Anagrammy Forum Archives - #24

20 October 2002 - 31 October 2002




James Bond in Die Another Day = No, I died! Abandon Her Majesty! -- Ghud Sariffian, 06:25:46 10/29/02 Tue

[> LOL! Ent NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 17:45:47 10/29/02 Tue

[> Nice work Ghud, you're really getting the hang of this now. -- Richard G, 20:10:49 10/29/02 Tue

[> [> Thanks guys! -- Ghud Sariffian, 07:04:32 10/31/02 Thu

Random selection - 2 moderately rude -- Dean Mayer, 05:33:09 10/31/02 Thu

Master of Arts = oft smart-arse
Navigation = into vagina
Over-dramatise = movie star, dear
Hope springs eternal = There's no gripe plans
Hope springs eternal = Or gentler happiness
The alarm bells are ringing = Smelling a harbinger alert
Steering column = See L turn coming

Felt sure Master of Arts / Navigation must have appeared before, but can't find them. Fingers crossed...

[> 2 NOMS, one GEN and one moderately rude :) -- Paul Pan, 06:29:21 10/31/02 Thu

>Master of Arts = oft smart-arse
More often than not :)

>Navigation = into vagina
Batteries not included ;)

[> [> And yet another Gen NOM -- Ghud Sariffian, 07:03:29 10/31/02 Thu

...for 'Steering column = See L turn coming'

Alexander the Great = Extra hated general -- Mattias Inghe, 02:04:20 10/31/02 Thu

Alexander the Great = Need extra large hat :)

[> Great rediscovery (alas!) -- Paul Pan, 02:33:12 10/31/02 Thu

Alexander the Great = That dear ex-general

[> [> Re: Great rediscovery (alas!) -- Ghud Sariffian, 06:59:56 10/31/02 Thu

True, itīs courtsey of Kevin Hale and the Genius.
('Need extra large hat' is damn cute though) :)

However, it took some experimenting before finding it in the AG archive. Itīs a bit hard to match the search results there IMO. Makes me wonder how many other grams I thought was clear, but werenīt. :)

>Alexander the Great = That dear ex-general

Alexander the Great = X-rated hate-general

Initial letter = "T" in "Illiterate" -- Dean Mayer, 05:49:41 10/31/02 Thu

Excitableness = Lesbian sex etc? -- Dean Mayer and no rude words, 17:28:07 10/30/02 Wed

[> I'll have to take your word for that, Dean. ;) *RUDE NOM* -- Richard G, 00:14:44 10/31/02 Thu

[> [> It was pure guesswork - honest! Thanx for the nom -- Dean Mayer, 05:29:46 10/31/02 Thu

Closed Circuit Television Cameras = It is calculated service, so no crime. -- Joe F., 06:09:39 10/29/02 Tue

[> [It is calculated service, so no crime.] Not cynical enough, Joe - see me after class. ;) *GEN NOM* -- Richard G, 20:20:10 10/29/02 Tue

Closed Circuit Television Cameras =
Misuse creates ideal civic control.


[> [> Re: [It is calculated service, so no crime.] Not cynical enough, Joe - see me after class. ;) *GEN NOM* -- Joe F., 05:18:25 10/31/02 Thu

Thanks Richard!

P.s. As for you noting this anagram being rather out of character with the bulk of my work, don't worry, I am just humouring the naive and gullible elements of society who actually believe that CCTV is used for catching crime and not making porn movies ;)


A volcanic eruption = Lava put coercion in. -- Hans-Peter, 06:00:17 10/30/02 Wed

The explanation why the Etna is active again...?

[> Re: A volcanic eruption = Lava put coercion in. -- Richard G, 23:55:37 10/30/02 Wed

>The explanation why the Etna is active again...?

Nice 'gram Hans-Peter, but pretty well-worn territory I'm afraid:

A volcanic mountain =
Lava in a conic mount. [anon, from the Hall of Fame]

An active volcano =
A lava convection.*** [Mey K, 1998]
Lava at conic oven. [Mey K, 1998]

The active volcanos =
Cones evict hot lava. [RG, 2000 - and even then a rediscovery]

Inactive volcanoes =
Lava evictions, once. [RG, 2000]

A vulcanologist =
Lava! I go, consult. [Adrian H, 2001]

Inactive volcanoes =
It conceives no lava. [RG, just then]

***the best one IMO

I think your version is new, though. *GEN NOM*


[> [> Re: A volcanic eruption = Lava put coercion in. -- Hans-Peter, 04:23:32 10/31/02 Thu

>Nice 'gram Hans-Peter, but pretty well-worn territory
>I'm afraid:

Thanks for the collection of related grams. I knew some, others were new. There are always some good existing
ones around, everything is said before, isnīt it.
Thanks for the NOM, too.
My gram does not come close to Meyīs good ones, of course. (he has such a terrific quality.... sigh...)

Manu Chao = Ancohuma -- Paul Pan, 01:54:22 10/31/02 Thu

Manu Chao is a funky Franco-Spanish musician combining ska,latin and reggae. He is an avid traveller, and has held concerts throughout Latin America, including Bolivia.

Ancohuma is a mountain of western Bolivia near the eastern shore of Lake Titicaca

Nasal secretion = A snot's real nice! (nt) -- Larry Brash, 16:58:23 10/30/02 Wed

Nasal secretion = A snot's real nice.
Posted using Sater anagram checker v. 5.0 (online)

[> A nostril = Snot lair. [+more, approach with caution] -- Richard G, 00:11:34 10/31/02 Thu

The nasal secretions =
Eat snot here in class.

Ah, kids.


[> [> My nostrils = Slimy (SNORT!) -- Adrian H, 00:15:51 10/31/02 Thu

[> [> Boo-hoo! Rude NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 01:20:15 10/31/02 Thu

>The nasal secretions =
>Eat snot here in class.

[> Variations -- Paul Pan, 01:43:15 10/31/02 Thu

Mucous discharge = Cough-raised scum (humid gases occur)
Nose picker = I spree conk
Mucus = U scum!

Fornication under consent of the King(RUDE) -- Zoran, 10:07:55 10/29/02 Tue

In ancient England a person could not have sex unless
you had consent of the King (unless you were in the
Royal Family). When anyone wanted to have a baby,they
got consent of the King, the King gave them a placard
that they hung on their door while they were having
sex.This placard had a F U C K (Fornication Under
Consent of the King)on it.Now you know where that
came from.


Today,when you want to have sex in United Kingdom/England you don't need any permission of Tony Blair.

When you want to have that with hot teen from
wingding,ask that chicken :"Ah,shell we dance,
heavenly angel ?" Then,show the courage and
offer sex near the night !(unless you are not Tory
pervert like Robin Cook;in that case change plans,
you might hear: "No chance,F U C K O F F!")


[> :) Nicely done, Zoran. *LONG NOM* -- Richard G, 20:24:18 10/29/02 Tue

[> [> T H A N K S, Richard ! -- Zoran, 01:26:07 10/31/02 Thu

Happy Birthday, dear [insert your name here]. = H... -- Larry Brash, 16:55:58 10/30/02 Wed

Happy Birthday, dear [insert your name here]


He had a party, inebriated on *my* pure sherry!

Posted using Sater anagram checker v. 5.0 (online)

Matthew 25:31-46 [Good News version] -- Richard G, 20:30:03 10/29/02 Tue

When the Son of Man comes as King and all the angels with him, he will sit on his royal throne, and the people of all the nations will be gathered before him, Then he will divide them into two groups, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the righteous people on his right and the others on his left. Then the King will say to the people on his right, 'Come, you that are blessed by my Father! Come and possess the kingdom which has been prepared for you ever since the creation of the world. I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your homes, naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me, in prison and you visited me.' The righteous will then answer him, 'When, Lord, did we ever see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you a drink? When did we ever see you a stranger and welcome you in our homes, or naked and clothe you? When did we ever see you sick or in prison, and visit you?' The King will reply, 'I tell you, whenever you did this for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did it for me!'
Then he will say to those on his left, 'Away from me, you that are under God's curse! Away to the eternal fire which has been prepared for the Devil and his angels! I was hungry but you would not feed me, thirsty but you would not give me a drink; I was a stranger but you would not welcome me in your homes, naked but you would not clothe me; I was sick and in prison but you would not take care of me.' Then they will answer him, 'When, Lord, did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and would not help you?' The King will reply, 'I tell you, whenever you refused to help one of these least important ones, you refused to help me.' These, then, will be sent off to eternal punishment, but the righteous will go to eternal life.


It had to happen.

I'd cycled for almost a year so I reckoned I possessed the knowhow to try it in the wet for once. On the weekend I left my honey's house for home on my usual route. During the initially feeble shower I took it slowly, for there was no hurry. It was an uneventful ride even when it began to rain seriously, so I gained confidence. But then my luck changed.

Braking while I turned left down a slope, I hydroplaned over the wet street when my bike skidded on slippery purple flowers lying everywhere (having fallen from a nearby tree). Somehow or other I rocketed over my handlebars, the bitumen rudely rushing up to meet me. I skinned my palms, elbows, side, knees and mouth, struck my shoulder and chipped a tooth.

I lay there feeling lousy, groaning like hell, striving not to swear since there was a very young child with an umbrella outside the house opposite me. She hurried indoors, ushering out... yet another umbrella-wielding young lady to see the hopeless, ignominious loser on the street. How sweet. :)

However, my poor fortune was reversed soon thereafter with the appearance of the ladies' father, who thoughtfully invited me into his house where I could wash my filthy wounds. He spoke genially in an unusual Eastern European accent and turned out to work in the biology department of my university.

He then bound my deeper wounds, offered me a shower, and to cap it off drove me to my house - saying it was purely what anyone else would do. Without his help, I seriously don't know how my ride would have ended.

Dr Jiri Stiller, you are my hero. Thank you so much for taking the message of Matthew Twenty-Five to heart, and choosing to treat this unholy fool as though he were someone important.

...though it was only later that I realised he'd helped a guy with long hair, a beard, holes in his hands and a wounded side. ;)


[> [Matthew 25:31-46] Excellent! Special Nom, of course :) -- Adrian H, 20:41:13 10/29/02 Tue

[> [> Thanks, Adrian. [I knew my days were numbered when I read your bike-spam from earlier in the year. ;) ] -- Richard G, 21:01:55 10/29/02 Tue

Random batch -- Allan Morley, 15:18:54 10/28/02 Mon

Stars of stage & screen =
Greatness of actress.

The "Axis of Evil" =
Oil vexes faith.

A hypodermic needle =
Peddle my ace heroin.

United States of America =
Statue is a fine democrat.

Set the cat among the pigeons =
Meaning the step to get chaos.

and of course a rude one...
Female masturbation =
Be moist after manual!


[> Re: Random batch *NOM* -- Richard G, 20:07:35 10/29/02 Tue

>United States of America =
>Statue is a fine democrat.

Other names nom, Allan.


[> Re: Random batch *NOM for rude anagram !* -- Zoran, 20:15:57 10/29/02 Tue

The Pacific Ocean = A nice patch of ice. [an antigram] -- Larry Brash, 16:49:54 10/28/02 Mon

[> [A nice patch of ice.] Weird, Larry. ;) OTHER NAMES NOM -- Richard G, 20:04:00 10/29/02 Tue

extra long penis *RUDE* -- Mavourneen Arndt, 12:57:08 10/28/02 Mon

extra long penis=
grin! expels a ton!

[> Re: extra long penis *RUDE* - ruder -- Allan Morley, 14:38:37 10/28/02 Mon

>extra long penis=
>grin! expels a ton!

Great letters to play with!

Extra long penis =
Learning top sex.
Groin's next plea.
I, expert on glans.
Latexing person.
Pliant Negro sex! [not really PC, but you know what they say about black guys ;-)]
In slang, "Ox Peter".
Exposing 'antler'. ;-)
Latex opens ring!

Going too far...
Plastering oxen!


[> [> Re: extra long penis = R.G.'s exponential! -- Larry Brash, 17:35:02 10/28/02 Mon

[> LOL! Indeed.... -- Paul Pan, 18:11:06 10/29/02 Tue

extra long penis = Large pint (on sex);)

"Genital sex-porn" & "sex 'n' genital pro" people all sport a "ranting sex pole" and "tap in longer sex". They are citizens of "Sex-groin planet".

What does NOM mean? -- Wayne Baisley, 13:48:40 10/26/02 Sat

One Wanda wondered (on a.a) ...

> what does "NOM" mean?

You recall how some philosopher once speculated that an infinite number of monkeys banging on an infinite number of keyboards would eventually reproduce the works of Shakespeare by accident? Well, the same thing happens with anagrams. Eventually we'll produce some really good ones, but there's an awful lot of noise to wade through in the meantime. So when someone comes out with a really good one, we remark that it must've been No Ordinary Monkey, or NOM for short.

No Ordinary Monkey =
Inner moron OK'd. Yay.
Okay my inner donor.
Dorkonymean irony


[> What does NOM mean? Honored, sir! = (When in Rome, do as the Romans do) -- Dean Mayer, 05:31:56 10/27/02 Sun

[> [> [What does NOM mean? Honored, sir! = (When in Rome, do as the Romans do)] Hey! Clever catch, Dean. [+more] -- Richard G, 01:02:39 10/28/02 Mon

When in Rome, do as the Romans do =
I shadow one's method or manner.


[> [> [> When in Rome, do as the Romans do = I shadow one's method or manner. Smarty-pants! *GEN NOM* -- Dean Mayer, 02:50:44 10/28/02 Mon

>When in Rome, do as the Romans do =
>I shadow one's method or manner.

[> [> [> When in Rome, do as the Romans do = War, sodomies? No harm done then! -- Wayne Baisley, 12:23:54 10/29/02 Tue

>When in Rome, do as the Romans do =
(Nice one, Dean! ;-)

The ones who are morons and dim!?
Ooh, narrow-mindedness at home!
Nomadism's on the nowhere road.
Dido Hormone Awareness Month [Greek to me]
Dean Martin Show, Homer's Odeon
Aah, who needs Midsomer Norton?
Moreton-in-Marsh woodenheads
Dr. Whom (i.e., Thomas "Neo" Anderson)?


Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers -- Mattias Inghe, 01:16:53 10/29/02 Tue

Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers = To the sword! For the ring we lost!

On the less poetic side, but quite accurate:

Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers = Frodo's thrown to the 'sweet girl'

[> Re: Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers -- Ghud Sariffian, 06:18:19 10/29/02 Tue

>Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers = To the sword! For
>the ring we lost!

Hehe. Coulda been a bombastic quote from almost any of all the bombastic heroes in there. :)

Other events from the book:
In the old forest, two short grew (Merry and Pippin with the ents)
Two fighters were short, not old (Merry and Pippin again)
Forgotten West-hero hits world (Aragorn)
Frodo test the whole ring worst (Frodo is tempted)
White lord gets horse + fort + town (Gandalf's endeavours, approx. :) )

Gas those hostages?... (more) -- Mey K., 03:38:42 10/29/02 Tue

Questions start to mount as the use of the mysterious gas in the resolution of the Moscow hostage situation (which was termed 'a success'), has proved to kill more than a 100 hostages, and threatens the life of as many others.

The Russian Hostages:

Note this rash gas use.
To use gas is rash, then.
Heinous, rash gas-test.
Gas-enthusiast's 'hero'?!

Russian Hostages:

As gas ruins those.
Oh, gas sustainers.
Our gas-hastiness?

Mey K.

Bush's Schedule -- Mey K., 07:18:40 10/28/02 Mon

It seems this is my third big anagram with Bush as its subject. I gravely apologize. I should have produced much more by now. ;)

An excerpt from a speech made by Bush on October the 7th:

By its past and present actions, by its technological capabilities, by the merciless nature of its regime, Iraq is unique. As a former chief weapons inspector of the U.N. has said, "The fundamental problem with Iraq remains the nature of the regime, itself. Saddam Hussein is a homicidal dictator who is addicted to weapons of mass destruction." Some ask how urgent this danger is to America and the world. The danger is already significant, and it only grows worse with time. If we know Saddam Hussein has dangerous weapons today -- and we do -- does it make any sense for the world to wait to confront him as he grows even stronger and develops even more dangerous weapons? In 1995, after several years of deceit by the Iraqi regime, the head of Iraq's military industries defected. It was then that the regime was forced to admit that it had produced more than 30,000 liters of anthrax and other deadly biological agents. The inspectors, however, concluded that Iraq had likely produced two to four times that amount. This is a massive stockpile of biological weapons that has never been accounted for, and capable of killing millions.


A few 'To Do' lists from the president's diary:

Sat, Nov. 30

**Interview to Fox News**
Ramble on the sheer threat of Saddam's tyranny. Answer hard queries about the war with an unrelated anecdote. Misquote a random writer.

Sun, Dec. 1

* Reveal to the nation 'The New, Bitchin' War on Terror'.

* Nickname Dick Cheney 'homey'.

Mon, Dec. 2

* Model a swift air raid on Iraq. Give Rumsfeld a wedgy.

* Trade lunches with Cheney. If caught, promise mom it was his idea.

Thu, Dec. 5

* Ask the wife to wear pigtail braids. If Laura agrees, convince Colin to do the same.

* Fight Senate to terminate sales tax on rodeo boots.

Fri, Dec. 6

**Daughters' birthday!** Get up late at night and assist them in finding the way to the bathroom. Flush once the heaving's done.

Mon, Dec. 9

**A visit of the enormous Israeli dude!** Make the place Wideass-Friendly.

* Pull wife's pigtails.

Wed, Dec. 11

* Pull Colin's pigtails.

Fri, Dec. 13

**Yee-ha! Iraqi Action Time!!!**
Gather strategists and assess possible tactics. Ask dad what's the Iraqi word for 'camel poop'.

Sat, Dec. 14

* Pull army out of Iraq. Make a speech to the nation on these foes' asinine cases of aggression and hostility, and the horrible perils of mass-destruction weapons.

* Drop an atomic bomb on Baghdad.

Mon, Dec. 16

* Shop for rodeo boots.

Mey K.

[> Re: Bush's Schedule - Long NOM, Mey! -- Allan Morley, 15:20:32 10/28/02 Mon

[> [> Re: Bush's Schedule - Long NOM, Mey! Ta, Allan! -- Mey K., 03:37:25 10/29/02 Tue

Egg on face! -- Mike Torr, 03:14:49 10/29/02 Tue

Oops! I configured my email client incorrectly. My apologies to anyone who recently may have tried to contact me and received a rejection response. It should work OK now!

None of this would be necessary if the spammers would all curl up and die...

Egg on face
Encage fog

Christina Aguilera = A cute girlish arian [An antigram these days?] -- Mattias Inghe, 22:40:57 10/28/02 Mon

Don't miss that miss ! (RUDE) -- Zoran, 11:51:03 10/28/02 Mon

Miss Great Britain
In arms are big tits !


A tasty kind of foreplay (RUDE) -- Mey K., 00:02:33 10/26/02 Sat




A pair of edible panties = I fed on labia-appetiser...

Mey K.

[> Re: A tasty kind of foreplay (RUDE) -- Adrian H, 01:10:24 10/26/02 Sat

>A pair of edible panties = I fed on labia-appetiser...


Edible panties =
Bite in, pleased
Plebeian's diet
It is a pee blend


[> Re: A tasty kind of foreplay (RUDE) NOM -- Joe F., 05:14:41 10/26/02 Sat

>A pair of edible panties = I fed on labia-appetiser...

Rude NOM, you sicko.


[> [> NOM seconded :) -- Paul Pan, 07:19:18 10/26/02 Sat

Arabs eat lip-pie
I lip-rape a beast
Sip eatable pair
A lip as per a bite
A ripe lip; a beast

[> [> [> Thanks all! -- Mey K., 07:15:55 10/28/02 Mon

>Arabs eat lip-pie
>I lip-rape a beast
>Sip eatable pair
>A lip as per a bite
>A ripe lip; a beast

The white-collar criminals = Miscreant to all while rich. -- Richard G, 01:12:51 10/28/02 Mon

[> Re: The white-collar criminals = Miscreant to all while rich. Nice one, RG! *NOM* -- Mey K., 07:14:45 10/28/02 Mon

A peaceful end to the Moscow theatre siege = Escapee: "We got out - let's head for the cinema" -- Dean Mayer, 20:48:12 10/27/02 Sun

[> Re: A peaceful end to the Moscow theatre siege * NOM * -- David A. Green, 23:03:48 10/27/02 Sun

I'm not sure whether the deaths of 70 civilians and 40 or so separatists can actually be described as a "peaceful end" to the seige, but certainly for those hostages who escaped unhurt your anagram makes good sense. Black humour always scores highly in my book, so a well-earned TOPICAL NOM, Dean.

Harking back to an earlier incident in a theatre:

The assassination of President Abraham Lincoln = Fanatical sniper man shot his nation's leader. Sob!

[> [> Many thanks for the nom David -- Dean Mayer, 04:42:48 10/28/02 Mon

>The assassination of President Abraham Lincoln =
>Fanatical sniper man shot his nation's leader. Sob!

Great anagram! - might also be appropriate to show last three letter as S.O.B.!

Beltway Sniper -- Scott C., 04:00:19 10/28/02 Mon

Beltway Sniper=
"Bait: News reply"
"At peril by news."

Walter Koenig = Low age in 'Trek'. [and] 'I work elegant.' -- Hans-Peter, 18:39:05 10/27/02 Sun

He played Ensign Chekhov in the original Enterprise series.

Ultimatum = Aim: tumult. -- Hans-Peter, 04:30:54 10/27/02 Sun

This was inpired by the Moscow-drama...

OCTOBER NOM UPDATE -- Richard G, 17:07:47 10/26/02 Sat


Claudio Monteverdi = I'd E minor vocal duet. -- Richard G, 17:38:55 10/25/02 Fri

[Couldn't pin an E minor duet down but there's bound to be at least one out there.]

[> Re: Claudio Monteverdi = I'd E minor vocal duet. Like it, ent or name Nom! -- Joe F., 05:06:19 10/26/02 Sat

[> [> Thanks Joe! -- Richard G, 16:49:08 10/26/02 Sat

The emperor Nero (Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus) = Burn his beauteous Rome in prime red holocaust. -- David A. Green, 00:37:10 10/26/02 Sat

[> Name NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 07:20:42 10/26/02 Sat

[> Definitely seconed! -- Mattias Inghe, 08:10:15 10/26/02 Sat

More surgery (semi-rude) -- Mattias Inghe, 07:02:16 10/25/02 Fri

Breast implant surgery = Busty girls are part men!
Cosmetic surgery = Cuts my 'groceries'

[> Cosmetic surgery in Hollywood = Why girls only cooed Tom Cruise :) -- Ghud Sariffian, 20:00:18 10/25/02 Fri

[> More surgery (semi-rude) -- Paul Pan, 22:33:50 10/25/02 Fri

Penis reduction surgery
Prurient guy is censored

[> [> More surgery: Rhinoplasty = Halt nosy rip -- Paul Pan, 00:01:34 10/26/02 Sat

[> [> [> And even more (rude?) -- Ghud Sariffian, 00:29:17 10/26/02 Sat

Cosmetic surgery = Core: Guy's 'metrics'

Penis enlargement surgery =
Ugly men ranges enterprise
Painless? Turn me green-grey!
Nurse, regain my serpent-leg!
My gunner enterprise as leg!
Men presently regain urges
Use permanent energy, girls
Teengirls' Superman-energy

[> [> [> [> Rude NOM + 2 more rude ones... -- Mattias Inghe, 08:08:32 10/26/02 Sat

>Penis enlargement surgery =
>Painless? Turn me green-grey!
>Nurse, regain my serpent-leg!
>My gunner enterprise as leg!

Slick, funny and nasty. :) Rude NOM to 'My gunner enterprise as leg!'

I wanna play too:

Penis enlargement surgery =
Presents my genuine larger ****! ;-)
Giant semen plunger? Err...yes!

[> [> [> Rhinoplasty = Ay, split horn -- Adrian H, 01:13:00 10/26/02 Sat

Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho = Loons ban hysterical masterpiece (+ 1 more) -- Mattias Inghe, 11:26:31 10/24/02 Thu

Or from the loons point of view:

Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho = There's a panic - its morally obscene!

[> Or perhaps "Hysterical loons ban masterpiece"? Ent nom for whichever version you prefer. -- Richard G, 16:44:59 10/25/02 Fri

[> [> Yeah, that sounds better. Both book and loons are hysterical in their own way. :) -- Mattias Inghe, 07:55:05 10/26/02 Sat

Liposuction surgery = Losing your piecrust -- Mattias Inghe, 06:41:01 10/25/02 Fri

[> LOL! Nice image, Mattias. *GEN NOM* -- Richard G, 17:22:26 10/25/02 Fri

[> [> Re: LOL! Nice image, Mattias. *GEN NOM* Thanks Richard! -- Mattias Inghe, 07:52:25 10/26/02 Sat

Abortions (first one is a bit sick) -- Joe F., 03:23:27 10/25/02 Fri

Abortions = Bin a torso
Abortion Rights = Go ration births


[> Re: Abortions (first one is a bit sick), NOM for the first one , still brilliant, Joe! -- Hans-Peter, 04:28:53 10/25/02 Fri

>Abortions = Bin a torso
>Abortion Rights = Go ration births

[> [> Re: Abortions (first one is a bit sick), NOM for the first one , still brilliant, Joe! -- Joe F., 07:03:08 10/26/02 Sat

Thanks again HP, I glad you liked this one!

The Director of Public Prosecutions = Butch Police Inspector sued for riot -- Dean Mayer, 05:28:31 10/24/02 Thu

[> Or>>> British court often produces police -- Dean Mayer, 06:31:49 10/24/02 Thu

[> [Butch Police Inspector sued for riot] *GEN NOM*, Dean. -- Richard G, 16:42:01 10/25/02 Fri

[> [> Thanx RG! -- Dean Mayer, 02:12:12 10/26/02 Sat

Fly on the wall documentaries -- Horrid Stretchy Pus, 10:34:16 10/25/02 Fri

There's some really duff stuff on the TV these days. I think some of it should have a government health warning - e.g:


[> Re: Fly on the wall documentaries *NOM* -- Richard G, 17:28:57 10/25/02 Fri

Welcome to the Forum, Horrid Stretchy Pus!

Christopher Sturdy =
This sherry product.
Corrupts the dryish.
Shroud their crypts.
Rush pretty orchids.
Sport the curry dish.

>Fly on the wall documentaries =

Sounds about right. :) ENT NOM, Chris.


[> [> Re: Fly on the wall documentaries *NOM* -- Paul Pan, 18:04:31 10/25/02 Fri

Horrid Stretchy Pus
Ruth's dirty Porsche
Hurt, tipsy Schroder

[> Re: Fly on the wall documentaries -- Adrian H, 20:05:05 10/25/02 Fri

Fly-on-the-wall documentaries =
Would he really mention facts?
They went, found local realism
Films noted nowhere, actually
"Lowly", Channel Four estimated
Insanely followed, truth came
We'll find more actual honesty
Could show my real-life tenant
Lonely men tried factual show
Watch it unfold, seemly real, no?
When facts ruled, emotionally
Fully related, shown to cinema
Well acted, in 'honesty' formula
Real-life study: 'The Low Con-Man'
No need to fully watch realism


[> [> Re: Fly on the wall documentaries -- Mey K., 23:59:09 10/25/02 Fri

>Fly-on-the-wall documentaries =
>Would he really mention facts?
>They went, found local realism
>Films noted nowhere, actually
>"Lowly", Channel Four estimated
>Insanely followed, truth came ***
>We'll find more actual honesty
>Could show my real-life tenant
>Lonely men tried factual show
>Watch it unfold, seemly real, no? ***
>When facts ruled, emotionally
>Fully related, shown to cinema
>Well acted, in 'honesty' formula
>Real-life study: 'The Low Con-Man'
>No need to fully watch realism

Excellent list, Adrian! Almost impossible to pick. An Ent. *NOM* for both of the marked ones.

Mey K.

Anagrammy Favicon -- Richard G, 19:21:24 10/25/02 Fri

From now on, if anyone using Internet Explorer bookmarks (or re-bookmarks) or the Forum a new icon will pop up in their Address bar and Favorites list. It looks like this:



[> Cool :) -- Paul Pan, 22:29:40 10/25/02 Fri

Muhammad's Bushmaster = Must ambush, harm dames -- Paul Pan, 22:26:03 10/25/02 Fri

The Korean peninsula = Stake union plan here. -- Richard G, 17:30:24 10/25/02 Fri

holy masturbations! -- Mavourneen Arndt, 01:25:37 10/25/02 Fri

Holy masturbations=
Ah my! Saint rubs tool!


[> Busily as that moron -- Zoran, 02:09:46 10/25/02 Fri

[> [> Shouts: "ABNORMALITY!" -- Adrian H, 02:26:51 10/25/02 Fri

[> Ha! Certainly deserves a RUDE NOM ;) -- Paul Pan, 03:56:27 10/25/02 Fri

[> Re: holy masturbations! -- Richard G, 17:18:30 10/25/02 Fri

Mavourneen Arndt wrote:
>Holy masturbations=
>Ah my! Saint rubs tool!
><you may all be wondering where i got the phrase 'holy
>masturbations,' as it is not a mainstream epithet. i
>have a friend who says it regularly, altho he admits
>that he is not quite sure what it refers to. I *guess*
>it refers to saints rubbing themselves :-) >

Sorry this didn't appear as it should have, stuff inside < > is treated as HTML and skipped if it doesn't make sense as code (like "<g>"). Best to use [ ] if you don't fancy typing in &lt; &gt;.

Nice 'gram though. :)


To Virgins, to Make Much of Time, by Robert Herrick -- Mavourneen Arndt, 10:42:20 10/23/02 Wed

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may;
Old time is still a-flying.
And this same flower that smiles today
tomorrow will be dying.


Ha! I am eighty-one--
(see all my dowdy shirts!)
Yet I will not feel outdone
by bawdy glamor-flirts.

I'm all tigress amidst whores!

[> Re: To Virgins, to Make Much of Time, by Robert Herrick *SPECIAL NOM* -- Richard G, 13:53:18 10/23/02 Wed

>Gather ye rosebuds while ye may;
>Old time is still a-flying.
>And this same flower that smiles today
>tomorrow will be dying.
>Ha! I am eighty-one--
>(see all my dowdy shirts!)
>Yet I will not feel outdone
>by bawdy glamor-flirts.
>I'm all tigress amidst whores!

Another SPECIAL NOM, Mavourneen! Excellent work.

Mavourneen Annika Arndt =
An unmarked rat in an oven.
Rumanian knave and tenor.
Amen to a drunken Nirvana!

[I found your full name at, apologies for the intrusion.]


[> [> Re: To Virgins, to Make Much of Time, by Robert Herrick *SPECIAL NOM* Seconded, M! -- Jaybur, 21:34:15 10/23/02 Wed

[> [> [> Thanks for the nom! -- Mavourneen Arndt, 06:39:51 10/24/02 Thu

Thanks for the nom, guys! I had a short school vacation the last couple days, and instead of going somewhere exciting, I stayed on campus to "work on my undergrad thesis." But of course 'gramming is such a wonderful procrastination tool, and SO addictive....

[> [> [> [> Re: Thanks for the nom! -- Richard G, 17:11:26 10/25/02 Fri

>But of course 'gramming is such a wonderful
>procrastination tool, and SO addictive....

The anagram addict =
Aha, I get cad M. Arndt!

Procrastination ~
(as in protraction).


[> [> Thirded! -- Paul Pan, 03:54:18 10/25/02 Fri

With all due respect:
Mavourneen Annika Arndt
Anna Karenina turd-venom

Latin America = A rain climate. -- Hans-Peter, 02:51:54 10/25/02 Fri

[> [A rain climate.] Great, H-P! *OTHER NAMES NOM* -- Richard G, 17:07:29 10/25/02 Fri

English National Opera = A tenor is an anglophile -- Zoran, 07:18:54 10/24/02 Thu

[> English National Opera = Thin, lean, agile soprano = Plain alto heroine sang -- Adrian H, 21:21:00 10/24/02 Thu

[> [A tenor is an anglophile] *OTHER NAMES*, Zoran. (Love Adrian's pair too!) -- Richard G, 17:00:47 10/25/02 Fri

Florence Nightingale = Reflecting on healing. -- Hans-Peter, 04:55:41 10/24/02 Thu

[> Re: Florence Nightingale = Reflecting on healing. Good, H-P, but old - in AG Archives. -- Jaybur, 05:15:42 10/24/02 Thu

[> [> Argh.... I searched on Google... it was NOT there! Damn. Sorry again. -- Hans-Peter, 05:50:06 10/24/02 Thu

[> [> [> Two new attempts.... -- Hans-Peter, 06:06:45 10/24/02 Thu

Florence Nightingale
Hell! Infection nagger!
Ole, frightening clean!

[> [> [> Two new attempts.... -- Hans-Peter, 06:22:23 10/24/02 Thu

Florence Nightingale
Hell! Infection nagger!
Ole, frightening clean!

[> [> [> Two new attempts.... -- Hans-Peter, 06:26:48 10/24/02 Thu

Florence Nightingale
Hell! Infection nagger!
Ole, frightening clean!

[> [> [> [> Iīll kill myself soon... -- Hans-Peter, 06:32:42 10/24/02 Thu

I just realised that my Browser cache is
responsible for double postings. When the
confirmation page is showing one HAS TO go
to main page otherwise it will update the
current page which results in posting the
last data (hence the double postings).
Gosh, I know you are already killing me in
your thoughts, be sure that I will shoot
myself with a poisoned rope...

[> Florence Nightingale = La force! Enlightening! -- Pavlos, 18:34:56 10/24/02 Thu

[> Flo Nightingale = Angel, if light on. -- Adrian H, 20:07:39 10/24/02 Thu

Back in March 2001, RG won the People's Name category with the excellent:
Nurse Florence Nightingale = Heroine curing fallen gents.

I can't quite match that, but here's my effort:

Nurse Florence Nightingale = Frenetic in gangrenous hell.


[> [> Re: Flo Nightingale = Angel, if light on. *NOM* -- Richard G, 16:55:47 10/25/02 Fri

Adrian wrote:
>Flo Nightingale = Angel, if light on.
>Nurse Florence Nightingale = Frenetic in gangrenous hell.

Both pretty good, the former just pipping the latter in the aptness stakes. NAME NOM


3 g is...giggs---500 game for "Manu" -- mujcinovic muharem, 05:03:48 10/24/02 Thu

congratulation for Ryan Giggs for 500 game

[> Welcome to Forum,you have a nice future in 2006. (Muharem Mujcinovic = Chic amour,june MMVI) -- Zoran, 01:58:08 10/25/02 Fri

Chief Moose's advice -- Myles, 21:02:32 10/22/02 Tue

Montgomery Police Chief Charles Moose =

Go! Flee Crime! Sly champion shooter come!

[> Re: Chief Moose's advice - another one -- Myles, 23:12:11 10/22/02 Tue

Montgomery Police Chief Charles Moose =

Fearsome, smelly, photogenic, comic hero.

[> [> Re: Chief Moose's advice - another one NOM -- Richard G, 13:21:46 10/23/02 Wed

>Montgomery Police Chief Charles Moose =
>Fearsome, smelly, photogenic, comic hero.

Sorta half aptigram and half antigram. ;) Topical nom, Myles.


[> [> [> Re: Chief Moose's advice - another one NOM -- Myles, 00:41:35 10/25/02 Fri

Cheers, Richard.

Cabinet reshuffle -- Adrian H, 20:38:02 10/24/02 Thu

Tony Blair is having to reshuffle again today after the resignation of education secretary Estelle Morris.

A cabinet reshuffle = Fear unstable Chief


The Washington Sniper = Strength in his weapon. -- Mey K., 18:48:59 10/23/02 Wed

[> Re: The Washington Sniper = Strength in his weapon. TOP NOM, Mey! -- Jaybur, 21:35:46 10/23/02 Wed

[> [> Re: The Washington Sniper = Strength in his weapon. TOP NOM, Mey! Ta, JB! -- Mey K., 06:12:53 10/24/02 Thu

[> [> [> The look on his face? >> The Washington Sniper = Township-hating sneer -- Dean Mayer, 06:44:14 10/24/02 Thu

Panic-monger = I cr*p! (a gen nom?) -- Dean Mayer - just larking about guys, 06:27:29 10/24/02 Thu

Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day? = You're the same - hot, calm, airless, damp -- Dean Mayer - back after a break, 05:25:41 10/24/02 Thu

[> Welcome back, Dean - In fact, welcome! Nice twist and an Ent *NOM* -- Mey K., 06:11:02 10/24/02 Thu

[> [> Hi Mey! - and many thanx for the nom -- Dean Mayer, 06:23:18 10/24/02 Thu

11,000,000:0 -- Mey K., 06:16:49 10/24/02 Thu

Saddam Hussein wins the Iraq elections again
(Mass with a single candidate has no enquiries...)

Mey K.

a little poem -- Mavourneen Arndt, 12:17:17 10/20/02 Sun

Nothing lasts forever
and nothing ever will.
You know someday your thumping heart shall be cold, silent, and still.
And each time you embrace someone you know you'll have to let go.
But why we can't just hold on,
I don't know, I don't know.
Oh, sun will ever shine
Though onto autumn sky.
And we'll be always always one
Til long after we die.

Oh how bloodveins can rot
Yet love can mount despite
Your mouldy skin on thin old bone,
(We mock'd that gloomy nocturn dark jet night!)

[> Re: a little poem SPECIAL NOM, Mavourneen -- Larry Brash, 14:37:37 10/20/02 Sun

Nice to see you back, Mavourneen.

Lovely work.


[> [> Re: Nice to see you back, Mavourneen -- Wayne Baisley, 05:30:03 10/24/02 Thu

A Verdun ornament
Dame Van-No-Return
Ever 'n' anon at drum
Mad nun venerator
Mar-ran? Vee dunt no.
Non-trad maneuver
Rude van ornament
Run a random event.
Unnerve at random.
Unread Vermontan
Untanned over arm
Venturan and more
Vet man. Do a runner.

Have an excellent time in Claremont! Don't spend too much time at Raging Waters. For those of you not familiar with the western edge of the Inland Empire, Claremont's not far from San Dimas, made famous by Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. Raging Waters was called Waterloo's in the movie.

Party on,
Wayne (from the knock-off movie)

[> Re: a little poem SPECIAL NOM -- Richard G, 14:42:02 10/20/02 Sun

>Nothing lasts forever
>and nothing ever will.
>You know someday your thumping heart shall be cold,
>silent, and still.
>And each time you embrace someone you know you'll have
>to let go.
>But why we can't just hold on,
>I don't know, I don't know.
>Oh, sun will ever shine
>Though onto autumn sky.
>And we'll be always always one
>Til long after we die.
>Oh how bloodveins can rot
>Yet love can mount despite
>Your mouldy skin on thin old bone,
>(We mock'd that gloomy nocturn dark jet night!)

Very adroitly handled, Mavourneen. SPECIAL NOM and welcome to the Forum! I remember you from your March 2001 'gram of the first ten lines of the Iliad, which we have at ../literary/group1/poems-ma.html.

Mavourneen Arndt =
Unnerve at random.
Overturned manna.
Rodent manure van. :)


[> [> Re: a little poem SPECIAL NOM -- Paul Pan, 16:41:11 10/20/02 Sun

Mavourneen Arndt =
Not unarmed raven
Darn venom nature
Uneven, random art




Updated: May 10, 2016


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