Anagrammy Forum Archives - #23

15 October 2002 - 24 October 2002




Social welfare = We're all fiasco -- Ghud Sariffian, 06:18:27 10/23/02 Wed

[> [Social welfare = We're all fiasco] Nice 'gram Ghud, but the wording feels a touch unnatural IMO. [+more] -- Richard G, 13:31:50 10/23/02 Wed

About the best I could find was "Er... well, a fiasco" but that has its own major problems.

The welfare state =
Taste free wealth!


[> [> Brilliant! Gen nom -- Paul Pan, 18:12:18 10/23/02 Wed


[> [> [The welfare state = Taste free wealth!] NOM seconed -- Ghud Sariffian, 18:18:26 10/23/02 Wed

>About the best I could find was "Er... well, a fiasco"
>but that has its own major problems.
>The welfare state =
>Taste free wealth!

Now that on the other hand is superb. Paul's NOM seconed!

[> [> [> Thanks, Paul and Ghud! -- Richard G, 02:03:34 10/24/02 Thu

The British children's author Beatrix Potter = In truth, her hit traced rabbit hero's exploits. -- Jaybur, 05:04:05 10/23/02 Wed

[> Great one, Jaybur! *ENT NOM* -- Richard G, 13:18:24 10/23/02 Wed

[> [> Re: Great one, Jaybur! *ENT NOM* Thanks, Richard! -- Jaybur, 21:37:35 10/23/02 Wed

Bruce Springsteen: The Rising = Centering this superb singer -- Mattias Inghe, 20:18:23 10/23/02 Wed

Breaking News : Britney Spears ... Betrays Sniper !! -- RH, 04:25:00 10/23/02 Wed

[> Welcome to the Anagrammy Forum, RH! -- Richard G, 13:16:38 10/23/02 Wed

Tortilla = Roll it, ta. -- Richard G, 00:05:45 10/23/02 Wed

[> Re: Tortilla = Roll it, ta. -- GEN NOM! -- Mike Torr, 02:05:12 10/23/02 Wed

[> [> Ta, Mike. -- Richard G, 13:08:42 10/23/02 Wed

Washington sniper -- Zoran, 04:35:19 10/20/02 Sun

Washington sniper
Hits open warnings
This opens warning
Stop!He's in warning!
He's in warning spot !

[> And one more : Washington D.C. sniper = Warning ! Cops,end this ! -- Zoran, 05:13:39 10/20/02 Sun

>Washington sniper
>Hits open warnings
>This opens warning
>Stop!He's in warning!
>He's in warning spot !

[> [> Re:[ Washington D.C. sniper = Warning ! Cops,end this !]TOP NOM, Zoran! -- Jaybur, 08:41:50 10/20/02 Sun

[> [> [> Re:[ Washington D.C. sniper = Warning ! Cops,end this !]TOP NOM, Zoran!*** Thanks,Janet !*** -- Zoran, 04:04:12 10/21/02 Mon

[> [> [> [> Re:[ Washington D.C. sniper = Warning ! Cops,end this !]TOP NOM, Zoran!*** Thanks,Janet !*** -- Zach, 08:30:44 10/23/02 Wed

I have an idea about this guy. My theory is he is a terrorist and is destracting our attention awayor the FBI's so the terrorist can strike again. In one of his notes i heard that he said something along the lines of America will see the worst times ever.

[> [> [> Re: The Moose -- Joe Smithsen, 05:31:08 10/22/02 Tue

Charles Moose (or Moos) was Chief of Police in Portland, Oregon for a while. He acted the same way when he was here. He left and now we have Chief Kroeker, a perfect match with our weird mayor, Vera Katz. Every time we think things can't get worse around here, they do. If you plan on visiting Portland, be very careful, the police in this town are astonishingly trigger-happy. They have killed little old ladies armed with water pistols, children resting in their mother's arms, the blind, and the mentally ill. What they lack in firearms accuracy they make up in fire power. The fired twenty plus rounds at one old woman armed with a water pistol.

[> [> Re: And one more : Washington D.C. sniper = Warning ! Cops,end this ! -- troy, 08:45:57 10/22/02 Tue

>>Washington sniper
>>Hits open warnings
>>This opens warning
>>Stop!He's in warning!
>>He's in warning spot !

The American capital Washington = A lot hate watching maniac sniper. -- Jaybur, 21:31:02 10/22/02 Tue

[> [A lot hate watching maniac sniper] TOP NOM, Jaybur. -- Richard G, 00:03:04 10/23/02 Wed

[> [> Re: TOP NOM, Jaybur. Thanks for Nom, RG! -- Jaybur, 05:08:52 10/23/02 Wed

[Member of Fleetwood Mac] Lindsey Buckingham = Hey! Bland music King! -- Adrian H, 02:30:55 10/23/02 Wed

Futon beds = Found best -- Mattias Inghe, 08:21:36 10/22/02 Tue

[> Re: Futon beds = Found best - should be 'Best found', of course. -- Mattias Inghe, 00:38:18 10/23/02 Wed

Admiral Viscount Horatio Nelson = I am a lord: such talent, or no vision! [I see no ships!] -- Jaybur, 21:13:52 10/22/02 Tue

The Rolling Stones = Hell! Sing so rotten. -- Hans-Peter, 19:16:46 10/21/02 Mon

[> Good one, but it's old (at AG by Kevin Hale). -- Richard G, 12:49:56 10/22/02 Tue

[> [> ...I didn´t check this one. Sorry for posting, anyone. Thanks Richard for poiting it out. -- Hans-Peter, 14:50:57 10/22/02 Tue

Fairy Tales = Yeats' flair. -- Santi, 05:41:09 10/22/02 Tue

William Butler Yeats edited a volume of Irish Fairy Tales.

[> [Fairy Tales = Yeats' flair.] Thanks Santi, I wasn't aware of that. *ENT NOM* -- Richard G, 12:57:48 10/22/02 Tue

Second sniper message -- Adrian H, 19:48:49 10/21/02 Mon

Police believe the sniper who has killed nine people in the Washington area may have left them another message at the scene of a shooting on Saturday.

Second sniper message =
So creep sends enigmas
Menace's so depressing

[> Top Nom for "Second sniper message = So creep sends enigmas" -- Richard G, 12:51:42 10/22/02 Tue

President George 'Dubya' Bush = Daughters binge or buy speed. -- Richard G, 13:47:07 10/21/02 Mon

[> ROTFL!!! Name or Top Nom? -- Paul Pan, 18:32:16 10/21/02 Mon

[> [> Not so much Top at the moment, so Name it is. Thanks, Paul! -- Richard G, 12:39:08 10/22/02 Tue

Alien probe = Inoperable -- Mattias Inghe, 08:20:27 10/22/02 Tue

Amnesty International = Annoy nearest militant -- Mattias Inghe, 04:06:32 10/20/02 Sun

[> [Annoy nearest militant] Nice way of putting it! *OTHER NAMES NOM* -- Richard G, 13:57:39 10/20/02 Sun

[> [> *OTHER NAMES NOM* Thanks R! -- Mattias Inghe, 08:14:10 10/22/02 Tue

Alleged Al-Qaeda links to Bali bombing -- Richard G, 16:45:40 10/20/02 Sun

Osama bin Laden = As named on Bali.

[thanks to Mey for inspiration]

[> SPOT ON!! TOP NOM! -- Larry Brash, 19:07:56 10/20/02 Sun

[> [> Re: SPOT ON!! TOP NOM! Seconded!! -- Jaybur, 20:14:16 10/20/02 Sun

[> Great 'gram , RG ! (Usama Bin Laden = US and Bali.Amen !) -- Zoran, 04:07:15 10/21/02 Mon

[> [> Thanks, all! To be fair, it was Mey who pointed out that OBL contained 'Bali'. -- Richard G, 13:17:50 10/21/02 Mon

[> [> (Usama Bin Laden = US and Bali. Amen!) This one is just as good - NOM (Top or Name) -- Larry Brash, 20:49:49 10/21/02 Mon

This one is excellent, too, and draws both acts of terrorism together. What more proof is needed?

I wonder about adding a question mark thus:

Usama Bin Laden = US and Bali? Amen!


[> [> [> Usama Bin Laden = US and Bali ? Amen ! (question mark will be fine) -- Zoran, 07:34:59 10/22/02 Tue

>This one is excellent, too, and draws both acts of
>terrorism together. What more proof is needed?
>I wonder about adding a question mark thus:
>Usama Bin Laden = US and Bali? Amen!

Thanks,Larry !If Richard put his "Osama" in Topical category I would like to put my "Usama" as NAME NOM.
This will be solution for my dilemma about earlier nominations in this category,Christian Vieri and Marcel Brugmans.

I am accepting your suggestion for question mark.


Masochist (rude) -- Hans-Peter, 06:09:48 10/22/02 Tue

Shot is cam.

Too many broken hearts = Thanks to nearby Romeo -- Zoran, 07:02:04 10/19/02 Sat

[> Nice one, Zoran. Gen NOM. -- Larry Brash, 00:27:04 10/20/02 Sun

[> [> Re: Nice one, Zoran. Gen NOM. - Thanks,Lary .I made it after breaking up with girlfriend :-( -- Zoran, 04:53:27 10/20/02 Sun

[> [> [> Re: Nice one, Zoran. Gen NOM. - Thanks,Lary .I made it after breaking up with girlfriend :-( Oh dear... -- Joe F., 07:47:23 10/20/02 Sun

Oh well, never mind Zoran, maybe this old one of mine will make you feel better:

My darling = Damn girly!


[> [> [> [I made it after breaking up with girlfriend :-(] Sorry to hear that, Zoran. Hope you're OK. -- Richard G, 13:59:52 10/20/02 Sun

[> [> [> [> Thanks,folks -- Zoran, 04:02:13 10/21/02 Mon

Actually,there was no "Romeo" in this story.
We were together 3 months,but Natasha didn't
wanted longer relationship(She has 19 and
I have 31 years).I will miss her.Cest la vie.


[> [> [> [> [> Don't know if this will cheer you up or not... (apologies in advance) -- Richard G, 13:11:33 10/21/02 Mon

Natasha = Ah, Satan! ;)


[> [> [> [> [> [> It is even palindrom !! -- Zoran, 04:54:23 10/22/02 Tue

>Natasha = Ah, Satan! ;)

[> [> [> [> [> Hey, gotta kiss a lot of frogs before finding your Princess... -- Paul Pan, 18:38:49 10/21/02 Mon

Too many broken hearts = Nay thank to Romeo Serb

The painter and sculptor Modigliani = Nude ladies in oil prompting art chat. -- Jaybur, 03:53:53 10/21/02 Mon

[> [Nude ladies in oil prompting art chat] - and also prompting a NOM. -- Richard G, 13:05:18 10/21/02 Mon

[> [> Re: [also prompting a NOM] prompting a 'thanks'! -- Jaybur, 02:48:47 10/22/02 Tue

Stress reduction = Introduces rests. -- Jaybur, 21:12:34 10/20/02 Sun

[> [Introduces rests] Like it! *GEN NOM* -- Richard G, 13:00:06 10/21/02 Mon

[> [> Re: [Introduces rests] Like it! *GEN NOM* Thanks, Richard -- Jaybur, 02:42:31 10/22/02 Tue

Dante's Inferno = fiend's not near? -- Santi, 19:52:33 10/20/02 Sun

[> [Fiend's not near] Clever! Ent nom, Santi. -- Richard G, 12:57:34 10/21/02 Mon

[> [> Re: [Fiend's not near] Clever! Ent nom, Santi. Thanks, Richard! -- Santi, 22:22:38 10/21/02 Mon

[> Dante's Paradiso = Saints do parade. -- Santi, 22:25:05 10/21/02 Mon

The anagram competion = Great champion. No team. -- Santi, 22:16:04 10/21/02 Mon

Automated Leader Board -- Larry Brash, 14:04:36 10/20/02 Sun

I have spent the last week writing several PERL scripts that will give us an auto-updating Leaders Board.

It took a lot of research, some creativity and a lot of experimentation, but it is done.

Now when you vote the Leaders Board is immediately updated. You may need to reload the Leader Board page to see the results.

The advantages are obvious:

You will be able to follow the competition in real time. I will be spared the tedious job of manually updating the page which takes 30-40 minutes to do.

There are some disadvantages:

If you backtrack to change your selections, they will be counted twice. Please, take carry with your selections.

Sometimes people make mistakes, like giving an anagram a 2nd and 3rd vote. Also some people (0-2 per month) vote only in 1-2 categories (minimum is 5). In its current version, these errors are not picked up. Future versions will address that.

When the competition is closed I will manually check the scores and these will become the official results.

If you use the Leaders Board link you will see the results of last months competition to get an idea how it will look.
Or click here


[> Cool, initiative, Larry :) Automated Leader Board = A rude Romeo tabled data -- Paul Pan, 16:26:02 10/20/02 Sun

[> [> Re: Cool, initiative, Larry :) Thanks. Automated Leader Board = Made a readout table, Rod. -- Larry Brash, 21:25:01 10/21/02 Mon

[> [> [> Automated Leader Board = A rad readout table demo -- Larry Brash, 21:29:01 10/21/02 Mon

Dr Strangelove - one of my favourite movies -- Larry Brash, 15:05:18 10/20/02 Sun

Dr Strangelove Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb.
Bravo! Seller's batty not-God-ending-the-World horror-weapon movie.

[> Re: [Dr Strangelove - one of my favourite movies] A class ENT NOM, Larry! -- Jaybur, 20:22:43 10/20/02 Sun

[> [> A class ENT NOM, Larry! You obviously know the movie, Janet. Thanks! -- Larry Brash, 20:58:57 10/21/02 Mon

Harpic Brush Free Toilet Cleaner = Eh! I clean the terrible crap for us. -- Larry in the bathroom looking for inspiration., 14:33:55 10/20/02 Sun

[> Re: Harpic Brush Free Toilet Cleaner = Eh! I clean the terrible crap for us. *NOM* -- Mey, backed up and sympathizing, 07:53:52 10/21/02 Mon

[> [> Thanks, Mey. Rude Category for now, please, RG. -- Larry Brash, 20:56:21 10/21/02 Mon

Forty licks = Fitly rocks. -- Hans-Peter, 19:30:29 10/21/02 Mon

The latest album of the Rolling Stones, that is.

Traditional family values = Mantra: Filial love is a duty. -- Richard G, 13:26:48 10/21/02 Mon

The United States of America's Army = I seem to terrify a mustached Satan. -- Mey K., 08:02:01 10/21/02 Mon

[> Something of an antigram, methinks. ;) Top nom, Mey. -- Richard G, 13:22:03 10/21/02 Mon

Comparing notes = Men groan topics. -- Mey K., 07:57:36 10/21/02 Mon

Bali: the 'island of the gods' = Oh God! Blast headline fits. -- Jaybur, 03:55:41 10/21/02 Mon

Charming ~ man, Rich G ;) -- Paul Pan, 22:11:11 10/18/02 Fri

[> Heh, you're lucky I don't turn you into "a pulp" :) -- Richard G, 13:48:52 10/20/02 Sun

[> [> Nah, you woudn't "harm gnat" :P -- Paul Pan, 23:06:14 10/20/02 Sun

Names: A writer, a chemist and a satirist -- Jaybur, 19:13:33 10/19/02 Sat

Whittier = Write hit.

Otto Hahn = Ha! Not hot!

Moliere = Leer? Moi?

[> Name Nom for "Whittier = Write hit" - kinda obscure but a nice catch. -- Richard G, 13:52:23 10/20/02 Sun

[> [> Re: Name Nom for "Whittier = Write hit" Thanks, Richard. -- Jaybur, 20:38:11 10/20/02 Sun

Adulteries = i.e. read 'lust' -- Jaybur, 20:17:37 10/20/02 Sun

Star of stage and screen = A grand actress oft seen. -- Jaybur, 08:18:03 10/20/02 Sun

[> [A grand actress oft seen.] Back to your best, Jaybur! GEN/ENT nom. -- Richard G, 14:03:36 10/20/02 Sun

[> Seonded, you're on a roll :) -- Paul Pan, 16:08:18 10/20/02 Sun

[> [> Re: Seconded, you're on a roll :) Thanks RG and Paul P! -- Jaybur, 20:12:53 10/20/02 Sun

Thomas Stearns Eliot = Taste lost harmonies! -- Santi, 19:44:18 10/20/02 Sun

Indiscretion = Sin direction (+ more, with various degree of rudeness) -- Mattias Inghe, 10:47:25 10/20/02 Sun

Short as they are, they all seems to be new. Please let me know if you recognise any of thse.

Indiscretion = Sin direction

Cheating = Eh...acting?

Sleeping around = Dangle our penis

Being unfaithful = Fun,

Menage a Trois = O, are steaming!

True ladies
True ideals
Lust, dearie
Seed ritual
Re: Dual ties
(can't decide which one is best...)

[> (+ more, with various degree of rudeness) *Rude nom* -- Richard G, 14:17:40 10/20/02 Sun

>Sleeping around = Dangle our penis

Ha! Rude nom, Mattias.

Sleeping around =
A long, rude penis.

>Menage a Trois = O, are steaming!

The ménage à trois =
A giant threesome.

>True ladies
>True ideals
>Lust, dearie
>Seed ritual
>Re: Dual ties
>(can't decide which one is best...)

I thought I'd seen a couple of these before, but Google suggests otherwise. Nice work, Mattias.

Adultery =
Delay rut.


[> [> The ménage à trois = A giant threesome. GEN NOM, RG. -- Larry Brash, 14:24:30 10/20/02 Sun

>The ménage à trois =
>A giant threesome.

Only minimally contrived, but a great result.


[> [> [> Re: The ménage à trois = A giant threesome. GEN NOM, RG. -- Richard G, 14:48:49 10/20/02 Sun

>>The ménage à trois =
>>A giant threesome.
>Only minimally contrived, but a great result.

Thanks, Larry. This is actually a really old one of mine (Nov 2000) that missed a nom at the time. Might put it in Rude for now.


A pointless anagram -- Mattias Inghe, 11:06:43 10/20/02 Sun

Literally. But pretty cute. :)

Pointless = Lost penis

[> Cute, but an oldy by Mick I'm afraid. -- Richard G, 14:20:59 10/20/02 Sun

Some spam in alt.anagrams (Pretty RUDE) -- Larry Brash, 00:18:46 10/20/02 Sun

Ok this is really new to me. I'm just looking for a good time out on the town with someone that is enjoyable; I'm not looking to fall in love but who knows. I'm a creative romantic that likes a little attention every once in a wile. I would say that I was plane looks wise, I like to try new things but in not one of those girls that does everything once, if you're looking to score don't look at me. I have an adventurous heart but sometimes I need a little help bringing it out. I am truthful and dependable. I like Hiking, Horseback riding, roller blading, scuba diving, hanging out, camping, art, romantic comedies, travel and more.

contact me here


Hi, my name is Viv and I think I might locate a potential tenth husband in alt.anagrams. I've lurked here and I love you people a lot. It's worth it. You're a bunch of smart fellows with letters.

OK, right, as you can tell, I'm a bit of a loser (a nitwit, too). I'm ugly as warty growths on an arsehole, I can't spell too nice neither. I've got no tits, got no friends, in debt. I drink gin and get violent, too. I've never been with a man (OK, just Maurice Goodard, but just once. I got it wrong, OK?). The mental hospital in Molde will be discharging me, when I've got someone nice, like Rick Rothstein, to look after me.

I need a strong gentleman, like David Bourke, who is to nice women. Mick Tully would be cool, too.

[> Re: Some spam in alt.anagrams (Pretty RUDE) :) I like it, Spam Nom! -- Joe F., 04:39:08 10/20/02 Sun

[> Re: Some spam in alt.anagrams (Pretty RUDE) Pretty funny,but Maurice Goodard ?! -- Zoran, 04:54:46 10/20/02 Sun

[> [> Thanks, guys. Less said about MG the better :-) -- Larry Brash, 13:32:08 10/20/02 Sun

Stress reduction = Counter distress. -- Jaybur, 08:20:45 10/20/02 Sun

The viewer = Hire wee TV. -- Jaybur, 08:19:35 10/20/02 Sun

Marla Glen = Male gnarl. -- Hans-Peter, 06:06:25 10/20/02 Sun

She dresses like a man,
she looks like a man
she sings with a deep, rattling voice, so...

Message for Matjaz -- Zoran, 08:52:37 10/19/02 Sat

Matjaz,I don't know why,but I can not send a message
to you on yahoo-mail.I always get delivery failure.
Please go to "Enigma cafe" at :
ENIGMA CAFE *mesto za ljubitelje enigmatike* - Internet
kup za anagramiste (NOVO) - Enigmatske novosti(konkursi,
prvenstva,skupovi) - Enigmatski razgovori i diskusije-
Novi autorski radovi i teorijski prilozi

I created a forum for puzzlers from ex-Yugoslavia.
I'll be glad if you send your comments and perhaps
if you know well Serbian language you can take contest
on our Internet cup for anagrammers (something like
this competition,but with less number of categories
and different rules)


[> Re: Message for Matjaz -- Matjaz P., 03:24:06 10/20/02 Sun

I will be happy to check out the thing!

P.S. I think the reason why you can't send me an yahoo mail is that i don't have an account there.
Try my name.surname at and of course
anagram letcome into a ime za kompaniju koja se bavi


Marla Glen = Male gnarl. -- Hans-Peter, 01:17:36 10/20/02 Sun

She dresses like a man,
she looks like a man
she sings with a deep, rattling voice, so...

Market research = Remark: see chart. -- Hans-Peter, 09:28:39 10/19/02 Sat

[> Re: Market research = Remark: see chart. GEN NOM, H-P! -- Larry Brash, 00:22:58 10/20/02 Sun

[> [> Re:[ Market research = Remark: see chart. GEN NOM, H-P!] Thanks Larry. -- Hans-Peter, 01:09:55 10/20/02 Sun

Communist Manifesto = Not immune to fascism! -- Paul Pan, 02:15:01 10/18/02 Fri

[> [Communist Manifesto = Not immune to fascism!] Impressive. Gen NOM! -- Ghud Sariffian, 02:27:21 10/18/02 Fri

[> [> Thanks, ...ffraid, anguish! -- Paul Pan, 07:05:15 10/18/02 Fri

Ghud Sariffian
Fusing Faridah
Diffusing Haar
Hadrianus Giff
Gruffish Diana
Gadhaffi ruins
Naif fishguard

[> [> [> Wow, that one'll be hard to beat. Brilliant, Paul! -- Richard G, 22:16:18 10/18/02 Fri

[> [> [> Re: Thanks, ...ffraid, anguish! -- Larry Brash, 00:39:06 10/20/02 Sun

>Ghud Sariffian
>Fusing Faridah
>Diffusing Haar
>Hadrianus Giff
>Gruffish Diana
>Gadhaffi ruins
>Naif fishguard

Frigid fashanu.
Shaduf fairing.
A fishing faurd.
Dig fair? Has fun!
Husain Giffard.
Isaiah G. Duff R.N.
Hi, Gus and Raffi!!


[> [> Seconded, excellent 'gram! -- Joe F., 19:13:43 10/18/02 Fri

[> Communist Manifesto = It's infamous comment = Fusion's a commitment -- Adrian H, 02:43:03 10/18/02 Fri

[> [> [ Comment: It's infamous, Tom Myers, 1999 ] An excellent rediscovery! -- Paul Pan, 07:56:18 10/18/02 Fri

The National Missing Persons Helpline = Please listen - her lost man is phoning in. -- David A. Green, 09:43:42 10/19/02 Sat

[> [Re: Please listen - her lost man is phoning in] O/Names NOM, David -- Jaybur, 19:15:01 10/19/02 Sat

CALL FOR GROUP DISCUSSION - take II -- Richard G, 00:40:02 10/15/02 Tue

Er, none of the suggested changes to the Long Category can really be said to have galvanised the group. :) As I read it, there appear to be mild objections both to depriving the longer ones of their own category and to setting up any sort of alternating system. ('Objections' may be too strong a word, but given the tentativeness of the proposals it's enough to discourage us from following them up.)

The consensus appears to be that the limit for the shorter categories be raised, but we'd be reluctant to do this as it didn't really work back in the 100-letter days. Given the popularity of the 40+ genre, it would really be best to address its needs directly.

So, here's another proposal:
We run an Awardsmaster's Challenge every competition, but vary its nature from month to month. One month we set a short poem for everyone to attempt, the next we ask for a 40-70 letter prose anagram on *any* text, after that we let people choose their own short poem (say <150 letters), then maybe a short spam, then 70-100 letter prose, and so on. The nature of each month's challenge would be made clear towards the start of the month and would be restated throughout, perhaps during my Current Nom update posts.

Because of the variability of the challenges throughout the year, there would be no equivalent Grand category (as per the current Challenge category). It would also mean that we could begin immediately, or in November if people prefer.

Finally, Larry suggested that the name of the category be changed to the Anagrammy Challenge category.

What are people's thoughts?


[> Re: CALL FOR GROUP DISCUSSION - take II -- Mike Torr, 04:10:20 10/15/02 Tue

>We run an Awardsmaster's Challenge every competition,
>but vary its nature from month to month. One month we
>set a short poem for everyone to attempt, the next we
>ask for a 40-70 letter prose anagram on *any* text,
>after that we let people choose their own short poem
>(say <150 letters), then maybe a short spam, then
>70-100 letter prose, and so on. The nature of each
>month's challenge would be made clear towards the
>start of the month and would be restated throughout,
>perhaps during my Current Nom update posts.
>Because of the variability of the challenges
>throughout the year, there would be no equivalent
>Grand category (as per the current Challenge
>category). It would also mean that we could begin
>immediately, or in November if people prefer.
>Finally, Larry suggested that the name of the category
>be changed to the Anagrammy Challenge category.
>What are people's thoughts?

So you would replace the Long and Spam categories with this, extend the allowed length of the short categories (perhaps?), and maybe retain Special? I think we can live without Long and Spam, but Special is needed for those occasional flashes of genius that don't fit the Challenge category in that particular month, otherwise we would never get to see them in the nom list.

So to summarize my view:

Extend 40-char limit (to at least 60?)
Replace Long and Spam with new challenge category.
Anything that isn't in the challenge category and is longer than the limit, goes into Special.

I can't think of any drawbacks with this, but I've stuck my neck out by replying so soon, so I hope people will point out any flaws in the above!

[> [> Re: CALL FOR GROUP DISCUSSION - take II -- Mattias Inghe, 06:06:25 10/15/02 Tue

>So to summarize my view:
>Extend 40-char limit (to at least 60?)
>Replace Long and Spam with new challenge category.
>Anything that isn't in the challenge category and is
>longer than the limit, goes into Special.
>I can't think of any drawbacks with this, but I've
>stuck my neck out by replying so soon, so I hope
>people will point out any flaws in the above!

Basically, I only have one objection to this. And that is that (ahem) size doesn´t really matter. I think we´re counting letters a bit too much here. The firrenece between a short and a long gram is IMO not the word och letter count, but in how it is experienced.

I still don´t think sixty characters is very long when it comes to anagrams.
Nostril shows, telling the tragic extacy, smack, heroin and vitamins story.

(61 chrs)

Now, if this had been a good anagram instead of my inane rambling, I think it should be nommed into a sort category, alongside with Bedroom = Boredom and such pieces. Because it is a regular 'gram. An attempt to create aptness and wit from one one-liner to another. Each anagram should therefore be judged on its own merits. And the truly literary ones (spam, poems, short stories) should go into a Long or Special category. Those could indeed be shorter than the suggested 60 chr limit, or even shorter than the current 40. Can you say Haiku?

So my suggestion is as follows:
*Merge Spam with Long. Use it for any literary grams.
*Drop the max length rule in the short categories.
*Oh, and indeed - more challenges. But mostly because they´re darn fun. :)

[> [> [> Re: CALL FOR GROUP DISCUSSION - take II -- Richard G, 22:26:20 10/18/02 Fri

>I still don't think sixty characters is very long when it comes to anagrams.

Wrong, cheat! Next to tinier 'grams, this vast homily is slackly constrained.
Christ, lexicologists can strive to make thy warm slanders into *anything*!
That's correct, *any corny words at all*! So, things like these inviting maxims:
"The grand, witless Anglo-Saxon royals thrive on catty criticism, methinks."
"Lance Armstrong likes to visit many stern, taxing roads with his hot cycle."
"The government is cranky at this callow tyrant's toxic missile hoardings."

...Anyhow, it is not discovery (like searching to extract small 'n' smart things,
as shadiest, conniving letters control *exactly* what sorry shit I'm making).
I'm certain contriving a slick, lengthy text is another world. Maths says so!

In short: to tackle this scandal, mix in new "Longish" category. It's very smart!


[> [> Re: CALL FOR GROUP DISCUSSION - take II -- Richard G, 16:41:33 10/17/02 Thu

>>What are people's thoughts?
>So you would replace the Long and Spam categories with

No, that wasn't part of the plan. There's a lot of support for the retention of Spam, and Long has its fans too. The plan was basically the addition of an entire new category, admittedly not ideal given the current size of the voting page.

>extend the allowed length of the short categories

Not if we can help it, it didn't work all that well before (and to be honest was a bit of a pain for the Officeholders). If there's overwhelming support for the idea, however, we *might* let ourselves be talked into it.

>and maybe retain Special? I think we can live without
>Long and Spam, but Special is needed [snip]

Special will definitely be retained. Killing off either or both of the other long cats to make space for the Challenge will probably be met with significant opposition, but it bears thinking about - perhaps alternating between Spam & Long from month to month (which would bulk up the occasionally sparse Spam), or maybe just a straight merger.

Any thoughts/comments/death threats for even considering the above?


[> [> [> Re: CALL FOR GROUP DISCUSSION - take II -- Paul Pan, 20:00:46 10/17/02 Thu

My 5-drachmas worth: Merging long and spam is a good idea for streamlining the categories. Sometimes the line between the two is blurred: an old "nigerian letter" spam gram of mine was nommed under long back in June. I would also welcome seeing more frequent Awardmaster's Challenge, but not necessarily on a regimented monthly basis. The last one (Neil Armstrong's quote) was lots of fun :)
In general, "if it aint broke, dont fix it" as our yankee friends would say.

The painter Salvador Dali = I loved that real Spaniard ! -- Zoran, 09:27:03 10/16/02 Wed

[> Re: The painter Salvador Dali = Did trial a novel art phase. -- Richard G, 15:05:05 10/17/02 Thu

[> [> Re: The painter Salvador Dali = Did trial a novel art phase. He did indeed! *NOM*, Richard. -- Jaybur, 08:07:00 10/18/02 Fri

[> [> [> Thanks, Jaybur! (and thanks Zoran for the inspiration) -- Richard G, 22:09:39 10/18/02 Fri

[> The Surrealist painter Salvador Dali = I, a real dull, overrated Spanish artist. -- David A. Green, 06:18:29 10/18/02 Fri

Dr Strangelove = Dove strangler -- Paul Pan, 01:55:18 10/18/02 Fri

[S. Kubrick masterpiece starring Peter Sellers]

[> [Dr Strangelove = Dove strangler] Oldy by Dan Etter, but nice work Paul. -- Richard G, 22:03:00 10/18/02 Fri

[> [> Oops! -- Paul Pan, 22:08:52 10/18/02 Fri

Rule Britannia -- Joe F., 06:01:50 10/18/02 Fri

Rule Britannia
Blair ran, unite!
Taliban ruiner
A burnt airline
Able train-ruin
IRA alien burnt


[> Great! Here are some more :) -- Paul Pan, 07:30:54 10/18/02 Fri

Rule, Britannia?
Unreal, Britain!
(Probably old, but coudnt find traces)

Also here are some post-"divide and rule" side effects of British Colonialism 'round the globe:
Rule, Britannia
Bantu air-liner
Turban airline
Iranian butler
"Return, Albinia!"

[> [> Almost forgot, TOP nom for [Taliban ruiner] -- Paul Pan, 07:39:36 10/18/02 Fri

[> [> [> Re: Almost forgot, TOP nom for [Taliban ruiner] Thanks Paul! -- Joe F., 19:12:37 10/18/02 Fri

Hairpiece = I.e, hire cap. -- Mattias Inghe, 15:38:32 10/18/02 Fri

A bunch... -- Mattias Inghe, 01:40:27 10/17/02 Thu

Humanoid? = I am hound!

Marine science = A reminiscence

The Love Parade = Do the rave-leap!

Microsoft Palladium = Politic's mad formula

Microsoft: 'Palladium's ~ a solid music platform!'

[> Re: A bunch... ...and a NOM -- Ghud Sariffian, 02:25:54 10/18/02 Fri

>Humanoid? = I am hound!

Nice, but works better as "I'm a hound", doesn't it?

>Microsoft: 'Palladium's ~ a solid music platform!'

And that is a topical NOM.

[> [> Re: A bunch... ...and a NOM -- Mattias Inghe, 15:33:33 10/18/02 Fri

>>Humanoid? = I am hound!
>Nice, but works better as "I'm a hound", doesn't it?

Definitely. Sometimes the obvious just pass by unnoticed.

>>Microsoft: 'Palladium's ~ a solid music platform!'
>And that is a topical NOM.

Thanks! It´s actually a modified part of a real, longer quote by a MS representative. 'Palladium is a true secure computing platform, a trustworthy information platform and a solid music and media platform.'

Requiescat in pace = In peace quit cares. -- Jaybur, 08:46:02 10/18/02 Fri

Looked in Google and AG, and this is not there.... -- Joe F., 06:25:49 10/18/02 Fri

Painter = I pen art


[> An old Janetgram :) Excellent rediscovery ! -- Paul Pan, 07:12:46 10/18/02 Fri

[> [> Re: An old Janetgram :) Excellent rediscovery ! Correct, Paul! 18 April, 2002 -- Jaybur, 07:57:49 10/18/02 Fri

[> [> [> A retroactive GEN NOM for Janet :) -- Paul Pan, 08:14:02 10/18/02 Fri

[> [> [> [> Re: A retroactive GEN NOM for Janet :) Thank you! -- Jaybur, 08:44:11 10/18/02 Fri




Updated: May 10, 2016


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