Anagrammy Forum Archives - #30

28 November 2002 - 7 December 2002




O Little Town of Bethlehem = No hotel to befit them well. -- Jesse Frankovich, 13:49:20 12/07/02 Sat

[> [No hotel to befit them well] Excellent, Jesse! One of your best so far. *TOP NOM* -- Richard G, 15:26:04 12/07/02 Sat

The dentist-to-the-stars Philip Stemmer = Triesth re-mend pist Liam'sth top teesth. -- David A. Green, 09:18:06 12/07/02 Sat

Dr. Philip Stemmer is the A-List London dentist tasked with creating a prosthesis for Oasis frontman Liam Gallagher who lost both front teeth in a drunken brawl in Munich last weekend.

[> :) Name or Top nom, David. -- Richard G, 15:20:01 12/07/02 Sat

Grapefruit custard diner = After rare citrus pudding. -- Jesse Frankovich, 13:13:46 12/07/02 Sat

Scraping the bottom of the barrel = The crop of rotten 'grams bite. Blah! -- Jesse Frankovich, 12:49:55 12/07/02 Sat

Rudish antigram -- Larry Brash, 11:45:46 12/07/02 Sat

Copulations = No coitus, pal!

Dear Brash, I am barrister Godwin Ezechukwua -- Larry Brash, 01:54:30 12/07/02 Sat

[I actually sent this anagrammed reply back to the sender]

Dear Brash,

I am barrister Godwin Ezechukwua solicitor at law. I am the personal attorney to Mr David Brash, who used to work with shell development company in Nigeria. Here in after shall be referred to as my client.

On the 21st of April 1999, my client, his wife And their three children were involved in a car accident along sagbama express road. All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives. Since then I have made several enquiries to locate any of my clients extended relatives this has also proved unsuccessful.

After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to trace his last name over the Internet, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the money and property left behind by my client before they get confisicated or declared unserviceable by the bank where this huge deposits were lodged. particularly, the New Nigeria Bank (NNB) Plc where the deceased had an account valued at about 10million dollars has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have the account confisicated.

Since i have been unsuccesfull in locating the the relatives for over 2 years now i seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased since you have the same last name so that the proceeds of this account valued at 10million dollars can be paid to you and then you and i can share the money. I have all necessary legal documents that can be used to back up any claim we may make. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this dealt through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.

Please reply me by this email for security to enable us discuss further.

Best regards, Godwin Ezechukwu (esq)
Dearest Counsellor Ezechukwu

It's with great sadness and shock that I received your news about my much beloved Uncle David and family's deaths. I'd long wondered why I had not had news from him these last three years but I had no idea that he and the family had met such a tragic end.

How I'll miss Uncle and his quite lovely creative wife, Kathy, and beautiful teenage children Anna and Aaron and lovely baby Erica. I can only hope that their terrible deaths were swift and painless.

Uncle David often spoke of the trip to Nigeria in his letters to me, as his nephew (one only living relative). As you may know, he travelled there excitedly to secure the large amount of money that had been offered to him in the email from the Royal Family of Chief Soebo killed during a coup.

We were puzzled and it concerned us that it was a sort of scam and tried to talk Uncle out of taking his family to your beauteous country, but your reliable news confirms that he received the money and that his decision was the correct one. Uncle also spoke at great length of the great honesty of the peaceful Nigerian people, in particular the respectable, impeccable lawyers and his obvious trust in them. Your most agreeable email proves that this trust was correctly placed.

Your kind gift of all these millions of dollars exceeds all expectations. It occurs at a very providential time. I have been quite down on my luck, have no assets, am about to be evicted, and, in essence, become homeless. Hence, under the current circumstances I require that you can post me, at once, an urgent electronic advance to cure the pressing overheads that have been troubling me recently, to cover all court case costs, reasonable retainer and search fees, special taxes, various incidentals, etc.

Please excuse my haste,

Sincere best wishes,


Larry Brash.

Posted from The Anagrammy Website's Anagram Checker

[> My goodness, what a hilarious response!!!! Way beyond "long", a definite special NOM! -- Paul Pan, 02:20:20 12/07/02 Sat

[> [> Re: A special SPAMAGRAM winner, for sure! -- Jaybur, 02:56:32 12/07/02 Sat

[> [> [> Barrister Godwin Ezechukwua = Cue wizard rogue...Brash knew it! -- David Bourke, 06:51:55 12/07/02 Sat

[> [> [> Thanks, Paul and Janet. I had a great time doing this one which I finished at 3 am. -- Larry Brash, 09:50:40 12/07/02 Sat

Religious fanatics = Focus ? It's in Algeria ! -- Zoran, 07:38:41 12/07/02 Sat

A watched pot never boils = Observe--placid, won't heat -- Scott Gardner, 05:12:44 12/06/02 Fri

[> Re: Good one! Gen NOM! -- Jaybur, 07:54:44 12/06/02 Fri

[> [> Thanks, Jaybur! -- Scott Gardner, 04:31:37 12/07/02 Sat

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America -- Jesse Frankovich, 08:42:50 12/04/02 Wed

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America =

I allege to genuflect... this striped image of hate? Flee to Canada!

[> Excellent, Jesse! :) ***LONG NOM*** -- Richard G, 10:46:16 12/04/02 Wed

[> [> Thanks to both of you! -- Jesse, 18:03:55 12/04/02 Wed

[> Re: [I pledge...] Arrgh, you beat me to the NOM, Richard. :) Seconed! -- Ghud Sariffian, 10:58:16 12/04/02 Wed

[> [> Re: [I pledge...] Rude. Very rude indeed. -- David Bourke, 22:18:21 12/06/02 Fri

I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America



























































So rude, in fact, that you'll have to
look on alt.anagrams!


San Marino = No marinas -- Ghud Sariffian, 11:05:21 12/04/02 Wed

[> A bit of a cheat, but ingenious! Other Names nom, Ghud. -- Richard G, 00:30:44 12/05/02 Thu

[> [> Andorra = No radar -- Zoran, 06:53:55 12/05/02 Thu

[> [> Sorry Ghud, that's mine.... -- Joe F., 07:07:29 12/05/02 Thu

[> [> [> D'oh! How did I miss that one? -- Ghud the dud, 07:10:36 12/05/02 Thu

[> [> [> [> And more to the point, how did *we* miss it first time around? -- Richard G, 13:26:21 12/06/02 Fri

Now credited to Joe.

BTW I checked to see if San Marino did indeed mean "without sea", but the similarity is a coincidence: the country is actually named after a St Marinus. Still, grounds for a nice urban legend, methinks. :)


[> [> [> [> [> Re: And more to the point, how did *we* miss it first time around? -- Paul Pan, 19:29:58 12/06/02 Fri

The small state of San Marino is landlocked, ergo, no marinas! Cant get more apt than that :)

[> [> Scraping the bottom of the barrel -- Paul Pan, 18:27:56 12/05/02 Thu

Angola = No gala!
Bosnia and Herzegovina = No brains, have agonized.
Botswana = Saw no bat
Cameroon = O! No cream!
Gabon = No bag
Indonesia = No ideas in
Micronesia = No Siam rice
Monaco = No moca
Oman = No, ma!
Romania = No, Maria!
Serbia and Montenegro = No baritone gendarmes!
Singapore = No pig arse!
Slovenia = A! No Levis!

Instant coffee = Not finest cafe. -- Hans-Peter, 02:22:58 12/05/02 Thu


[> A beaut! GEN NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 17:59:59 12/05/02 Thu

[> [> [Re: A beaut! GEN NOM :)] Thank you, Paul! -- Hans-Peter, 18:08:27 12/05/02 Thu

[> [> [> Another anticipation... -- Hans-Peter, 19:25:36 12/05/02 Thu

Apologies, I do not know why Google does not give ME good results. I swear Iīve searched intensively... that is too embarassing.
Here is the link:

which just proves that beautyīs is always found by women...
Sorry again

[> [> [> [> Re: Another anticipation... -- Richard G, 13:34:07 12/06/02 Fri

>which just proves that beautyīs is always found by
>Sorry again

That's OK Hans-Peter, I'd forgotten this gem so thanks for reposting it.

Hmm, what to do with attribution? I'll change it to JM for now, I think, and contact her to see if she wants it to run.


"exercise" (fairly rude) -- Karl Wassmann, 05:50:40 12/04/02 Wed

to be exercising = erotic sex binge


to have exercised = had erotic sex eve

[> Re: "exercise" (fairly rude) RUDE NOM -- Richard G, 10:41:14 12/04/02 Wed

>to be exercising = erotic sex binge

:) Rude nom, Karl.


[> [> I appreciate the NOM, Richard -- Karl Wassmann, 13:19:01 12/04/02 Wed

Either I'm improving, or people are taking pity on me.
I'll settle for either. :)

[> [> [> Re: I appreciate the NOM, Richard -- Richard G, 13:11:40 12/06/02 Fri

>Either I'm improving, or people are taking pity on me.

Must be the former, as anyone who knows me would describe me as pitiless. :)

Pitilessness =
It's spineless.


Faultily scent = Itīs flatulency. -- Hans-Peter, 02:57:46 12/06/02 Fri

donīt know if it is too rude for the subject field, if it is, sorry.
And I *have* searched the whole Internet for anticipations *sigh*

Some anagrams -- Zoran, 00:07:14 12/05/02 Thu

The singer Shania Twain = She is that winner,again

Russian Federation = NATO is a sure friend ?

Pianoforte = I,on a "Petrof" !
("Petrof" - one of the best pianos)

"The Old man and the sea" = Hothead man ends tale

Athens Olympics = Champion's style !

[> Re: Some anagrams *NOM* -- Richard G, 00:53:19 12/05/02 Thu

>Russian Federation = NATO is a sure friend ?

I'd have gone with "Sure NATO is a friend?" Other Names nom for whichever version you prefer, Zoran.


[> Another *NOM* -- Mey K., 08:27:46 12/05/02 Thu

>Athens Olympics = Champion's style!

This one also sticks out. Also possible as 'Style champions'. In any case, a *NOM*!

The Athens Olympics = Oh, test physical men!

Mey K.

[> [> Ahem! -- Paul Pan, 17:56:54 12/05/02 Thu

Zoran's great 'gram comes uncomfortable close an oldie of mine ;) I guess I should be flattered: my first, albeit indirect, NOM from Mey :P

Athens Olympic Games = Mega champion styles

[> [> [> Re: Ahem! -- Zoran, 21:43:43 12/05/02 Thu

No,Paul,I had it before you in AG archive,but did not published anywhere else.Much later I saw your similar anagram.

>Zoran's great 'gram comes uncomfortable close an oldie
>of mine ;) I guess I should be flattered: my first,
>albeit indirect, NOM from Mey :P
>Athens Olympic Games = Mega champion styles

[> [> [> [> Re: Ahem! -- Paul Pan, 22:36:57 12/05/02 Thu

Fine by me, Zoran :) I'll probably even vote for it :)

[> [> [> [> [> Hard to get NOM these days :-) Thanks,Richard,Mey and Paul ! -- Zoran, 02:05:48 12/06/02 Fri

Discriminate = Indite racism -- Adrian H, 21:10:33 12/05/02 Thu

[> A winner, if new! GEN NOM -- Paul Pan, 21:22:53 12/05/02 Thu

VOTING CLOSES IN 24 HOURS -- Larry Brash, 19:34:06 12/05/02 Thu

Voting will close in approximately 24 hours.

The URL direct to the Anagrammy Voting Page is:

If you have already voted this month, please ignore this post. If not, vote now, before it is too late.

Thank you

I've found a gem = Fun video game -- Wayne Baisley, 17:12:35 12/05/02 Thu

Pied-ā-terre = Retiree pad? -- Wayne Baisley, 17:21:31 12/04/02 Wed

[> Re: Pied-ā-terre = Retiree pad? Neat! NOM, Wayne! -- Jaybur, 04:38:31 12/05/02 Thu

[> [> Thanks, J-Gurl! -- Wayne Baisley, 09:05:24 12/05/02 Thu

A fable's moral -- Mey K., 08:30:15 12/05/02 Thu

['The Hares And The Lions', a fable by Aesop]

The Hares harangued the assembly, and argued that all should be equal. The Lions made this reply: "Your words, O Hares, are good; but they lack both claws and teeth such as we have."


Analogously, as hard war was inevitable, many charged that the attack of the US on Iraq should merely haste needless deaths - probes that were altogether hushed by Bush; as, he has hoped, a bully alone could be heard.

Mey K.

The Androgynes = Host any gender. -- Mey K., 18:14:50 12/04/02 Wed

[> Apt as ever, Mey! Gen NOM -- Paul Pan, 20:19:23 12/04/02 Wed

[> [> Re: Apt as ever, Mey! Gen NOM Thank you, Paul! -- Mey K., 08:12:05 12/05/02 Thu

Death row prisoner = ...or we pardon the sir -- Ghud Sariffian, 10:51:08 12/04/02 Wed

[> Re: Death row prisoner = ...or we pardon the sir. Quite apt, Ghud! Gen *NOM* -- Mey K., 18:13:35 12/04/02 Wed

[> [> Thanks Mey! -- Ghud Sariffian, 07:17:55 12/05/02 Thu

Lancer Evolution = Novel car outline. -- Hans-Peter, 02:56:09 12/05/02 Thu

...thatīs a Mitsubishi...

[> Re: Lancer Evolution = Novel car outline. Very good! O/Names NOM! -- Jaybur, 04:28:24 12/05/02 Thu

[> [> Thanks Jaybur! -- Hans-Peter, 04:30:36 12/05/02 Thu

Rude (?) -- Hans-Peter, 02:41:58 12/05/02 Thu

Copulate = Ta! Couple! [imperative]

Opinionated = Idea on point. -- Richard G, 01:14:05 12/05/02 Thu

[> Another rich 'gram :) GEN NOM! -- Paul Pan, 02:14:59 12/05/02 Thu

[> [> Thanks Paul :) -- Richard G, 02:24:20 12/05/02 Thu

Chicken v. egg (rude) -- Jesse Frankovich, 19:04:40 12/04/02 Wed

Which 'came' first, the chicken or the egg? =
Hen -- her thighs get firm 'cock' twice, ache!

[> Re: Chicken v. egg (not rude) -- Richard G, 02:22:00 12/05/02 Thu

Evolutionarily speaking, the answer would be that something not a chicken but very like one laid the first chicken egg. Hence:

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? =
We might hatch fresh genetic cock heir.

...mind you, actually answering the question kinda misses the point. :)


Walk on the wild side (rudish) -- Paul Pan, 20:52:24 12/04/02 Wed

Bondage and Discipline = Dice gonads; bled in pain!
Sadism and Masochism = Mad chains, maims, sods

[> Another one (rude) -- Mattias Inghe, 22:16:34 12/04/02 Wed

The true sadist ~ trashes due tit

[> [> Yet another one (rude) -- Paul Pan, 22:41:03 12/04/02 Wed

The true masochist = Chastise to hurt me ;)

Pagan religions = Regional apings ;) -- Mattias Inghe, 22:07:05 12/03/02 Tue

[> Hahaha! Your most up-PC 'gram to date :) -- Paul Pan, 23:38:45 12/03/02 Tue

[> [> How about: Hinduist theology ~ is only though diet -- Mattias Inghe, 19:51:24 12/04/02 Wed

[> [> [> Here's my top 10 list (Offensive to everyone, including me) -- Paul Pan, 20:11:21 12/04/02 Wed

1. Hinduism = Humid sin
2. Judaism = I'm Judas
3. Buddhism = Dumb dish
4. Christianity = Is tin charity
5. Zoroastrianism = Is a Nazism rotor
6. Scientology = Isn't ecology
7. Agnosticism = Isn't so magic!
8. Sikhism = Kiss him.
9. Shinto = Shit, no!
10. Muhammedanism = Muhammad: me sin!

[> [> [> [> Re: Here's my top 10 list (Offensive to everyone, including me) -- Mattias Inghe, 20:52:11 12/04/02 Wed

>4. Christianity = Is tin charity

Christianity = Hi, tiny racist

Buddhism beliefs = Dumb selfish bide
The Judaist faith = Taut Jihad fetish
Islamist prophecies = Emirs shape politics

[> [> [> [> [> Religious order = I err, our Gods lie! -- Paul Pan, 21:20:25 12/04/02 Wed

>>4. Christianity = Is tin charity
Was about to NOM it but its an oldie of Keith Lehman :(

>Islamist prophecies = Emirs shape politics

[> [> [> [> [> [> Actually "I lie, our Gods err!' is probably more apt -- Paul Pan, 21:43:31 12/04/02 Wed

The tension rises = This is *not* serene! -- Jaybur, 05:23:30 12/03/02 Tue

[> [This is *not* serene!] Great! GEN NOM -- Richard G, 19:51:16 12/03/02 Tue

[> [> Re: [This is *not* serene!] Great! GEN NOM Thanks, Richard! -- Jaybur, 19:05:59 12/04/02 Wed

A Square Acrostic -- Mey K., 07:14:57 11/28/02 Thu

This verse from an Oscar Wilde poem is anagrammed into a paraphrase poem, which is also an acrostic square of the author's last name (read along the capitalised first letters of the words which comprise the anagram's 'frame').

First Verse of "Les Silhouettes"

The sea is flecked with bars of grey
The dull dead wind is out of tune,
And like a withered leaf the moon
Is blown across the stormy bay.


The Four-Acrostic Ode

Waves - In Last, Dour Ebb -
Imbue those off-key Drafts.
Lo, when the lune's sheen (mildly Late)
Defies dark shores it Isolates -
E'er Downy-Light, It Wafts.

Mey K.

[> Re: A Square Acrostic ------ special NOM, very cool. -- Jesse Frankovich, 11:09:19 11/28/02 Thu

[> Re: A Square Acrostic *NOM* -- Richard G, 11:24:12 11/28/02 Thu

Nom, O Mey -
Our very Own
Master Of Niceness


[> [> Thanks both, and very inspired, Rich! ;) -- Mey K., 18:38:40 11/28/02 Thu

[> [> [> Akraustic Ode -- David Bourke, 19:08:13 11/28/02 Thu

> First Verse of "Les Silhouettes"

> The sea is flecked with bars of grey
> The dull dead wind is out of tune,
> And like a withered leaf the moon
> Is blown across the stormy bay.

> =

> The Four-Acrostic Ode

> Waves - In Last, Dour Ebb -
> Imbue those off-key Drafts.
> Lo, when the lune's sheen (mildly Late)
> Defies dark shores it Isolates -
> E'er Downy-Light, It Wafts.


Akraustic Ode

King of Twisted Words...Meyran, child of
Rehovot, Israel. Bless him!
A little show off? Yes indeed!,
Usually the best,
So the rest of us read, then be left in awe.


[> Re: A Square Acrostic *SECOND* -- Richard Brodie, 20:41:13 11/28/02 Thu

The following tribute melds some aspects from both
major contending Special entries for this month:
6 mutually anagrammed lines a la Richard's 23rd,
and a four-acrostic with partial rhymes:

Second Estimably Curious Outstanding New Discovery.
Enormously succeeding oddity: "Bravo!" its wit's Nuances.
Cool sundry acrostic musings - we envy its due Obtained.
Ovations lusty issued (no crumbs); win ceded in Category.
Notable as I study its occuring word sound Mey Evinces.
Duly Nominate Outburst: Crosscode Evincing Side-ways.

Apologies for the somewhat unnatural sixth line.
That was of course the principal challenge.

What I like most about your treatment, Mey, is that
upon first reading, before one is fully aware of
the difficult multiple constraints, one is struck
by how perfectly and beautifully all of the images
in the original are mirrored. Like a Louganis dive,
the gracefulness masks the technical difficulty.

[> [> Re: A Square Acrostic *SECOND*, Akraustic Ode -- Mey K., 09:12:47 11/29/02 Fri

>What I like most about your treatment, Mey, is that
>upon first reading, before one is fully aware of
>the difficult multiple constraints, one is struck
>by how perfectly and beautifully all of the images
>in the original are mirrored. Like a Louganis dive,
>the gracefulness masks the technical difficulty.

*blush* What really puts me to shame, however, is how quickly you and David are able to come up with such good stuff!

Mey, no reply-'gram in hand... :(

[> Re: A Square Acrostic NEW FORMAT -- Richard G (for Mey K), 17:48:09 11/30/02 Sat

Click here to see an aligned version of Mey's acrostic.


[> [> Re: A Square Acrostic NEW FORMAT -- David Bourke, 17:16:11 12/02/02 Mon

I might be a bit slow, but only after this
new format did I realise that it reads "WILDE"
on all four sides, not just the left. Amazing
work, Mey.


[> [> [> Another Akraustic -- David Bourke, 00:57:53 12/03/02 Tue

Another "Akraustic"...but 'square' this time.
(using the last letter on each line, rather
than the first letter of each last word).

First Verse of "Les Silhouettes"

The sea is flecked with bars of grey
The dull dead wind is out of tune,
And like a withered leaf the moon
Is blown across the stormy bay. =
Keen. Ready. Ace? - Utterly bosS?
Right! These'll show him! Sod yoU!
A deft showoff's wretched Wilde ideA,
Used formal stiffness it isn't, ne'eR!
Still Unbeatable - A Rehovot oiK!


[> [> [> [> Re: Another Akraustic -- Mey K., 18:07:52 12/04/02 Wed

[snip acrostic]

Wow! Good work again, David. This is the very first time I've been oiked. ;)

Mey K.

Genital piercing (Rude!) -- Paul Pan, 23:13:56 12/03/02 Tue

A nice pig-ringlet
A genetic girl-pin
A genetic lip-ring
Agreeing clit-pin
Clit peg in Regina
Engage in clit-rip
Gain epic ringlet.
Gangrene? I clip it!
Genetic pain, girl!
Get a nice lip-ring
Get a nice pin, girl!
I pin gentle "cigar"
In peg clit in rage
Incaging "reptile"
It: Penile gracing
Nice lip- ring gate
Peg in giant "relic"
Peg in "tail" (Cringe!)
Pin gracing elite
Ripe 'n' ageing clit?

[> Re: Genital piercing (Rude!) NOM -- Richard G, 10:36:01 12/04/02 Wed

>Genital piercing =
>Get a nice lip-ring

That's the one. *RUDE NOM*

The genital piercing =
Hip teenage clit-ring.


[> [> Thanks, Richard ;) -- Paul Pan, 17:54:25 12/04/02 Wed

Negation = Get a 'No' in. -- Hans-Peter, 04:04:56 12/04/02 Wed

[> I like's very apt! NOM -- Michael Omstead, 09:25:04 12/04/02 Wed

[> [> Another old one, I'm afraid Hans-Peter. [+more] -- Richard G, 10:54:30 12/04/02 Wed

It's in the Hall of Fame, from 1926. ../hall-of-fame/fame-N.html

I should add that it's actually really great that so many rediscoveries have been occurring of late - it sorta means that everyone's on the right track. :)


[> [> [> Sorry, but why the hell didnīt it came out of Google??? -- Hans-Peter, 14:56:31 12/04/02 Wed

>I should add that it's actually really great that so
>many rediscoveries have been occurring of late - it
>sorta means that everyone's on the right track. :)

Plagiarism is a nice form of honour.
I apologise and bow...

Honeymoon suite = Home to union. 'Yes!' -- Jesse Frankovich, 08:59:01 12/04/02 Wed

Actress Katie Holmes -- Zoran, 00:54:38 12/04/02 Wed

Actress Katie Holmes =
She makes Oscar title
Oh,ace starlet,kiss me !
Mate,she likes actors !


Y ! e-mails = :- ) -- Zoran, 00:05:12 12/04/02 Wed

E-mails at Yahoo =Aha,a smiley too !


Political correctness = Please control critics -- Mattias Inghe, 21:08:13 12/02/02 Mon

I've seen many anagrams on the phrase, but not this one.

[> Re: Political correctness = Please control critics (Excellent! Gen NOM) -- Zoran, 21:37:50 12/02/02 Mon

[> Political correctness = Nicer scripts to locale. -- Hans-Peter, 22:23:45 12/02/02 Mon

[> Political correctness = Cops recant erotic ills ;) -- Paul Pan, 01:52:19 12/03/02 Tue


[> [> Some non PC (and quite rude) variations -- Mattias Inghe, 02:15:57 12/03/02 Tue

Political correctness
Ironic step: Call escort
Scrotal erection clips
Clit inspector oracles

[> [> [> Ha! A nice rude NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 19:43:30 12/03/02 Tue

>Political correctness = Ironic step: Call escort

VOTING IS NOW OPEN -- Larry Brash, 17:57:51 12/03/02 Tue

Voting is now open for this month's Anagrammy Awards.

Voting will be open for approximately 4 days. I will also send a final reminder in the final 24 hours.

The URL direct to the Anagrammy Voting Page is:

or click here


[> The new automated Leader Board seems to be working perfectly :) -- Paul Pan, 19:16:50 12/03/02 Tue

Indecent exposure = one sexed-up cretin -- DeanMayer, 17:25:08 12/03/02 Tue

[> An oldy of Ricks, Sept 2001. -- David Bourke, 19:07:23 12/03/02 Tue

Indecent exposure = no "stud" experience -- DeanMayer, 17:23:54 12/03/02 Tue

The shortest double-anagram -- Zoran, 00:12:43 12/02/02 Mon

Pat = Tap! = Apt


[> If new, deswrves a GEN nom :) -- Paul Pan, 18:47:24 12/02/02 Mon

[> [> Re: If new. [ANCIENT I'd say] -- Larry Brash, 22:35:57 12/02/02 Mon

[> [> [> Re: If new. -- Joe F., 23:33:18 12/02/02 Mon

You're right, it's got to be ancient in the sense that it was probably spotted more or less as soon as the words in it existed. Thing is though, Zoran is probably justified in posting it in the sense that I doubt that anyone has even actually laid claim to it, in which case, the NOM should stand IMO.

(Sorry for butting in on the running of the Forum but I'm bored)

[> [> [> [> Re: If new. -- Richard G, 10:20:44 12/03/02 Tue

>You're right, it's got to be ancient in the sense that
>it was probably spotted more or less as soon as the
>words in it existed. Thing is though, Zoran is
>probably justified in posting it in the sense that I
>doubt that anyone has even actually laid claim to it,
>in which case, the NOM should stand IMO.

Well, if you insist... but it'll have to go in Special. :P


[> [> [> Well,never mind,just funny example ... -- Zoran, 23:49:34 12/02/02 Mon

PAT,TAP,APT is surely in all dictionaries of anagrams,but
I didn't saw on "Google" that anyone has made connection
like I did.Well,in FAQ you have pat=tap as example of
word reversals(anadromes)...


[> [> [> [> Re: Well,never mind,just funny example ... -- Richard G, 10:18:47 12/03/02 Tue

>PAT,TAP,APT is surely in all dictionaries of anagrams,
>but I didn't saw on "Google" that anyone has made
>connection like I did.

No, it's definitely been bandied about a couple of times in alt.anagrams over the years. Here's one such post by Mike Keith.


An ear-splitting noise = Tip: snoring alienates! [+ more] -- Jaybur, 05:21:16 12/03/02 Tue

A patient lies snoring!

I call nippers ~ nail clippers. -- Jesse Frankovich, 17:42:40 12/02/02 Mon

[> Re: I call nippers ~ nail clippers.I like it! Perhaps: Nail clippers = I call nippers! Gen NOM! -- Jaybur, 05:17:16 12/03/02 Tue

The TV magician David Blaine = I've a climb and, at night, a dive -- Dean Mayer (still here!), 04:34:57 12/03/02 Tue

[> Re: The TV magician David Blaine = I've a climb and, at night, a dive * NOM * -- David A. Green, 05:16:51 12/03/02 Tue

And a magical anagram as well. PEOPLES NAMES NOM.

"White supremacist" = Twit chases "impure" -- Paul Pan, 02:04:16 12/03/02 Tue

Sharia -- Mattias Inghe, 21:12:36 12/02/02 Mon

3 variations:

Moslem Sharia = Shame or Islam?

Moslem Sharia law = Imams are all show

Moslem Sharia laws ~ was Allah's memoirs?

Losing faith = O, things fail. -- Matjaz P., 07:15:48 12/01/02 Sun

Hi! This one little anagram is all I have time for right now..

[> Re: one more : User interface = Nicer features. -- Matjaz P., 07:19:24 12/01/02 Sun

>Hi! This one little anagram is all I have time for
>right now..

[> Re: Losing faith = O, things fail. (In last moment,Matjaz ! Gen*NOM*) -- Zoran, 10:00:04 12/01/02 Sun

[> [> [Gen*NOM*] Seconded, very succinct. Nice to see you back, Matjaz. -- Richard G, 10:05:12 12/01/02 Sun

[> [> [> Re: Thank you both. And I didn't go anywhere! -- Matjaz P., 20:43:08 12/02/02 Mon

Laptop computers ~ protest 'Palm' coup. -- Jesse Frankovich, 18:36:52 12/02/02 Mon

[> Yep, we top pals should stick together 'n' face the menace :P -- Paul Pan, 18:46:08 12/02/02 Mon

A text Adrian used earlier this year -- Richard G, 14:29:21 11/28/02 Thu

Each year the Washington Post's Style Invitational asks readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter and supply a new definition.

Here are the 2001 Winners:

Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.

Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.

Foreploy: Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid.

Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.

Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.

Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.

Hipatitis: Terminal coolness.

Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease.

Karmageddon: It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like, a serious bummer.

Glibido: All talk and no action.

Dopeler Effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an asshole.


Here is that same rather witty idea applied instead to a series of renowned artworks, essential texts, movies and so on:

The Moana Lisa: Italian painting of a cute lady with an enigmatic pout.

The Drapes of Wrath: A destitute family that seeks an easy fortune in a Californian curtain factory, only to have their dreams shattered.

Lord of the Fries: 100 shipwrecked teenage McDonald's employees instantly deteriorate into nasty savagery in their uncivilized struggle to be made Ronald.

The "Erotica" Symphony: Beethoven's truly stirring salute to Napoleon's thoroughly kinky sexual exploits.

Moby Duck: A gritty warrior on the high seas hunting for the great white mallard.

Finnegans Cake: Witty, highly original stream-of-consciousness book of labyrinthine internal speculation about a petit four.

Se2en: Idiosyncratic serial killer is apprehended, sentenced and put away before he gets going properly.

Unflowers: Van Gogh painting of a totally bare vase.

Lice in Wonderland: The White Rabbit is found to be hideously infested and has to be put down.


[> Special NOM, one of the all-time funniest 'grams I have seen :))) -- Paul Pan, 17:56:18 11/28/02 Thu

[> Re: A text Adrian used earlier this year: Fantastic! -- Jaybur, 18:03:25 11/28/02 Thu

[> [> Thirded! Great work, RG -- Mey K., 18:34:00 11/28/02 Thu

[> Here's my tribute to your anagram! -- Paul Pan, 21:43:19 11/28/02 Thu

Each year the Washington Post's Style Invitational asks readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter and supply a new definition.

Here are the 2001 Winners:

Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.

Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.

Foreploy: Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid.

Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.

Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.

Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.

Hipatitis: Terminal coolness.

Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease.

Karmageddon: It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like, a serious bummer.

Glibido: All talk and no action.

Dopeler Effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an asshole.


"The Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Gunsmiths": Adam Smith & Wesson spearhead the foundations of armaments. Resolves all inside hard issues pertaining to yataghans and bayonets.

"Star Revolutions": Gyorgy Lucas' opus portrays the defiant struggle against intergalactic imperialism; he deplores the exploitation of the inept by the inapt and vice versa.

"The Elephant Thief": Indian Vittorio de Sikh's weepy fifties B&W Hindu Bollywood allegory.

"A Critic of Kryptonian Reason": Clark Kant's uber-being planetary guide to aid the ailing Free World.

"Uncle Godot's Cabin": Daring Samuel Becket Stowe wrote an offhand, irrational and zany report on slavery.

"Kim il Song": Chick Korea's noteworthy if untuneful two-penny operetta. He hails an inane tribute to the late deified hood. Yawn.

"Twelve Little Disciples" Erudite Agatha Christo's heathenish religious idea allegory.

"Tom Soya": Mark Taiwan's witty reflection defended oriental gluttony.

"Auction on the Orient Express": An extraordinary note penned by Sotheby Christie, master of mystery bargains. Sotheby Christie.

[> [> Oops, pls. omit the anagram's last two wrods. -- Paul Pan, 00:00:34 11/29/02 Fri

[> [> Re: Here's my tribute to your anagram! *SPECIAL NOM* -- Richard Brodie, 05:10:31 11/29/02 Fri

Your anagram is a tribute to itself!

It cleverly and amusingly combines whole word substitutions in the titles, with some very appropriate single letter substitutions in the author names.

Mark Taiwan! Clark KANT!

ROTFLMAO!! = O goofy, half-erring slogan fun-smith! LOL!

[> [> Terrific, Paul! NOM seconded! -- Richard G, 11:51:38 11/29/02 Fri

[> [> Woa, thanks a lot Richard(s), I am flattered :) -- Paul Pan, 18:01:41 11/29/02 Fri

I gotta admit that some the tiles in the anagram were inspired by a writing of Umberto Eco (who also mentions "Moby Duck" by Walt Melville). By the way, Eco is an avid anagrammatist (how cool it would be if we were to alert him of our site!) who was actually anagrammatised his name into a short poem years ago :)

[> [> [> Re: Umberto Eco -- Richard G, 17:03:33 11/30/02 Sat

>I gotta admit that some the tiles in the anagram were
>inspired by a writing of Umberto Eco (who also
>mentions "Moby Duck" by Walt Melville).

Yep, doubted that one could have been new. (Ditto for the "Erotica", but I couldn't resist it.)

>By the way, Eco is an avid anagrammatist (how cool it
>would be if we were to alert him of our site!)

God yes. Douglas Adams too, but he might be harder to contact these days.

>who was actually anagrammatised his name into a short
>poem years ago :)

Is it online? I couldn't find it easily.

The writer Umberto Eco =
Cerebrum there: wit, too.


[> [> [> [> Umberto Eco's 'grams and a name NOM -- Paul Pan, 18:05:04 12/02/02 Mon

>Is it online? I couldn't find it easily.

I couldn't find it either. Umberto Eco's incredibly entertaining *Il secondo diario minimo* (Edizione Bompiani, Milano, 1992) includes two chapters with anagrams. The book is a treasure of wordplay. I dont think the book has been rendered in English, although there is a translation of its first volume (*Misreadings*). Eco has drafted (and probably without the help of a generator) several anagram-poems of peoples' names and book titles (in Italian). If you are interested, I could post some here :)

>The writer Umberto Eco =
>Cerebrum there: wit, too.

Name NOM, Umberto is a f***g genius :)

[> [> [> [> [> Correction -- Paul Pan, 18:13:14 12/02/02 Mon

Further to some googling, I found that an abridged version of *Il secondo diario minimo* has been translated in English as *How to Travel With a Salmon & Other Essays* :) I only hope it includes the anagram chapters.

[> Thanks everyone! Glad you liked it. -- Richard G, 11:53:15 11/29/02 Fri

[> [> Thanks, Richard and Paul for the laughs. Terrific stuff. -- Larry Brash, 13:09:06 11/30/02 Sat

[> I love it!!! Yu dont need another *NOM,* but you've certainly earned it. **NOM** -- Elissa Hoagland, 14:19:41 11/30/02 Sat

[> [> Thanks Elissa! Good to see you're sticking around. -- Richard G, 17:04:55 11/30/02 Sat




Updated: May 10, 2016


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