Anagrammy Forum Archives - #36

7 January 2003 - 15 January 2003




Open College of the Arts = Learn: top school get fee. -- Jaybur, 07:34:49 01/15/03 Wed

A bit offensive... -- Jesse F, 07:27:21 01/15/03 Wed

Priests prefer ~ free strippers?

on a diet = o, detain! -- A. Sadali, 07:24:03 01/15/03 Wed

Cheap and cheerful = A chap lunched free! -- Jaybur, 01:49:02 01/15/03 Wed

[> Cute, tho' there is no such thing as a free lunch. GEN NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 03:04:22 01/15/03 Wed

[> [> Re: GEN NOM :) Thanks, PP! -- Jaybur, 07:21:12 01/15/03 Wed

Inconsiderate ~ is not nice, dear! -- Tom Myers, 06:38:27 01/15/03 Wed

[> [Inconsiderate ~ is not nice, dear!] Gen NOM -- Jesse F, 07:06:18 01/15/03 Wed

predominate = Remained top -- Tom Myers, 06:54:08 01/15/03 Wed

[> Re: predominate = Remained top ... GEN *NOM* :) -- A. Sadali, 06:58:38 01/15/03 Wed

The World Almanac... -- Jesse F, 06:27:00 01/15/03 Wed

The World Almanac =

Monarch data-well. [as in, 'well of data' - source, fountain]
Hell, cram data now.
Chew on all data, Mr.!

Marquis de Sade ~ is masqueraded -- Paul Pan, 18:49:04 01/14/03 Tue

[> [Marquis de Sade ~ is masqueraded] Name NOM! -- Mattias Inghe, 02:32:55 01/15/03 Wed

I have no idea if that's historically correct, but what the heck. :)

[> [> Thanks, Matt :) -- Paul Pan, 02:49:47 01/15/03 Wed

>I have no idea if that's historically correct, but
>what the heck. :)

I bet he wore a mask during some of his nastier acts of debauchery :)

Lieberman for President ? -- Mattias Inghe, 02:24:33 01/15/03 Wed

Lieberman for President = Prominent leader fibers

Lieberman for President = Rent blamer personified

(Very, very negative)
Lieberman for President = Pries terrible end of man

[> Vice President Joseph Lieberman = Semi-senile chap in perverted job [an oldie!] -- Paul Pan, 02:44:44 01/15/03 Wed

"A good deed is it's own reward" - and more -- Mattias Inghe, 01:49:11 01/15/03 Wed

"A good deed is it's own reward" = A wrongdoers two-sided idea

"There is no place like home" = Or like Chelsea, in the poem

"Don't pee on the electric fence" = Peril hence connected to feet

"Listen to your heart" = It say, "Tootle her, run!" ;)

"A watched pot never boils" = It does! Can prove! Blew hat! (Kind of lame, but I like it.)

Women are superior? = One was our Premier! [That great charmer!] -- Jaybur, 07:32:17 01/13/03 Mon

[> Oh Maggy, where are you now that we need you! GEN NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 18:30:31 01/14/03 Tue

[> Yeah,and one is our president now :-) Seconded ! -- Zoran, 20:29:34 01/14/03 Tue

[> [> Re: Thanks to you both! -- Jaybur, 01:45:56 01/15/03 Wed

men are less superior = nope! males sure 'riser'! -- A. Sadali, 23:46:23 01/14/03 Tue

The Grand Anagrammy Awards -- Larry Brash, 19:39:31 01/14/03 Tue

We will be running the Grand Anagrammy Awards quite soon.

Each month's winners will compete for these coveted awards.

Some people (who I will also email) have more than one entry in a category. You have the option of keeping all the entries or reducing the number. Doing the latter may actually improve your chance of winning.

I think that it is crucial that we reduce the number of entries in the long categories in particular, to keep the voting page at a workable level.

The following people have more than one in a category:

Adrian Hickford
David A. Green
Richard Grantham
Tom Myers
Zoran Radisevlevic
Joe Fathallah
Allan Morley
and myself.

The current list is here:

Could the above people select their favourites (if they wish) to go onto the final list.

The list also includes, a provisional list in the following categories:

The Best Anagram Software
The Best Anagram Website

I am happy to consider adding a couple more to each of these lists - let me have any suggestions.


Actress Halle Berry (naughty!) -- Paul Pan, 02:55:23 01/14/03 Tue

Leer her classy bra ~ bra's clearly sheer!
(Scry: Belle has rear!)

[> I goofed! Corrections -- Paul Pan, 18:15:28 01/14/03 Tue

Actress Halle Berry
Brash 's really erect
Belt her classy rear
Breasts; rally, cheer!

Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman = Concept: I'm nice, earnest, honorable, just! -- Tom Myers, 12:01:59 01/14/03 Tue

I've done far too many GWB anagrams... oh all right, one more -- Richard G, 12:40:15 01/13/03 Mon

President George W. Bush =
This bugger needs power.


[> Re: too much GWB - me, too, but here are a few more -- Wordminer, 13:32:14 01/13/03 Mon

President George W. Bush:

Shrub greed gets pie now
Shrub in power gets edge
We begged stop his rerun
Power surge ends the US

and, with "a": (George W. Bush - a president)
Power surge begins death.

[> Oops - need to correct one -- Wordminer, 13:37:04 01/13/03 Mon

>President George W. Bush:
>Shrub greed gets pie now
>Shrub in power gets edge
>We begged stop his rerun
>Power surge ends the US <<< wrong
>and, with "a": (George W. Bush - a president)
>Power surge begins death.

4th one should be:

Bigger power ends the US.

[> [> mister president = men's spirit deter -- A. Sadali, 14:25:22 01/13/03 Mon

[> Yet another GWB name NOM :) Cool! -- Paul Pan, 18:06:42 01/13/03 Mon

[> [> Seconded, excellent! Perhaps we should have a Bush category :-) -- Joe F., 07:40:52 01/14/03 Tue

Garden Eden = Anger ended. -- Hans-Peter, 03:29:54 01/14/03 Tue

Seven year itch = I envy cheaters ;) -- Paul Pan, 01:26:42 01/14/03 Tue

The top hairdressing salon = Shape, and lighten roots, sir? -- Jaybur, 22:08:49 01/13/03 Mon

Martin Scorsese's 'Gangs of New York' = Scenes from worst Yank aggression. -- Jaybur, 04:17:30 01/13/03 Mon

[> Martin Scorsese = Arms riot scenes. -- Hans-Peter, 05:49:43 01/13/03 Mon

Was working on the same subject, Jay. Kudos.

[> [Scenes from worst Yank aggression.] Excellent! *ENT NOM* -- Richard G, 10:48:18 01/13/03 Mon

[> [> Re: [Scenes from worst Yank aggression.] Excellent! *ENT NOM* Thank you, Richard. -- Jaybur, 22:06:55 01/13/03 Mon

The baggiest shorts = Has the biggest sort. -- Jaybur, 01:00:01 01/13/03 Mon

[> Er, biggest sort of what? ;) Gen nom, Jaybur. -- Richard G, 10:39:10 01/13/03 Mon

[> [> Re: Er, biggest sort of what? ;) Gen nom, Jaybur. Thanks, RG. [Bigger shorts = Be gross, right?] -- Jaybur, 22:05:49 01/13/03 Mon

Mr. Clint Eastwood = Now mildest actor. -- Hans-Peter, 05:31:42 01/13/03 Mon

[> [Now mildest actor.] Nicely updates an old favourite. Ent/Name nom, HP. -- Richard G, 10:45:25 01/13/03 Mon

[> [> [Peoples Name nom] Thanks Richard. Each gram has itīs time, doesnīt it? ;-) -- Hans-Peter, 19:00:05 01/13/03 Mon

A few good rudish ones... -- Jesse Frankovich, 14:48:40 01/13/03 Mon

The Internet Porn Society = They report: 'It's nice on net!'

Love's experts = Sexpots revel.

Breast augmentation =
Abet great mountains.
Man-urge: obtain teats.
Grant beauties to man!

[> Ha! A nice rude NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 18:05:01 01/13/03 Mon

>Breast augmentation =
>Grant beauties to man!

Leader of the Free World = Retarded fellow hereof. [+more] -- Jesse Frankovich, 15:56:24 01/13/03 Mon

Some new phrases to anagram in mocking George W. ...

Leader of the Free World =
Retarded fellow hereof. =
Forefather rolled weed?

The Commander in Chief =
Race thief. Condemn him! [sorry, back to 2000 election]
Cheer dim conman thief? [and again]
Macho defence in mirth. [yay, let's bomb somebody!]
"Them rich do finance me." :P [in true Bush grammar!]

Priest and minister = trained spirits men -- Wordminer, 14:33:26 01/13/03 Mon

wonderland = world - an end? -- A. Sadali, 14:28:29 01/13/03 Mon

San Diego, California = Ocean air aids in golf -- Wordminer, 13:22:55 01/13/03 Mon

The Poseidon Adventure -- Tom Myers, 01:03:50 01/12/03 Sun

The Poseidon Adventure =
Note: inverted - so head up!
Inverted - head up to nose
Neat end to overdue ship
Attend one overdue ship

I guess it wasn't a dirty movie (Rudeness below)

Poseidon Adventure =
Not a penis devoured

[> *ENT NOM* for "Note: inverted - so head up!" -- Richard G, 10:36:54 01/13/03 Mon

CURRENT NOMS -- Richard G, 00:57:34 01/12/03 Sun


[> Re: CURRENT NOMS -- Joe F., 07:05:09 01/12/03 Sun

> Joe Fathallah with:
> The Dalai Lama =
> Aimed at Allah.

I didn't discover that one!

[> [> Re: CURRENT NOMS -- Mattias Inghe, 20:33:33 01/12/03 Sun

>> Joe Fathallah with:
>> The Dalai Lama =
>> Aimed at Allah.
>I didn't discover that one!

Nope. I did.


[> [> [> Whoops, getting careless in my old age. Fix now made (may not appear on the site for a few days) -- Richard G, 10:14:22 01/13/03 Mon

Uses a very Politically Incorrect word -- Tom Myers, 04:31:00 01/13/03 Mon

U.S. District Judge Charles Pickering =
Prejudiced racist. Shit luck niggers!

He is personal friend of the recently disgraced as rascist Sen. Trent Lott. Pickering was rejected by the last Senate for racial insensitivity. He was just renominated by Bush for the same Federal Appeals Court post.

[> Maybe so, but none the less Name *NOM* worthy. -- Mattias Inghe, 08:09:34 01/13/03 Mon

>U.S. District Judge Charles Pickering =
>Prejudiced racist. Shit luck niggers!

humorist = oh, truism? -- A. Sadali, 06:58:09 01/13/03 Mon

The Marquis -- Ernesto G, 10:12:43 01/08/03 Wed

The Marquis of Queensberry = His boy frequents a queer, Mr

[> Re: The Marquis - Name NOM -- Richard Brodie, 04:24:19 01/13/03 Mon

for this irreverently PI Wilde-gram:

>The Marquis of Queensberry = His boy frequents a
>queer, Mr

Top hairdressing salon = Shear options, darlings! -- Jaybur, 00:53:34 01/13/03 Mon

"Guns don't kill pepole" = Stolen, pulled, poking -- Mattias Inghe, 10:56:38 01/12/03 Sun

Young, free and single (rude) -- Joe F., 08:53:03 01/12/03 Sun

Young, free and single
Nudes feeling an orgy
Underage singe on fly!


actor Seth Green (rude) -- Tom Myers, 07:16:39 01/12/03 Sun

Actor Seth Green = The organ's erect
[5489] if imagined with the first word as a sound... -- Michael Omstead, 06:52:38 01/12/03 Sun

Princess Diana

>*snap* ...Dies in car.

[> Careful it may be considered as rude by some as well. :) -- M.O., 06:56:27 01/12/03 Sun

A couple for the spiritually conscious? -- Michael Omstead, 06:54:59 01/12/03 Sun

The sacred art of bonsai
> A basic short-tree fad? No!

The Buddha's meditation
> Bodhi attuned/sated him.

Nude drink server = Reverend is drunk! -- Tom Myers, 02:13:08 01/12/03 Sun

Drink server is nude = I sense drunk driver! -- Tom Myers, 02:11:20 01/12/03 Sun

Entertainment bunch... -- Jesse Frankovich, 12:37:10 01/09/03 Thu

Frodo and Samwise =
Friends saw a Doom. [Mount Doom]
Saw a friend's doom. [Gandalf's]

Royal Caribbean Cruise ~
is by a barnacle courier.

A tense Wimbledon =
Made tennis elbow?

Get news with ~
'The West Wing'?

NFL Playoffs =
Flop? Fans fly.

[> Oops, we missed a gem -- Paul Pan, 02:10:54 01/12/03 Sun

>A tense Wimbledon =
>Made tennis elbow?

Gen or Other name NOM

Unprincipled = I crippled nun! -- Tom Myers, 01:51:43 01/12/03 Sun

[> Gawd will punish you! Gen NOM ;) -- Paul Pan, 02:08:28 01/12/03 Sun

Red Dragon -- Amir, 01:51:35 01/12/03 Sun


Amir Begovic -- Amir Begovic, 12:20:06 01/10/03 Fri

OK here is my full name. I am so curious about anagramming my name.

Good luck!

[> Welcome ! (+ some anagrams) -- Zoran, 12:30:41 01/10/03 Fri

Amir Begovic
I am big cover
I,over Big Mac
Oi!Magic verb !
I've rob Magic


[> [> Amir Begovic = A Mr. Big Voice. [+more] -- Jesse F, 13:43:35 01/10/03 Fri

Amir Begovic
I move big car.
O, ribcage vim!
I, 'vag' microbe.
"Big ova!" "Merci!"
A Mr. Big Voice.

[> [> [> Even more -- Paul Pan, 17:58:27 01/10/03 Fri

Amir Begovic
I've big "macro"
Grim boa vice
Give, I'm Cobra!
Amebic vigor
Iambic grove

[> [> [> [> Welcome and a pile more -- Larry Brash, 19:56:28 01/10/03 Fri

>Amir Begovic
I'm a big cover.
I'm a cob giver.
I've magic orb.
I'm Big Rave Co.
CIA. Big mover.
Big Car Movie.
Craig Bevmio.
Gomer B. Civia.
Vic B. Amerigo.
Evi McBorgia.
Gabor Emivic.
Marco Vigibe.


[> Re: Amir Begovic -- Wayne Baisley, 05:40:49 01/11/03 Sat

A viremic bog
Ciao, BM-giver!
Crime via gob
Give a bromic.
I give crambo.
I'm vibe cargo.
I've mob cigar.
Vicar Big O'Me

Cheers and welcome,

[> [> Re: Amir Begovic -- Amir, 01:39:33 01/12/03 Sun


I just want to say thanks to the guys who made some anagrams
of my name, and I am surprised with so many combinations.

I, over Big Mac!

>A viremic bog
>Ciao, BM-giver!
>Crime via gob
>Give a bromic.
>I give crambo.
>I'm vibe cargo.
>I've mob cigar.
>Vicar Big O'Me
>Cheers and welcome,

An asteroid, I panic...radiation in space. -- Tom Myers, 01:30:59 01/12/03 Sun

Oprah book club members = Chops? Make room blubber! -- Tom Myers, 01:15:31 01/12/03 Sun

Touareg -- Hans-Peter, 00:41:49 01/12/03 Sun

The Touareg is the new car by VW.
From their webpage:
"The Tuareg is designed for the dune fields of the Sahara. [...]"


Touareg = Erg auto.
or = Reg auto.

The planet Mercury = Lynch-temperature -- Mattias Inghe, 10:00:26 01/11/03 Sat

[> [Lynch-temperature] Interesting way of putting it! *OTHER NAMES NOM*, Mattias. -- Richard G, 23:33:00 01/11/03 Sat

Economic stimulus: a plan - Nail a couple communists? --- ;) -- Jesse Frankovich, 08:14:07 01/10/03 Fri

[> LOL! Gen/Top(?) NOM :) -- Paul Pan, 18:09:18 01/10/03 Fri

[> [> Re: LOL! Gen/Top(?) NOM :) --- Thanks, Paul! I'll go with Topical. -- Jesse, 04:16:16 01/11/03 Sat

[> Economic strategy = Ergo: money tactics -- Adrian H, 19:38:10 01/10/03 Fri

[> [> [Ergo: money tactics] Elegant! Gen nom, Adrian. -- Richard G, 23:15:36 01/11/03 Sat

The earth and the moon = Heed at another month -- Mattias Inghe, 00:55:57 01/11/03 Sat

[> [or, more succinctly:] Earth's moon = Month arose. -- Richard G, 23:13:02 01/11/03 Sat

The Mirror stole my anagram! -- Joe F., 07:38:18 01/11/03 Sat

I was reading the Welsh Mirror today, and they published (without credit, unsurprisingly) the following anagrams:

Millbank Tower = Lab Kremlin Two (David B.)
New Labour = A bluer now (Me)
Ron Davies MP = I'm no sad perv (Accredited to Jonathan Sterling by AG)


I've just emailed the columnist requesting credit!


[> The Welsh Mirror (rude) -- No name, 08:17:09 01/11/03 Sat

The Welsh Mirror = Mr Hitler's whore

[> [> Oops, that was by... -- Paul Pan, 08:20:09 01/11/03 Sat

Ha! Names are now optional? Devious :)

[> [> [> Re: Oops, that was by... -- Richard G, 23:08:02 01/11/03 Sat

>Ha! Names are now optional? Devious :)

Whoops, must've hit that button by accident. Names now required again, sorry.

Quite ironic given the origins of this thread. :)


A priest = It rapes! -- Joe F., 07:09:33 01/11/03 Sat

[> On a lighter note: A priest = Parties! -- Mattias Inghe, 09:30:15 01/11/03 Sat

[> [> A learned Rabbi = I nab Arab elder = Read a Bible, ran! -- Paul Pan, 22:41:56 01/11/03 Sat

Potent potable = Tap? Open bottle? -- Tom Myers, 13:10:01 01/11/03 Sat

In a supernova = Insane vapour -- Mattias Inghe, 09:53:46 01/11/03 Sat

Acupuncture = Cut up an' cure -- Paul Pan, 07:59:30 01/11/03 Sat

Undertaker = Dark tenure -- Paul Pan, 07:58:08 01/11/03 Sat

What is cerumen? = Much's wet in ear -- Ernesto G, 06:34:10 01/11/03 Sat

Thought is free = Fight other use! -- Hans-Peter, 06:22:37 01/11/03 Sat

crime and punishment = chums and I : term in pen -- Wordminer, 05:41:01 01/07/03 Tue

[> [chums and I: term in pen] I like it... gen NOM. -- JF2, 04:28:29 01/08/03 Wed

[> [ changed to (improved ?) ] such a mind - term in pen -- Wordminer, 05:52:16 01/11/03 Sat

mildly rude -- Tom Myers, 03:59:27 01/11/03 Sat

Why does the internet think I need a larger penis? =
Not teeny, it renders deep earth-shaking while in!

night clubs = gilts bunch -- A. Sadali, 02:26:42 01/11/03 Sat

advertising ~ is adverting -- A. Sadali, 02:25:36 01/11/03 Sat

Goran Bregovic = Bracing groove :) -- Paul Pan, 22:02:55 01/10/03 Fri

Yugoslavian rocker, wrote music for several Emir Kusturica movies. Has collaborated with Iggy Pop.

[> Re: Goran Bregovic = Bracing groove :) Very Good! Name or Ent NOM, Paul. -- Jaybur, 22:46:35 01/10/03 Fri

[> [> Thanks, Janet :)) -- Paul Pan, 01:03:06 01/11/03 Sat

Life insurance = Final sinecure -- Mattias Inghe, 00:42:49 01/11/03 Sat

New? Seems to be.

A world peace = Do we care, pal? -- Matjaz P., 22:54:11 01/10/03 Fri

[> Re: A world peace = Do we care, pal? ** Peace,brother ! Gen NOM** -- Zoran, 22:59:54 01/10/03 Fri

[> [> Re: A world peace = We DO care, pal. Thanks, Zoran! -- Matjaz P., 23:13:39 01/10/03 Fri

young lovers = long voyeurs? -- A. Sadali, 14:41:32 01/09/03 Thu

[> Seni-rude NOM for: Voyeurs long~young lovers :) -- Paul Pan, 18:11:14 01/10/03 Fri

[> Semi-rude NOM for: Voyeurs long~young lovers -- Paul Pan, 18:12:15 01/10/03 Fri

Cream pies = Ma's recipe? -- Jesse Frankovich, 14:07:25 01/10/03 Fri

[> Re: Cream pies = Ma's recipe? interesting ....*GEN NOM* -- A. Sadali, 17:37:11 01/10/03 Fri

Federal Republic of Germany = Ugly performance, bad relief. -- Hans-Peter, 04:55:01 01/10/03 Fri

...they published the new unemployment rate today....

[> Re: {Federal Republic of Germany = Ugly performance, bad relief}....Interesting...*OTHER NAMES NOM* -- A. Sadali, 08:08:41 01/10/03 Fri

[> [> [Interesting...*OTHER NAMES NOM*] Thanks. Maybe better TOP?? A.Sadali = As a Dali. -- Hans-Peter, 15:07:07 01/10/03 Fri

[> Some combinations -- Zoran, 14:08:07 01/10/03 Fri

The Federal Republic of Germany
A huge Berlin - perfect for my deal
Ideal preference to fly:Hamburg !
Creep Adolf Hitler ?My fear begun !


teacher's pets = the "care" pests -- sadali, 12:17:53 01/10/03 Fri

A stitch in time saves nine = Math is naive, since it's ten ! -- Wordminer, 12:57:24 01/09/03 Thu

[> Funny ! **Gen NOM** -- Zoran, 17:17:10 01/09/03 Thu

[> Re: A stitch in time saves nine = Math is naive, since it's ten ! -- Michael Omstead, 11:19:25 01/10/03 Fri

Been trying to anagram that one for ages. Nice, NOM seconded.

Intention-to-treat -- Ernesto G, 09:31:48 01/10/03 Fri

"Intention-to-treat" = Tenet on attrition

advertising companies ~ see impact on "virgin" ads! -- A. Sadali, 08:16:18 01/10/03 Fri

advertising companies = varies impact on design
advertising companies = store "divine" campaigns

Economic stimulus = Cuts? Communise oil. -- Jesse Frankovich, 08:00:50 01/10/03 Fri

Monday, January Twenty-seventh = Warhunt date. Sent my navy. Enjoy! -- Jesse F, 07:50:50 01/10/03 Fri

Towel = Lo, wet! -- Jesse F, 07:03:51 01/10/03 Fri

[> [Or:] Great, towel ~ got real wet. :( -- Jesse F :), 07:14:28 01/10/03 Fri

"He's damn !" -said U.S. -- Zoran, 15:31:05 01/09/03 Thu

[> Saddam Hussein = "He's damn !" -said U.S -- Zoran, 06:55:45 01/10/03 Fri

Ari Fleischer, The White House's spokesman = Here is a kiss-up, the man echos lies for the 'W'! -- Tom Myers, 06:28:53 01/10/03 Fri

Ari Fleischer, The White House's spokesman=
Here is a kiss-up, the man echos lies for the 'W'!

[> Correction Re: Ari Fleischer, The White House's spokesman = Here is a kiss-up, the man echos (misspelled) lies for the 'W'! -- Tom Myers, 06:41:11 01/10/03 Fri

>Ari Fleischer, The White House's spokesman=
>Here is a kiss-up, the man echos (misspelled) lies for the 'W'!

Ari Fleischer, The White House's spokesman =
Here is a kiss-up, for the man's lies echo the 'W'!

Voting will close in about 24 hours -- Larry Brash, 06:15:20 01/10/03 Fri

Voting will close in approximately 24 hours.

The URL direct to the Anagrammy Voting Page is:

Vote now, before it is too late.

Thank you

rude -- Hans-Peter, 05:30:34 01/09/03 Thu

A porn actress = One crass part.

[> Re: rude *NOM* -- Richard G, 11:40:14 01/09/03 Thu

>A porn actress = One crass part.

Excellent 'gram, H-P, and something of a double entendre to boot. :) Rude nom.

Pornographic movies =
A sophomoric perving.


[> [> [Re: rude *NOM*] Thanks Richard, hope everbody caught the double feature ;-] -- Hans-Peter, 04:52:58 01/10/03 Fri

>>A porn actress = One crass part.
>Excellent 'gram, H-P, and something of a double
>entendre to boot. :) Rude nom.
>Pornographic movies =
>A sophomoric perving.

Matt Hale = Halt Team! -- Ernesto G, 04:49:10 01/10/03 Fri

Matt Hale = Halt Team!




Updated: May 10, 2016


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