
to the wind, a gesture
when there's nothing else to do.

Still, I must say to you:
I hate your good reasons.
I hate the hatefullness that makes you fall

in love with death, your own included.
Perhaps you're hating me now,
I who own my own house

and live in a country so muscular,
so smug, it thinks its terror is meant
only to mean well, and to protect.

Christ turned his singular cheek,
one man's holiness another's absurdity.
Like you, the rest of us obey the sting,

the surge. I'm just speaking out loud
to cancel my silence. Consider it an old impulse,
doomed to become mere words.

The first poet probably spoke to thunder
and, for a while, believed
thunder had an ear and a choice.



Impudent American serpent, how dare you assume you understand! How dare you put me and a whole religion on this psychiatrist's couch, den of viperish scum! These childish observations are literally worthless, corrupted by your immoral, infidel mind -- you cannot know, CANNOT know.

Ask instead about the ceaseless heresies of the world's self-styled mightiest nation. Ask instead about the mulish desecration of our brave people's holiest of divine holies -- with the endless oppression, the wanton interference, the harsh meddling, the downright cruel butchery... and all for a thing as crude as oil. Ask instead what overwhelming, monumental atrocity it took *to unhinge a whole community's sense of right and wrong*: HERE is the crime. The genie is out of the bottle.

Though at least you confess the guilt of the wretched, heathen US. I like this, so I choose to spare you. Keep away from Chicago on the seventeenth of June.

Just a stark reminder of who we're dealing with here.

[> Also disappointed by non-reaction, but not surprised. -- Allan Morley, 00:07:18 02/24/03 Mon

In case my message was unclear -- for the record, like Dunn I understand anti-Americanism even if I don't agree with it. But I believe that expressing it through violence completely destroys its validity. That was the point of my deliberately shocking last line.

If I've caused offense, sorry. To avoid causing any more, I won't self-NOM the anagram.


>For the historical ache, the ache passed down
>which finds its circumstance and becomes
>the present ache, I offer this poem
>without hope, knowing there's nothing,
>not even revenge, which alleviates
>a life like yours. I offer it as one
>might offer his father's ashes
>to the wind, a gesture
>when there's nothing else to do.
>Still, I must say to you:
>I hate your good reasons.
>I hate the hatefullness that makes you fall
>in love with death, your own included.
>Perhaps you're hating me now,
>I who own my own house
>and live in a country so muscular,
>so smug, it thinks its terror is meant
>only to mean well, and to protect.
>Christ turned his singular cheek,
>one man's holiness another's absurdity.
>Like you, the rest of us obey the sting,
>the surge. I'm just speaking out loud
>to cancel my silence. Consider it an old impulse,
>doomed to become mere words.
>The first poet probably spoke to thunder
>and, for a while, believed
>thunder had an ear and a choice.
>Impudent American serpent, how dare you assume you
>understand! How dare you put me and a whole religion
>on this psychiatrist's couch, den of viperish scum!
>These childish observations are literally worthless,
>corrupted by your immoral, infidel mind -- you cannot
>know, CANNOT know.
>Ask instead about the ceaseless heresies of the
>world's self-styled mightiest nation. Ask instead
>about the mulish desecration of our brave people's
>holiest of divine holies -- with the endless
>oppression, the wanton interference, the harsh
>meddling, the downright cruel butchery... and all for
>a thing as crude as oil. Ask instead what
>overwhelming, monumental atrocity it took *to unhinge
>a whole community's sense of right and wrong*: HERE is
>the crime. The genie is out of the bottle.
>Though at least you confess the guilt of the wretched,
>heathen US. I like this, so I choose to spare you.
>Keep away from Chicago on the seventeenth of June.
>Just a stark reminder of who we're dealing with here.

[> [> I think its great ARS MAGNA satire, special Nom. Chill out, even Disney snuffed Bambi's mom! -- Paul Pan, 02:44:36 02/24/03 Mon

[> [> [> Seconded! Fear not, Allan. ;) -- Mey K., 20:47:32 02/24/03 Mon

[> [> [> [> Thirded, Allan! Sorry, I was waiting to gauge the group's reaction before commenting. -- Richard G, 16:26:28 02/25/03 Tue

[> [> [> [> [> Thankyou all for the NOM. -- Allan Morley, 08:44:26 02/26/03 Wed

Vietnam hero = O, him? Veteran. -- Jesse F, 06:27:15 02/26/03 Wed

[> [Or:] Vietnam hero = Oh, I'm Veteran. -- JF2, 06:39:16 02/26/03 Wed

A speed camera = Erase mad pace. -- Hans-Peter, 05:52:12 02/26/03 Wed

UN chief weapons inspector Hans Blix = Chap flew in, can probe Hussein's toxin. -- Richard G, 12:12:29 02/15/03 Sat

[> **TOPICAL NOM** -- Larry Brash, 12:26:34 02/15/03 Sat

[> [> Thanks Larry. -- Richard G, 12:03:52 02/17/03 Mon

[> Re: UN chief weapons inspector Hans Blix = Function: expose plans which bare sin. -- Wordminer, 15:23:40 02/22/03 Sat

[> [> Re: UN chief weapons inspector Hans Blix = Function: expose plans which bare sin. *NOM* -- Richard Brodie, 03:46:47 02/23/03 Sun

As it stands there is a slight grammatical problem.
It is not the "plans" (plural) which bare the sin;
it is the "exposing" (singular) which bareS it.

With one more "s" we could have perfect grammar.
So how about the following trivial modification,
with a verb interchange that elimates the
possibility of confusing "bares" with "bears",
if the gram is spoken reather than read (which
I suppose would only make sense from Al Quaida's

UN's chief weapons inspector Hans Blix
Function: bare plans, which exposes sin.

[> [> Just noticed Richard B's comment - will reply later -- Wordminer, 15:21:09 02/24/03 Mon

[> [> [Grammar corrected:] Function: expose plan which bears sin. -- Wordminer, 03:35:31 02/26/03 Wed

Mister Osama = So, I'm a master! -- A. Sadali, 02:29:57 02/26/03 Wed




Updated: May 10, 2016


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Anagrammy Awards

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