Anagrammy Forum Archives - #25

27 October 2002 - 8 November 2002




Singer: she's dynamite! -- Jaybur, 07:26:59 11/04/02 Mon

[Ms Dynamite, real name Niomi Daley]

The singer Miss Niomi Daley = I'm Dynamite: so is her single!

[> I don't know her, but it is a great anagram. ENT NOM -- Larry Brash, 00:13:25 11/05/02 Tue

[> [> Re: I don't know her, but it is a great anagram. ENT NOM Thanks, LB! She has won a lot of awards recently. -- Jaybur, 17:58:54 11/05/02 Tue

[> Good one! -- Mattias Inghe, 18:14:37 11/05/02 Tue

>[Ms Dynamite, real name Niomi Daley]
>The singer Miss Niomi Daley = I'm Dynamite: so is her

Clever. For those who donŽt know that, one of her singles is in fact titled 'Dy-na-mi-tee'.

The singer Miss Niomi Daley = One missish 'Dy-na-mi-tee' girl

[> [> Re: Good one! -- Mary, 22:16:02 11/08/02 Fri

Can anyone out there tell me when Ms Dynamite's birthday is please!!

[> [> [> Re: Good one! -- Adrian H, 22:24:30 11/08/02 Fri

Can anyone out there tell me when Ms Dynamite's birthday is please!!
Sunny maid beseeches, "It's Mary! Help me! I only want to learn the date!"


[> [> [> [> ROTFLMAO :) -- Paul Pan, 23:11:17 11/08/02 Fri

[> [> [> Niomi Daley's birthday -- Richard G, 22:30:27 11/08/02 Fri

>Can anyone out there tell me when Ms Dynamite's
>birthday is please!!

Monday! (I lie)


Topical in 1956 maybe... -- Richard G, 11:50:08 11/08/02 Fri

Communist takeovers = More Muscovite tanks.


[> He he, Gen NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 17:47:58 11/08/02 Fri

Reminds me of an old cold war poster: "Visit the Soviet Union before it visits you"

[> [> Thanks, Paul! -- Richard G, 22:24:00 11/08/02 Fri

>Reminds me of an old cold war poster: "Visit the
>Soviet Union before it visits you"


A communist = [take your pick]
Scum, am I not?
I am not scum!


Not sure that this keyword is all that well known -- Richard G, 11:35:33 11/08/02 Fri

An abortion =
No to a bairn.


[> Och, aye, laddie, tis well-known ta me. Gen NOM ta ye! -- Jock McBrash, 16:42:41 11/08/02 Fri

[> [> [Gen NOM ta ye!] Ta Jock, yir a barry auld gadge. -- Richard G, 21:54:07 11/08/02 Fri

[> Re: Not sure that this keyword is all that well known -- Adrian H, 20:17:17 11/08/02 Fri

"I'd like an abortion" = Kid abolition near

Encyclopedia Britannica = Nice poetical brain-candy -- Mattias Inghe, 20:00:04 11/08/02 Fri

Or with the more Olde English spelling:
Encyclopaedia Britannica = A nice, poetical brain-candy

[> Encyclopedia Britannica = An incredible capacity, no? -- Adrian H, 20:13:28 11/08/02 Fri

[> [> Re: Encyclopedia Britannica = An incredible capacity, no? (Excellent ! Other names NOM!) -- Zoran, 20:24:38 11/08/02 Fri

[> [> [> [Excellent ! Other names NOM!] Thanks, Zoran :) -- AH, 20:27:24 11/08/02 Fri

[> [> [> [Encyclopedia Britannica = An incredible capacity, no?] Bitchin' :) NOM seconed! -- Mattias Inghe, 20:39:30 11/08/02 Fri

Complicatedness = Concepts mislead -- Adrian H, 19:28:36 11/07/02 Thu

[> That's got to be worth a *GEN NOM* - nice one! -- Dean Mayer, 06:08:03 11/08/02 Fri

[> [> [*GEN NOM* - nice one!] Cheers, Dean -- AH, 20:37:04 11/08/02 Fri

Womanisers -- Richard G, 12:27:21 11/08/02 Fri

Womanisers =
Man is sower. ;)

The womaniser =
It means 'whore'. [hell, enough of the double standards!]


Latitudinous = Lauds tuition. -- Richard G, 11:39:56 11/08/02 Fri

Hotel California = Inhaler of colita -- Paul Pan, 02:50:07 11/08/02 Fri

...Warm smell of colitas rising up trough
the air...

[> PS -- Paul Pan, 02:52:53 11/08/02 Fri

...according to Cecil Adams ( a "Colita" is a Mexican term for a marijuana joint...

[> Re: Warm smell of colitas rising up through the air = Summer wish - girl group. That's Hotel California! -- Dean Mayer, 06:12:40 11/08/02 Fri

[> Re: Hotel California (RUDE) -- Zoran, 09:34:16 11/08/02 Fri

Hotel California

A rich fellatio,no ?


Pleasant surprise = appears in results (Big thanks to all who voted for my Entertainment Category anagram) -- Dean Mayer, 03:09:27 11/08/02 Fri

[> Re: Pleasant surprise = appears in results *Well done,Dean !* and *NOM* for this 'gram ! -- Zoran, 05:42:59 11/08/02 Fri

[> [> Thank you Zoran ;o) -- Dean Mayer, 06:03:24 11/08/02 Fri

Crudish -- Paul Pan, 02:38:52 11/08/02 Fri

My turd wades ~ muddy waters...

Music (was my first love), John Miles = Jam hit. Sum: Fine lyrics, slow moves. -- Hans-Peter, 01:48:34 11/08/02 Fri

CURRENT NOMS -- Richard G, 00:38:55 11/08/02 Fri



Persuasion = Or, "use a spin". -- Richard G, 13:17:22 11/07/02 Thu

[> You spin doctor you GEN NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 20:04:50 11/07/02 Thu

[> [> Thanks Paul! -- Richard G, 22:40:36 11/07/02 Thu

Herman Goering = Hi, German goner! -- Ghud Sariffian, 14:11:26 11/06/02 Wed

[> Re: Herman Goering = Hi, German goner! :) Name *NOM*, Ghud! -- Mey K., 00:41:37 11/07/02 Thu

[> [> Sorry, but his name is Hermann Goering. -- Hans-Peter, 16:42:31 11/07/02 Thu

[> [> [> Re: Sorry, but his name is Hermann Goering. POSSIBLE FIX -- Richard G, 18:45:02 11/07/02 Thu

You could just make it "gonner" instead. Both versions of the word exist, and it's slang so neither can really be said to be 'correct'. ("Goner" is more common, though.)


[> [> [> [> Indeed.... -- Paul Pan, 22:37:37 11/07/02 Thu

...according to my trusty OED CD rom, "gonner" is an archaic form of "gunner" which fits in...

Hermann Goering = German inner hog....

According to the same source, an "inner" is one who 'ins', or takes in land; also somewhat apt.

Final anti-spam measure -- Mike Torr, 05:03:37 11/07/02 Thu

I'm changing my email address again (by adding one to the number - please work it out for yourselves!)

This will be the last change (I hope), as I am no longer going to include it in my posts. Those who want to reach me can use the new one that has been implied above.

[> Final anti-spam measure = I restamp an unsafe mail -- Ghud Sariffian, 07:14:22 11/07/02 Thu

Model 'grams (3 regular, 1 bad, 2 rude) -- Mattias Inghe, 22:07:15 11/06/02 Wed

Playboy models = May boldly pose
Fitness models = Fondest smiles
Swimsuit models = Would miss items

Not a good gram, but quite fun:
Male models = Seldom male

On to the mandatory rude ones:

























Supermodels = Slurped some ;)
Top models = Most poled

[> Re: Model 'grams (3 regular, 1 bad, 2 rude) *NOM* -- Richard G, 22:40:58 11/06/02 Wed

>Playboy models = May boldly pose

The best one IMO. Bit of a category-straddler though - let's say Other Names for now.


[> A supermodel = D.O.M. pleasure = Amused prole = Made-up loser! -- Adrian H, 00:08:51 11/07/02 Thu

[> [> Re: A supermodel = O,pure damsel ! = "Pleasuredom" -- Zoran, 00:38:35 11/07/02 Thu

[> [> [> Re: A supermodel = O, rude sample! -- Mattias Inghe, 03:36:46 11/07/02 Thu


The Signs of War = A fight worsens. -- Mey K., 00:44:22 11/07/02 Thu

[> Re: The Signs of War = A fight worsens. Good one. Gen NOM. -- Richard B., 02:45:17 11/07/02 Thu

The Parachute Association of Ireland = Uh, I drop into the ocean, alas. It's a farce! -- David A. Green, 01:31:59 11/07/02 Thu

Random bunch -- Allan Morley, 12:06:27 11/06/02 Wed

Right to bear arms =
Hit, storm, barrage.

Discount store =
Detour in costs.

The bartender =
That dern beer!

Tupperware =
Etre: wrap up.

Falling asleep at the wheel =
Fatal when I allege he slept.

the usual rude one to finish...
Consenting adults =
Do set glans in cunt.


[> Re: Random bunch *NOM* -- Richard G, 23:38:07 11/06/02 Wed

>Falling asleep at the wheel =
>Fatal when I allege he slept.

The best one (despite the sleep-slept cheat). *GEN NOM*, Allan.


Christopher Marlowe's immortal tribute. -- Richard Brodie, 04:48:23 11/06/02 Wed

Was this the face that launch'd a thousand ships,
And burnt the topless towers of Ilium?
Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss!
Her lips suck forth my soul: see, where it flies!


Whose white skin that unfurls the miles of sails?
We'd blister Troy, up in war's smoke and flames.
Ah, pucker up then, hottest of all dames!
Oh heart, I see the summit which it scales!

- Richard Brodie

[> Re: [Christopher Marlowe's immortal tribute.] Another Special NOM, Richard! -- Jaybur, 08:41:54 11/06/02 Wed

[> Seconded! Great work yet again, Richard. -- Richard G, 22:43:13 11/06/02 Wed

VOTING WILL CLOSE IN 24 HOURS -- Larry Brash, 19:25:11 11/06/02 Wed

38 votes already in the first 3 days - great turnout!

Voting will close in approximately 24 hours.

The URL direct to the Anagrammy Voting Page is:

If you have already voted this month, please ignore this post. If not, vote now, before it is too late.

Thank you

Romantic interest ~ meant restriction (sad, eh?) -- Mattias Inghe, 08:09:52 11/04/02 Mon

[> Re: Romantic interest ~ meant restriction (sad, eh?) = It ain't no secret, Mr! -- Joe F., 07:24:44 11/05/02 Tue

[> [> Re: Romantic interest ~ meant restriction (sad, eh?) = It ain't no secret, Mr! = I can't? Torment, sire! -- Mattias Inghe, 11:48:05 11/05/02 Tue

[> [> [> Re: Romantic interest ~ It's me, in car or tent. -- Larry Brash, 17:46:20 11/05/02 Tue

Sad. Mad. -- Joe F., 07:07:42 11/05/02 Tue

Saddam Hussein ~ mashed Sudanis
Saddam Hussein = Sudan is mashed

Saddam Hussein = Hiss a US demand (or) Hiss USA demand


Voting is now open -- Larry Brash, 23:20:53 11/03/02 Sun

Voting is now open for this month's Anagrammy Awards.

Voting will be open for approximately 4 days (shortened from 5 days). I will also send a final reminder in the final 24 hours.

The URL direct to the Anagrammy Voting Page is:

However, you may like to visit the website via the front page:

We have made a few enhancements to the website, including a new search engine (which includes searching both the Anagram Genius Archive and Google Groups), and also an automatically updating Leaders Board.


jackass: the movie -- Mey K., 17:18:14 11/03/02 Sun

MTV's reality show where clearly moronic people injure themselves for fun has made it to the big screen, too. Last laugh is MTV's, though - it's at the top of the US box office.

jackass: the movie = Ah, MTV's joke is ace!

Mey K.

A Two-Level Anagram -- Mey K., 16:03:05 10/31/02 Thu

Upon reading Shel Silverstein's little poem "New World" (from 'Falling Up'), its 'upside-down' theme inspired an idea: a 2-level anagram.
The first level is simply anagramming the poem. The theme of the anagram refers to the second level, which would be explained shortly:

Upside-down trees swingin' free,
Busses float and buildings dangle:
Now and then it's nice to see
The world - from a different angle.


Letters shuffled, words diffused,
Mobile lines, few notions changed.
A winning patent's being used
In latest ode - now rearranged!

The anagram deals with both the anagramming process, and the second, more graphic level - shaping the anagram, once drawn by hand, into an ambigram.

An ambigram is a pictorial display of a word or words which can be read in more than one way. In short, it might be termed as the graphic cousin of the palindome or the anagram.

I've dabbled with ambigrams for a long time now, even before anagrams; usually by scribbling words from time to time and trying to shape them so the same word, or an antonym, will appear once it's turned on its head. This was
mostly done to pass the time in boring classes. And sometimes, still does. ;)

In any case, the challenge was this: make each line of Shel's original poem become the fitting line in the anagram, once turned 180 degrees.

The real challenge was translating my pencil scribbles to the MS Painter. And, as ambigramming a long word is quite a feat, ambigramming *whole sentences* was intensely ambitious. Certainly this creates problems, such as very small spaces between words; But I tried my best to create an ambigram which would be a satisfying read once you're familiar with the poem and anagram.

The ambigram is presented here:


Many thanks to Larry and Richard for providing the room for it, as well as technical help and advice!

The world of ambigrams has been a bit stagnant on the web of late, but if you're interested in more examples that might clarify this further, they can be found here:

Mey K.

[> NOM ("Magic category?") -- Paul Pan, 18:27:55 10/31/02 Thu

[> Ok, this is way too ambitious ;-) Special NOM, right? -- Mattias Inghe, 02:31:08 11/01/02 Fri

[> Insanely clever and fascinating - Special NOM seconded! -- Richard Brodie, 03:04:18 11/01/02 Fri

[> Re:[ A Two-Level Anagram] Thank you Mey, for an intriguing and inventive SPECIAL 'gram! -- Jaybur, 17:39:06 11/01/02 Fri

[> [> Thanks all. This was hard to create, but lots of fun! -- Mey K., 17:16:04 11/03/02 Sun

Defenestration = Instead of 'Enter!' (+10 more...) -- Mattias Inghe, 09:01:25 11/02/02 Sat

A fun word to play around with:

Defenestration =
It's often earned
One find a street
No strained feet
For intense date
End, if on a street
Often raised net
Safer detention
Tenant of desire
Taste one, friend!
A end of interest

[> Re: Defenestration = Instead of 'Enter!' -- Wayne Baisley, 13:51:18 11/03/02 Sun

More fun with that Prague pasttime ...

Detention's fear
End of state in 'er
Festered nation
Defeat to sinner
Not risen? Defeat!
Defeat. None stir.
Fiend ... Snot-eater!


[> Good ones, Mattias! A *NOM* to my fave: Defenestration = End, if on a street. -- Mey K., 17:13:48 11/03/02 Sun

Bottle of snake oil = Eaten to bilk fools. -- Larry Brash, 08:14:55 11/03/02 Sun

[> Re: Bottle of snake oil = Eaten to bilk fools. Clever! Gen *NOM* -- Mey K., 17:11:48 11/03/02 Sun

A nice pair of legs = ergo, face is plain -- Dean Mayer, 04:40:20 11/02/02 Sat

[> Re: A nice pair of legs = ergo, face is plain -- Joe F., 08:09:31 11/02/02 Sat

What about
Plain-face orgies!


[> Re: A nice pair of legs = ergo, face is plain. GEN NOM, Dean! -- Larry Brash, 22:37:52 11/02/02 Sat

[> [> Thanks Larry ;) -- Dean Mayer, 10:30:00 11/03/02 Sun

Snake oil = Saline, OK? -- Wayne Baisley, 08:57:00 11/03/02 Sun

Aloes, ink
Oink's Ale
Is no-leak!


Etna's volcano = connotes lava. -- Santi, 19:09:44 11/02/02 Sat

[> [Etna's volcano = connotes lava.] Very impressive! Topical nom, Santi. -- Richard G, 22:59:49 11/02/02 Sat

[> [> Re: [Etna's volcano = connotes lava.] Very impressive! Topical nom, Santi. NOM seconded -- Pedt, 01:19:54 11/03/02 Sun

[> [> [> Thank you both! -- Santi, 08:06:10 11/03/02 Sun

Spam entitled "Proven Internet Marketing Techniques!" -- Pedt, 09:39:17 11/02/02 Sat

Do you want Financial Freedom?
Do you want to Save Money on advertising?

Are you ready to use the techniques that have been
used by Master Internet Marketers over the last
5 years to sell hundreds of thousands of dollars
in products and services?

Then Proven Internet Marketing Techniques is
the book you need to read immediately. In it you
will be shown exactly what the Masters do and how
they do it to Guarantee them Results....................




Right. Are you listening carefully? Try this.

I am an undeterred purveyor of an overstressed way you can have money off the Internet which I think is clever but is a dreaded, dratted, scam.

So what happens next? You've requested a book from me at my attendant cost - those dollars I demand as dosh on a web page. Now, what are you sure happens now?

Correct! It will then tell you to squeeze money in turn from your own, adjusted, site on the internet, to tell those 5 persuaded to visit, the book's "it".

[> Great! Spam NOM, Pedt. -- Richard G, 22:56:14 11/02/02 Sat

New Search Engine -- Larry Brash, 22:20:53 10/27/02 Sun

Richard and I have put together a new search engine page where you can directly access the following:

1. All the Nomination Archives and the Hall of Fame.
2. All the Literary Archives.
3. The Forum Archives.
4. The Anagram Genus Archives.
5. alt.anagrams postings via Google Groups Search.

Try the Anagrammy Search Page

The old Excite search engine, which we used previously, was on another server and meant backing up all the files there. The new one uses a PERL script to directly search the Anagrammy website.

Also, if you look at the front page sometime, you will find a link to see which pages have been updated in the last week.


[> Re: New Search Engine Excellent! -- David Bourke, 23:57:59 10/28/02 Mon

[> [> A very useful resource, thanks Larry! Search engines = Reaching sense -- Adrian H, 00:32:39 10/29/02 Tue

[> [> [> Re: A very useful resource, thanks Larry! Thanks mainly to Richard for finding the code and designing the page. I just got it running. -- Larry Brash, 22:35:22 11/02/02 Sat

[> Finally, an anagram portal! Brilliant :) -- Paul Pan, 02:58:03 10/29/02 Tue

Family Tax Credit (RUDE) -- Pedt, 19:55:12 11/02/02 Sat

Family tax Credit
My art fixed a clit
after tidy climax.

Diplomatic relations = Traditional polemics. -- Hans-Peter, 23:54:10 11/01/02 Fri

The best out of a lot more ...

[> November's first Gen NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 00:24:57 11/02/02 Sat

Etna's eruption = Nature is no pet -- Mattias Inghe, 18:33:33 11/01/02 Fri

FINAL SELECTIONS PLEASE -- Larry Brash, 18:10:22 11/01/02 Fri

Could people have more than one NOM in a category (except Special), please email their selections for the final list.

I have just emailed this to nearly everyone to whom this applies (except Dean Mayer, whose email address I don't yet have)

Check your selections on:


A best-seller = Treble sales. -- Jaybur, 08:43:26 10/31/02 Thu

[> [A best-seller = Treble sales.] Bingo! Slight cheat with "sell"=>"sale" but still well worth a GEN NOM. -- Richard G, 22:22:23 10/31/02 Thu

[> [> Re: [A best-seller = Treble sales.] Thanks for the Nom, Richard! -- Jaybur, 17:40:50 11/01/02 Fri

Alive = La vie [almost a translatagram] -- Adrian H, 20:31:22 10/31/02 Thu

[> [Alive = La vie] Magnifique! GEN NOM and one for the Records Page -- Richard G, 22:32:12 10/31/02 Thu

[> [> [Magnifique!] Merci, RG ;) -- AH, 22:58:48 10/31/02 Thu

[> Re: Alive = La vie [almost a translatagram] -- Hans-Peter, 04:28:36 11/01/02 Fri

Superb. Short and apt.

IŽd like to see more of those `translatagrams` for
a collection.
I know only of 'the' = 'het' (English/Dutch), very short
and a perfect translation.

Does anyone know more ?


[> [> I have one "translatagram" -- Zoran, 06:50:05 11/01/02 Fri

>Superb. Short and apt.
>IŽd like to see more of those `translatagrams` for
>a collection.
>I know only of 'the' = 'het' (English/Dutch), very
>and a perfect translation.
>Does anyone know more ?

Recently I found something interesting :

A,INSECT = STENICA (bedbug on Serbian Language)


[> [> Re: Alive = La vie [almost a translatagram] -- Richard G, 10:04:04 11/01/02 Fri

>I know only of 'the' = 'het' (English/Dutch), very
>short and a perfect translation.
>Does anyone know more ?

Just off the top of my head:
[Lat-Eng] astra = a star
[Fr-Eng] bleu = blue
[Fr-Sp] le = el


[> [> [> Wonderful. Thanks Zoran and Richard! -- Hans-Peter, 13:31:38 11/01/02 Fri

>>I know only of 'the' = 'het' (English/Dutch), very
>>short and a perfect translation.
>>Does anyone know more ?
>Just off the top of my head:
>[Lat-Eng] astra = a star
>[Fr-Eng] bleu = blue
>[Fr-Sp] le = el

NOMS ARE NOW CLOSED -- Richard G, 10:19:12 11/01/02 Fri

Click here for the complete list of noms for October 2002

Please send your selections for the final list to larry at brash dot net.


Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation = It acts turning manias into real calm. -- Larry Brash, 06:34:29 11/01/02 Fri

[> [It acts turning manias into real calm.] Good one Larry. *GEN NOM* -- Richard G, 10:07:31 11/01/02 Fri

The Oreo Song (sung in the tune of Banana Boat) -- Paul Pan, 01:57:14 11/01/02 Fri

In the days of slavery, there were slaves who lived on the plantation and were slaves that lived in house. You got the privilege of living in house if you served the master. Colin Powell's committed to come into the house of the master. When Colin Powell dares to suggest something other than what the master wants to hear, he will be turned back out to pasture.
(Singer Harry Belafonte on radio)


He's the O-reo! The O-reo!

Slandering me of racial treason? Hah!
(Daylight come, Colin brown outside!)
Tormentor slurring the General with no reason? Huh?
(Vultures pass, Powell's white inside!)

Oh, Belafonte-man, spare the slave mentality!
(The attested, votive, fawning proven vedette!)
Since when do powerful blacks merit this twat hostility ?
(The fatuous, Whitehouse-loved doggy valet!)

O-me say the O-reo!

Oct. self-NOM (GEN) for "Rule Britannia? = Unreal, Britain!" -- Paul Pan, 23:57:57 10/31/02 Thu

The Archbishop of Canterbury -- Adrian H, 20:29:37 10/31/02 Thu

Dr George Carey is retiring as Archbishop of Canterbury today after 11 years in the post. Here are a couple of anagrams to commemorate this fact.

The Archbishop of Canterbury =
Another church's type of Rabbi
Prisoner of that church/abbey
Branch-Father upset choirboy


[> Name nom for "The Archbishop of Canterbury = Another church's type of Rabbi" :) -- Richard G, 22:28:09 10/31/02 Thu

[> [> [Name nom] Cheers, Richard -- AH, 22:59:49 10/31/02 Thu

Helen of Troy -- Richard Brodie, 03:44:39 10/30/02 Wed

In view of the fact that the resources wasted at Troy paved the way for Sparta's victory over Athens, Hilda Doolittle (1886-1961), usually referred to as H.D., wrote the following, offering a point of view in diametric contrast with Poe's panegyric, "To Helen":


All Greece hates
the still eyes in the white face,
the lustre as of olives
where she stands,
and the white hands.

All Greece reviles
the wan face when she smiles,
hating it deeper still
when it grows wan and white,
remembering past enchantments
and past ills.

Greece sees, unmoved,
God's daughter, born of love,
the beauty of cool feet
and slenderest knees,
could love indeed the maid,
only if she were laid,
white ash amid funereal cypresses.

Hence the following anagram:

To Helen

Helen, thy beauty is to me
Like those Nicean barks of yore,
That gently, o'er a perfumed sea,
The weary, way-worn wanderer bore
To his own native shore.

On desperate seas long wont to roam,
Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face,
Thy Naiad airs have brought me home
To the glory that was Greece.
And the grandeur that was Rome.

Lo! in yon brilliant window-niche
How statue-like I see thee stand!
The agate lamp within thy hand,
Ah! Psyche from the regions which
Are Holy Land!



Why Greece loathes thee, oh woman:
the ashen look in thy pale orbs,
thy statuary demeanor
with etiolate wrists.

Why Greece detests thee, oh woman:
the pallid facade of thy baby-fair visage,
with a greater antipathy
as it becomes sallow and ashen,
recollecting thy bygone, arrant charms
and the homage to thy heart's worship.

Why Greece noteth thee, unadored,
a deity heir, bred in amour,
in thy gown aeonian,
and want you, oh woman, life-shorn,
sunk into Charon's lethal river!

- Richard Brodie

[> Helen of Troy (Special?) NOM -- Wayne Baisley, 04:23:24 10/30/02 Wed

Detestably, despicably beautiful, Richard! ;-)

Helen of Troy =
Foolery, then?


[> [> Very elegant, Richard! Seconded! -- Mey K., 06:56:51 10/30/02 Wed

[> NOM thirded :) -- Paul Pan, 17:54:03 10/30/02 Wed

[> [> Re: NOM thirded :) Stunning! SPECIAL NOM thirded/fourthed or whatever -- Dean Mayer, 05:41:25 10/31/02 Thu

[> Splendid work! Wonderful to see you back, Richard. -- Richard G, 00:29:47 10/31/02 Thu

Sorry the indentations didn't appear in your post BTW, I'll make sure the correct version goes into the Literary Archive and voting page. [Ditto for the ç of façade.]


[> [> Thank you all for the kind words and NOM -- Richard Brodie, 05:12:26 10/31/02 Thu

Not sure how much longer my scedule will be requiring me to take these protracted leaves. I miss the congeniality that I remember from the times, not all that long ago, when I was able to contribute more frequently. It is good to see how successful the new forum continues to be, providing the mutual inspiration that keeps everyone innovating and raising the bar on quality.

Too bad about the way leading blanks are deleted. The indentations in Poe's version are especially important, as they parallel the varied rhyming patterns - he choose a very nice, symmetrical assortment of three from the seven possibilities when you have two rhyming sounds in five lines with no more than two adjacent rhyming lines.

[> [> [> Re: Thank you all for the kind words and NOM -- Richard G, 22:14:56 10/31/02 Thu

>I miss the congeniality that I remember from the times,
>not all that long ago, when I was able to contribute more
>frequently. It is good to see how successful the new
>forum continues to be, providing the mutual
>inspiration that keeps everyone innovating and raising
>the bar on quality.

Thanks for your support, Richard.

>Too bad about the way leading blanks are deleted.

Just a quirk of the way we have the Forum set up to allow the posting of links and such - it ends up treating everything as HTML (which ignores repeated spaces). Sorry about that.

>The indentations in Poe's version are especially
>important, as they parallel the varied rhyming
>patterns - he choose a very nice, symmetrical
>assortment of three from the seven possibilities when
>you have two rhyming sounds in five lines with no more
>than two adjacent rhyming lines.

Here they are:

  To Helen

  Helen, thy beauty is to me
      Like those Nicean barks of yore,
  That gently, o'er a perfumed sea,
      The weary, way-worn wanderer bore
      To his own native shore.

  On desperate seas long wont to roam,
      Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face,
  Thy Naiad airs have brought me home
      To the glory that was Greece.
  And the grandeur that was Rome.

  Lo! in yon brilliant window-niche
      How statue-like I see thee stand!
      The agate lamp within thy hand,
  Ah! Psyche from the regions which
      Are Holy Land!



  Why Greece loathes thee, oh woman:
  the ashen look in thy pale orbs,
  thy statuary demeanor
  with etiolate wrists.

  Why Greece detests thee, oh woman:
  the pallid façade of thy baby-fair visage,
  with a greater antipathy
  as it becomes sallow and ashen,
  recollecting thy bygone, arrant charms
  and the homage to thy heart's worship.

  Why Greece noteth thee, unadored,
  a deity heir, bred in amour,
  in thy gown aeonian,
  and want you, oh woman, life-shorn,
  sunk into Charon's lethal river!


Forty winks = Nowt frisky. -- Richard G, 02:26:26 10/31/02 Thu

[> Re: Forty winks = Nowt frisky. Cute! Gen *NOM* -- Mey K., 05:32:33 10/31/02 Thu

[> [> Re: Forty winks = Nowt frisky. Perfect! *GEN NOM* seconded -- Dean Mayer, 05:35:16 10/31/02 Thu

[> [> [> Thank you both! I didn't think this one would be widely appreciated. -- Richard G, 22:02:45 10/31/02 Thu

Just one anagram I like (self-NOM for the rude category) -- Zoran, 20:46:31 10/31/02 Thu

I think it is funny anagram:

More than a feeling
Organ in the female !


Auguste Rodin's "Le Penseur" = Unsure sage ponders: Utile? -- Paul Pan, 20:35:22 10/31/02 Thu

[> Auguste Rodin's "Le Penseur" = A genius! Result: Nude poser. -- Adrian H, 20:41:57 10/31/02 Thu

Israel coalition shattered = It elects Sharon, a real idiot -- Ghud Sariffian, 07:28:58 10/31/02 Thu

[> Speaking of which, how about [Israel= Ariel's]? Is that old? -- Ghud Sariffian, 07:44:56 10/31/02 Thu

[> [> Yes,this year I had a NOM with : Ariel is > Israeli -- Zoran, 20:29:42 10/31/02 Thu

Enhancement Spam -- Mey K., 07:29:18 10/31/02 Thu

INCREASE THAT CERTAIN PART OF THE MALE BODY BY 27% WITH A SIMPLE PILL. - GUARANTEED - FDA APPROVED - The same type of research that created miracle drugs like Viagra, has now created a revolutionary herbal pill that can increase that certain part of the male body by 27% in a few short weeks by simple taking two capsules of Extenze a day, no prescription required.
Over a million and half capsules are being taken every month by men all over the world. This number increases every day as more and more men discover this revolutionary product. Simply try these Amazing pills for 30-days and if after 30-days you do not experience a minimum of 27% gain, simply send the empty bottle back to us and we'll refund you 100% of the cost including shipping. With this guarantee, our product must work for you... or we'll lose money on every sale! This amazing new product works by simply taking 2 pills every day.
Simply try it for 30-days and if after 30-days you do not experience a minimum of 27% gain, simply send the empty bottle back to us and we'll refund you 100% of the cost including shipping. With our guarantee, our product must work for you... or we'll lose money on every sale!


Top sixteen ways of making your teensy-weensy prick look larger:

16. Snick a full, wide-rimmed water bottle into a men's-room stall. Close the door. Wait for a 'crowd' to pass by and empty it loudly down the toilet. Unzip and step out, proudly.

15. Embed bits of magnifying glass in strategic places on your shower-doors. Yell to your friend that you need a towel.

14. Apply a small plunger to your loins. Pump them for several minutes a day.

13. Spread a rumor by whining to your buddy about binding underwear.

12. Say a prayer for a mighty huge wiener. If praying won't do, demand reparations from the reverend.

11. The ol' "Cucumber in the Hidden Pocket" never failed.

10. ...And for a limper version, try a pickle.

9. Take a vacuum cleaner and squirm that tiny prick into the hose. Plug in the cleaner.

8. Shave off your pubes. Duh.

7. Find a decent mohel. Ask for the Extra Value Circumcision.

6. Show an interest in floppy, virile implants.

5. Pay a visit to a gypsy. Buy magic XL contraceptives.

4. Start a diet, but only in your pelvic area. If the background seems undersized, then by comparison...

3. Decrease the size of your testicles.

2. Slay every male anagrammer on the face of the earth.

1. Only date women with really small palms.

Mey K.

[> Well, of COURSE this is a spam NOM! -- Ghud Sariffian, 07:36:32 10/31/02 Thu

[> [> Mwahahaha!! Seconded, Mey! -- Joe F., 08:20:41 10/31/02 Thu

[> [> [> Glad you enjoyed it! -- Mey K., 16:00:19 10/31/02 Thu

[> All I can say is "thanks Mey!" :))) -- Pavlos, 18:26:53 10/31/02 Thu

A civil tongue = I tie vocal gun. -- Wayne Baisley, 13:42:29 10/31/02 Thu

Salinger's 'Catcher' -- Mey K., 07:01:25 10/30/02 Wed

Holden's battle with society:

J.D. Salinger's 'The Catcher in the Rye"
Childish, angry teen rejects Earth.

Mey K.

[> [Salinger's 'Catcher'] Ent nom, Mey. -- Richard G, 23:33:16 10/30/02 Wed

[> [> Re: [Salinger's 'Catcher'] Ent nom, Mey. -- Mey K., 07:23:16 10/31/02 Thu

Thank you, Richard!
Oddly enough, Salinger's 'Catcher' anagrams into Single Characters. Might be interesting to read into it, but I'm too tired. ;)

Mey K.

The terrorist attack in Bali, Indonesia = CIA strikes at it, not Bin Laden or the IRA. -- Joe F., 07:18:31 10/31/02 Thu

Deforestation -- Mey K., 05:34:52 10/31/02 Thu

The Deforestation = Into death of trees.

"Stop the Deforestation" = Points to death of trees.

Mey K.

[> Gen NOM, Mey :) -- Paul Pan, 06:26:10 10/31/02 Thu

>"Stop the Deforestation" = Points to death of trees.

[> [> Re: ["Stop the Deforestation" = Points to death of trees.] Gen NOM, Mey :) Thanks! My fave of the two as well. -- Mey K., 07:17:21 10/31/02 Thu

Halloween horrors! Bela Lugosi -- David A. Green, 06:47:51 10/31/02 Thu

The Hungarian actor Bela Lugosi =
Ugh! He's bat Count. A real original.

(Lugosi was famous for playing Count Dracula on screen and stage.)

[> Ta for the Haloween treat! Maybe better as He's Count 'Bat'?... Name *NOM*, anyway! -- Mey K., 07:14:52 10/31/02 Thu




Updated: May 10, 2016


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