Anagrammy Forum Archives - #46

23 Febrary 2003 - 14 March 2003




Virulent e-mails = Am evil in result. -- Jesse F, 09:28:11 03/14/03 Fri

Iraq's soul ~ is squalor. -- JF2, 05:51:48 03/14/03 Fri

Fat Free Thousand Island = Stuffed in another salad? -- Jesse F, 05:44:49 03/14/03 Fri

[Regarding the people who equate 'fat free' with 'I can eat a ton of it.']

Fat Free Thousand Island = Stuffed in another salad?

United States Army= um, set tyrant aside ? [+ more] -- Wordminer, 04:00:55 03/14/03 Fri

United States Army
= sent east (amir duty).
~ mans treaty duties.
= Sentries at a.m. duty.
= meet Saudi tyrants.
= stunt team is ready.

A noise reduction = Nicer audio tones. -- Hans-Peter, 18:33:07 03/12/03 Wed

[> Re: A noise reduction = Nicer audio tones. - I like it! Gen NOM. -- Allan Morley, 22:20:52 03/13/03 Thu

[> [> [Gen NOM] Thanks, Allan. -- Hans-Peter, 02:55:34 03/14/03 Fri

[> Does "Nicer audio tones = A noise reduction." read a little better ? -- Wordminer, 03:53:31 03/14/03 Fri

The G-Spot = PS: get hot! -- Hans-Peter, 21:24:07 03/12/03 Wed

[> Re: The G-Spot = PS: get hot! (rude) -- Dr. D. Grafenbourke, 00:26:18 03/14/03 Fri

Dr Ernst Grafenberg, the discoverer of the G-spot area =
Sore vadge fingered, tart throbs, groans: "Here! Perfect!"

New dire threats = war in the desert = sad, written here . -- Wordminer, 05:24:28 03/13/03 Thu

[> Re: [New dire threats = war in the desert] TOP NOM. -- Jaybur, 22:49:23 03/13/03 Thu

Too many cooks spoil the broth = Oh bother! It's a stock monopoly! -- Jaybur, 02:46:35 03/13/03 Thu

[> That is actually very clever! GEN NOM. -- Larry Brash, 13:07:51 03/13/03 Thu

[> [> Re: [That is actually very clever! GEN NOM] Thank you, LB! -- JB, 22:47:22 03/13/03 Thu

The Spanish artist Pablo Picasso = Applies his paints: oh, so abstract! -- Jaybur, 03:07:51 03/13/03 Thu

[> Lovely, JB, an Ent't NOM indeed. -- Jesse, 05:03:01 03/13/03 Thu

[> [> Re: Lovely, JB, an Ent't NOM indeed. Thanks, JF! -- JB, 22:45:56 03/13/03 Thu

A pangrammatic celebration -- Richard Brodie, 20:49:00 03/13/03 Thu

Luckily the quest for Elizabeth Smart has ended well. She is alive! Parents express joy and then give thanks unto their God.


Dad's thrilled that the hunt zeroes in. Grotesque, sick darkness of hell gives way to extreme, heavenly jubilant happiness.

[> Re: [A pangrammatic celebration] MED NOM! -- Jaybur, 22:44:50 03/13/03 Thu

The not-so-hidden agenda of our unwitting leader... -- Jesse F, 16:05:17 03/13/03 Thu

"We need an energy bill that encourages consumption." --George W. Bush


Man, we sure got a greedy boss with no clue running the place! Be gone!

[> LOL, Jesse! Medium Length NOM. -- Allan Morley, 22:32:01 03/13/03 Thu

THE RESULTS -- Larry Brash, 19:07:03 03/09/03 Sun

Here are this month's results:

Click here

Congratulations to all the winners.


[> Re:THE RESULTS: Well done everyone! Thanks to all concerned. -- Jaybur, 03:30:47 03/10/03 Mon

[> Congrats all and thanks for my second win. :) -- A. Sadali, 05:02:20 03/10/03 Mon

[> Thanks to voters for my grammy and congrats to all winners (interesting,Richard is not among them after 39 months !) -- Zoran, 06:14:38 03/10/03 Mon

[> Re: Great job eberyone! -- Paul Pan, 17:32:09 03/10/03 Mon

[> [> Re: Great job everyone! -- David Bourke, 20:21:58 03/10/03 Mon

Surprised that Paul Pan didn't do better in Special...
Thanks for my 2nd. place!


[> Re: THE RESULTS -- AH, 19:21:32 03/11/03 Tue

Well done everybody :)

I'm not sure how to go about increasing the number of voters, other than your current usual machinations, Larry. One month 50, then 30...

The number of voters =
Best ever month? Four!

Let's hope it doesn't come to that!

[> Thanks for my win this month, everybody! Well done to the other winners too. -- Allan Morley, 22:22:25 03/13/03 Thu

G-G-Gareth G-G-Gates d-d-documentary -- David Bourke, 20:34:46 03/13/03 Thu

Gareth Gates: Singing Through My Stammer
- A 'Tonight' Special


See on tape: "I sh-sh-shan't...g-g-g-g-get


[> LOL! NAME/ENT (?) NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 21:14:15 03/13/03 Thu

The Petrol Retailers Association ~ threatens to raise oil prices a lot -- AH, 02:24:17 03/12/03 Wed

[> The Petrol Retailers Association ~ threatens to raise oil prices a lot [Well, I liked it - *self-nom*] -- AH, 19:01:57 03/13/03 Thu

[> [> Re: The Petrol Retailers Association ~ threatens to raise oil prices a lot [Well, I liked it - *self-nom*] - I like it, too. SECONDED! -- Richard Brodie, 20:55:55 03/13/03 Thu

A rude complaint.... :) -- Jesse Frankovich, 07:15:25 03/13/03 Thu

"God, no women ~ go down on me!"

[> How...apt :P Very clever RUDE NOM!!! -- Paul Pan, 16:41:26 03/13/03 Thu

Bin Laden's capture denied... = And Republicans needed it! -- Jesse F, 08:59:42 03/13/03 Thu

OTHER NAMES = There's a *NOM* ! -- Zoran, 22:46:42 03/12/03 Wed

[> O, nice psalm! = Special NOM! (Perhaps apt for a Brodie-gram) ;) -- Jesse F, 05:05:21 03/13/03 Thu

Pietro Mascagni = Competing arias -- Jaybur, 03:14:47 03/13/03 Thu

Tomb Raider (slightly rude) -- Scott Gardner, 04:30:28 03/10/03 Mon

A game from the "Tomb Raider" series...

Tomb Raider: The Lost Artifact
Red-hot tits? Bet I am Lara Croft!


[> Re: Tomb Raider (slightly rude) * NOM * -- David A. Green, 05:15:26 03/12/03 Wed

>A game from the "Tomb Raider" series...
>Tomb Raider: The Lost Artifact
>Red-hot tits? Bet I am Lara Croft!
This risque little gem neatly slipped through unnoticed. RUDE NOM, Scott!

[> [> Thanks, David! -- Scott Gardner, 01:25:08 03/13/03 Thu

United States ~ detest anti-US -- Paul Pan, 22:16:08 03/12/03 Wed

[> Re: [United States ~ detest anti-US] TOP NOM, Paul! -- Jaybur, 23:40:58 03/12/03 Wed

[> [> Many tas, Janet :) -- Paul Pan, 23:57:41 03/12/03 Wed

Denktash -- Ernesto G, 23:22:53 03/12/03 Wed

Rauf Denktash = A hardest funk

[> Rauf Denktash = He's a fat drunk! -- Paul Pan, 23:49:21 03/12/03 Wed

The Grafenberg spot [rude] -- Paul Pan, 22:43:07 03/12/03 Wed

The Grafenberg spot ~ begets her front gap

Excerpt from AA header -- AH, 21:57:57 03/11/03 Tue

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Welcome again, everyone, into the A.A. Forum!

A.A.? Meaning: an anachronistic re-arrangement of words.
To awaken, discover, understand, solve and be enlightened...
Who is Daniel F. Etter? So why commemorate him?

Programming, Management & associate workers of A.A: Larry Brash and Richard Grantham

[> Re: Excerpt from AA header. Nice one, Mr. H. LONG NOM -- Larry Brash, 06:09:20 03/12/03 Wed

[> [> [LONG NOM] Cheers, Larry :) -- AH, 22:29:18 03/12/03 Wed

Seaworthy craft = Yacht's for water -- Jaybur, 20:57:19 03/10/03 Mon

[> Seaworthiness = So she's in water -- AH, 21:19:34 03/10/03 Mon

[> [> [So she's in water] Elegant. *GEN NOM*, Adrian. -- Richard G, 14:02:09 03/12/03 Wed

[> [> [> [*GEN NOM*, Adrian.] Thanks, Richard, and Janet too for providing the idea -- AH, 22:27:54 03/12/03 Wed

CURRENT NOMS -- Richard G, 15:17:37 03/12/03 Wed


Timbuktu -- Jesse Frankovich :], 13:29:40 03/12/03 Wed

Write any poem with 'Timbuktu.'
What's a numb redneck to do?
"Want a minute..." He was spent.
He spouted one and here it went:


Tim and me a huntin' went,
Met three whores in a pop-up tent.
They was three and we was two,
So I bucked one and Timbuktu.

Inspired by:

[> Sorry, the link is screwed up, but the address itself is correct. Cheers! -- Jesse, 13:33:34 03/12/03 Wed

[> Re: Timbuktu :) *SPECIAL NOM*, Jesse. Works really well! -- Richard G, 14:51:38 03/12/03 Wed

The Persian Gulf = Pin US flag there? -- Jesse F, 09:10:33 03/12/03 Wed

[> SPOT ON! Other names NOM -- Larry Brash, 12:29:37 03/12/03 Wed

[> [> Seconded! One of your best yet, Jesse, and one I'll be giving points for sure. -- Richard G, 14:40:19 03/12/03 Wed

Anti-war protestor = Pawn to a terrorist -- Scott Cooper, 06:48:43 03/12/03 Wed

[> [Anti-war protestor = Pawn to a terrorist] Very neat! *TOP NOM*, Scott. -- Richard G, 14:37:17 03/12/03 Wed

Resolutions? O! It's UN's role -- AH, 02:54:56 03/12/03 Wed

[> Resolutions = Or, "US nets oil". -- Richard G, 14:28:17 03/12/03 Wed

Resolution = Nets our oil.


S.W. Russia = I was USSR. -- Jesse F, 16:43:12 03/11/03 Tue

[> Great, but a bit too close to the classic "Russians = As in USSR". Yours could constitute an update, though. :) -- Richard G, 14:13:52 03/12/03 Wed

[> [> Thanks, RG, did not remember that Hall of Famer. Just toying with the russ/ussr connexn. -- JF2, 14:26:19 03/12/03 Wed

The Dictator Hussein = US noticed his threat. [+6 more] -- Jesse Frankovich, 03:45:57 03/11/03 Tue

The Dictator Hussein =

US noticed his threat.
That sinister douche!
He's our distinct hate.
Hate his destruction. [of others]
Hits hated countries. [eg, Kuwait]
Heinous, strict, hated!
That cretin's hideous!

[> Re: The Dictator Hussein x 7... (slight mod to one + NOM) -- Wordminer, 03:59:17 03/11/03 Tue

>The Dictator Hussein =

>Hits hated countries. [eg, Kuwait]
.... [could be] Death hits countries. [eg, Iraq + ...]

>Heinous, strict, hated! *NOM* for this one

[> I like anagram from title (US noticed his threat) *Top NOM !* -- Zoran, 07:06:03 03/11/03 Tue

[> I like anagram from title (US noticed his threat) *Top NOM !* -- Zoran, 07:06:18 03/11/03 Tue

[> [one last one...] Heated crisis to hunt ~ the Dictator Hussein. -- Jesse F, 16:15:50 03/11/03 Tue

Thanks for the Noms, all!

RG, can these 'Dictator Hussein' grams qualify for People's Names category?


[> [> Yep, either Topical or People's Names should be fine. Nice set Jesse. -- Richard G, 14:10:49 03/12/03 Wed

What Saddam thinks... -- Jesse F, 14:08:59 03/12/03 Wed

The country Iraq =

"Conquer? Ha! Try it!"

'Combatting Cult Mind Control' by Steve Hassan = Can't stand the Rev Moon's bullying mob tactics. -- David A. Green, 03:06:58 03/10/03 Mon

[> [Can't stand the Rev Moon's bullying mob tactics.] Great! *ENT NOM*, David. -- Richard G, 14:00:21 03/12/03 Wed

"France and Russia" ~ reads: fracas in UN -- Wordminer, 12:33:53 03/12/03 Wed

[> [Or ...] "France and Russia" = Fracas in UN, dears. -- Wordminer, 13:54:04 03/12/03 Wed

[Antigram!] Senatorial nature <> National treasure. -- Jesse F, 09:32:25 03/12/03 Wed

(why, I know not, but...)The Frenchmen shall go in ~ from the English Channel. -- Jesse F, 09:03:47 03/12/03 Wed

Medicare Plan = Real pandemic! -- Jesse Frankovich, 08:20:09 03/12/03 Wed

Sports Illustrated = Sells stud portrait. -- Jesse F, 08:17:21 03/12/03 Wed

Clare Short -- David Bourke, 05:08:03 03/12/03 Wed

Clare Short, the MP for Birmingham Ladywood, and
the Secretary of State for International Development
Apparently Tony Blair commented:
"She's revolting! Tolerance for Saddam?
Not me! Traitor! Off with her head!"


[> Re: Clare Short [MED NOM - Nice one, DB] -- Larry Brash, 06:14:05 03/12/03 Wed

Benign prostatic hyperplasia = Big Pa can rarely piss in the pot. -- Larry Brash, 14:55:51 03/11/03 Tue

[> Indeed the case :) Other name NOM -- Paul Pan, 22:05:08 03/11/03 Tue

[> [> Thanks, Paul. Lets make that *RUDE* NOM -- Larry Brash, 06:04:34 03/12/03 Wed

[> Benign prostatic hyperplasia = In part, bar to peeing's physical -- AH, 22:35:43 03/11/03 Tue

Beware the Ides of March = Stab hero; cheer mad wife -- Wordminer, 04:44:14 03/12/03 Wed

Mustachioed = Macho, outside -- AH, 03:03:40 03/12/03 Wed

[> [Oops!] Moustachioed = Macho, outside [but I don't think it's a real word...] -- AH, 03:05:26 03/12/03 Wed

The Diaries of Samuel Pepys = Idea if he mostly uses paper -- David A. Green, 07:22:47 03/07/03 Fri

[> The Diaries of Samuel Pepys = "Daily sheets of paper," I muse -- AH, 21:10:07 03/11/03 Tue

[> [> Re: [The Diaries of Samuel Pepys = "Daily sheets of paper," I muse] ENT NOM. -- Jaybur, 21:28:16 03/11/03 Tue

[> [> [> ENT NOM - Cheers, Janet :) -- AH, 21:50:02 03/11/03 Tue

The Saharan Desert = There's a sand/earth -- Zoran, 08:17:59 03/10/03 Mon

[> [maybe] The Saharan Desert = Sandīs a threat here. -- Hans-Peter, 18:06:59 03/10/03 Mon

[> Re: Or maybe: Saharan Desert = Sand's rare heat. -- Jaybur, 20:53:50 03/10/03 Mon

[> [or maybe] The Saharan Desert = Rats! Heat, sand here. -- Hans-Peter, 21:29:48 03/10/03 Mon

[> [or ... ] The Saharan Desert = Tent has rare shade. -- Wordminer, 03:46:21 03/11/03 Tue

[> [or...] The Saharan desert = Shade has rent rate! -- Jesse F, 03:55:50 03/11/03 Tue

[> [And....] The Saharan Desert = The darn heat sears. -- Larry Brash, 12:38:39 03/11/03 Tue

[> [> Re: [The Saharan Desert = The darn heat sears] Indeed! Gen NOM! -- Jaybur, 21:20:17 03/11/03 Tue

[> [> [> Re: [Indeed! Gen NOM!] Sorry, OTHER NAMES, of course. -- Jaybur, 21:24:22 03/11/03 Tue

Anagram Genius (Author: William Tunstall-Pedoe) = Ha! Intelligent word-manipulator game, as usual :) -- AH, 20:57:38 03/11/03 Tue

Yoep van het hek = ahee,hy ken op tv herman fin... -- den'sin, 20:55:07 03/11/03 Tue

Yoep van het hek = ahee,hy ken op tv

herman finkers = mein'r hefknars

Posted using Sater anagram checker v. 5.0 (online)

Traffic cameras -- AH, 20:52:33 03/11/03 Tue

Traffic cameras =
I frame cars - fact!

Traffic speed cameras =
Pics? Fast cars feared 'em
Fed, if cars raced past me
SCREAM!!! Escaped tariff :)

henk westbroek = heb korst weken (nt) -- sin den, 20:49:00 03/11/03 Tue

Posted using Sater anagram checker v. 5.0 (online)

Size really does matter... rude... -- Jesse F, 19:35:00 03/11/03 Tue

Beautiful shlongs = Length is fabulous!


Don't ask how I stumbled upon that one...


Math tests = Them stats. -- Jesse F, 16:44:53 03/11/03 Tue

[> Re: Math tests = Them stats. *NOM* -- AH, 19:30:09 03/11/03 Tue

Simple and neat, Jesse.

An arithmetic sum?
Mathematics! I run...

Arithmetics =
'Math,' it cries
Matrices hit
Cite math, Sir
It's math, Eric

I began ~ a being... I terminated ~ a tinder item. -- Jesse F, 17:00:48 03/11/03 Tue

Better safe than sorry = Sat there, torn by fears = (1 more) -- Wordminer, 13:43:31 03/11/03 Tue

Hear fears ? Best not try.

[> Gen NOM for: [Better safe than sorry = Sat there, torn by fears] -- Jesse F, 16:41:58 03/11/03 Tue

a couple of -- Matjaz P., 04:00:53 03/11/03 Tue

System operator = A 'remote spy' sort.
A man + bush = An ambush.
Eros Ramazotti = It's Tzar Romeo.
Creation = O, nice art.

Matjaz P.

[> The Creation = To nice Earth ! -- Zoran, 07:37:00 03/11/03 Tue

The Creation
Nice to Earth
Notice Earth
I encore that

Laughter is the best medicine = Cheer us at this bleeding time -- Wordminer, 04:30:47 03/10/03 Mon

[> Laughter is the best medicine = Death set in... The cure? Big smile :) -- AH, 20:25:33 03/10/03 Mon

[> [> Re: [ also ] ... Sad in teeth? The cure? Big smile. -- Wordminer, 04:05:13 03/11/03 Tue

[> Laughter is the best medicine = Diabetic uses mirth, then glee -- AH, 20:28:10 03/10/03 Mon

SAG -- AH, 02:44:12 03/11/03 Tue

The Screen Actors Guild
"Let us change directors"
Grr! I loathed cut scenes
Lucid theatre congress
The role casting's crude

George Walker Bush, President of the USA = The bugger seeks of oil. He's a warped runt. :) -- Joe F., 00:18:20 03/11/03 Tue

The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas = This one blue sex-show theatre title -- AH, 21:50:57 03/10/03 Mon

(Thinking back on 9/11...) The United States of America = Threatened at famous cities? -- Jesse Frankovich, 16:27:12 03/10/03 Mon

These are the times that try men's souls. = Throttle Hussein as he retests my team. -- Wordminer, 07:45:21 03/10/03 Mon

Colourblind (rude) -- Joe F., 08:32:08 03/07/03 Fri

I'm sure you know this song. The anagram song is to the same tune and beat. Enjoy!



Feeling blue,
Well I'm trying to forget the feeling that I miss you,
Feeling green,
When the jealousy sweels and it won't go away and dreams,
Feeling yellow,
I'm confused inside, a little hazy but mellow
When I feel your eyes on me.

Feeling fine, it's sublime,
When that smile of yours creeps into my mind.

Nobody told me it feels so good,
Nobody said you would be so beautiful,
Nobody warned me about your smile,
You're the light,
You're the light,
When I close my eyes,
I'm colourblind.

Feeling red,
When you spend all your time with your friends and not me instead,
Feeling black,
When I think about all of the things that I feel I lack,
Feeling jaded,
When it's not gone right, all the colours are faded.
When I feel your eyes on me,

Feeling fine, it's sublime,
When that smile of yours creeps into my mind.

Nobody told me it feels so good,
Nobody said you would be so beautiful,
Nobody warned me about your smile,
You're the light,
You're the light,
When I close my eyes,
I'm colourblind.

Can't defy the light you shine,
The colours fade completely,
Can't defy you every time,
I feel your smile beneath me,
I'm colourblind
I just can't deny this feeling.

Nobody told me it feels so good,
Nobody said you would be so beautiful,
Nobody warned me about your smile,
You're the light,
You're the light,
When I close my eyes,
I'm colourblind.

Nobody told me it feels so good,
Nobody said you would be so beautiful,
Nobody warned me about your smile,
You're the light,
You're the light,
When I close my eyes,
I'm colourblind.

You're the light
You're the light
When I close my eyes,
You make me colourblind.


I am Wishing I am Blind
Joe Fathallah

Reeling guys,
I'd sneeze just trying not to remember the look in your eyes.
Needing gin,
Being totally turned off by you being this bloody thin.
Feeling silly,
I must try much to banish you from my willy.
See your bony boobs on me.

Then I'll sob, I'll try call the mob,
Because I feel my teeny dick on your gob.

Why did you need to ming so much?
Babe you're the lean sort of girl I wouldn't touch.
Since we went out I feel so red,
So I said
Girl, I'm wed
Get out of my bed
You hear my yell!
(She fell.)

This is in Hell,
Why you need me through your slight pain I cannot tell.
Want to die,
Feel my mood too cheesed off like in Hell as you lie, lie and lie.
Yep, feel I've been,
Foolish, need nude babes here, not you damn dunce I mean.
See your bony boobs on me.

Then I'll sob, I'll try call the mob,
Because I feel my teeny dick on your gob.

Why did you need to ming so much?
Babe you're the lean sort of girl I wouldn't touch,
Since we went out I feel so red,
So I said
Girl, I'm wed
Get out of my bed
You hear my yell!
(She fell)

Need a doll who is more sweet,
Soon you'll feel the leading boot
Up anus it can't fail to meet,
And then you no more will I root.
If this lustful dude
Just needs a deep anal fun.

Why did you need to ming so much?
Babe you're the lean sort of girl I wouldn't touch.
Since we went out I feel so red,
So I said
Girl, I'm wed
Get out of my bed
You hear my yell!
(She fell)

Why did you need to ming so much?
Babe you're the lean sort of girl I wouldn't touch.
Since we went out I feel so red,
So I said
Girl, I'm wed
Get out of my bed
You hear my yell!
(She fell)

So I said
Girl, I'm wed
Get out of my bed,
Oh do you hear my yell?

[> Re: Colourblind (rude) - Special NOM, Joe! But it needs a fix. -- Allan Morley, 12:20:15 03/08/03 Sat

Don't worry Joe, it's not your fault:

>Feeling green,
>When the jealousy sweels and it won't go away


[> [> Oops, that didn't work. But you'll be able to spot the mistake. -- Allan Morley, 12:23:23 03/08/03 Sat

>Don't worry Joe, it's not your fault:
>>Feeling green,
>>When the jealousy sweels and it won't go away
> ^^^^^^

[> [> [> Re: Oops, that didn't work. But you'll be able to spot the mistake. -- Joe F., 08:06:34 03/09/03 Sun

>>Don't worry Joe, it's not your fault:
>>>Feeling green,
>>>When the jealousy sweels and it won't go away
>> ^^^^^^

Erm sorry, I don't know what you mean. Are the original lyrics wrong or something? I got them from, maybe not the most reliable source.

Thanks for the NOM

[> [> [> [> Re: Oops, that didn't work. But you'll be able to spot the mistake. -- Richard G, 17:34:42 03/09/03 Sun

>>>>When the jealousy sweels and it won't go away
>>> ^^^^^^
>Erm sorry, I don't know what you mean. Are the
>original lyrics wrong or something? I got them from
>, maybe not the most reliable

I'm guessing Allan means the misspelling of the word 'swells' in the original (have a look at the alignment in the post-reply box and you'll see). Online lyrics can be highly inaccurate, I'm afraid - on occasion I've resorted to "averaging" three or four versions of a text to find what's hopefully the correct one.

Shouldn't be too hard to find a quick fix: for minimum of effort I'd recommend changing "lie, lie and lie" in the 4th section to just "lie and lie", and popping "ill/I'll" somewhere else.


[> [> [> [> [> Corrected version -- Joe F., 04:50:54 03/10/03 Mon


Feeling blue,
Well I'm trying to forget the feeling that I miss you,
Feeling green,
When the jealousy swells and it won't go away and dreams,
Feeling yellow,
I'm confused inside, a little hazy but mellow
When I feel your eyes on me.

Feeling fine, it's sublime,
When that smile of yours creeps into my mind.

Nobody told me it feels so good,
Nobody said you would be so beautiful,
Nobody warned me about your smile,
You're the light,
You're the light,
When I close my eyes,
I'm colourblind.

Feeling red,
When you spend all your time with your friends and not me instead,
Feeling black,
When I think about all of the things that I feel I lack,
Feeling jaded,
When it's not gone right, all the colours are faded.
When I feel your eyes on me,

Feeling fine, it's sublime,
When that smile of yours creeps into my mind.

Nobody told me it feels so good,
Nobody said you would be so beautiful,
Nobody warned me about your smile,
You're the light,
You're the light,
When I close my eyes,
I'm colourblind.

Can't defy the light you shine,
The colours fade completely,
Can't defy you every time,
I feel your smile beneath me,
I'm colourblind
I just can't deny this feeling.

Nobody told me it feels so good,
Nobody said you would be so beautiful,
Nobody warned me about your smile,
You're the light,
You're the light,
When I close my eyes,
I'm colourblind.

Nobody told me it feels so good,
Nobody said you would be so beautiful,
Nobody warned me about your smile,
You're the light,
You're the light,
When I close my eyes,
I'm colourblind.

You're the light
You're the light
When I close my eyes,
You make me colourblind.


I am Wishing I am Blind
Joe Fathallah

Reeling guys,
I'd sneeze just trying not to remember the look in your eyes.
Needing gin,
Being totally turned off by you being this bloody thin.
Feeling silly,
I must try much to banish you from my willy.
See your bony boobs on me.

Then I'll sob, I'll try call the mob,
Because I feel my teeny dick on your gob.

Why did you need to ming so much?
Babe you're the lean sort of girl I wouldn't touch.
Since we went out I feel so red,
So I said
Girl, I'm wed
Get out of my bed
You hear my yell!
(She fell.)

This is in Hell,
Why you need me through your slight pain I cannot tell.
Want to die,
Yep, feel my mood too cheesed off like in Hell as you lie and lie.
Feel I've been,
Foolish, need all nude babes here, not you damn dunce I mean.
See your bony boobs on me.

Then I'll sob, I'll try call the mob,
Because I feel my teeny dick on your gob.

Why did you need to ming so much?
Babe you're the lean sort of girl I wouldn't touch,
Since we went out I feel so red,
So I said
Girl, I'm wed
Get out of my bed
You hear my yell!
(She fell)

Need a doll who is more sweet,
Soon you'll feel the leading boot
Up anus it can't fail to meet,
And then you no more will I root.
If this dude's lustful
I just need deep anal fun.

Why did you need to ming so much?
Babe you're the lean sort of girl I wouldn't touch.
Since we went out I feel so red,
So I said
Girl, I'm wed
Get out of my bed
You hear my yell!
(She fell)

Why did you need to ming so much?
Babe you're the lean sort of girl I wouldn't touch.
Since we went out I feel so red,
So I said
Girl, I'm wed
Get out of my bed
You hear my yell!
(She fell)

So I said
Girl, I'm wed
Get out of my bed,
Oh do you hear my yell?

George Bush says war could be close = Guess global crusade's here, cowboy! -- Jaybur, 03:19:03 03/10/03 Mon

[> Nice one, Jaybur! Topical NOM. -- Jesse F, 03:26:14 03/10/03 Mon

Corpus delicti = Court disciple. -- Hans-Peter, 21:23:17 03/09/03 Sun

The Station Club, Rhode Island = Locals burned to death in this. [+ the story] -- Mey K., 09:07:37 02/23/03 Sun

A raging fire in a club called 'The Station' in West Warwick, Rhode Island, left 96 patrons dead from burns and smoke inhalation, making it the deadliest US nightclub fire in 25 years.

Mey K.

[> Re: The Station Club, Rhode Island = Locals burned to death in this.[sadly true - TOP NOM] -- Larry Brash, 22:22:39 02/23/03 Sun

[> [> Re: The Station Club, Rhode Island = Locals burned to death in this.[sadly true - TOP NOM] -- Bob Bryant, 10:55:04 02/25/03 Tue

Do you know the address of The Station Club In West Warwick, Rhode Island?

[> [> [> Robert Bryant = Tyrant robber. -- JF2, 11:27:34 02/25/03 Tue

[> [> [> [> Robert Bryant = Bobby Rant -- Paul Pan, 17:55:49 02/25/03 Tue

[> [> [> [> [> = Born by most binding cramp. -- JF2, 08:50:44 03/04/03 Tue

[> [> [> Re: The Station Club, Rhode Island = Locals burned to death in this.[sadly true - TOP NOM] -- Larry Brash, 17:28:22 02/25/03 Tue

>Do you know the address of The Station Club In West
>Warwick, Rhode Island?

The Station Club In West Warwick, Rhode Island =
Bionic Sandwich Street, North West Laidlaw, UK.

[> [> [> Re: The Station Club, Rhode Island = Locals burned to death in this.[sadly true - TOP NOM] -- steven, 23:25:40 03/03/03 Mon

>Do you know the address of The Station Club In West
>Warwick, Rhode Island?

how did u feel when the fire start and what did u think

[> [> [> [> Re: steven -- JF2, 08:42:48 03/04/03 Tue

>how did u feel when the fire start and what did u think

how did u feel when the fire start and what did u think


hi what the f-word u drunk life it end when death it sad

[> [> [> [> [> Re: steven -- Larry Brash, 19:07:14 03/05/03 Wed

>>how did u feel when the fire start and what did u
>how did u feel when the fire start and what did u think
>hi what the f-word u drunk life it end when death it


When fire hit, I was dead drunk and felt white hot (thud)

[> [> [> Re: The Station Club, Rhode Island = Locals burned to death in this.[sadly true - TOP NOM] -- Richard, 20:01:40 03/09/03 Sun

>Do you know the address of The Station Club In West
>Warwick, Rhode Island?

211 Cowesett Ave
West Warwick, RI

[> [> Thanks, Larry. Not sure, but might alter it following a suggestion in a.a. -- Mey K., 08:35:30 02/27/03 Thu




Updated: May 10, 2016


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